DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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Maryjasmine 12-16-2011 07:02 PM

What faiths do you believe are close to becoming united into one?
What faiths do you believe are close to becoming possibly united into one?

Many people talk about the differences between faiths but I was wondering about those where the differences are only small.

MichaelfromSpace 12-16-2011 08:45 PM


What faiths do you believe are close to becoming possibly united into one?

Many people talk about the differences between faiths but I was wondering about those where the differences are only small.
You know I try to be an optimist but to respond to this question would not show that so I will just read others' posts.

swissloveone 12-16-2011 11:26 PM

I feel it must be possible. I know friends who describe themselves as Universalists. Have they not made that step to unity?

Crilosajsamq 12-16-2011 11:45 PM


I feel it must be possible. I know friends who describe themselves as Universalists. Have they not made that step to unity?
Good point. I don't know enough about that belief to comment. I think Rake and Connie go, or have gone, to one of those.

Poreponko 12-17-2011 12:49 AM


What faiths do you believe are close to becoming possibly united into one?

Many people talk about the differences between faiths but I was wondering about those where the differences are only small.
I consider myself an Universalist. My spiritual education was within a very liberal and universalist "Sampradaya" (spiritual tradition) of the Sanatana Veda Dharma. I see no difference between religions. I understand every religion to be an instrument or tool that can be used to help us in the path of Spiritual Enlightenment.

Going back to the original question: "What faiths do you believe are close to becoming possibly united into one?" It is interesting to note that the Sanatan Dharma was originally an oral tradition that eventually branched out into three different religions that have more in common than they have differences: Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. The differences are so few that among those three religions that there have been very few conflicts. It would not surprise me that as time moves on they would move closer together.

At the Moriviví Hermitage thre is a special altar dedicated to three spiritual icons that I find to have influenced my spirituality in a very special way: Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Sri Bhagavan Krishna. Nevertheless, I do not preach any of the Three. My emphasis is Spiritual Enlightenment through Understanding, Love, and Compassion.

neniajany 12-17-2011 01:18 AM

I have made that comment before but what you call Hinduism and I call Liberal Christianity does have many parallels (IMO).
I always look forward to your posts Hermano.
I also like your quote ". I see no difference between religions. I understand every religion to be an instrument or tool that can be used to help us in the path of Spiritual Enlightenment.".

mpxricyNimb 12-17-2011 06:04 AM

i won't go out that far on a limb and name belief systems.however pete makes a good point as does hermano luis. most uniterian universalists have found a way to incorporate (almost)all beliefs,and non beliefs.just keep in mind not everyone in the uu fellowship believes the same way tho.

casinobonbiner 12-17-2011 11:13 PM

I don't believe that the religions or spiritualisms or sciences (how ever you want to call it) will every truly come together if they do not open their minds to others ways and try to accept that we are all on the same "general" journey. As things are right now, people seem to be too concerned with themselves and stuck in their own ways to even take a glance at someone else's path, let alone walk with them.

dushappeaps 12-17-2011 11:47 PM


I'm not too sure that will ever happen because man's pride and ego demands of him to be superior over others. I also do not see those of science, elitists, or atheism coming on board. But, in the end, truth always wins out, regardless of affiliation....It just happens! Like kharma.........and I am thankful for that....
Hehehe. You be careful talking about Atheists. I'm one of them.

vesiasmepay 12-18-2011 01:19 AM


I'm not too sure that will ever happen because man's pride and ego demands of him to be superior over others. I also do not see those of science, elitists, or atheism coming on board. But, in the end, truth always wins out, regardless of affiliation....It just happens! Like kharma.........and I am thankful for that....
and yet, man's very survival has rested upon working collectively and building relationships with others. On our own we would have been easy pickings for nearly every other preditor and would unlikely to have survived childhood. What if the goal of this life was not to prove one is superior but to recognise we need each other.

greekbeast 12-18-2011 01:26 AM


and yet, man's very survival has rested upon working collectively and building relationships with others. On our own we would have been easy pickings for nearly every other preditor and would unlikely to have survived childhood. What if the goal of this life was not to prove one is superior but to recognise we need each other.
Good points....but mustn't there be a pecking order? Aren't some people naturally smarter or stronger? Shouldn't we recognize our strengths and weakeness?

rhiniddibiarmr 12-18-2011 02:16 AM

only because we accept that there must be one.yes there are smarter or stronger people than others.but must they be ou leaders?

viagradiscounttt 12-18-2011 05:40 AM


What faiths do you believe are close to becoming possibly united into one?

Many people talk about the differences between faiths but I was wondering about those where the differences are only small.
By faiths, do you include Christian denominations? The reason I ask is that I believe there are too many denominations in Christianity. Raised as an Orthodox Christian, I don't agree with all their teachings in my old age. Too strict and too many Hierarchs in too many Jurisdictions.

Mmzmptvk 12-18-2011 10:40 AM


There is nothing wrong with recognizing one's strengths so long as they do not use that stregrth to victimize or oppress others. There is also nothing wrong with recognizing one's weaknesses, so long as one does not use it as an excuse to do nothing. And because one is smarter intellectually, does not necessarily mean one is more adept at surviving great odds. Intellect does not necessarily have a bearing on common sense or intuition, or have the needed skills to survive. I think these are relative terms.
Nice points! All people are needed for their own attributes. However, earlier it seemed we were down on leaders. Yes, even leaders are needed. - Maybe intelligence and strength are as inportant in a leader as organizational skills?

jokilewqs 12-18-2011 07:42 PM


Perhaps integrity. honesty, truthfulness, and good moral character would be a good place to start?...http://www.ulctribal.com/forum/images/smilies/uhuh.gif
All at once??? You sure are asking for a lot!

gogFloark 12-18-2011 11:53 PM

I agree there are many people more brighter and having more knowledge than me but when it comes to issues of faith or beliefs (IMO) I am my own leadership and I do not want to give that job to anyone else whatever their abilities.

Mr_White 12-19-2011 01:11 AM

I would agree To'Na Wanagi. There are many who have inspired me (including you and JimBob). However, I feel there is a difference between being inspired by someone and them telling one what to believe or think. Something that I believe neither of you try to do.

Zebrabitch 12-26-2011 01:07 AM


Hehehe. You be careful talking about Atheists. I'm one of them.
It is good that you mention this, for I have always asked myself: Can theists and atheists find common ground without having to abandon their theism and atheism? It would be interesting to see what everyone thinks on this issue. I have an idea.

Hermano Luis

valiumcheepval 12-26-2011 01:04 PM


It is good that you mention this, for I have always asked myself: Can theists and atheists find common ground without having to abandon their theism and atheism? It would be interesting to see what everyone thinks on this issue. I have an idea.

Hermano Luis
I was talking about this subject just yesterday. I have mentioned before (I think) that my best friend is a non-denominational Christian. Sure, we disagree now and then but then I disagree with nearly everyone now and then.

I truely believe that there are two different groups of Atheists: those who simply do not accept "supernatural" myths and stories into their belief system and those who actually hate religion for whatever their reasons.

I like to consider myself part of the first group. I really don't 'hate' any religion although I am not very gentle on the institutions.

To the best of my recall I have had really negative interaction with only one zealot member here over all the years I have been a member.

ViagraFeller 12-26-2011 09:04 PM

hermano luis,
you might be suprised how well atheists and theists can get along,provided niether trys to force their beliefs on the other.i am(more)like jim bob,in that i feel it is anyones right to believe whatever gives them comfort or personal growth.

i however reserve the right to disagree with someone.

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