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Old 08-17-2012, 08:04 PM   #21

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Doesn't matter to me whether or not she wears it, but that response was pathetic.

"I'm against fur unless it's too pretty" THEN YOU'RE NOT AGAINST FUR. Own it. I always thought she wore it after the meat dress incident and I don't understand why people would be surprised if she did. Wearing somethings innards seems about equal to the skin/fur, at least to me.
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Old 08-18-2012, 12:00 AM   #22

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is it? it looks tacky IMO. like ostentatious, conspicuous consumption all up in your face.
So, pretty much like the rest of Gaga's endless fashion schtick, then?

wearing fur is just rude Why? Is wearing leather/sheepskin shoes or coats or carrying a leather bag or wallet when you could sport a lovely plastic one rude too? How about feathers in hats, which comes from various bird species who don't exactly drop them naturally? How about the ravaging of the ecosystem in order to monoculture various non-animal products (palm oils, soy, cotton, forestry) which actually help drive multiple species to the brink of extinction? I don't quite get why fur gets all the brickbats when it's just one in an array of wearable animal products and probably actually the least used and destructive on a grand scale of all simply because of the cost. Or is it the cost which aggravates?

there are better, more attractive products for warmth+fashion in much of the world. Much of the world does't give a flying shit though. Really, it doesn't. Basic animal welfare is a rude notion in many places. Animal [i]rights[i] is pure fantasy land.

i certainly think factory farms and beating the shit out of elephants for entertainment is bullshit, i think there are better ways to "raise awareness" and solve problems. I agree. I also think fur is the least of the problems with animal exploitation in terms of numbers. I'd rather see the tens of millions caged, multilated battery hens living lives of complete suffering to produce cheaper than cheap eggs outlawed than a few fur farms at this juncture. Puppy farms that feed the pet trade too. Thing is, nobody can tell whether the egg you're eating is caged, faux-free range or actually free range, or that you bought that cute puppy from a greedy moron where as fur announces itself to a room as fur and thus earns all the flour and disdain.
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Old 08-18-2012, 12:47 AM   #23

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indeed leather etc. is unnecessary, however, its my understanding, they use more of the animal for other things than just it's skin. if youre eating mink and making insulin out of fox then more power to you.

im not a big anti-use of animals person though. i get that "alternatives to animal testing/experimentation" is not always so great. i get that overpopulation of animals (and tbh humans too) is an issue. so, you know, i have no horse in this race.

i will concur, and my horse is in the race, of factory farms and puppy farms. their proliferation is disturbing. theyre shit for the animal and theyre shit (sometimes literally) for the consumer.

perhaps you're right ebola, its the POW! IM FUR! thing that gets all the noise. its a (recent) historical hot button. i think people often wear it for in-your-face shock factor vs. function. I do think lady gaga is a wanker though. i liked her better in 80s leotards vs. ZOMGSHOCKING!1!@ meat dresses. like......zzzzzzs bitch. zzzzzzzzzzs.

i also think fleece is a much better insulator than fur, especially if we're talking weight and resilience. but so is down !
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Old 08-18-2012, 01:45 AM   #24

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Leather production varies, I think. Some is a by-product of the meat industry, some is very bizarre, such as fetal animals that won't even be eaten or by-products of veal production. Then there's farmed alligator, crocodile, ostrich, snake ... and stolen pet cats (hello France!):

MORE THAN 20,000 cats a year are being stolen in France, many ending up as babies' shoes or slippers. Animal lovers believe the rustling is the work of professionally organised gangs that work with almost complete impunity. Police say they have little time to devote to such a low-profile crime.

It is feared some cats are being stolen to provide victims to train attack dogs or to amuse their sadistic owners. Others are taken for their fur. A raid on a tannery in Deux-Sevres, western France, discovered 1,500 skins, which were being used to make babies' shoes.

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/wo...s-1131466.html Veering back to fur, there's commonly now domestic cat and dog fur actually masquerading as fake fur (thanks China!) on cheap fast fashion products and high-end gear. It's cheaper for the Chinese factory owners to round up cats and dogs and kill them (horrifically, usually skinned alive) than to produce actual fake fur.

The Humane Society of the United States said it purchased coats from reputable outlets, such as upscale Nordstrom, with designer labels — Andrew Marc, Tommy Hilfiger, for example — and found them trimmed with fur from domestic dogs, even though the fur was advertised as fake.

“It’s an industrywide deception,” said Kristin Leppert, the head of the Humane Society’s anti-fur campaign.

The investigation began after the society got a tip from someone who bought a coat with trim labeled as faux fur that felt real. Leppert and her team began buying coats from popular retailers and then had the coats tested by mass spectrometry, which measures the mass and sequence of proteins.

Of the 25 coats tested, 24 were mislabeled or misadvertised, the society said.

Three coats — one from Tommy Hilfiger’s Web site ShopTommy.com, one from Nordstrom.com and one from Andrew Marc’s MARC New York line sold on Bluefly.com — contained fur from domesticated dogs. The others had fur from raccoon dogs — a canine species native to Asia — or, in one case, wolves. The single correctly labeled coat was trimmed with coyote fur, but it was advertised as fake.

Most of the fur came from China. I think both these reports suggest that no bugger really knows what they have on their feet or their back unless they skinned/sythesized it themselves. It wouldn't surprise me if someone ran a scam to sell 'vegan' shoes made of cat parts at this point in time.
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Old 08-18-2012, 03:23 AM   #25

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Old 08-18-2012, 03:53 AM   #26

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ur soo clevR gaga
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Old 08-18-2012, 04:12 AM   #27

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They don't make faux hair feathers, do they? For shame K$sha!
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Old 08-18-2012, 04:36 AM   #28

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God, I can smell Kesha just by looking at those pictures. gag.

Old 08-18-2012, 12:36 PM   #29

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Fake. http://www.fuse.tv/2012/08/kesha-let...aga-bashes-fur

Even if Gaga's coats aren't actually real, I'm very disappointed in her for not condemning fur. Her justification for wearing it in the name of "art" is awful. She's lost a huge amount of respect from me.
Yep, I have only read this far on this topic.. so she may have condemned it by the time I am on the second page but agree with you 100 %
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Old 08-18-2012, 06:58 PM   #30

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That Gaga tweet nearly made me vomit. "You are brave and know the meaning of acceptance", ffs. Just say 'thanks for clearing it up'. When you're a pop singer who sings lyrics like 'I'm bluffing with my muffin', there's only so much you can do on Twitter to convince people how deep you are.
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Old 08-18-2012, 07:09 PM   #31

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^ Isn't Gaga's next album going to be called ARTPOP? That should tell you all you need to know about what she thinks of her own music.

"save your flour to make bread for children who are hungry... and Kim Kardashian is fabulous"

OH GOD BARF BARF BARF. I really can't stand her.
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Old 08-18-2012, 08:12 PM   #32

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It boggles my mind that people like PJ Harvey and Kate Bush, who I could excuse being asinine and pretentious in person as they using vivid and emotive lyrics in their music (making it more likely that whatever they were waffling on about had some meaning), are in actual fact completely down-to-Earth - whereas people like Kesha and Gaga appear to be the complete opposite.
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Old 08-20-2012, 10:24 PM   #33

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Leather production varies, I think. Some is a by-product of the meat industry, some is very bizarre, such as fetal animals that won't even be eaten or by-products of veal production. Then there's farmed alligator, crocodile, ostrich, snake ... and stolen pet cats (hello France!):
MORE THAN 20,000 cats a year are being stolen in France, many ending up as babies' shoes or slippers. Animal lovers believe the rustling is the work of professionally organised gangs that work with almost complete impunity. Police say they have little time to devote to such a low-profile crime.

It is feared some cats are being stolen to provide victims to train attack dogs or to amuse their sadistic owners. Others are taken for their fur. A raid on a tannery in Deux-Sevres, western France, discovered 1,500 skins, which were being used to make babies' shoes.

Veering back to fur, there's commonly now domestic cat and dog fur actually masquerading as fake fur (thanks China!) on cheap fast fashion products and high-end gear. It's cheaper for the Chinese factory owners to round up cats and dogs and kill them (horrifically, usually skinned alive) than to produce actual fake fur.
The Humane Society of the United States said it purchased coats from reputable outlets, such as upscale Nordstrom, with designer labels — Andrew Marc, Tommy Hilfiger, for example — and found them trimmed with fur from domestic dogs, even though the fur was advertised as fake.

“It’s an industrywide deception,” said Kristin Leppert, the head of the Humane Society’s anti-fur campaign.

The investigation began after the society got a tip from someone who bought a coat with trim labeled as faux fur that felt real. Leppert and her team began buying coats from popular retailers and then had the coats tested by mass spectrometry, which measures the mass and sequence of proteins.

Of the 25 coats tested, 24 were mislabeled or misadvertised, the society said.

Three coats — one from Tommy Hilfiger’s Web site ShopTommy.com, one from Nordstrom.com and one from Andrew Marc’s MARC New York line sold on Bluefly.com — contained fur from domesticated dogs. The others had fur from raccoon dogs — a canine species native to Asia — or, in one case, wolves. The single correctly labeled coat was trimmed with coyote fur, but it was advertised as fake.

Most of the fur came from China.

I think both these reports suggest that no bugger really knows what they have on their feet or their back unless they skinned/sythesized it themselves. It wouldn't surprise me if someone ran a scam to sell 'vegan' shoes made of cat parts at this point in time.
I came in here to laugh at gaga and now I'm just depressed. Thanks, ebola!
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Old 09-21-2012, 09:09 AM   #34

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At least she's owning up to the fact she supports wearing it. The wishy-washy attitude towards it was more offensive to me.
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Old 09-21-2012, 02:29 PM   #35

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Gag me.
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Old 09-21-2012, 05:42 PM   #36

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I love me some Gaga but fucking come on, woman. Now she's in the purposely-trying-to-piss-people-off game?
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Old 09-21-2012, 06:26 PM   #37

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Ugh she's just being gross and stupid.
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Old 09-21-2012, 07:33 PM   #38

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Now she's just trying to be a bitch about the whole thing. This is from last week in Cologne, Germany.

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Old 09-22-2012, 05:43 AM   #39

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I'm a big Gaga fan, but it's really hard to like her right now. Vastly unimpressed. I also don't care for her walking around like Paris Hilton, holding a dog like it's an accessory. What a major turn-off.
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Old 09-22-2012, 07:01 AM   #40

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I want to punch her in the face. Nothing to do with the fox and everything to do with her annoyingness.
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