DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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Big A 06-23-2012 11:47 PM

Singapore Buddhist Federal is a Good example for World Buddhist
First Buddhist Council. Nirvana Blue Light North India. Nirvana Infinite Light South India. Nirvana Meditate China.

Second Buddhist Council. Nirvana Infinite South India. Later move to King Songtsen Gampo Buddhist Kingdom.

Third Buddhist Council. Nirvana Blue Light North India. Later move to Asoka Buddhist Kingdom.

Buddhist shall give up Buddhist Politic. The Three Council shall united as an One Buddhist Federal.

Beside the Three Council of Sangha Community, we also had At Home Buddhist Community.

Drugmachine 06-24-2012 01:04 AM

You mean the rest of the buddhist world should learn from Singapore Buddhist?

Lt_Apple 06-24-2012 05:39 AM

yes work together and do better

radikal 06-24-2012 11:31 AM

No sir. They should be learning from us Christians. Don't you know we have three gods? The father is god the son is god and the holy ghost is god. Sometimes Mary is also god but that's for the catholics meaning official Christian religion. So far do you understand?
We also can speak in tongues.
Yabadabadoo !! See

HedgeYourBets 06-24-2012 01:56 PM


No sir. They should be learning from us Christians. Don't you know we have three gods? The father is god the son is god and the holy ghost is god. Sometimes Mary is also god but that's for the catholics meaning official Christian religion. So far do you understand?
We also can speak in tongues.
Yabadabadoo !! See
Oh noo.......miss Kinana, ur here n again trolling other religion......your GOD do a lousy creation, the son is useless in creating more atheists n can't perform. The holy ghost? Is sleeping...should first get rid of Miss Kinana' blind faith, teach her some manner, make her study well b4 she speak. Oh no....something ugly is coming your way.....Miss Kinana, beware......your left muscle......

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