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My Dad's Bible. The physical evidence of a lifetime of faithfulness, study and living what you believe in.
Atheist checking in..
Your dad's dedication is awe inspiring. |
Me too. That is really impressive.
Even though it may not be for many years, after he passes, I plan on turning it into a website. Will be searchable, scrubbable but will keep it simple. Will take high res photos of every page. Can't wait to do this.
Also... big shoes to fill. |
A bible that's falling apart usually belongs to a person who's not.
looks like the guy's wall from A Beautiful Mind
the problem with having a really nice bible with lots of footnotes and such is that you never want to write in it. I would love to have a ragged, beat up bible, but I take such good care of mine that only the creases in the leather point to its use.
I'm not big on writing in my Bible, but I do underline things that stick out to me. Over time this means that when I come back to a book I haven't read in a while, and I see a bunch of underlining, I get excited to re-read because I know that at some point in the past this stuff inspired me.
The last 3+ years I've also been keeping daily journals of specifically what stood out to me about the verses I underlined. I haven't gone back much to read them but I'm sure I will at some point. The downside to this is sometimes I see a really sweet Bible I'd like to buy, but no new Bible can replace my own Bible now unless I spend the time to go page by page through it and re-underline everything. |
This used to be one of those nice bibles, but are mainly side flanked with reference notes. (you can see them surrounded) :)
The new bibles definitely have less room, but this is pretty tight also. Just do it! PS. I recommend getting a journaling bible. The ESV journal bible is a very nice one and a great translation. Tons of room for writing. http://www.amazon.com/Single-Column-Journaling-Bible-Brown/dp/1433531925/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1352588888&sr=1-4&keywords=esv+bible |
I use the ESV Journaling but its not so organized. Yet from now on I will aim for this.
Did you see this new one I linked to? It has lines to help and is nice and offset in layout. I like it. http://o7.no/TmFchF
Sweet mother of goodness that one is nice with a strap and everything. I feel inferior like mine is the 4S.
I have one, but the bindings are giving out and it needs to be rebound. It's only 5 years old, so that's disappointing.
Um... Am I the only one who doesn't write in his bible?
I don't either. Personal preference, I guess. I note stuff down on my computer or on paper instead. I have a friend who writes in her Bible a lot though.
What kind of things do people generally feel the need to write about in their bibles, or in your case on paper/computer?
In the first bible I got during my teen years (when I started actually questioning things) often times I would put question marks my stuff I didn't understand, stars by things I really liked- or I'd just underline those things heavily. On the margins I would often write things that might help me find the verse if I was looking for it specifically. For example, I remember writing "homosexuality" in the side on the few passages that dealt with it (mostly because it is a controversial issue, so knowing the scripture references that deal with it is a good idea). Any really interesting or inspiring verses, I might write a little note on the side about the verse so that when I am there the next time, I will read the verse and have greater personal context. I guess in the end, it really depends on the person. I would find little value in having every inch of my margins filled to the brim with different colored text (like this current image) for the same reason that I don't highlight every sentence of the Bible. You highlight the stuff that personally speaks to you and/or that you want to find easier in the future!
Sometimes a certain passage can be particularly inspiring or you could right down a time it has helped you. Sometimes I'll jot down a verse on a piece of paper if I don't fully understand it so I can research it. My bible is fairly small and there's not a lot of room for writing in it, plus I'm kinda particular about some things and it would bother me if ink bled through..
I'm interested in this too. There isn't room to write much, so is it just cross references?
I highlight things in different colour codes.
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