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Old 04-20-2007, 10:27 PM   #21

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I don't think the time taken for composing the songs can be taken as a criteria for judging the MDs? It varies from person to person.
Einstein wasn't as good as Newton while verifying the theories. He used to think a lot and revise his own set of conclusions time and again before presenting them / using them for further research.

I read somewhere that "Describing Music is like Describing Sex. Would you be able to describe it?"

If we see with that line, One who takes more time is better.
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:29 PM   #22

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Originally Posted by thimuru Originally Posted by leosimha Originally Posted by thimuru maddy...quality in terms of what...what do u mean as quality?
quality of music can be defined as the tunes which are liked by all. the tunes should be rich. Am I right? Are you satisfied with answer? I have heard many elder people saying "aahhh...kadhu valikudhu" for arr song!

noone complains ir from 16 to 60....so thats quality? yes...true...exactly...this is the same from my side...lots of people don't like the western beats of ARR but IR has come out with superb music which are melodious hits and liked by all. Can you remember of Illaiyaraaja performing with Western beats? Please put it here. there are lots in post 80 period..his works with maniratnam,pratap pothan...!

then adhenna..western beats avlo mukkiyama
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:31 PM   #23

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Originally Posted by thimiru definitely ..in this way...ir is better
there are several street performs who make music on the fly... seems like our man will throw any pinkfloyd album in gutter and listen to them

finally it boils down to gud or bad songs buddy ir is not a street performer and his work is not amatuer...to provide such a quality in few days needs talent
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:34 PM   #24

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ir is not a street performer and his work is not amatuer...to provide such a quality in few days needs talent
I agree on this His talent is something many will admire irrespective of their taste.
"Sangeetha Megam" is one of the best examples of IR magic ! One of the songs that lights up my day all the time
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:35 PM   #25

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then one film wonders can be awarded as best mds...as quantity doesnt matter

One good example would be Josuah Sridhar !
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:35 PM   #26
Paul Bunyan

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ir is not a street performer and his work is not amatuer...to provide such a quality in few days needs talent
You miss my point
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:36 PM   #27

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Originally Posted by thimuru then one film wonders can be awarded as best mds...as quantity doesnt matter

One good example would be Josuah Sridhar ! thats what i say!

quantity also matters!

even after these many years...there are unheard gems of ir...thats his greatness
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:37 PM   #28
Big A

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IR's 80's songs just too good.. but now..?? uhum.. none of his song was good lately.. Mayakannadi, etc

so, since 1992, the man who consistently giving rocking song none other than Isai Puyal.. a humble man indeed..
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:38 PM   #29

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thimuru can u also remove - Isaipuyal and keep it simply ARRahman??
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:38 PM   #30
Paul Bunyan

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"Sangeetha Megam" is one of the best examples of IR magic ! One of the songs that lights up my day all the time
If anyone needs a sample for IR's orchestration skills, they should listen to the prelude of this song. A very short sex
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:38 PM   #31

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thimuru can u also remove - Isaipuyal and keep it simply ARRahman??
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:39 PM   #32

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thimuru can u also remove - Isaipuyal and keep it simply ARRahman??
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:42 PM   #33

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Originally Posted by MADDY thimuru can u also remove - Isaipuyal and keep it simply ARRahman??
why? cos, i always think, that was a mischievous title given for ARR .....puyal is incosistent, which is a very wrong adjective for the great man
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:52 PM   #34

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ilayaraja created new raaga!

*He created the Raaga "Panchamukhi" explaining the five facets of music that included the colorful aspect of film music.

*Ilayaraja spontaneously writing the notes for a re-recording at Prasad Studio while the musicians copy their part to be played.Without playing the part first, he just composes the notes.Amazing isn't it???

*he is also the first Indian who has written a western classical symphony. Composing a symphony is the ultimate in composing music in the western classical tradition. That is on the lines of such great composers like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, et.al. who had given us so much of great music. The time taken to complete a symphony to be played by a full scale symphony orchestra varies from composer to composer; depending upon his mood, the complexity of music, etc. If Mozart took a few days to complete a symphony, Brahms took fourteen years to complete one of his symphonies. And Ilaiyaraaja well known for his speed of composing completed this symphony in just one month's time.

* "His music will be heard through the twenty-first century" predicted Mr. Joseph Eager, Conductor, World Symphony Orchestra, at a function to release the CD of his new album Nothing But Wind in New York in 1988.

* "Your ears will hear music like they never heard before" commented Mr. Victor Rangel Ribeiro, a well-known musicologist and author of Baroque Music-A Practical Guide to Performers.
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:55 PM   #35
Big A

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New topic and let's start a meaningful conversation..

Anyway..here is the post that I replied to Lavanya longtime back..she conveniently overlooked it and funny enough that, she was no where to be seen for a while. No wonder about her ignorance. But she still seem to flaunt with her arrogance..Here it goes..

I never said, ARR is trash. I never do that. I never choke down my values through people's throat.

First of all, opinions itself differs among people. Why is that? Is it because of different 'self'.

there is nothing called 'self', we all wear that facade for others, this 'self' is shaped by cultural, racial, economical, lingual (in turn, Semantical), regional(environmental), etc, almost everything external to you (right from your birth as you grow up).

Our genes just determine our physical attributes and it contains few other traits. Your tolerance level to different things, might be decided by these genes but it’s the other social factors that ultimately decides, both decreasing and overpowering the tolerance level and in turn, the reactions to different things. Again that depends on how you are exposed to these factors through people you meet (from parents, friends to strangers) throughout your lifetime.

This 'self', is a social construct ascribed to fit the margins better (even this margin and the ‘attuned’ comfort zone, is based on the above-said influences).

Sometimes, we live denial to like certain things. For example, I might find ‘Fountainhead’, boring, uninteresting, and pretentious piece-of-**** but it is valued to be the best-written work. Consequently, I immediately jump into the bandwagon of double standards and call it great!

Same way, I feel each person’s favorite music, books, movies, dress (style, color and make), even friends (And enemies), life-partner, are determined by ‘external factors’!

So In your case (or very other case), liking something 'more' is something thats not because of 'your' judgment alone. Because there is no 'you'.

Now you guys can decipher what I said. I have nothing against ARR. But the way, this external factors has programmed 'me', I measure 'greatness' from the way the products (music, movies and books) 'affects' , 'amazes' or 'bewilders' me. I don't think ARR has done that as often as I would like to. He is in my secondary list except for very few tracks. Like I love the trance in Yakkai thiri. I also like Bombay's bgm, Vande Mataram,etc. But somehow he doesn't achieve Maestro's sense of nostalgia. It's a sensation which transcends understanding. I don't know "How to name it?" I wish you could also experience that wonderful violin symphony and let the waves vibrate the mind. Of all the themes I've been through, Punnagai mannan's stands out. It conveys the feeling. With or without the video. The overture and the follow-through is beyond human expression. The music is eternal. ARR's is more modernist than a classical or a retro kind(which I rate higher). Having listened to almost all his tracks, he improvised the 'composition' focusing more on instrumental and Acoustical engineering. When to use what..how to compile the prelude, interlude and postlude to lure the audience into it and the way the juxtaposition of different sounds should work and sound to different people.

I wouldn't blame you, if you rate ARR high. But please, Think again before you pass some inane judgement over IR's music!

I would like to say this for the final time..our tastes are built on exposure. Lack of it can bring in blind prejudiced views against the rival of our favorite. Thats why ARR fans ridicule IR and IR fans reciprocate. This blindfolds us from making a neutral comparison. I will reiterate again, Opinions/tastes like 'ARR is the best' or 'IR is the best' are constructed by the external factors more than 'you' per se. It's not something you choose. It's something that just happened. Greatness is a highly subjective term with an individualist notion to it. Some people bring in this 'popularity' rant out of no where. That doesn't in anyway should affect your evaluation of greatness. Beverages like Coke or Pepsi can be sold in different places..their sales records shouldn't affect your taste or evaluation of the drink.. As simple as that..

Don't bring the popularity contest hereafter.. It is not a yardstick to measure greatness..

When you can say something based on their 'name' being known in different parts of the country, that is entirely different or flawed. Eminem is known all around the world, 2pac was known only in USA. Does that make 2pac lesser than Eminem? Or no one knows Ennio morricone but people know James horner..does that make James horner great? Or, Horner's music is popular amongst people and reached different people..Does that make him 'BETTER'? How many of them getting ARR's albums know about Bach here? Have they listened to IR's albums? Do they understand how IR revolutionized WCM?

I am not as bad as these kids to ridicule about ARR lowly to prove a point. Like 'pray for me brother' is ridiculous and out of life. It was pretentious..The video was even more presumptuous and didn't invoke the feeling. One gets the feeling that he made the video for his own good rather than a honest song for 'poverty alleviation' . Blaze's rap was overdone in that respect. I am yet to see a song where Rahman composes a tune with little less mixing and focusing a lot more on the continuity of that tune to make the sounds acoustically more pleasant, blended, smoothened and striking a chord in the process. That way it affects the listener's senses unlike the general junky 'WOW' effect..

P.S: Whatever I wrote may not be applicable to others. But I would like to make my stance clear..And in the process of it, could have shown my bias towards IR.

PPS: Don't take some selected chunks of this and leave out the rest as it would only make it contextually flawed. Thank you.
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Old 04-20-2007, 11:00 PM   #36

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I am fan of IR's 90 songs and music, but personaly I dont like him.

I am always a fan of ARR and his songs,music , personaly I like him a lot.

Nilai uyarum podhu panivu kondal ulagam unnidam mayangum
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Old 04-20-2007, 11:02 PM   #37

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I am fan of IR's 90 songs and music, but personaly I dont like him.

I am always a fan of ARR and his songs,music , personaly I like him a lot.

Nilai uyarum podhu panivu kondal ulagam unnidam mayangum
neenga arasiyal vaadhiya
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Old 04-20-2007, 11:06 PM   #38

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Greatness is a highly subjective term with an individualist notion to it. Some people bring in this 'popularity' rant out of no where. That doesn't in anyway should affect your evaluation of greatness.

am yet to see a song where Rahman composes a tune with little less mixing and focusing a lot more on the continuity of that tune to make the sounds acoustically more pleasant, blended, smoothened and striking a chord in the process. All his melodies are like that . May be thats again an individual's notion. But I do recommend u to listen to "piya ho" from Water. You wont repeat that statement again
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Old 04-20-2007, 11:09 PM   #39

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which is very less when u consider the amount of time ARR has been in the industry.....
We need to consider the number of albums he had given so far

The list takes only the song part. If we take re-recording many more movies will go in that list
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Old 04-20-2007, 11:11 PM   #40

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What kind of partial poll is this no harris or yuvan or vidyasagar or deva in the list
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