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Old 02-03-2009, 03:40 AM   #21

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வெண்ணிலா கபடிக்குழு

ஒரே 'மூச்சில்' கதை சொல்லியிருக்கிறார் இயக்குனர் சுசீந்திரன். படத்தில் வரும் இடைவேளை அறிவிப்பை கூட ஒரு காட்சியின் சுவாரஸ்யத்தோடு சொல்ல முடிகிறது அவரால்! முதல் ஆட்டத்திலேயே 'கப்'பை கவர்ந்து சென்றிருக்கிற இந்த புதுமுகத்திற்கு கோடம்பாக்கம் கொடுக்க வேண்டியது இன்னும் நிறைய, நிறைய....

கபடி மீது காதலாக திரியும் வயசுப் பசங்களின் ஆட்டமும், ஆர்ப்பாட்டமும்தான் கதை. மதுரைக்கு பக்கத்தில் இருக்கிற ஏராளமான பட்டிகளில் இவர்களுடைய ஊரும் ஒன்று. விடிந்தால் கபடி, விழுந்தால் கபடி என்று சின்சியராக ஆட்டம் போடும் இவர்களுக்கு வெற்றி மட்டும் எட்டாத உயரம். ஆனாலும் ஆர்வத்தோடு ஒரு போட்டியில் கலந்து கொள்ள மதுரை செல்லும் இவர்களுக்கு ஏற்படுகிற அனுபவங்களும், அதிர்ச்சிகளும்தான் முடிவு. இடையே துளியூண்டு காதலுக்கும் இடம் கொடுக்கிறார் இயக்குனர். ஆனால், அந்த ஒரு துளி, அமுதம்... விஷம்... அத்தனையுமாக இருந்து மனசை ரணகளமாக்கிவிடுகிறது.

ஏழை குடும்பத்தில் பிறந்து படிப்பை தொடர முடியாமல் பண்ணைக்கு வேலைக்கு போய்விடும் விஷ்ணு, திருவிழாவுக்கு வரும் சரண்யா மோகனிடம் காதல் வயப்படுவது அழகோ அழகு. நாயின் வெறிப்பார்வைக்கு பயந்து, விஷ்ணுவின் கைகளை இறுகப்பிடித்துக் கொள்ளும் சரண்யா, அப்படியே காதலாகி கசிந்துருகுவதும், அந்த ஊரின் குட்டி சந்துகளில் காதல் யாத்திரை நடத்துவதும் காதல் திருவிழா. உரியடியில் காதலன் வெற்றிபெற தனது கொலுசு சத்தத்திலேயே வழிகாட்டும் டெக்னிக், இளசுகளின் சிம்பொனி. பஸ்சின் ஓரத்து இருக்கையில் அமர்ந்து யாருக்கும் தெரியாமல் காட்டும் அந்த திருட்டு டாட்டா, பதினாறுகளின் பல்லவி! ஆனால் இந்த காதலின் க்ளைமாக்ஸ் இருக்கிறதே, அது அனஸ்தீஷியா கொடுக்காமலே நடத்தும் அறுவை சிகிச்சை! கொடூரமய்யா...

புதுமுகம் விஷ்ணு பலராலும் கவனிக்கப்பட வேண்டிய வரவு. அறிமுகக்காட்சியில் ஒரு பஸ்சையே தனது சைக்கிளில் முந்திச் செல்லும் அவரது இளமைத் துடிப்பு, அடுத்தடுத்த படங்களிலும் தொடர வாழ்த்துவோமாக! "ஜெயிச்சுட்டு போகட்டும்யா... அவன் மொகத்திலே சந்தோஷத்தை பாரு. எவ்வளவு கொடுத்தாலும் அந்த சந்தோஷம் வருமா?" பஸ் டிரைவரின் யதார்த்த டயலாக்கிற்கும், அதை எழுதிய பாஸ்கர் சக்தியின் விரல்களுக்கும் ஒரு சல்யூட்!

விஷ்ணுவுக்கு தோழர்களாக நடித்திருக்கும் அத்தனை அராத்துகளுக்குமாக சேர்த்து, ஒரு பெரிய தட்டில் கட்டி கட்டியாக சூடத்தை கொளுத்தி 'திருஷ்டி' சுற்றிப்போடலாம். குறிப்பாக சாப்பாட்டு ராமன் போட்டியில் பரிசை தட்டிச் செல்லும் அந்த உயரமான இளைஞருக்கு தனி பாராட்டுகள். உரியடி திருவிழாவில் மாமியாரின் நச்சு பேச்சுக்கு ஒரு மண்டையிடி கொடுக்கும் அந்த குண்டு பையனுக்கும்தான்!

எல்லா படத்திலேயும் அசுரனாக நடிக்கும் கிஷோர் இந்த படத்தில், அமைதியாக வந்து ஆர்ப்பாட்டமில்லாமல் நடித்து எல்லாரையும் கவர்ந்திருக்கிறார். "ரைட்லே ஏறு, லெப்ட்லே போ" என்று இவர் கொடுக்கும் கோச்சிங்கில் மிலிட்டிரி முறைப்பு. மகிழ்ச்சியை கூட, மில்லி மீட்டர் தாண்டாமல் காட்டும்போது இன்னும் ரசிக்க வைக்கிறார்.

படத்தில் வரும் எல்லா கேரக்டர்களையுமே மிகவும் மெனக்கட்டு உருவாக்கியிருக்கிறார் சுசீந்திரன். ஒரு காட்சியில் கடந்து போகிற கூன் முதுகு தாத்தா கூட கண்களால் ஏதோ பேசிவிட்டு போகிறார். வில்லன்களின் விரட்டலும், கத்தி கபடா சமாச்சாரங்களும் சுமூகமாக முடிவது, எதிர்பாராத திருப்பம். என்றாலும், கபடி என்ற வீர விளையாட்டு கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமாக அறுகி வரும் நேரத்தில், அந்த விளையாட்டேயே கொலைகார விளையாட்டு போல சித்திருக்கிறாரே இயக்குனர், அதுதான் நெருடல்!

செல்வகணேஷ் என்ற புதுமுக இசையமைப்பாளர் 'லேசா பறக்குது...' மெலடியில் நம்மை லேசாக பறக்கவே வைக்கிறார். பின்னணி இசை இன்னும் விசேஷம். லஷ்மணனின் ஒளிப்பதிவில் பிரமிக்க வைக்கும் கோணங்கள்! எங்கேயும் நெளிய வைக்காத காசிவிஸ்வநாதனின் எடிட்டிங்!

இந்த கபடிக்குழுவுக்கு திரையிடும் தியேட்டர்களில் எல்லாம் காத்திருக்கின்றன ஏராளமான வெற்றிக்கோப்பைகள்!

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Old 02-03-2009, 03:58 AM   #22

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Vennila Kabbadi Kuzhu

Even after leaving the theatre Mari's (Vishnu) 'Kabbadi kabbadi' is echoing in our ears. And the dust of the ground rising from the commotion of the game forms a ghostly screen before our eyes.
When she gets into the bus disappointed in not meeting him, we too feel like traveling with her. With so much realism, what Susindran has come up with is not cinema, but life. While everyone is groping around to find a meaning to world cinema, Susindran deserves a trophy in having reached that effortlessly.

Vennila Kabbadi Kuzhu is a club run by seven friends without any caste feeling or any higher or lower disparities, in a place near Pazhani. Not having won even once is their distinction. One of the seven is Marimuthu a.k.a. Mari. Thinking of kabbadi, he would even forget to eat, but circumstances conspired to keep him out always. In his own mind, he has fallen in love with a girl who came from Madurai (Saranya) for the festivals.

Filled with romantic thoughts, Mari too gets a chance to play in the State wide tournament. The team known to be defeated every time, is about to win this tournament and the events that take place before and after the game forms the story of this moving film.
The scenes that have no resemblance to what all we have seen before leave a lasting impression in us. The director has treated everyone with equal importance without projecting someone as the hero.

The romantic episodes are treated in a way that leaves a pleasant aroma around us. The intimate scenes are examples of decency. A romance that has no place for cell phones or letters has been rendered poetically.

The activities of each of the team are so various that keep us laughing non-stop. Though we have seen scenes of a glutton among the group of friends, what is new here is having chosen a stick like person for the character.

Having eaten 50 parottas in a challenge, he was cheated by the challenger. In reply when he says that he is prepared to eat 50 parottas all over again, the clapping from the audience brings down the roof.

Appearing only in very few scenes, Kishore who arrives as an instant coach for the team has given a memorable performance. Other characters like the temporary uncle, Mari's mother, bus driver have all done excellently.

The twists and turns that take place in going to the tournament, the thrill of the game and the excitement of the result have all made 'Vennila Kabbadi Kuzhu' ten times more effective than the film 'Lagaan.'

Susindran has made himself unique in making the title cards behave like kabbadi game, showing the early years of the friends in 16 mm, projecting the line "keep 10 meter distance" in the advertisement board behind the bus when Vishnu and Saranya take leave of each other and turning the same card for 10 minute interval and so on.

Baskar Sakthi's dialogues are very catchy: life begins when every moment of the game is thought to be the last; don't think of winning, think of not losing.

The faceless commentary of the festivities is treated like a character in the film. The cinematography by J Lakshman has given life to several scenes and characters such as the wound that keeps company with Mari's mother who is always lying below Mari's photograph and so on.

It becomes commonplace to appreciate the director Susindran for all the efforts. But his continued success would be his reward.

Vennila Kabbadi Kuzhu: a super team

So much to write about, but space is lacking

The dream song that does not go with the story

Source: cinesouth
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Old 02-03-2009, 04:04 AM   #23

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Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu - Exciting and realistic

Cast: Vishnu, Kishore, Saranya Mohan, Vairavan, Nithish and many others Director: Susindran
Music: V. Selvaganesh Cinematography: J. Lakshman

It is only very rarely we come across some realistic and lively presentation of the rural life and an ethnic game like Kadabi. Debutant director Susindran’s Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu (VKK) is one such movie that has come as a fresh air amidst lot of mindless masala flicks. The movie stands out by successfully – almost for the first time in Tamil – making the game as its central theme. The low budget movie has potential to be compared with movies like lagan and Chak De India.

The story of VKK is set in a village near Pazhani. It is all about a Kabadi team (Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu), wanting to become a famous team in and around the area. The reality however, is different. This team has never won a single game in any tournament.

Mari, a small boy in the village has a deep rooted passion towards the game. Since his father dies in an accident and he is forced to stop going to school and work in the farmlands.

The boy grows working in the farmland but even in his young age (newcomer Vishnu) he is not able to pursue his interest in Kabadi because of his social status.

Mari at last gets a chance to play as a substitute for a boy in a match in the village Thiruvizha. Though he proves his worth, the game gets disrupted due to a dispute and the resultant tussle.

Meanwhile love blossoms between Mari and Saranya Mohan who visits the village carnival from Madurai.

Later on, the team goes to Madurai to participate in a Kabadi tournament unaware of the format that doesn’t allow any new team to participate. However they get a chance by luck, as a team fails to turn up. In the process they also get a godfather in Kishore, who is a renowned Kabadi coach.

Vennila team, motivated by Kishore, wins their first match in a dramatic manner and stays in the tournament. Later on Kishore becomes their coach. He trains and motivates them is to reach the finals.

Meanwhile the team members face dangerous situations on and off the field from the rival teams even as the old foes are hunting the team members to kill them. The rival team also tries to divide them on the basis of caste. The rest of the movie deals with how they finally triumph and what the price is given to that. It also tells about the fate of the love between Mari and Saranya.

Debutant director Susindran has done an excellent job by capturing the true spirit of Kabadi and the dramatic moments related to the game. The picturisation of the game is strikingly realistic, which is a rare phenomenon in Tamil movies. The exciting developments in the tournament are conceived and executed well. The role of the coach has been portrayed and enacted very well. The exciting run up to the finale takes the movie to another level. The dramatic climax, though lees convincing, is touching.

Bhaskar Shakthi’s dialogues are sharp and effective. The ones uttered by the coach are outstanding. J. Lakshman’s camera has captured the carnival sequences and the tournament with in a telling manner.

Susindran also scores in depicting the village sequences with all its flavour and nativity. The debutant has done well in bringing out the essence and mood of the village Thiruvizha on screen. The love episode has been portrayed as a short film.

The problem with the movie is its slow pace in the first half. Though the proceedings are realistic and lively, the script takes its own time to come to the focus point.

Debutant music director V. Selvaganesh (Son of famous Ghatam player Vikku Vinayakram) has come out with some tuneful songs (Lesaa parakkuthu manasu and Uyiril etho valigal stand out) but the duet in the second half seems to be out of place.

Newcomer Vishnu (son of IG of Police- North Zone Ramesh Kudawla) has handled his role with sincerity and ease. His body language during the game is excellent and his expressions in romantic scenes are competent. Saranya Mohan, in a relatively small role, livens up the proceedings by her inimitable charm and cute expressions.

Debutant music composer Selva Ganesh, son of Ghatam maestro Vikku Vinayakram sparkles in a few numbers. Camera work by J Laxman Kumar meets the requirements.

Kishore as a coach is excellent. The man has come out with mature and majestic performance. Others including Vairvan, Nithish and Janaki (mother) are competent.

Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu is a refreshing experience revolving around the native game of Tamilnadu. The realistic portrayal, exciting tournament proceedings, and the performances make the film a potential winner.

Source: chennaionline
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Old 02-04-2009, 03:33 AM   #24

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Kabadi outwits Cricket

'Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu' is the latest film in town based on sports which opened as an average grosser. With word-of-mouth spreading good criticism about the film, it is now being flooded with audience from all sectors. The movie has received rave reviews from the media which became an added advantage. People have showered the film with praises for its brilliant casting and a captivating script.

With massive fan following, the number of shows in theatres has been increased which was earlier reserved for another sport based movie 'Victory'. Based on Cricket, 'Victory' is a Bollywood film that opened with tremendous response but unfortunately was bowled over at the box office.

'Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu' has replaced it sans the fact that the film didn't boast of a cast coup, slick graphics or extravagant locales. Made by a team of young debutants, without any commercialism the film is reaping accolades and is continuing its good run all over the state. In the line of 'Subramaniapuram', it has once again been proved that a good script always triumphs over gimmicks.

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Old 02-04-2009, 03:36 AM   #25

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Innum oru hubber koodavA pAkkala
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Old 02-04-2009, 03:39 AM   #26

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Innum oru hubber koodavA pAkkala
Title 'VeNnila'-nnu niRuthiyiruntha paarthuruppangaLo?
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Old 02-04-2009, 03:48 AM   #27

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Innum oru hubber koodavA pAkkala
torrent-la innum varala pola irukku :P
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:03 AM   #28

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Vir, torrent-la varalai-nu enakkum theriyum :P

Joe, kabaddi velayAdirukkIngalaa?
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:05 AM   #29

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Joe, kabaddi velayAdirukkIngalaa?
oh! Niraya viLayadiyirukken. On the other hand Cricket viLayadinathe illai.
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:06 AM   #30

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Vir, torrent-la varalai-nu enakkum theriyum :P
Neengalum namma setta?

Indha maasa budget-la NK-ku odhukki vachutten
Don't know if i'll watch other movies in theatre Lets see... If there is something really good, i'll certainly watch in theatre...
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:18 AM   #31

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Joe, naan neRayA pAthirukkEn. One of my favorite sports. Have played few times too.

Vir, I watch movies that don't release here in DVDs/rips. Neenga chennai-la irunthukittE three much
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:22 AM   #32

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Vir, I watch movies that don't release here in DVDs/rips. Neenga chennai-la irunthukittE three much

I understand.
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:28 AM   #33

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Originally Posted by viraajan
Indha maasa budget-la NK-ku odhukki vachutten
Don't know if i'll watch other movies in theatre Lets see... If there is something really good, i'll certainly watch in theatre...
theater a padam paakkarakku enna oru 1.5 latcham aaguma?

Nan thaniya patha konjam thaan selavaagum... but sila pala pEra kootittu pogumbodhu, konjam idikka thaan seiyudhu
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:42 AM   #34

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but sila pala pEra kootittu pogumbodhu, konjam idikka thaan seiyudhu
Idikkatha aadkalaa paarthu kootitu ponga
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:49 AM   #35

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Inga ellarum appadi thaan irukkanga...
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:51 AM   #36

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Inga ellarum appadi thaan irukkanga...
Kabadi viLayaduRa koottam polirukku ..appo intha padathukku kandippa kooti ponga
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:57 AM   #37

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Originally Posted by viraajan Inga ellarum appadi thaan irukkanga...
Kabadi viLayaduRa koottam polirukku ..appo intha padathukku kandippa kooti ponga ippa thaan unga kitta mudhal murai chat pandren... bayangarama kadikkareengale
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Old 02-07-2009, 04:51 AM   #38

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'Vennila…..' - a whiff of fresh air'

At a time when the global economic meltdown is threatening almost every business including big Kollywood films, here is a small film that comes across as a whiff of fresh air. Another tremendous piece of news for 'Vennila Kabbadi Kuzhu' is that the film stars debutants mostly. This has rejuvenated a lot of hopes in the industry.

'The success has proved that people are ready to welcome films that do not necessarily have big stars, grand sets or foreign locations. If a story is narrated in an interesting manner, it would reach the masses well', said a prominent producer.

'Vennila Kabbadi Kuzhu' was a not an experiment. Director Susindhran has narrated the story in a different manner – a tale of underdogs who have the determination to succeed. The backdrop of the film is Kabbadi and the electric feeling of fresh love. All other films that have released now are full of clichéd commercial elements that the audience are literally tired of', observed another.

No big stars, no popular names even in the technicians list, and yet the film has been successful in captivating audiences. Moreover, the film has given hopes to many youngsters who are still struggling to make a mark in Kollywood.

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Old 02-08-2009, 12:37 AM   #39

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Old 02-08-2009, 12:45 AM   #40

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