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Old 07-27-2012, 05:44 PM   #21

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The best buy for your vehicle here is putting one of those super loud car alarms that sound like an ambulance. But you do not use it as an alarm. They can hook it up with a handy button you can press and watch how fast the morons on their motos clear the way.

You can get one professionally installed for about 800 pesos. And front and rear Defenders are a must.
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Old 07-28-2012, 10:13 AM   #22

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Hmm, it is committed road rage in SD, they pull guns on each other for right of way. The mayor of Cabarete keeps shooting at people who don't give him right of way, I think he was arrested for an hour or two last time he did it. Road rage is different, bull bars are required for dunching offenders if they pi$$ you off. But I admit, there is not so much arm waving, and shouting, just punching, dunching and shooting.
WTF?!?! Are you serious? The MAYOR?? That's some craziness you expect to see in the movies hehe
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Old 07-28-2012, 04:04 PM   #23

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Give me a break...........
if you can drive in NYC - you can drive anywhere.

NYC, the taxistas push you, you park where you want, blow the horn all the time.......... what's new ???

Overblown BS............. lo siento
True Dat...
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Old 07-28-2012, 04:49 PM   #24

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WTF?!?! Are you serious? The MAYOR?? That's some craziness you expect to see in the movies hehe
Deadly serious, although not yet Litterally in the case of his poor victims, one apparently who had a child in the car with him as he was shot at.

I think he's been over doing the Belgium bakery produce
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Old 07-28-2012, 05:51 PM   #25

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Let me catch you up to date with how things work here.

1. Never let Dominican driving upset you. Ever. it's not going to change anytime in your lifetime, your children's lifetime, or if you die and come back a century fom now.

2. People drive here using the most important principal known in the animal kingdom: "Economy of Time." That means never, ever coming to a full stop unless it's absolutely neccassary, and even then, hesitate. eEverything is about keeping the "Momentum." Stopping or braking is contrary to saving energy efficiency. Stopping is the number one violater of "Energy Conservation".

3. In nature, everything is about conserving as much energy as possible. Albatrosses can fly for months at a time without ever landing. you need to drive like an albatross. try to brake as little as posiblle, and try and keep the momentum moving forward while you drive to work...even if this means driving over a few people who have the audacity to dare you to run them over. Run them over and don't stop except to unhitch them from your exhaust.

4. i've driven from Cabarete to Santo domingo dozens of times without ever coming to a full stop. Rob lytw--calculus professor from Carrol Morgan has seen me do it numerous times. Too numerous to count. It can be done. I have a picture right here on this computer of my gas tank after driving from Cabarete to Bonao...using only 1.1 galloon of gas on a 450cc motorcycle. This should be your goal: try and make it to work on as little gas as possible without too many casualties. its a worthy goal, and your children will be proud of you one day when your gone.

5. Remember, "Economy of time" is your friend. Embrace him. Cherish him. Make him work for you. There's only one thing you should ever stop for on this island: Poontang! Never stop for anything else. period. My uncle--a retired colonel here--gave me this piece of valuable, time tested, well-researched advice: "Nothing except Poontang is worth wasting energy on."

Sincerely, Frank
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Old 07-28-2012, 06:23 PM   #26

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Koreano: At 6:00 a.m. hardly anyone obeys traffic lights. Look both ways and go through! The AMET are not awake at that hour!

Really! I wonder where on the Duarte Highway this occurred? By Leche Rica? Go through! By Colorado? Go through! By Fabril? Go though!!

and Forgetaboutit!!

BTW, I have bumped cars that pull that sh!t on me!! A light tap!! Lots of horn and a tap and they get the message!!

And then zooooommmmm! Away you go...

I have also used the shoulder, many times...the a##holes don't learn...
I have also dreamed of driving a APC down the highway and never slowing down for the a##holes who brake on the highway. Then in Santo Domingo I would wash the blood and guts off the APC and go back north. I would bet that after a few trips people might learn....Trujillo had the right idea at times...(sorry but he did)

LOL Professor...
You know exactly where and what I talking about here. And yet again today someone try to pull this $hit on me by Leche Rica while light was turning blue. I left as the other guy left the traffic light and he breaked... At the end they guy had enough balls to honk at me...

All I want to say is....
I feel much better today leaving the old Toyota pickup where it belong...
With the dust...
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Old 07-28-2012, 06:43 PM   #27

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Give me a break...........
if you can drive in NYC - you can drive anywhere.

NYC, the taxistas push you, you park where you want, blow the horn all the time.......... what's new ???

Overblown BS............. lo siento
NYC may seems unorganized with crazy amounts of cars and trucks but it isn't. You see daily commuters and people who works there have system. It's the newbies and tourists that are problems. For example if you have to cross mid town lets say Lincoln Tunnel to Midtown Tunnel. Do not ever take big two way roads like 42nd and 34th streets, take one between 40th to 36th. Since 8th ave go north and 7th ave go south etc... stay to right lane on 8th and left on 7th etc to avoid the cars and truck turning. If you see a taxi slowing down for no reason prepare to change lane as he is making stop. If you have to merge always alternate. There are rules like that in NYC. And if you follow these basic rules you will arrive at your destination quickly without any agony of city driving... But here there are nothing like that.

Oh I've got just one advice...
Stay to left side. It is better to hit oncoming traffic then killing a guy with Brugal on your right.
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Old 07-28-2012, 06:48 PM   #28

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I tell people in Boston,arguably worse drivers than NYC,that driving in the DR is "Just Like Here",except,when you get to an intersection,before you cross,look left,look right,look in front,look behind,if all those are clear you can proceed,"Oh!",one more thing,look up,then look down,THEN "Take A Chance".Doesn't apply at night,Dominicans either have 6 Xenons on high beam,or no lights at all.
When I had my van,I put 4, 500,000 candle power lights on the roof,two on my "Defensa",and I put super bright bulbs in the normal front head lights.I drove around at night with just the lowbeams on,however,if an approaching driver would not dim their lights,"Wham",I hit them with "Everything".I think I could hear their retinas frying!!!!
I once sat in the van at night,and shown??? my lights in a reflective store window, and "WOW"! it even scarred me!
My way of life here is to "Do Unto Others"!
Try blocking the street,or supermarket lanes in front of a Dominican and see how they,instantly" react.

Maybe the guys can get out some of their pentup rage before they get home,and not beat their "pareja" as severely as usual,
"Just Say'n"
I really like this...
I rarely drive at night here but sometimes I want to burn their retina as well..
Thumbs up from me CC.
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Old 07-28-2012, 06:54 PM   #29

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A heaping helping of Trujillisimo would do wonders for the country right now. And to the OP as far as driving in DR, when in Rome.....................
I know... I know...
Do as Romans do but I refust to become stupid because I live among stupid.
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Old 07-29-2012, 01:47 AM   #30

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Let me catch you up with how things work here.

1. Never let the way Dominicans drive here upset you. Ever. it's not going to change anytime in your lifetime, your children's lifetime, or if you die and come back a century fom now.

2. People drive here on this island using the most important principal known in the animal kingdom: "Economy of Time." That means never, ever coming to a full stop unless it's absolutely neccessary. Everything about "Economy of Time" is about keeping the "Momentum" going without ever stopping. Stopping or braking is contrary to saving energy. Stopping is the number one enemy of "Energy Conservation."

3. In nature, everything is about conserving as much energy as possible. Albatrosses can fly for months at a time without ever landing. you need to drive like an albatross, in that, you should never, ever stop or brake. Also, try and keep the momentum moving forward while you drive to work...even if this means driving over a few people who have the audacity to step in front of you. If they do, however, make the mistake of playing "Chicken" with your car, simply run them over and don't stop except to unhitch them from your front bumper.

4. I've driven from Cabarete to Santo domingo dozens of times without ever coming to a full stop. Rob lytw--calculus professor from Carrol Morgan--has seen me do this numerous times. Too numerous to count. It can be done. I have a picture right here on this computer of my gas tank after driving from Cabarete to Bonao...using only 1.1 galloon of gas on a 450cc motorcycle. This should be your goal: try and make it to work on as little gas as possible without too many casualties. its a worthy goal, and your children will be proud of you one day when you get out of prison.

5. Remember, "Economy of time" is your friend. Embrace him. Cherish him. Make him work for you. There's only one thing you should ever stop for on this island: Poontang! Never stop for anything else. period. My uncle--a retired colonel here--gave me this piece of valuable, time tested, well-researched advice: "Nothing except Poontang is worth stopping for or wasting energy on."

Sincerely Frank
htDgExh8 is offline

Old 07-29-2012, 01:58 AM   #31

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I know... I know...
Do as Romans do but I refust to become stupid because I live among stupid.
It is not stupid, just a little chaotic to those who are more regimental. I don't know what it says about me, but I prefer these conditions, is a bit more risk because of others but you can get away with alsorts you just couldn't elsewhere.
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Old 07-29-2012, 12:09 PM   #32

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I hardly ever ever have problems driving here using a couple of simple principles...

Drive fast; so that hardly anything cathes you eliminates problems from the rear
Look forward; towards the road and its traffic and think about what can go wrong and how you can overtake them in the fastest way possible
Know the road; so you know people will swerve around the pothole underneath that overhanging branch
Don't be a coward; driving timidly here doesn't eliminate challenges it just leaves you unable to pick your own
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Old 07-29-2012, 03:28 PM   #33

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LOL Professor...
You know exactly where and what I talking about here. And yet again today someone try to pull this $hit on me by Leche Rica while light was turning blue. I left as the other guy left the traffic light and he breaked... At the end they guy had enough balls to honk at me...

All I want to say is....
I feel much better today leaving the old Toyota pickup where it belong...
With the dust...
The light turning blue?
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Old 07-29-2012, 04:51 PM   #34

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Driving "nicely" here will only end in you being at an intersection for way too long or stuck behind some other idiot who also wants to drive "nicely".

Only time to drive somewhat civilized here is around the money hungry mAMETS.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.... or you will get stuck in traffic... or worse.
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Old 07-29-2012, 06:53 PM   #35

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Driving "nicely" here will only end in you being at an intersection for way too long or stuck behind some other idiot who also wants to drive "nicely".

Only time to drive somewhat civilized here is around the money hungry mAMETS.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.... or you will get stuck in traffic... or worse.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do...or you will be a human sacrifice of the Romans, and then will you suffer from the Romans.

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Old 07-30-2012, 04:16 PM   #36

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I hardly ever ever have problems driving here using a couple of simple principles...

Drive fast; so that hardly anything cathes you eliminates problems from the rear
Look forward; towards the road and its traffic and think about what can go wrong and how you can overtake them in the fastest way possible
Know the road; so you know people will swerve around the pothole underneath that overhanging branch
Don't be a coward; driving timidly here doesn't eliminate challenges it just leaves you unable to pick your own
I think you hit the nail on the coffin. I think this is the only way to drive here. Come to think of it. Everything has numbed down or dumb down to my level and I don't get as frustrated as much. I try to pass by other cars and if others are passing me at going between speed of 100-120, I just let them by. Now if there's way to stop all those slow moving trucks coming to left when ever I try to over take them I'll be all set..
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Old 07-30-2012, 04:18 PM   #37

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The light turning blue?
Green you know what I was saying...
Blue colors at my work has been causing problem lately. I guess it popped up when ever I thing about colors...
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Old 07-30-2012, 05:26 PM   #38

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I think you hit the nail on the coffin. I think this is the only way to drive here. Come to think of it. Everything has numbed down or dumb down to my level and I don't get as frustrated as much. I try to pass by other cars and if others are passing me at going between speed of 100-120, I just let them by. Now if there's way to stop all those slow moving trucks coming to left when ever I try to over take them I'll be all set..

With all due respect I would not make it practice to go faster than the general flow of traffic here in the DR. I've been driving here all over the island since 1999. Obviously at times on the highway one needs to go fast to get around a vehicle but this isn't good general advice. The two main driving rules here are "slow transitions" and "project your intentions". Also, since this is the DR nobody is in a hurry. If you are still in hurry it's because you haven't become aplatanado enough yet.
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Old 07-30-2012, 06:35 PM   #39

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With all due respect I would not make it practice to go faster than the general flow of traffic here in the DR. I've been driving here all over the island since 1999. Obviously at times on the highway one needs to go fast to get around a vehicle but this isn't good general advice. The two main driving rules here are "slow transitions" and "project your intentions". Also, since this is the DR nobody is in a hurry. If you are still in hurry it's because you haven't become aplatanado enough yet.
Chip perhaps that's it. I haven't been localized enough yet. I am laid back kind of guy and back in the states it showed in my driving as well. But there's something on the roads of DR makes my blood pumping faster rate at times. Perhaps I haven't seen enough roads of DR yet.
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Old 07-30-2012, 07:09 PM   #40

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With all due respect I would not make it practice to go faster than the general flow of traffic here in the DR. I've been driving here all over the island since 1999. Obviously at times on the highway one needs to go fast to get around a vehicle but this isn't good general advice. The two main driving rules here are "slow transitions" and "project your intentions". Also, since this is the DR nobody is in a hurry. If you are still in hurry it's because you haven't become aplatanado enough yet.
Not in a hurry? I have lost count of the number of times I have been passed by a Dominican driver only for them to go a very short distance and pull over or make a turn in front of me causing me to slow down while hitting the breaks to avoid hitting them. How often do you drive a car here?
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