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Old 07-07-2009, 11:58 PM   #1

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Default Favorite Biblical Inconsistencies
That being said, let me now present some of my all-time favorite Bible theory inconsistencies.

If God is all-powerful, why did He take 6 days to create the universe, resting on the 7th? Why didn't He just snap his proverbial fingers and create everything all at once, and not need rest afterwards? Doesn't sound so all-powerful to me.

The great flood: Why not just kill the people, and not all the animals? 40 days seems like overkill, doesn't it? Why torture the damned by drowning them slowly, instead of killing them in a blink with the all-powerful hand of God? After God killed all the people on the planet, why not make a better human, instead of allowing the species to continue after it had proven itself unworthy?

Why do other planets and stars exist? Whole galaxies? Why did God go to such extents to make us disbelieve the Bible?

Why are we here? If it is "to serve god", why does God need to be "served", and why can't we do it from heaven?

We have free will, but God already knows who will sin, who will accept Him, etc, for all eternity (since he has perfect knowledge of the future). He has in effect known you would be reading this article since the beginning of time. Given that, why not just send our souls (and those of our descendants) to Heaven or Hell, depending on what He knows we'll do?

Why does God care if he is praised? He is this all-knowing, super being, why does He care if we mere humans give him credit for creating all this?

How can anyone justify the fact that this merciful, loving god is sending all non-Christians to Hell, no matter how good they are? However, terrible people, including Hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer, could go to Heaven if they accepted God before death

Why does this wonderful, forgiving God hold Adam's sin over all our heads? Why must we all pay for this by being permanent sinners? Again, God made the rules and this is God's choice, so you're going to have to explain why God CHOOSES to hold this incredible grudge.

If God was so angry, why didn't he just kill Adam and Eve and start over? He killed a lot of other people in the Bible for less.

Where did God come from? How did He get created? Why is it a valid argument to say that He "always existed", but an invalid argument to say the same thing about matter and energy?

If God is trying so hard to be near us, why doesn't He show himself? I mean, really, show himself to all of us? Why have there been no miracles since the Bible (note, I mean REAL miracles like the spontaneous end of disease or hunger)? Why not show yourself by giving all humans perfect knowledge of your existence (like angels) if it's so important to be praised by us?

Hell is used by many as a good reason in and of itself to practice religion. Hell, in theory, is so bad that the mere possibility of its existence - no matter how small - warrants prayer to God. This implies that religion is a self-serving decision, not an exercise in humility or praise. In other words, greed. Yes folks, one of the seven deadly sins. Furthermore, since God can apparently read minds, He will easily see through your futile attempt at deceiving Him and send you to Hell. Therefore, by this argument, prayer is useless; you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

Why believe the Bible over other stories of gods, like the Greek gods, Roman gods, or Celtic gods? They also answer all the questions, just like the Bible, and they all have the same corroboration (none) so why believe one over the other?

There's more! Let's talk Jesus!

What was Jesus' purpose? Common answer: "to save us from our sins." Why have a son (why not God himself), and why did he have to die for our sins? Why didn't God just "save us" himself? He is God, right? He can do whatever he wants, so why the whole Jesus thing?

Another response is to say that Jesus gave God a sense of what it's like to be human. Jesus did not give God a sense of life as a human. First of all, since God is all-knowing, he already had such a sense. Second, you can't get a sense of being human by walking around being the son of God. In order to know what it's like to be a human you need to go completely through life as a human. You need to fall in love, get married, have kids, pay taxes, and, most importantly, fail at something (which theists maintain did not happen, see #3). This response leads us to believe that God has no idea of what these basic principles are like.

Jesus was also supposed to be 100% perfect. Then why aren't we all Christian? He didn't do a perfect job of converting people (that was his purpose, right?), He didn't do a perfect job of spreading the message of peace (crusades, holy wars) despite a PERFECT knowledge of humans.

A perfect, all powerful being can only do something with perfect results. Ergo, either God did not intend to save all humans, rather a precious few, or he is imperfect. You choose.

"Jesus was God's intermediary." Why does an all-powerful being need an intermediary? He could give us all perfect knowledge of His existence with a snap of the fingers. Surely he could just, I don't know, talk to us?

"Jesus chose to die to take our place?" Nope. God made the rules, he can change them. He didn't need Jesus to save humans, all he needed to do was forgive sin. All God had to do was change his mind!
No, Jesus was neither useful nor needed. He did nothing God himself couldn't have done better, quicker, and easier.

Now, in synopsis, here are some interesting "facts" about God.

He knows the future, so he has known forever that Humans would be created, that he would flood the Earth, that he would send Jesus, and that most would reject Him. In effect, he set up his "children", whom he supposedly "loves", for that eternity in Hell.

He knows that, since Adam, billions of good, loving, hard-working people are spending an eternity in Hell because of ignorance and God's vanity, which He could reverse instantly but chooses not to.

He created awful diseases by the score and unleashed them on "his children" without care (even those who love and obey Him). He could cure all (God-made) diseases by snapping his fingers, but he won't.

He made the rules, and has the power to change them at will, but won't. In a snap, he could change everything, make all souls of good people go from Hell to Heaven, but refuses to do so.
What does this tell us about God? Well, there are only four options that are not contradictory to the above facts:

He is not nearly as powerful as we think he is - unlikely, because if he exists, he is strong enough to create the universe (even if it did take him 6 days)

He is stubborn to the point of malevolence - improbable, because he knows the future. Stubbornness implies unwillingness to change in light of new information, but an omniscient God would know all the information right from the start. Therefore, this option only holds water if God exists, but is not omniscient or all-powerful.
He is inherently malevolent - Logically flawed, just as a benevolent god would not unleash disease, pain, hunger and torment on his people, so would a malevolent god be loath to give us children, sunsets, and chocolate.

He is nonexistent, and the Bible is a work of fiction laden with massive flaws in logic, because it was made up by flawed humans over a period of time in an effort to subdue the masses. Any way you slice it, common sense and a little education always brings you here
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Old 07-08-2009, 12:53 AM   #2

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Really agree with you, i also posted something on this as well:
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Old 07-08-2009, 01:16 AM   #3

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hi there,

with regards to yr questions.. it is common for people to ask.. this and that..

as a catholic, all i can say is all these creation is a mystery to us including me.. Just remember, God's way is far beyond the understanding of any human being.. It seem common sense to us judging by yr logic.. but not to God. who is today, tomorrow and forever.. But whatever is God's reasoning is far, far better than us.. and is ALWAYS A LOVING GOD TO EVERYONE OF US.


catholic christian..
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Old 07-08-2009, 01:29 AM   #4

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To say that God is non existent.. is a bit overkill.. 1stly, ask yrself.. where do we go from here after our life on this earth has finished??

If we answer .. i dun know.(sincerely) . we are humble enough to acknowledge our humanity. cause not everyone knows where he is going..

if our answer we will just perish.. just like that.. using science or our logic to determine the cause of death.. then we are just ignorant .. or refuse to see far beyond death..

Just like birth, death after this life has a greater meaning to the Someone up there.. and that someone is God..

we cannot ignore the fact that everything is created from nowhere it has to be created from somewhere and where is that somewhere? Every life here has a origin . and where is that source.. even plants.. ok.. from seeds, soil etc.. but these seeds and soils from where??

something to ponder??

take care and God Bless!

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Old 07-08-2009, 01:44 AM   #5

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Really agree with you, i also posted something on this as well:

just read your post ...your thoughts is as good as mine. Cheers
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Old 07-08-2009, 01:49 AM   #6

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hi there,

with regards to yr questions.. it is common for people to ask.. this and that..

as a catholic, all i can say is all these creation is a mystery to us including me.. Just remember, God's way is far beyond the understanding of any human being.. It seem common sense to us judging by yr logic.. but not to God. who is today, tomorrow and forever.. But whatever is God's reasoning is far, far better than us.. and is ALWAYS A LOVING GOD TO EVERYONE OF US.


catholic christian..
dude , if you think that those creation is a mystery and far beyond understanding to any human being ? why believe in the first place ? Do you also believe in superman flying around saving people ? no you dont , right ? and if you dont believe in superman , why believe in "invisible man " ?
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Old 07-08-2009, 02:07 AM   #7

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To say that God is non existent.. is a bit overkill.. 1stly, ask yrself.. where do we go from here after our life on this earth has finished??

If we answer .. i dun know.(sincerely) . we are humble enough to acknowledge our humanity. cause not everyone knows where he is going..

if our answer we will just perish.. just like that.. using science or our logic to determine the cause of death.. then we are just ignorant .. or refuse to see far beyond death..

Just like birth, death after this life has a greater meaning to the Someone up there.. and that someone is God..

we cannot ignore the fact that everything is created from nowhere it has to be created from somewhere and where is that somewhere? Every life here has a origin . and where is that source.. even plants.. ok.. from seeds, soil etc.. but these seeds and soils from where??

something to ponder??

take care and God Bless!

theres really nothing after death , why must you think so much ? do you think theres a country call kjhfkchbb ? if you know that the country i mention does not even exist ..do you bother to find out ? why must you guys link those unanswer questions to god ? it does not make any sense .for example , if you cant solve your maths questions , do you think the answer to your maths question is god ?

yes , every life has a origin , does it mean that all those life are created by the "invisible man " ? you think too highly of your "invisible man " . if you think that good things happens always link to your god , then what about bad things ? now , start thinking ........
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Old 07-08-2009, 02:15 AM   #8
Big A

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Do u know the Chinese term


could this explain why universe is created in 6 days?

If God is what you described, doesn't make him no different from other dictator?

Our heavenly father is like our real earthly father.

No matter how much we messed up our lives, when we return home to Him, he'll still welcome us back home because of His Grace.
the world is created in 6 days ? wow..sound like harry potter story book har ? if you said 慢工出细货?why take just 6 days and not 6 years ? time to slap your own face again

gayboy , you come from your earthly father sperm and not your " dog " ...get the facts right ...i really pity your sperm owner father ...

welcome back home because of his grace ? if he wants to send non believer to hell , what grace he got ? my ass !!. i told you , bible inconsistencies
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Old 07-08-2009, 02:42 AM   #9

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To all the believers in monotheism, please help answer the following:

1. Souls, where do they go, do you have something concrete other than quoting from the book. A guy saw the ark of the covenant fall, he strives to pick it up to prevent it from falling and in the process, accidentally touches it. He dies because of this sin and there is no mention of where he goes. Heaven/Hell?
2. Healing of amputees, selective healing at work?
3. Do animals have souls too? Where do they go from here? Remember, according to your book, they were created by God too. So where do they go after they get consumed by us?
4. If God created man and man created more offspring, are we then children of God or children of men? If ultimately man gives birth to kids and all kids are created by God, then how come everyone is always killing each other? Look at the crusades, look at the terrorists bombings in the name of these religions.

It is time we take responsibility for ourselves, our own mistakes and accept things for what they are. You might feel better thinking deaths of relatives are due to his wish but many times, an accident or illness is just that, a tragedy. If every single thing is ordained by God then all the killings are in his infinite wisdom?

I know the next argument would be in his infinite wisdom and we would not know what God plans/thoughts are. Can we have something new? Just because a kid does not understand his dad's intentions does not mean he should blindly follow and accept everything someone FLESH and BLOOD wrote. If the words of man cannot be trusted, then how come people trust these words written, translated and interpreted by man?

By having all these monotheistic religions around and pointing to a final battle between believers and forces of SATAN, what is the whole point? God's sons against his own sons? Then a thousand year of suffering under SATAN and then he loses and then what? These religions are clearly divisive and always points to us versus them, saved and unsaved.

These religions clearly tells us not to trust man and to love God above all else but also to love your family and honour thy parents. It sounds good until you realised that the parents also happens to be our brothers and sisters since God created all and everyone is his children. Isn't all our births linked to sin since its considered incest? Where does it all end this blind faith? So to be safe, we need to die and be born again? But then if we died and paid the penance for the sin, why must we die again? Ultimately, all will die again in that sense.

It ends in suffering and a pit that these same people create ultimately, not in hell but on earth itself. Do a count if you will of how many were killed and continued to be killed due to these monotheistic religions. I am not saying those who worship other Gods are good, its just that question things and don't take it all in blindly, keep an open mind and don't allow a book to hoodwink you.

Remember that the very paper that the modern books you hold so dear was invented in China in around 2 bc or earlier.
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Old 07-08-2009, 02:46 AM   #10

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hi there,

with regards to yr questions.. it is common for people to ask.. this and that..

as a catholic, all i can say is all these creation is a mystery to us including me.. Just remember, God's way is far beyond the understanding of any human being.. It seem common sense to us judging by yr logic.. but not to God. who is today, tomorrow and forever.. But whatever is God's reasoning is far, far better than us.. and is ALWAYS A LOVING GOD TO EVERYONE OF US.


catholic christian..
I like to believe what you said but please look at the links at the latest religion based killings and look at the broken bodies of women and children bleeding and men lying dead like animals on the ground. Is there very loving?

Lets not forget that the some of these religions killed a great deal of people in the inquisition and all manner of crazy burnings done at the stake. Remember also that the bible was selectively chosen out of a selection of texts and cobbled together. Most of the texts don't even refer or relate coherently to each other.
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Old 07-08-2009, 02:58 AM   #11

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"If I [Jesus] bear witness of myself, my witness is not true." (John 5:31)

"I [Jesus] am one that bear witness of myself..." (John 8:18)

According to these scriptures, Jesus was a false witness.

"And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary...." (Matthew 1:16)

"And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being ... the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli..."(Luke 3:23)

"Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" (John 10:34)

According to this scripture, Jesus thought that the Jewish law (i.e., the Old Testament) reported that he said the Jews were gods.

"Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh...." (Romans 1:3)

"And I [Jesus] say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do." (Luke 12:4)

"Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple..." (John 8:59)

"After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because Jews sought to kill him." (John 7:1)

A case of do as I say, not as I do!

"Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I [Jesus] tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three." (Luke 12:51-2)

"Think not that I [Jesus] have come to send peace on earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword." (Matthew 10:34)

"...for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." (Matthew 26:52)

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." (Luke 22:36)

And to think that these ravings are supposed to be the sayings of one some call the prince of peace.

"For I [Jesus] am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household." (Matthew 10:35-6)

"If any man come unto me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26)

"Honour thy father and thy mother..." (Matthew 19:19)

"And call no man your father upon earth..." (Mathew 23:9)

"All that ever came before me [Jesus] are thieves and robbers..." (John 10:8)

"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I [Jesus] will liken him unto a wise man..." (Matthew 7:24)

"And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish..." (Matthew 5:29)

Who in their right mind would pluck out their eye and think that it was profitable?

"And it was the third hour, and they crucified him." (Mark 15:25)

(John 19:12-18) clearly shows that he was not crucified until after the sixth hour.

"Then was fulfilled [by Jesus] that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet..." (Matthew 27:9)

It was Zechariah, not Jeremy, who made that prophecy. See (Zechariah 11:12)

"...that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He [Jesus] shall be called a Nazarene." (Matthew 2:23)

There is no mention by the Old Testament prophets that this Jesus fellow would be called a Nazarene. God was often confused when writing the Bible.

"Verily I [Jesus] say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things [the end of the world] be fulfilled." (Matthew 24:34, Mark 13:30, Luke 21:32)

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22)

The early followers of Jesus died waiting for the end of the world, and even today, over 1900 years later, some Christians still believe that the world is to end in their generation, and that Jesus will give them anything that they ask for in prayer.

His friends come to Jesus' tomb, but the doorstone is rolled away and one angel sitting on the outside gives the news to them before they go in. (Matthew 28:1-8)

His friends come to the tomb, go inside, find nobody, are perplexed, and then two men give them the news. (Luke 24:1-4)

The other resurrection stories are different as well.

The Bible is one of twenty-seven books for which divine origin is claimed. Christians deny the divinity of all Bibles but their own. We deny the divinity of only one more than they do.

Out of 250 Jewish-Christian writings, sixty-six have arbitrarily been declared canonical by Protestants. The rejected books are of the same general character as those now published together as the "Holy Bible." Circumstances rather than merit determined selection.

For 150 years the Christian Bible consisted of the sacred books of the Jews. The New Testament was not formed until the latter half of the second century when Irenaeus selected twenty books from among forty or more gospels, nearly as many acts of apostles, a score of revelations and a hundred epistles. Why were these particular books chosen? Why four gospels instead of one? Irenaeus: "There are four quarters of the earth in which we live and four universal winds." The gospels were unknown to Peter, Paul, and the early church fathers. They were forged later.

The Bible did not assume anything like its present form until the fourth century. The Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, and Protestant canons were not adopted until modern times. The Bible was recognized as a collection of independent writings. The Council of Trent (1563) determined the Roman Catholic, Protestants denounce the Catholic Bible as a "popish imposture." The Greek Catholics at the Council of Jerusalem in 1672 finally accepted the book of Revelation. Their Bible contains several books not in the Roman canon. The Westminster Assembly in 1647 approved the list of sixty-six books composing the authorized version, the one most used in America. Our Bible, therefore, is less than 300 years old.

The Christian faith is based on the belief that the Bible is indeed the word of god. If the Bible cannot be shown to be inspired, then the Christian faith could be said to be false and no more than a farce. If the Bible cannot be shown to be inspired, then Christianity can be said to be the same as any other religion that has been devised and practiced by man.

The Bible story of Jesus is a contradictory and confusing account. The Bible shows that this Jesus fellow spoke and taught many absurd and foolish things, and often believed he was having a conversation with devils. If one will read the entire Bible, one will find tales of ignorance, murder, sexual perversions, mass insanity, idiotic laws, and even cannibalism and human sacrifice. It staggers the imagination how anyone in his right mind could read the Bible and believe that it was written by a wise, just, and loving god. Christians have found biblical scriptures telling them to burn people at the stake, to justify slavery, to oppress and persecute others, and to kill and commit war in the name of their god. Unfortunately, there are some even today who would have us return to the teachings and laws found in the Bible.

We are taught in our culture that Jesus is the divine hero, but other cultures have different saviors. Religious beliefs are a function of the culture in which one lives. If we had been reared in a different culture, we would have heard the story of a different savior, instead of the Jesus story. Upon comparing the stories of the different saviors, one finds that the similarities are so striking, it is beyond a doubt that they are more than just a coincidence.

Jesus is a myth just like all the other saviors and gods of old. Atheism is the clear and rational alternative to the confusion, fear, and superstition that are offered by religion. Atheism encourages freedom of thought and inquiry, while religion by its very nature has to encourage unquestioning obedience and blind faith in doctrines. Belief in god myths has brought misery, suppression of thought and inquiry, fear, and has promoted ignorance. The human race no longer needs these myths of old. Just as little children grow up and learn the truth about the existence of the tooth fairy, the human race needs to mature and learn the truth about the existence of god.

The choice between religion and Atheism is yours.
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Old 07-08-2009, 02:59 AM   #12

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Sometimes many people tried having babies but cannot suceed because God didN't allow it. Sometimes pregnancy got terminated as a result of miscarriages.

All children are God's blessings.
stupid fool ....we call that low sperm counts ......do you still think a virgin can give birth ?
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Old 07-08-2009, 03:00 AM   #13
Paul Bunyan

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No offence to anybody from the discussion and i do not mean any ill intent, i just wished we can discard all these religions, monotheistic or otherwise and stop all the killing and suffering in the name of the very entity who everyone doing the killing seems to pray to and kill in his name.

There was once a very intelligent argument brought to me by a gentleman i used to respect who later turned out to be so hypocritical that his and the subsequent actions by the churchmates and the other cellgroups showed me how this religion is manipulated by man.

His argument was, if his idea is wrong about God and there is reincarnation, at most he comes back as a cockroach but if others are wrong, they all go to hell.

What happens to pre-Jesus non Jews? All go to hell? My take on this now, many years later is. If reincarnation is true, if i am reincarnated, so be it, i still can come back as something and get a fair chance but if his is not true, he won't even be coming back to apologise.

Speaking of cockroaches, since they are created by God too, do they have souls? If they do, where do they go after they die? Cockroach heaven?

Hell and heaven exists as man made concepts and written even before many of these holy books, in the end the same religions that talk about peace are killing much more than those they are saving. Why must brother be at brothers throats just because they believe something else. Would you kill your own son just because he changes his surname or as a toddler, mistakenly calls someone else dad? Worthy sin for death?

I disliked confucius thinking as it ruined Chinese culture and in a way, brought about its subsequent downfall in the many dynasties that followed in the past but his theory was that men were born good just that everyone has different encounters and experiences and grow up differently with varying values. He taught love.

The holy books on the other hand teaches that man are inherently evil and great sinners and taught division and who is against us and who are the infidels.

It brings about a vicious cycle where man fight man in the name of religion and never can extricate himself as long as he keeps believing in the written word. Blind faith, man. Just like those guys i saw in Scientology who still believed in this religion started by a sci-fi writer, Ron Hubbard.

Remember again, all these books were inspired, written, translated by MAN and in the end interpreted by the MAN on the pulpit/stand.
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Old 07-08-2009, 03:08 AM   #14

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Sometimes many people tried having babies but cannot suceed because God didN't allow it. Sometimes pregnancy got terminated as a result of miscarriages.

All children are God's blessings.
I would like to talk about for those people who had difficulty conceiving but in the end did conceive because of medical breakthroughs such as IVF, and other medical methods etc.

Should they thank God for the birth or thank the doctor who made it possible? Yes the eggs and sperm are naturally in the body but it is the man's scrotum/testicles area which created the sperm and the women who held the eggs. If not for the fact that the doctor mated the sperm and the egg in an artificial setting, an embryo would never have been formed in the first place. Was this meant to be and written in the books? Lots of things are clearly left out and its clearly imperfect but still people go ahead to believe wholeheartedly in a couple of flawed books.

I agree that children are a very good thing to have, i have a couple and i am infinitely proud of them. I will not even try to influence them on religion when they grow up, i will just give them the information and let them decide for themselves. An open mind is really hard to come by these days.
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Old 07-08-2009, 03:09 AM   #15

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No offence to anybody from the discussion and i do not mean any ill intent, i just wished we can discard all these religions, monotheistic or otherwise and stop all the killing and suffering in the name of the very entity who everyone doing the killing seems to pray to and kill in his name.

There was once a very intelligent argument brought to me by a gentleman i used to respect who later turned out to be so hypocritical that his and the subsequent actions by the churchmates and the other cellgroups showed me how this religion is manipulated by man.

His argument was, if his idea is wrong about God and there is reincarnation, at most he comes back as a cockroach but if others are wrong, they all go to hell.

What happens to pre-Jesus non Jews? All go to hell? My take on this now, many years later is. If reincarnation is true, if i am reincarnated, so be it, i still can come back as something and get a fair chance but if his is not true, he won't even be coming back to apologise.

Speaking of cockroaches, since they are created by God too, do they have souls? If they do, where do they go after they die? Cockroach heaven?

Hell and heaven exists as man made concepts and written even before many of these holy books, in the end the same religions that talk about peace are killing much more than those they are saving. Why must brother be at brothers throats just because they believe something else. Would you kill your own son just because he changes his surname or as a toddler, mistakenly calls someone else dad? Worthy sin for death?

I disliked confucius thinking as it ruined Chinese culture and in a way, brought about its subsequent downfall in the many dynasties that followed in the past but his theory was that men were born good just that everyone has different encounters and experiences and grow up differently with varying values. He taught love.

The holy books on the other hand teaches that man are inherently evil and great sinners and taught division and who is against us and who are the infidels.

It brings about a vicious cycle where man fight man in the name of religion and never can extricate himself as long as he keeps believing in the written word. Blind faith, man. Just like those guys i saw in Scientology who still believed in this religion started by a sci-fi writer, Ron Hubbard.

Remember again, all these books were inspired, written, translated by MAN and in the end interpreted by the MAN on the pulpit/stand.

those religious people are fighting who got the best "imaginary friends " ?
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Old 07-08-2009, 03:18 AM   #16
Paul Bunyan

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those religious people are fighting who got the best "imaginary friends " ?
Its sad but true. It would be good if we can have an intelligent discussion just based on facts and not base their arguments by quoting from their flawed books. The church disbelieved Galileo when he expounded the round earth theory just because its not in the book.

Maybe someone can use the book to correct me but the last i checked, the earth kind of looked sphere like, if not a bit oblong. The books do not mention potatoes also but alot of kids love french fries?

Since it grows underground, its from SATAN??? Who about sweet potatoes and yam then but then onions are also underground?? I rest my case.
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Old 07-08-2009, 03:57 AM   #17

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The teaching of confuscious shall out live the bible, because it is universal. mutual respect.
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Old 07-14-2009, 01:53 AM   #18

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Nov 2008
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you have problems with christianity or christ?? seem to arrow at jesus or the bible or the christians..

Maybe you were angry with them?? maybe their answers is not in tune with yr logic.. judging by yr logical explanations.. it is very natural that any human beings will accept yr logics.. very rational in SECULAR terms. but not in God's ways..

You must remember that God's ways are not our ways..

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Old 12-22-2009, 05:33 PM   #19

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Oct 2005
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Interesting thread.

Can some Christians explain the inconsistencies over here?

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Old 12-22-2009, 05:53 PM   #20

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Jan 2008
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yes i really agree with you wow! you know very much about him that's good!
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