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#1 |
im just going to be honest here. i’ve been dying to tear buddhism apart ( just like how i tear down christianity ) .i will attack it from every angle and make it look like another piece of mythological garbage. to prep for this article i’ve been refreshing my brain on the eastern religions. you see, I hear the argument all the time that buddhism is more of a philosophy than a religion
![]() buddhism may very well be ahead of its time, but in today’s society the fundamental basics ask man to avoid his most basic evolutionary function–desire. it’s what made man man. without the constant pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and stuff , homo erectus would have perished in the african plains. in today’s society, we have held a magnifying glass to that desire ...knn . life means suffering ( WTF ) did I miss something here? Like christianity, this buddhist principle is best applied to those who lived hundreds of years ago. it certainly isn’t something that fits as well today. granted, life blows chunks at times. you can’t escape the fact that some nut job is going to do a celebration stomp on your heart at some point in your life. some ppl will deal with some financial issues. we might even get struck by lightning once or twice, but we cannot define life as suffering. if I told you, “life means bliss,” you’d look at me like i was an idiot. why then, are we so willing to equate life with suffering? simple answer. we are the most whiny, pessimistic beings on planet earth. we love to complain about everything. how often did homo erectus sit around grunting about being depressed? never! he picked up a spear, chased down a water buffalo, and stabbed it in the throat. but homo sapien is not homo erectus. while deer, bears, and rabbits have developed an instinctual fear of gunshots, homo sapien has developed an irrational fear of stock market decline and expiration dates of milk. we were no different 2,500 years ago. sometime during the rise of civilization, the problems which used to make survival the most difficult tasks on earth became so easy to overcome that man was able to do less important things–like create religion. it’s tough to argue that buddhism is not a religion when the beginning of it’s most fundamental belief structure draws you in the same as any other religion…by telling you your life sucks. the origin of suffering is attachment this principle is definitely right, but the idea that attachment will always lead to suffering is the same as saying all babies are cute. some of them are, but some of them are the ugliest damn things you’ll ever see. this attachment brings any father great joy. their kids make them happy, my car makes me happy, and this forum makes me happy. all three will cease to exist, but that doesn’t mean im going to suffer because of it. you may classify it as suffering, but the loss will be short-term when considering the length of my life. i was sad when my grandfather died. he was a huge part of my life. today, i don’t even think of him that often. if my kids don’t last longer than I do, i will be devastated, but my life will go on. the basic idea of this truth is repeated in a different form today–”money can’t buy happiness.” bullshit. yes it can. anyone who tells you money can’t buy happiness has never slept under bridge. again, i can make the opposite argument. the origin of joy is attachment. who can argue with that? meeting someone and falling in love is attachment. having children creates attachment (dumpster babies excluded). both of these are good things which may lead to suffering, but never attempting to gain anything and avoiding all attachment will only lead to more suffering. not to mention, if Buddhists aren’t trying to attain anything, what was the point of Quang Duc lighting himself on fire in South Vietnam? you don’t burn to death to make a statement about nothing. Perhaps he was attached to something after all. if that’s the case, what a stupid way to die. buddha also give up his position as a king and and trying to gain " enlightenment " ,,that is also attachment ..knn . sometimes i think buddha also love to talk cock ![]() the Cessation of Suffering is Attainable true. just ask joel osteen, joyce meyer, james ray, and dr. phil. these jackasses have made a living in selling off their own personal guides to happiness. of course, they’re all filthy rich but choose to tell you that happiness comes from 10,000 reasons other than wealth. but how does one eliminate suffering? buddha’s about to drop a bomb on us that let’s us see exactly why Buddhism is a religion, not just a philosophy. ![]() the path to the cessation of suffering this refers to the “Eight-fold Path” which can help eliminate suffering. the basic idea here is to end suffering, one must give up there desire for things. this truth is another which is contrary to human nature. i could argue the exact opposite. why does capitalism do so well? because human beings discovered long ago that plenty of happiness comes from getting their hands on more stuff. and how are we supposed to give up our desire for things? There’s only one way to do it of course–by following the buddhist way. in the end, that’s what religion is all about–telling you their way is supreme...knn ![]() buddhism is the supreme way, no way is right but buddhism. the idea here is exactly like christianity, islam, and hinduism–you are evil and need to follow these religious principles in order to escape your natural evils. if buddhism isn’t a religion, baseball isn’t a sport. the very idea of enlightenment is religious in nature. enlightenment is understanding which comes from something higher. if there is nothing up above, we can never really achieve enlightenment. we may achieve greater knowledge or understanding, but not enlightenment. following the four noble truths might provide happiness for some delusional ppl .but It will provide misery for others. in the end though, i just have to conclude that it’s a stupid way to live your life. for me, bettering myself is attained through hard work and the pursuit of desire , not through sitting around trying to forget that i want things. ![]() |
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#2 |
![]() buddha himself abandoned his wife and kids and spent the rest of his life sitting under a tree, avoiding responsibility and living off hand-outs. i struggle to see how this is good...or maybe I do. i have opted out of life. i sit around a lot. weeds help me reach enlightenment nearly every night. and I've given up the idea of children (way too much responsibility ![]() |
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#3 |
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#5 |
life means suffering "Birth is dukkha, aging is dukkha, death is dukkha; sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, & despair are dukkha; association with the unbeloved is dukkha; separation from the loved is dukkha; not getting what is wanted is dukkha. In short, the five clinging-aggregates are dukkha." There is no standard English word for the Pali word 'dukkha'. Some use the word 'suffering', some use the word 'stress' and some use the word 'unsatisfactoriness'. Personally, I prefer the word 'undesirable'. The first noble truth does not define life as suffering. It's unfortunate that you copied this article from atheist Anthony who is just too lazy to do his homework. |
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#6 |
This is not the definition of the first noble truth. The first noble truth is defined as: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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#7 |
| why do you think life is undesirable ? As I had said, if you believe in marriage and you find happiness in it, that is your choice. There are thousands of others who don't believe in marriage. Just search the Internet. There are statistics that shows 30% up to 50% of US marriages end up in divorce. If this is true, this statistics is very close to the chances associated with gambling. As for craving for the noble eightfold path to end all cravings, this teaching is contained in the Pali Canon. I used the word 'believe' to describe my faith. Did I ever force my faith on you? It's fine with me if you want to compare me with Psalm23 and Kinana. |
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#8 |
Did I ever say that all of life is undesirable? Why do you blame me for your poor comprehension skill? Just because I hit a nerve in you by my perception of marriage? DID'NT YOUR RELIGION TELL YOU LIFE IS SUFFERING AKA " UNDESIRABLE " ( BY YOUR OWN TRANSLATION ) ? HOW CAN YOU HIT A NERVE WHEN YOUR PERCEPTION OF MARRIAGE IS BULLSHIT ? " As I had said, if you believe in marriage and you find happiness in it, that is your choice. There are thousands of others who don't believe in marriage. Just search the Internet. There are statistics that shows 30% up to 50% of US marriages end up in divorce. If this is true, this statistics is very close to the chances associated with gambling " HOW CAN BELIEVING IN MARRIAGE BE DELUSIONAL WHEN MARRIAGE CAN BE SUCCESSFUL ? DELUSION IN MARRIAGE MEANS MARRIAGE WILL NEVER WORK EVEN YOU BELIEVE IN IT ![]() ![]() " As for craving for the noble eightfold path to end all cravings, this teaching is contained in the Pali Canon. I used the word 'believe' to describe my faith. Did I ever force my faith on you " ? SINCE WHEN DID I SAY YOU FORCE YOUR FAITH ON ME ? I JUST DONT AGREE YOUR VIEW ON BUDDHISM . " It's fine with me if you want to compare me with Psalm23 and Kinana " . EVEN YOU ARE NOT FINE WITH IT ...I DONT GIVE A DAM ![]() |
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#9 |
DID'NT YOUR RELIGION TELL YOU LIFE IS SUFFERING AKA " UNDESIRABLE " ( BY YOUR OWN TRANSLATION ) ? "Birth is undesirable, aging is undesirable, death is undesirable; sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, & despair are undesirable; association with the unbeloved is undesirable; separation from the loved is undesirable; not getting what is wanted is undesirable. In short, the five clinging-aggregates are undesirable." HOW CAN BELIEVING IN MARRIAGE BE DELUSIONAL WHEN MARRIAGE CAN BE SUCCESSFUL ? DELUSION IN MARRIAGE MEANS MARRIAGE WILL NEVER WORK EVEN YOU BELIEVE IN IT SINCE WHEN DID I SAY YOU FORCE YOUR FAITH ON ME ? I JUST DONT AGREE YOUR VIEW ON BUDDHISM . A terrorist is someone who imposes his views on others by force. Don't you think I deserve an open and sincere apology from you? |
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#10 |
No, it didn't. I am amazed by the extremely poor comprehension ability of yours. How do you perceive that this passage describes the whole of life? HOW CAN BIRTH BE UNDESIRABLE ? HOW CAN AGING BE UNDESIRABLE ...ECT ? LIFE IS IS A JOURNEY THAT HAS FULL OF UPS AND DOWNS ...THAT DOES NOT MEAN LIFE IS UNDESIRABLE . BELIEVE THAT LIFE IS WORTH LIVING AND YOUR BELIEF WILL CREATE THE FACT , A MAN WHO DARES TO WASTE ONE HOUR OF TIME HAS NOT REALLY DISCOVERED THE VALUE OF LIFE JUST LIKE BUDDHA WHO SPEND HALF OFHIS LIFE SIT UNDER THE TREE DOING NOTHING . From my perspective, marriage is very much like gambling. You are 'successful' only merely because you are lucky. Statistically speaking, if you were to marry each and every woman on Planet Earth, 30% to 50% of all your marriages would end up in divorce. Gambling is very much a delusion just like marriage. YES , I DO AGREE THAT MARRIAGE IS LIKE A BIT OF GAMBLING BUT FOR GAMBLING YOU CANT CONTROL THE RESULT YOU WANTED ..FOR MARRIAGE AT LEAST YOU CAN HAVE MANY WAYS TO MAKE IT WORK IF BOTH PARTY REALLY PUT THE EFFORT TO MAKE IT WORK . " If that is the case, why did you label me as a terrorist in this thread in post #117. A terrorist is someone who imposes his views on others by force. Don't you think I deserve an open and sincere apology from you " A TERRORIST IS NOT JUST A PERSON WHO FORCE HIS VIEW ON OTHERS... TERRORIST DEFINITION ALSO MEAN THAT THEY HAVE EXTREME VIEW ON LIFE AND DESPERATELY LONGING FOR A MEANINGFUL LIFE THAT APPEAR ONLY TO COME AFTER DEATH ...THAT ALSO CAN CONSIDER A TERRORIST . SERIOUSLY I DONT THINK YOU DID FORCE YOUR VIEW ON ME ...IM SORRY IF I MAKE YOU THINK THAT WAY . |
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#11 |
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#12 |
And how can death be undesirable, right? If death is not undesirable, there would be no religions and you would be out of job in this religious folder. Err, no. This religious folder would not even exist! RELIGION ARE INVENTED BY MAN ..PERIOD . DID OTHER RELIGION ALSO TEACHES YOU LIFE IS UNDESIRABLE ? ITS ONLY YOUR RELIGION TEACH YOU LIFE IS UNDESIRABLE . AS I ALWAYS SAID EACH RELIGION USE THEY OWN WAYS TO RECUIT MEMBERS BY USING THEIR OWN NEGATIVE METHOD TO BRAINWASH PPL . FOR CHRISTAINS THEY ARE TAUGHT THAT HUMAN SINS ..FOR BUDDISM LIFE IS UNDESIRABLE . THE REASON FOR DOING THIS IS TO CREATE A ILLUSION THAT HUMAN ARE FUCKUP AND NEEDED " GOD " OR HIGHER BEING TO MAKE YOU A BETTER PERSON , AND BRAINWASHED YOU THERES SOMETHING AFTER LIFE BY INSTALLING FEAR IN YOU . AND THEY ALSO TELL YOU ONLY RELIGION CAN SAVE YOU . LETS GET THE FACTS RIGHT , THIS FOLDER EXISTS IS NOT BECAUSE RELIGION IS THE WAY OF LIFE , YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVAILD . " From my perspective, that "IF" is a very, very, very big "IF". "IF " IS NOT BIG IF YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS ![]() ![]() " Oh, whatever! You can concoct your own dictionary in whatever way you like. From my perspective, that 'longing' you are referring to is a delusion. There is no guarantee that a meaningful life awaits you after death, assuming there is life after death" . DO YOU MEAN BUDDHA ALSO DELUSION BCAUSE HE SIT UNDER A TREE AND "LONGING" FOR ENLIGHTENMENT ? ![]() |
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#13 |
ITS ONLY YOUR RELIGION TEACH YOU LIFE IS UNDESIRABLE . My religion teaches me that there are aspects of life that are desirable and there are aspects of life that are undesirable. My religion says that an appreciation of the aspects of life that are undesirable is required to understand it. Those who focus simply on the aspects of life that are desirable will not understand it, just like you. I hope this corrects your misunderstanding, but I don't hold much hope. |
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#14 |
My religion doesn't teach me that life is solely undesirable. there is no point arguing. as buddhist , you should know that the ability , capability of every individual is different. there are quite a handful of religions in this world. human beings believe in one of this , and some don't believe in any. some believers try very hard to convert others , some have rules that disallow any believer from leaving.ce for those group that don't believe in anything , either out of stupidity or sheer ignorant , some like to comment , criticize on any religion , often erroneously. they claimed that they don't believe in anything. unknowingly they created their own religion - Atheism |
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#15 |
bro kryonlight , ![]() |
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#16 |
bro kryonlight , ![]() for some fuckup reason, many people keep getting the idea that atheism is itself some sort of religion. it's an assertion which i keep hearing in religous ppl . maybe it is because these people are so caught up in their own religious beliefs that they cannot imagine any person living without religion of some sort ![]() ![]() let's examine what considers to be the defining characteristics of "religion." ...a religion, with clearly defined rules, eschatology and a philosophy by which to live. religion is a means of understanding our existence. does atheism have anything approaching "clearly defined rules?" not in the least. there is only one "rule," and that is the rule of the definition of "atheism" - not having any belief in any gods. other than that, atheists are free to do whatever they want and still be called atheists. an atheist can do and believe absolutely anything beyond gods and still fit the definition. quite the opposite of how "rules" are treated in a religion. this is one area where a misunderstanding of what atheism is probably comes into play. does atheism have an "eschatology? eschatology is a "belief about the end of the world or the last things." now, im sure that many atheists have some sort of beliefs about how the world might end, but those beliefs sure aren't clearly defined or uniform among all of us. in fact, any beliefs about the end of the world are accidental - that is to say, they are not a necessary part of atheism. there is absolutely, positively nothing inherent in the disbelief in gods that leads one to any opinions about the end of the world. quite the opposite of how 'eschatology' is treated in a religion. does atheism contain "...a philosophy by which to live?" atheists certainly have philosophies by which they live. a popular philosophy might be secular humanism. another might be objectivism. still another could be some form of buddhism. there is not, however, a clearly defined philosophy common to all or even most atheists. in fact, there is nothing inherent in the disbelief in god(s) which leads a person to any philosophy of life . Quite the opposite of how 'philosophy of life' is treated in a religion. atheism means not believing in any gods. that's as far as "understanding existence" goes with atheism. other than gods, there's a lot of room for differences among atheists as to what they think about existence. thus, atheism itself is not an "understanding", but a single commonality. any two atheists might have as much in common as a Christian and a devout believer in Odin - both of whom are obviously theists. although some person's understanding of their existence might contain a principle of atheism, that atheism is not itself the means to understanding. the belief in an objectively existing world is a common assumption, too - but the people who share it don't belong to a common religion, now do they? Besides, since many atheists don't believe that gods "exist" and, hence, aren't a part of "existence", that disbelief doesn't have to be seen as understanding "existence". i don't believe in the tooth fairy, and that disbelief isn't a means of understanding our existence, doesn't have an eschatology, and certainly has no clearly defined rules. atheism is a disbelief, not a philosophy. my disbelief in the condom monster is not a philosophy of life - is it for anyone else? furthermore, a philosophy of life is not necessarily a religion and it doesn't necessitate that a religious belief exists in the person with the philosophy. read the list and see how atheism fares ![]() 1. belief in supernatural beings (gods). 2. a distinction between sacred and profane objects. 3. ritual acts focused on sacred objects. 4. a moral code believed to be sanctioned by the gods. 5. characteristically religious feelings (awe, sense of mystery, sense of guilt, adoration), which tend to be aroused in the presence of sacred objects and during the practice of ritual, and which are connected in idea with the gods. 6. prayer and other forms of communication with gods. 7. a world view, or a general picture of the world as a whole and the place of the individual therein. this picture contains some specification of an over-all purpose or point of the world and an indication of how the individual fits into it. 8. a more or less total organization of one's life based on the world view. 9. a social group bound together by the above now start to put on your thinkin cap ![]() ![]() |
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#17 |
My religion doesn't teach me that life is solely undesirable. ![]() |
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#18 |
if you dont focus on desirable then how you get motivation for trying ? you need to learn more about life then buddhism |
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#19 |
That's true. It's because I see nibbana as desirable and that's why I am motivated to practise the noble eightfold path. If he believes that a certain religion is not what is said to be, then he will go all out to prove it so, no? For he has already formed that conclusion in his mind, and so he acts and puts forth his efforts towards this "goal". Altho I feel a tad unease at his postings on religion, I am not one to say he can't express his views or thoughts. Everyone should be given a chance to say their piece. However, I do hope he could have some consideration on such topics, as some ppl who are not patient, or understanding, might get offended. Not posting to say u're wrong bro Kyron, also not to add to this discussion only here to put forth my piece and that's it. |
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#20 |
That's true. It's because I see nibbana as desirable and that's why I am motivated to practise the noble eightfold path. great , now we both agree that not all attactment is bad . for example attactment to drugs is bad , attactment to family or love one is good ![]() " I have learnt quite a bit about both the desirable and undesirable sides of life. I find there is no lasting satisfaction in there and that's why I see nibbana as desirable " . yes , each of us is different , every human being is different . what you think desirable for you might not be desirable for others and vice versa . so can i just say that buddha words is not that wise and perfect after all ? |
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