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ugosanchezo 09-07-2011 06:14 PM

Roger Albert Clark Rally 2011 2nd to the 5th December 2011
Roger Albert Clark Rally

12 weeks until the best rally in the UK kicks off again! Whilst last years event was an adventure hopefully the balance will swing back in favour of a battle on the stages rather than against the elements!

The route looks superb again and the entry is building already with a nice suprise being Carlos Padilla from Spain in his Celica.

Will update this thread as more news becomes available.


healty-back 09-08-2011 12:03 AM

Every year I say im going to make it next time, but I dont think il be able to again http://www.motorsportforums.com/imag...lies/frown.gif

I have just read on Facebook that Steve Perez will be out on the rally.

MinisuipGaicai 09-09-2011 03:43 AM

The highlight of the Rallying year in Britain!!
Really hope the organisers get better weather than last year, which in all honesty, apart from the Scottish stages, was no fun at all. I certainly didn't enjoy driving from Newcastleton in the pitch dark on untreated roads. The perfect weather would be cold & crisp......please!!

Hoping for a great entry, and more overseas entries - the more the better. Maybe one day soon it will attract an entry like the Boucles des Spa.

Oh, and how about this, our works Christmas night out was rescheduled for Friday 2nd Dec - so I had to decline. However, they've re arranged it so I don't miss it. Result!!

SHUSIATULSE 09-09-2011 03:53 AM

Chance for RWD winner to win a free entry worth £400 for the Kall Kwik Bradford leg of RAC on this event

Neil Howard Memorial Stages 2011

ugosanchezo 10-27-2011 10:50 PM

Entry list is bilding nicely. The organisers are expecting a large number of non UK entries whose names should start to appear on the list soon.

MiniBoy 10-28-2011 06:45 AM

I'll be there unless there's snow already on the ground by the time the rally comes around. If there's snow about then i'm not bothering after last year.

JackieC 11-02-2011 01:27 AM

I won't be there this year, gutted. Having said that I only went down last year after the snow started to happen, if I'd been more organised could've been to more of it I reckon. But just can't afford it this year.

Hope it's another awesome event though I hear it will be January until the snow arrives this time so the organisers will be glad of that I bet http://www.motorsportforums.com/imag...lies/smile.gif Looking forward to seeing photos and videos, not too long to go now http://www.motorsportforums.com/images/styles/World/icons/icon14.gif

DoroKickcrofe 11-24-2011 04:21 PM

http://www.britishrally.co.uk/forum/...es/smiley6.gif Curses, pecuniary disadvantage (I'm skint) means I'm going to have to give the 'Rodge' a miss and save the £200 petrol budget. This means I'm e-baying a room on Friday night (2/12) at Scarborough Travelodge and Saturday night (3/12) at Carlisle M6 Travelodge if anyone is interested - both 99p starts and no reserve. Those of you attending have a good one -after torrential rain in 09 and snow in 10 my money is on fog for this year.

77chawzence 11-25-2011 09:51 PM

Goooooo Stouf http://www.motorsportforums.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

ugosanchezo 11-25-2011 10:23 PM

Battle for the top placings should be between Stefaan, Gwyndaff and Paul Griffiths.

Full entry lists now on the site.

Roger Albert Clark Rally

77chawzence 11-26-2011 12:44 AM

David Stokes probably too.

N95FzmMw 11-26-2011 02:36 AM

Also Pete Smith and son Guy,of Swift Caravans (Leisure group)
Also saw 1st snow of the year here ,west of Harrogate today,soon went though!

MinisuipGaicai 11-26-2011 05:22 AM


Also Pete Smith and son Guy,of Swift Caravans (Leisure group)
Also saw 1st snow of the year here ,west of Harrogate today,soon went though!
Guy is the 2003 Le Mans 24 Hours winner for Bentley, and the current ALMS Champion!!!

N95FzmMw 12-04-2011 12:44 AM

Been today to Helmsley,spoke with Millie,They were in a league of there own according to the other crews,leading by 2 minutes.Peter Smith was fast,as were some others.Interesting cars there were CLT 184 T ex Sutton car,and a red escort that I understood belong to someone on this site.Guy in a Ford Ka ,was also going like **** off a shovel too !

N95FzmMw 12-05-2011 03:33 AM

Gwydaf leading by 6 minutes tonight,Phil Collins out,as is Pete Smith after a roll.

N95FzmMw 12-06-2011 04:12 PM

And Gwyndaf and Milly win by 8 minutes ,congratulations also to David Stokes,on a brilliant drive to 2nd overall and winning his class,not bad for a baker ,well done David

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