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Gozmand 03-31-2008 12:21 AM

After todays N.O.T.W. headlines..Goodbye to Max?
After the rather shocking headlines in the news of the world today.. (also available online) http://www.motorsportforums.com/images/smilies/wink.gif I'll refrain from posting the link due to its nature..

What does this mean for Max ? .. and F1?

RastusuadegeFrimoum 03-31-2008 12:31 AM

Thats what happens when you take on Rupert Murdoch.

Max is finding out the hard way how little influence he has in the real world and how he shouldn't really make enemies of people a lot more powerful than he is.

Does he value his marriage more than the pain of being criticised (mildly) by Brundle?

uchetrip 03-31-2008 12:35 AM

In actual fact it seems like Max enjoys a bit of pain!

Gozmand 03-31-2008 12:38 AM


Thats what happens when you take on Rupert Murdoch.

Max is finding out the hard way how little influence he has in the real world and how he shouldn't really make enemies of people a lot more powerful than he is.

Does he value his marriage more than the pain of being criticised (mildly) by Brundle?
You obviously have an idea what this is all about then.. Your saying he made himself an enemy of Murdoch by rising to criticism from Brundle?

Go on, spill the beans....

en-druzhba 03-31-2008 12:41 AM

Haha! I wonder if there's any truth in that story. News Of The World isn't exactly the most reliable (or scrupulous) tabloid.

8jIDXQ80 03-31-2008 12:42 AM


Thats what happens when you take on Rupert Murdoch.
As deeply unpleasant as the story is — not being a morally censorious person, I generally have no problem with what people get up to in their sex lives, but the alleged 'Nazi' element to this does make it somewhat unpalatable — I do worry about the influence of the Murdoch press and the way his newspapers pursue people. Leaving aside proper investigative reporting, which should always be encouraged, much tabloid muck-raking isn't healthy, especially when one considers the less-than-squeaky-clean lifestyles of many of the journalists who write the stories about the private proclivities of others.

8jIDXQ80 03-31-2008 12:43 AM


You obviously have an idea what this is all about then.. Your saying he made himself an enemy of Murdoch by rising to criticism from Brundle?

Go on, spill the beans....
This sort of thing is hardly unusual. Prominent person enters into a battle of some sort with a newspaper — prominent person finds themselves a target of that newspaper and its publisher.

Belindanan 03-31-2008 12:44 AM

Well, there is some gossip...http://www.motorsportforums.com/images/smilies/s.gif
On the other hand it doesn´t seem that he actually have done something wrong or illegal. He has had his sexual life brought forward by a "quality newspaper". I think anyone of us would be ashamed if that was to happen to us...
Since we live in a world of political correctnes and importance to have a clean facade i guess Mosley is finished. I certainly do not know if he deserves it. maybe. Maybe not. I doubt though that NOTW have helpt building a better world with this "news"...

Gozmand 03-31-2008 12:48 AM


As deeply unpleasant as the story is — not being a morally censorious person, I generally have no problem with what people get up to in their sex lives, but the alleged 'Nazi' element to this does make it somewhat unpalatable — I do worry about the influence of the Murdoch press and the way his newspapers pursue people. Leaving aside proper investigative reporting, which should always be encouraged, much tabloid muck-raking isn't healthy, especially when one considers the less-than-squeaky-clean lifestyles of many of the journalists who write the stories about the private proclivities of others.

Im just wondering how Bernie will choose to deal with this..

8jIDXQ80 03-31-2008 12:48 AM


Since we live in a world of political correctnes and importance to have a clean facade i guess Mosley is finished.
It is funny that you mention 'political correctness'. The News of the World and its sister paper The Sun employ various columnists, such as Jeremy Clarkson for one, who moan on and on about 'political correctness' invading our lives, yet they regularly climb on their moral high horses about what prominent people get up to in their sex lives. It's just one indication of the hypocrisy of the tabloid press.

herrdwq 03-31-2008 12:50 AM


As deeply unpleasant as the story is — not being a morally censorious person, I generally have no problem with what people get up to in their sex lives, but the alleged 'Nazi' element to this does make it somewhat unpalatable
I've read the article, and talk of a nazi element is a bit misleading. They've obviously compared the dominant behaviour of the prostitutes to that of Nazi guards, because of Mosley's family history.

herrdwq 03-31-2008 12:51 AM


Im just wondering how Bernie will choose to deal with this..
How do you mean? What power does Bernie Ecclestone have over Max Mosely in this context?

8jIDXQ80 03-31-2008 12:52 AM


I've read the article, and talk of a nazi element is a bit misleading. They've obviously compared the dominant behaviour of the prostitutes to that of Nazi guards, because of Mosley's family history.
Indeed, but there are some rather unpleasant 'overtones', if that part of the story is to be believed.

I find the whole thing far more amusing than it is shocking.

Britiobby 03-31-2008 12:57 AM

I guess I feel sorry for max - if this turns out to be true, I think it will most likely to be the end of his career.

I am not truly sorry to see him go for various of reasons, but they all have to with F1 and not with his personal life.

It is unfortunate that this video has leaked out and it somewhat puzzles me, if Max has allowed this kind of video shooting. Then again, he may not have known about the taping?

As it comes to his sexual preferences - I don't care. It seems he has done nothing illegal and the consequences should be between him and his wife, who may not be a happy camper after this.

But you have to hand it to Max - he seems a very virile man for his age! http://www.motorsportforums.com/imag...es/biggrin.gif

8jIDXQ80 03-31-2008 12:59 AM


It is unfortunate that this video has leaked out and it somewhat puzzles me, if Max has allowed this kind of video shooting. Then again, he may not have known about the taping?
Maybe it was being filmed by ITV for one of their pre-race 'behind the scenes' segments?

herrdwq 03-31-2008 01:01 AM


Maybe it was being filmed by ITV for one of their pre-race 'behind the scenes' segments?
Classic http://www.motorsportforums.com/images/styles/World/icons/icon14.gif

RastusuadegeFrimoum 03-31-2008 01:03 AM


You obviously have an idea what this is all about then.. Your saying he made himself an enemy of Murdoch by rising to criticism from Brundle?

Go on, spill the beans....
You know what happened, he sued the Sunday Times for slander over Brundle's articles.

The Sunday Times reacted by letting Brundle carry on as before and published a few extra articles written by other journos too with headlines like "Time for Max to resign" which showed that Murdoch wasn't going to back down.

If you look at the NOTW article which is clearly a sting the timing suggests it was done in reaction to the slander action. Several months of following Max around over the winter to find out anything that could be used against him and setting up a sting to get a good set of photos of him 'in action'.

To those suggesting that the NOTW isn't a reliable source, usually I'd agree. However given the nature of the material the NOTW would not be publishing it unless they were 100% certain they would be clear in a court of law. The damages from losing such a case would be unbelievably high given the personal attack on Mosley's public persona.

The Bild has also taken up the story now. Whilst they're also gutter press they clearly see that the story is solid enough to run with to risk being sued for.

8jIDXQ80 03-31-2008 01:08 AM


To those suggesting that the NOTW isn't a reliable source, usually I'd agree. However given the nature of the material the NOTW would not be publishing it unless they were 100% certain they would be clear in a court of law. The damages from losing such a case would be unbelievably high given the personal attack on Mosley's public persona.

The Bild has also taken up the story now. Whilst they're also gutter press they clearly see that the story is solid enough to run with to risk being sued for.
I think the truth of these things is that newspapers tend to print enough which is true to make legal action unlikely, rather than every aspect of the story actually being 100 per cent accurate.

BuyCheapest 03-31-2008 01:10 AM

I cant believe anyone is defending Mosley for his actions which are a disgrace. Buying a hooker is nothing but taking an advantage of a person who is in a lower position than you, I have no respect for such individuals.

Mosley is in a position where he has certain responsibility. Off with him I say.

NOTW was the same newspaper that released the C.Ronaldo "mansion incident" some time ago. I doubt they made this up, probably they have been following Mosley for quite some time and kept this as a bargaining chip. Max is learning about realities of life and how little power he really has in the great scheme of things.

herrdwq 03-31-2008 01:11 AM


I cant believe anyone is defending Mosley for his actions which are a disgrace. Buying a hooker is nothing but taking an advantage of a person who is in a lower position than you, I have no respect for such individuals.
To be fair, the hookers looked to have the upper hand.

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