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Old 03-16-2010, 10:49 AM   #1

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Default Celebrity church? what they teach inside? [moved from coffee shop]
Foyce, Jack neo, Sun all from CHC?

isnt christian suppose to confess to god before its exposed?
if the whole matter is not expose to public, will he continue to prey on young woman and go to church every sunday and pretend to be godly? He remind me of those europe pastor that prey on young kids while pastoring them. using their trust in him as the weapon to exploit their weakness. This is worst than a direct rapist. at least the rapist rape and fuck off. This kind prey on their meat over and over again over years.

Does he go to the church to prey on young CHC girls?

what is the latest teaching by all the so call mega church?
Do they focus on Quantity than quality now?
who has the most celebrities in the church?
who build the biggest church & make the most money? the best turn out per session?

I begin to miss the small small church in the neighbourhood. The pastor will know every member in the church and the relationship is like family. Just simple worship to god but real. being in the mega church, it feel like attending rock concert than attending a sermon.
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Old 03-16-2010, 10:59 AM   #2

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Soundwave reports, CHC religious club house with charters for youths, children, young women etc etc. Attraction is more due to the feel good club house feel. Soundwave reports it is also a place for "net-working". End of report.
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:02 AM   #3

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Soundwave reports, CHC religious club house with charters for youths, children, young women etc etc. Attraction is more due to the feel good club house feel. Soundwave reports it is also a place for "net-working". End of report.
thanks, very clear report!!! I think there is also group of elite member that is more equal than the others.
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:02 AM   #4
Big A

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The mega churches are no different from small churches. They began centuries ago by following te Protestant movement that broke away from the Catholic Church. Leaders of both groups encouraged anti-semitism and brutalised and murdered millioins.

Both groups use the Bible exclusively but they follow their own holy days and their own teachings, preferring to use a verse or two to twist God's actual words and teachings.

You will not find Good Sunday, Easter or Christmas mentined as God's Holy Days in the Bible. This alone should be a warning sign to those that flock to churches blinbly.

The megachurch is a place for networking and for the church to enrich themselve. It is as simple as that.
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:08 AM   #5

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thanks, very clear report!!! I think there is also group of elite member that is more equal than the others.
The so-called elite members are used more for living adverts to promote how God has made them successful and milking of cash. In return they get as much attention as they need from the church.
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:22 AM   #6
Paul Bunyan

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Yeah, right! Queue to go in, Pastor even has a security ministry just to protect him and family and congregation! Gosh, cant believe that!
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:28 AM   #7

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The so-called elite members are used more for living adverts to promote how God has made them successful and milking of cash. In return they get as much attention as they need from the church.
Why don't you suggest that elite members has a special group of people praying for their well being?
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:32 AM   #8

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Why don't you suggest that elite members has a special group of people praying for their well being?
beside that, whenever they done something wrong, they will called in " God had forgive me, why not you ? " , then the pastor will call in to form the problem solving team. Its good to be rich and famous right...
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:37 AM   #9

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Why don't you suggest that elite members has a special group of people praying for their well being?
Soundwave was there on 2 occasions to collect data and information. Soundwave does not care who they pray for. Besides standard procedure is to get the whole congression to pray for them.

Conclusion alot of things that people want (companionship, warmth, energy, feel good) can be found there. Hence their popularity.
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:42 AM   #10

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I can't disagree more what some of you have said.
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:48 AM   #11

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The advantage of Church with huge congregation, is manpower and resources they can do things that is uncommon of others.

The church requires the cooperation of all the members of the body of Christ. Sometimes its members make serious mistakes, but this never means they are not needed. They may need rebuke followed by forgiveness and restoration, but we must recognize they are needed as members of the body of Christ as Paul make so clear in 1 Corinthians 12. Its a team effort.

In the realm of sports today and even in the corporate world, we often hear the terms, team player, team effort. In football, the truly great running backs are usually quick to give credit to the effort of the whole team, especially to the linemen, because they wisely realize a running back’s ability to make yardage is dependent upon the efforts of the rest of the team. We often hear players and coaches praising members of the team as a team players. It’s a quality highly regarded because it is so valuable to the team effort.

Jesus also teaches us about delegation of duties and responsibilities (Mark 1:14-18, 3:13-19)

More is given, more is expected.
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:49 AM   #12

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I can't disagree more what some of you have said. We now have mega-church, celebrity-church, church-shopping mall, etc. But the worst that could happen (and has happened) to our young children is that they seem to follow blindly what those famous (or infamous) people do. These famous people (who later shown to be infamous) are their role-models. No one, really no one can be our role-model and the only Role-Model we should follow is God (Psalm 118.8).

I have a thread here (see below for the hypertext) which I wrote every week and the intent is to help Christians walk closer with Jesus. However, if you are non-Christians, you too are welcome to read them. I welcome all comments if my postings are not accurate but I humble request that you refrain from using abusive language and also not to insult the faifh of other religions in this blog.

Thank you and God Bless.

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Old 03-16-2010, 11:58 AM   #13

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The mega churches are no different from small churches. They began centuries ago by following te Protestant movement that broke away from the Catholic Church. Leaders of both groups encouraged anti-semitism and brutalised and murdered millioins.
On the contrary, Protestant churches support Zionism. Aryan Nazism is anti-Semite. Catholic churches are neutral on this.

Both groups use the Bible exclusively but they follow their own holy days and their own teachings, preferring to use a verse or two to twist God's actual words and teachings.

You will not find Good Sunday, Easter or Christmas mentined as God's Holy Days in the Bible. This alone should be a warning sign to those that flock to churches blinbly.

The megachurch is a place for networking and for the church to enrich themselve. It is as simple as that. The exact birthday of Christ was not recorded in the Bible, not even the exact year. We practise calendar years In The Year Of Our Lord (AD) or Before Christ (BC). However, the birthyear of Christ can't be determined at AD 1. It's estimated to be between AD 1 and 4. The birthday of Christ, supposedly Christmas on Dec. 25 has nothing to do with Christ actually. Christmas and Santa Claus are all from northern European winter solstice festivals adapted into Christianity after their conversion.
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Old 03-16-2010, 12:13 PM   #14

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On the contrary, Protestant churches support Zionism. Aryan Nazism is anti-Semite. Catholic churches are neutral on this.

The exact birthday of Christ was not recorded in the Bible, not even the exact year. We practise calendar years In The Year Of Our Lord (AD) or Before Christ (BC). However, the birthyear of Christ can't be determined at AD 1. It's estimated to be between AD 1 and 4. The birthday of Christ, supposedly Christmas on Dec. 25 has nothing to do with Christ actually. Christmas and Santa Claus are all from northern European winter solstice festivals adapted into Christianity after their conversion.
Those are some wild and invalid statements there bro. Supporting the zionist movement has nothing to do with the Bible. You should also research more on the early church (first churches 200AD+). You should also research on the founders of Christianity. I have and that is why I made those statements.

Once you have done that, you should cover Replacement Theory and Christianity.

I don't see your rationale for bringing up Christ's birthdate. My point is that the Holy Days of the Bible have been removed from Catholicism and Christian movements.
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Old 03-16-2010, 12:23 PM   #15

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Shouldn't such crap discussion be confined to the 'Religions' Folder ?
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Old 03-16-2010, 12:38 PM   #16
Big A

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Those are some wild and invalid statements there bro. Supporting the zionist movement has nothing to do with the Bible. You should also research more on the early church (first churches 200AD+). You should also research on the founders of Christianity. I have and that is why I made those statements.

Once you have done that, you should cover Replacement Theory and Christianity.

I don't see your rationale for bringing up Christ's birthdate. My point is that the Holy Days of the Bible have been removed from Catholicism and Christian movements.
Zionism - is the definition of israelites (not necessary pure descendant of the judah tribe hence jews) wanting to have israel land back through political lobby and force of military. Nothing to do with judaism as a religion.

ramseth - to link protestant to zionism? I would assume people with that depth of knowledge of zionism should have dug deep enough to know the parties invovled before shooting from the hip and link the two. unless off course you are trying to flame the jews at every opportunity judging from your pharoah icon I cant be far from the truth? Who is your god and dont you know god of israel destroyed egypt?

Here is the link


To further add, A few years ago I went to NCC at suntec and to my horror Prince preached bible Prophecy via the concept of bible being a Mirror effect - the ending and beginning is the same. Whats intriguing and equally damning is that he used strange examples of this mirror effect of the assassination Abraham Lincoln and John F kennedy. He ended off not talking anything scriptural.

Form my viewpoint he could be a freemason because the common factors of the assassination is masonic in nature like the fact that both vice presidents have the surname Johnson, a very masonic bloodline. I may be wrong but its even more wrong to preach prophecy using assassinations, unless hes trying warn people not to mess with him.
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Old 03-16-2010, 01:43 PM   #17

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The christian god is the world's first hypocrite (if he even existed at all). Creating a world just to sing his praise! What a narcissistic god!
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Old 03-16-2010, 01:46 PM   #18

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Zionism is very much linked to Judaism. You may have Jewish ancestry but if you are not a practitioner of JUdaism, you will not be alloewd to be a citizen of Israel. The Christians in Israel today are either converted or had their forefathers there in the early years.

Today;s preaching of the "Grace Message" is nothing new. It is the same message, that Martin Luther preached centuries ago when he protested against the Catholic church's practice of selling indulgences and not allowing laypeople to read the Bible.

What KOng Hee Fatt Choy and the fake Prince are doing is essentially regurgitating what Martin Luther did centuries ago. They use any hole and crevice that they can squeeze their messages into that their listeners can easily be touched with. They distort God's teachings to suit the needs of their listeners. And they know it well.

All this talk about healing the sick HAS NEVER BEEN PROVEN! If they could cure sickness, they would have been bigger than Michael Jackson. It's all a show and a hoax and a large case of fraud.

If you look at the really huge churches in USA< they have refrained from such CURING practices because they do not want to incur the wrath of those that know better. In SG, they still do such fraudulent acts to hoodwink their crowd.
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Old 03-16-2010, 01:54 PM   #19

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Those are some wild and invalid statements there bro. Supporting the zionist movement has nothing to do with the Bible. You should also research more on the early church (first churches 200AD+). You should also research on the founders of Christianity. I have and that is why I made those statements.
That was some 1,800 years ago. Go to protestant churches today. Listen to the hymns and songs about Zion! Zion! Zion! The fact that Israel exists as country today was because of post-WW2 support from not only American Jews but also American Protestants. The Replacement Theory has been overturned long ago. It's accepted doctrine of Jews and Gentiles.
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Old 03-16-2010, 02:37 PM   #20

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That was some 1,800 years ago. Go to protestant churches today. Listen to the hymns and songs about Zion! Zion! Zion! The fact that Israel exists as country today was because of post-WW2 support from not only American Jews but also American Protestants. The Replacement Theory has been overturned long ago. It's accepted doctrine of Jews and Gentiles.
The Zion that they sing about is not the same Zion that is in existence today. Replacement Theory will have shown you this clearly.

Jews and Gentiles were accepted even before Christ was on earth. What is to you 1800 years ago is what many the modern churches adhere to. Have you covered Replacement Theory yet? Because Replacement Theory is the onus, the bais from which people destroy God's Word by choosing single or slightly more verses to push through their lies.

Without Replacement Theory, there would not have been the many demonic churches you see today.

Seperately, I ask you these -

When Cain was thrown out of the Garden, who were the people he was afraid of that were living outside of the Garden?

When Noah brought the animals into his ark, how many of each kind did he bring?

When Christ said to Peter that he would build the church from Peter. Did Christ actually mention the word church or did Christ use another word commonly found in the Old Testament? A Septuagant may come in handy here.
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