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Old 07-20-2012, 08:12 PM   #21

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Spoken like a true Haitian.
Thank you from you I will take this as a complement. I want to share something with you Mr DR that you may not know quick story. Once a guy in la zona was talking to me and he said " I do not like Haitian people because they do not respect their country now they come hear and do not respect ours. Then he said " are you sure you do not want a GIRL to keep you company tonight she is a good girl and you pay her whatever you want she goes to school" Do you see where I am confused here? The only people who need to apologize to Dominicans are people that begin with the little D(hint it is NOT the Dutch)

Calling me a Haitian is a complement I will take from you ALL DAY!!! Twice on Sunday.
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Old 07-20-2012, 08:48 PM   #22

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"That war [Haitian Revolution] didn't spilled into Dominican territory. Dessalines and military officers didn't had the vision of Toussaint. If Toussaint would had been alive, he would had imposed the extension of the independence operations to the eastern part of the island, which also were French territory and where the French military forces were located. But despite the occupation of 1801, the chiefs of the war of 1803 didn't managed to understand the doctrine of Toussaint, for whom the island was one and indivisible. As such, Dessalines and his military officers declared on the 1st of January, 1804 the establishment of the Republic of Haití, but didn't extended the power of the new Republic to the eastern part of the island.

The east was governed by Kerverseau, from the city of Santo Domingo and with a French force of 600 men; in Montecristi, protecting the passage to Santiago, was General Louis Ferrand, commanding 400 soldiers. Those 1,000 men would had been easily eliminated by the victorious Haitians. But they [the Haitians] didn't moved eastward. That's the situation in which the island of La Española found itself a the beginning of 1804, divided between the Republic of Haití and the French colony of Santo Domingo."

-Pg. 175-176, Composición Social Dominicana by Juan Bosch

On another note, the priest was referring to the 1822-1844 invasion, not to many of the other invasions and invasion attempts before and after those years!

Lets not forget that José Núñez de Cáceres declaration of independence on December of 1821, was not against France, but against Spain! The eastern part reverted back to Spain and remained a Spanish colony until December of 1821. In 1822, the Haitians, having known they had a Spanish colony as a neighbor, militarily invaded the eastern part once the Spanish military soldiers had departed, knowing very well that the new government was still in the process of forming itself and there was not official military to defend the eastern part. This was not contemplated by Cáceres et al. Had the colony never declared its independence from Spain, the Haitians would had remained exactly where they belong.

And lastly, I don't know why should it matter what the US or people in the US would be willing to do or not, this issue doesn't encompasses the US or its people. Never has and never will. However, and this is probably not surprising to many here, but I find it inherently DISGUSTING how some here want to minimize the disastrous effects Haitian incursions on the eastern side had for the development of the DR. Its DISGUSTING how some here dare, at every chance they got, try to justify the crimes the Haitians committed on the Dominican people and have, to this day, not shown the slightest desire of remorse.

The United States government did passed the Native American Apology Resolution, because that was the right thing to do!

The United States House of Representatives approved a resolution apologizing to African-Americans for slavery and the era of the Jim Crow.

The government of the Dominican government even apologized to the Haitians with reparations, for the massacre of a few thousand Haitians in 1937.

Why should Haiti not apologize for what they effectively did and heavily affected the development of the DR for over a century afterwards?

Good post, as always!

Also lest not forget that Jimmy Carter publicly apologized to all Japanese-Amaricans for wrongfully incarcerating them during WW II.
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Old 07-20-2012, 09:47 PM   #23

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The denial of massacre of Moca and Santiago now regularly occurs throughout the Americas and Europe in speeches and pronouncements by public figures, in articles and columns by delusional 'History' challenged journalists, and in the resolutions of professional organizations. While some minuscule voices oppose this deliberate distortion of the historic record, the main tenet of The massacre of Moca and Santiago denial is that Dominicans invented the massacre story in an attempt to advance their own interests. Unfortunately, it appears to be an increasingly accepted belief for large numbers of people in the ruthless biased media.

Henri Christophe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Failed military invasion and Dominican genocide of 1805

In 1805 French troops were still posted on the eastern part of the island (mainly in Santo Domingo), where they were led by the French officer Marie-Louis Ferrand. He mobilized his troops and ordered them to seize all black children of both sexes below the age of 14 years to be sold as slaves. Learning of this action, Dessalines was outraged and decided to invade Santo Domingo, with his forces looting several towns, such as Azua and Moca, and finally laying siege to the city of Santo Domingo, the stronghold of the French.
The Haitian general Henri Christophe (referred to as Enrique Cristóbal in Spanish-language accounts), under Dessalines, attacked the towns of Moca and Santiago. The barrister Gaspar de Arredondo y Pichardo wrote, "40 [Dominican] children had their throats cut at the Moca's church, and the bodies found at the presbytery, which is the space that encircles the church's altar..." This event was one of many documented accounts of the genocide perpetrated against the Dominicans by General Christophe, under the orders of Dessalines; they were retreating from the Spanish-ruled side of the island after their failed invasion attempt of 1805.
On 6 April 1805, having gathered all his troops, General Christophe took all male prisoners to the local cemetery and proceeded to slit their throats, among them Presbyter Vásquez and 20 more priests. Later he set on fire the whole town along with its five churches. On his way out he took along, fashioned like a herd, 249 women, 430 girls and 318 boys, a steep figure considering the relatively low population of the town at that time. Alejandro Llenas wrote that Christophe took 997 from Santiago alone, and "Monte Plata, San Pedro and Cotuí were reduced to ashes, and their residents either had their throats slit or were taken captives by the thousands, like farm animals, tied up and getting beaten on their way to Haiti."[citation needed]
Before leaving Santo Domingo, Dessalines "gave the order to ... commanders posted in conquered
communities, to round up all dwellers and subdue them to prison, in so, at first command, have them stomped by mules and other beasts upon arriving to the haitian side."
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:24 PM   #24
jackie Obrian

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Haiti should only apologize to the DR when the following occurs:

-The USA apologizes to African Americans for enslaving them, treating them like dirt, poking fun at them and being very rude and ignorant to them for hundreds of years.
-The USA apologizes to latinos for treating them worse than they treated Irish or Italian immigrants who came illegally also and for treating them like dirt, poking fun at them and being very rude to them. Especially the colored latinos like myself who are actually Spanish mixed with taino indian and black but in the USA the racism is so strong that anyone 1/4 black is black due to ignorance.
-The USA apologizes to the Native Americans for treating them poorly and like third class citizens.
-The Republicans apologize to the American poor and middle class for exploiting them and trying to manipulate this Romney guy into the white house.

-The British apologize to the Indians and all the countries that they occupied.
-Spain apologizes to the Dominican Republic for occupying it.
-The Portugese apologize to Brazil and Angola for occupying them also.
-The Japanese apologize to the Chinese.
-And so on.

Point is. Haiti did nothing different than many other countries around the globe. They do not have to apologize unless it is common for countries to apologize like for their actions in the past.
None of what you mentioned has anything to Haiti/DR. As far as apologies the Canadian government apologized and compensated the native Canadians for forced schooling...etc, apologized to the Japanese Canadians for internment during the second world war, and apologized for the Chinese head tax, so yes countries do offer official apologies.
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:38 PM   #25

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Canadians also have universal health care, really good looking Jamadians, and great skiing. Not bad at all for a country 3000 miles long and 50 miles wide.
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:42 PM   #26

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I was going to say the parsley massacare where an estimatef 30,000 Haitians where killed but i thin Trujillo paid reparations of like 750,000 dollars? Not saying its right but oh well cant we all just get along !
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:53 PM   #27

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I see no reason that a country has to apologize for what happened generations ago. People need to move on.
Precisely. In my community years ago in Michigan City Indiana there was organized a thing by the Jaycees and others including the NAACP where dozens of white people apologized for their great grand parents sins of having owned black slaves. I found it ridiculous at the time and still do.

Der Fish
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Old 07-20-2012, 10:57 PM   #28

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anything on telly?
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Old 07-20-2012, 11:11 PM   #29

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The guy just wants attention, he's a troll. Don't give him what he wants.
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Old 07-20-2012, 11:59 PM   #30

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Thank you from you I will take this as a complement. I want to share something with you Mr DR that you may not know quick story. Once a guy in la zona was talking to me and he said " I do not like Haitian people because they do not respect their country now they come hear and do not respect ours. Then he said " are you sure you do not want a GIRL to keep you company tonight she is a good girl and you pay her whatever you want she goes to school" Do you see where I am confused here? The only people who need to apologize to Dominicans are people that begin with the little D(hint it is NOT the Dutch)

Calling me a Haitian is a complement I will take from you ALL DAY!!! Twice on Sunday.
Haitians are a tough, resilient, smart, hard working and decent people. I have had nothing but respect for them since I watched how they bounced back to life with a passion after the horrible earthquake. It was a true inspiration to watch their response to hell breaking lose in their country. Haitians in America are actually hard working and tend to get decent jobs and finish college and get decent money (unlike some groups of people who think money is laying on the streets and come to the USA and are very lazy and ghetto here).
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Old 07-21-2012, 02:41 AM   #31

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None of what you mentioned has anything to Haiti/DR. As far as apologies the Canadian government apologized and compensated the native Canadians for forced schooling...etc, apologized to the Japanese Canadians for internment during the second world war, and apologized for the Chinese head tax, so yes countries do offer official apologies.
Ok, in short, no the Haitians do not need to apologize if it is not the norm for countries to apologize about what they have done many years ago. They are not the only country to do bad things and occupy lands and people.
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Old 07-21-2012, 03:20 AM   #32

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The following is a fairly comprehensive chronological listing of major political apologies and related events.

www.upenn.edu/pnc/politicalapologies.html http://bit.ly/M18qUj
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Old 07-21-2012, 03:31 AM   #33

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Today, it seems, that many people practice what can only be described as “selective morality”. What they like, they cling to and shove down other’s throats; what they don’t like, they ignore vehemently. That which is palatable and acceptable is supposedly applicable to all; while that which is obnoxious, inconvenient, or self-denying is only applicable to those they disagree with. Their hypocrisy is so rampant that even the validity of calling oneself “fair–minded ” is in question.
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Old 07-21-2012, 03:57 AM   #34

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Haitians are a tough, resilient, smart, hard working and decent people. I have had nothing but respect for them since I watched how they bounced back to life with a passion after the horrible earthquake. It was a true inspiration to watch their response to hell breaking lose in their country. Haitians in America are actually hard working and tend to get decent jobs and finish college and get decent money (unlike some groups of people who think money is laying on the streets and come to the USA and are very lazy and ghetto here).
Too bad they can't do the same thing in their own country! Have you been to Little Haiti in Miami?

let's compare Little Haiti with Washington Heights!
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Old 07-21-2012, 06:41 PM   #35

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When Sánchez Ramírez defeated Ferrand in the Battle of Palo Hincado in 1808 (?) and eventually took the city of Santo Domingo in a convoluted series of events, I am always wondering if he raised the Spanish flag? I frankly do not know, but I suppose that is what he did. Spain, apparently responded with some support, although "on the books" the whole island still belonged to??? and here is where it gets interesting: France because she had not recognized the rebels in Haiti as a nation? Or Spain because she was supporting Sánchez Ramírez? Or Haiti because they had conquered the French, declared their independence and therefore "owned" everything that the French had "owned" before the revolution. Pick one, they are all valid to some degree.

To Spain, de facto from 1812, since there were some Dominican representatives at the Congress of Cádiz that gave that country its first liberal constitution during the struggle against the French (a constitution that would be later ignored by Ferdinand VII after he returned to the throne with full powers, but anyway), and de jure from 1815 with the Treaty of Vienna, in which the vanquished French were forced by the Allies to return all the conquests (European and otherwise) the former did during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars of the preceding decades.
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Old 07-21-2012, 06:59 PM   #36

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Haiti may not have a lot but they always had their INDEPENDENCE. In 2012 the Dominican Republic is STILL under the SPANISH CROWN they just think their independent.
I wouldn't call being a republic of NGO's (basically, a ward of the international community) or having foreign military boots on its soil (does MINUSTAH rings a bell to you?) as being independent.
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Old 07-21-2012, 10:21 PM   #37

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I wouldn't call being a republic of NGO's (basically, a ward of the international community) or having foreign military boots on its soil (does MINUSTAH rings a bell to you?) as being independent.
Haiti DID NOT follow the RULES back then they told themselves WE ARE NOBODY'S SLAVES, and for that they paid a heavy fine imposed by a couple of very POWERFUL nations. I respect Haitians not because what they have down, but WHO they are as a nation present and past.

BTW You want to talk about independence ask the DR why they needed Japan to donate garbage trucks. Something as BASIC as removing trash and they needed help from another country. If I was the President of DR and another country offer garbage trucks to help out my country, it would HURT my FEELING. The first thing that would come to mind is "what are you trying to say, the DR is JUNKY? Do you think the DR STINK? Remember I did not offer the trucks JAPAN did. So send the hate mail to Tokyo.
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Old 07-21-2012, 10:25 PM   #38

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Too bad they can't do the same thing in their own country! Have you been to Little Haiti in Miami?

let's compare Little Haiti with Washington Heights!
For you it has NOTHING to do with one being Haitian and another being Dominican, but comes down to the two cities. New York City is a much prosperous city then Miami.
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:21 AM   #39

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Haiti DID NOT follow the RULES back then they told themselves WE ARE NOBODY'S SLAVES, and for that they paid a heavy fine imposed by a couple of very POWERFUL nations. I respect Haitians not because what they have down, but WHO they are as a nation present and past.

BTW You want to talk about independence ask the DR why they needed Japan to donate garbage trucks. Something as BASIC as removing trash and they needed help from another country. If I was the President of DR and another country offer garbage trucks to help out my country, it would HURT my FEELING. The first thing that would come to mind is "what are you trying to say, the DR is JUNKY? Do you think the DR STINK? Remember I did not offer the trucks JAPAN did. So send the hate mail to Tokyo.
I wasn't discussing the fact that the DR wasn't independent, but rather, your implying that Haiti was somehow more independent than the DR is when it's basically in a similar or worse condition. What do you say about a country that is incapable of making even the most basic of exercises, which is providing its so called citizens with identity papers in place?
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Old 07-22-2012, 12:25 AM   #40

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Besides, JMB, I don't see any plausible reason for your being emotionally invested in their defense, when in real life you're just another "blan" to be feared and distrusted by the lot of them.
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