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#1 |
This site is an important resource for 9/11 FACTS, not theories.... Read this as well: 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED |
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#2 |
This site is an important resource for 9/11 FACTS, not theories....Originally Posted by shadow7 ![]() |
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#3 |
There are dozens of facts in the articles I sent. You can also get contact information there to challenge the editor of TVNL with your brilliance. What are your credentials that you can challenge the physicists and other scholars who have debunked the official story? Of course, you're ready to support your claim.
The editor at TVNL has openly challenged anyone to debate him anywhere at anytime. Let's see if you'll do that. Yeah, right. Write to him. Post his answer. Let's see what you do. |
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#4 |
I would not waiste my time with what you are doing. I agree with what you have to say. But lets be honest here. Not many people view this board and all you are going to do is post untill your blue in the face to Rhandular. He won't address 60% of your topics and then plays word games and tic tac toe with the other 40%.
If you want to spread the word to people I would do so in real life to people you know. What is the point of arguing with Rhandular? He and agent smith said anyone who questions the official story is a "Crack-Smoker" and we both know that the primary reason there was a Commision's Report in the first place was b/c of heat from family members of victims who suspected foul play and many of these people who still want answers are the victims. It is one thing to disagree. But for Rhandular and agent smith to refer to family members of victims as "crack smoking idiots" shows their level of disrespect and ignorance we are dealing with here.
Last edited by Conan21; 05-16-2007 at 03:47 AM.
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#5 |
We actually get an average of 12,000 unique visitors per month. That's 12,000 different people that read this site each month. And that's steadily growing as we are right at the top of Google.
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#6 |
I would not waiste my time with what you are doing. I agree with what you have to say. But lets be honest here. Not many people view this board and all you are going to do is post untill your blue in the face to Rhandular. He won't address 60% of your topics and then plays word games and tic tac toe with the other 40%.Originally Posted by Conan21 ![]() |
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#7 |
Show me where I stated this. This is a blatant lie and a good indicator of how you are willing to twist information to suit your needs. You have zero credibility.
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#8 |
Show me where I stated this. This is a blatant lie and a good indicator of how you are willing to twist information to suit your needs. You have zero credibility.Originally Posted by Rhandhular ![]() ![]() |
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#9 |
There are dozens of facts in the articles I sent. You can also get contact information there to challenge the editor of TVNL with your brilliance. What are your credentials that you can challenge the physicists and other scholars who have debunked the official story? Of course, you're ready to support your claim.Originally Posted by shadow7 ![]() So what is this truth to 9/11? The bullshit you spread is disrespectful to families of the victims that lost their lives on 9/11 and I would gladly debate you on the subject any day of the week. Apparently you lack the ability to debate the subject yourself but should you decide to debate the issue lets do it topic by topic. Don't throw 20 of them out at a time and expect them to all get answered. I await your reply.
Last edited by Rhandhular; 05-16-2007 at 11:33 PM.
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#10 |
Email sent. This is my response to him.Originally Posted by Rhandhular ![]() |
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#11 |
Originally Posted by shadow7 ![]() Show me the credentials of these experts you speak of. |
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#12 |
Here is an example of how you pick and choose. I'll just use this one since you metioned it above.
Willie Brown the MYTH that you speak of was that Willie Brown was warned directly by Rice not to fly on 9/11. That is the MYTH that he spoke of. He said he did not recieve any warning directly from her BUT He did in fact receive a tip to be very cautious about flying on 9/11 the night before the attack (He had a scheduled flight to NYC on on 9/11). The article went on to say that he did not pay much attention to the warning and ended up watching the event on TV the next morning when he was getting ready. But he ABSOLUTELY did recieve a tip that americans should be very cautious about not flying on this day. The U.S gov't claims they had absolutely no prior knowledge of this event and would never concieve any one doing such a thing and were entirely caught completely off guard. So what you did was to simply White Wash Willie Brown's warning and did not address the other people who mysteriously cancel the travel to NYC. This is what I mean by you pick and choose which items to address and then play word games as you did with the willie Brown warning. You did this through the entire debate I had with you. Just looking through the last page of our discussion, I pointed out these two points of Prior knowledge and did not address them. Again they have stated there were absolutely no warning signs what so ever. The Phoenix Memo was a warning from the FBI sent to Washington DC in July 2001 saying that Bin Laden operatives were training at Phoenix flights school and at risk of hijacking airliners. Zacarious Moussaoui was training in MN when his teachers noticed he wasn't interested in taking off or landing and sent out another warning. He was arrested in August of 2001 but the FBI was denied access to his laptop which had the 9/11 plot inside it. Why were they denied access? and who denied it? I also posted video of the molten steel at ground zero. You did not address that. You did this through the entire Thread
Last edited by Conan21; 05-17-2007 at 06:21 PM.
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#13 |
I suggest you watch this video created by 9/11 victims and what they had to go through to get a formal investigation (911 CR).
9/11 Press for the Truth These are the people Agent Smith lumps in with the "Crack Smokers", and you later applauded his statement. Leaving all physical Evidence a side and putting all conpiracy theories a side. An entire case of Prior knowledge can be created by the evidence. They made it very clear in their "Project for a New American Century" memo that their agendas would not be possible without a "New Pearl Harbor"
Last edited by Conan21; 05-17-2007 at 01:13 AM.
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#14 |
Here is an example of how you pick and choose. I'll just use this one since you metioned it above.Originally Posted by Conan21 ![]() |
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#15 |
HOriginally Posted by Conan21 ![]() Photographs that we have examined purporting to show demolition equipment extracting "molten steel" from the debris at ground zero are inconclusive at best, and most are inaccurate as described. Extracting various hot molten compounds or debris is one thing, but "molten steel beams" is quite another. As a fundamental point, if an excavator or a grapple ever dug into a pile of molten steel heated to an excess of 2000 degrees Fahrenheit it would lose its ability to function. At a minimum the hydraulics would immediately fail and its moving parts would bond up or seize together. The heat would then quickly transfer through the steel components of the excavator and there would be concern for its operator. The photos we have reviewed on various websites do not show any of this, and if anything, indicate that the underground fires- while very hot- were not enough to melt steel. But wait there is more... Jones: “Who can deny that liquid, molten metal existed at the WTC disaster? The yellow color implies a molten-metal temperature of approximately 1000 oC, evidently above that which the dark-smoke hydrocarbon fires in the Towers could produce. If aluminum (e.g., from the plane) had melted, it would melt and flow away from the heat source at its melting point of about 650 oC and thus would not reach the yellow color observed for this molten metal. Thus, molten aluminum is already ruled out with high probability.” To rule out aluminium so quickly is poor science, because we don’t know what the temperatures were in the impact zone, while we do know that many metric tonnes of aluminium constituting the plane were in the area just above the outflow of molten metal. Of course, the alternative hypothesis, that the molten metal was iron or steel, should be also considered carefully. The argument of Jones is that if the molten metal were steel, then it would support the CD theory. But the link between molten steel and controlled demolition is non-existent, as thermite is not used in controlled demolition. Hence Jones requires a variation on controlled demolition: controlled demolition plus the use gratuitous and incompetent use of thermite. We have to believe that the conspirators had researched controlled demolition so badly as to decide on the use of thermite. Now, Jones estimates that “Roughly 2,000 pounds of RDX-grade linear-shaped charges” would be sufficient to bring the building down, and such a quantity of explosive might conceivably have been hidden in each of the towers. But the quantity of thermite required to produce this stream of molten metal is much greater. 107 Kg of thermite is required to produce 54 Kg of molten iron, and the stream of molten metal flowing from the impact zone (if iron) has been estimated at thousands of kilograms. Even if the stream is only 1,000 kg of iron, then 2,000 kg, or two metric tonnes, of thermite would be required. But the CD hypothesis implies much more than this. For a start the thermite would have been distributed over the proposed target floor for initial collapse, so it would be very difficult for the molten iron products to pool in one place and pour out. Secondly, the CD hypothesis agrees that the floor(s) of impact of the plane could not have been exactly predicted, so every, say, 5 floors, another couple of metric tonnes of thermite would be required. (Jones: ‘… to make it appear that the planes somehow initiated the collapse; cutter-charges could have been pre-placed at numerous spots in the building, since one would not know exactly where the planes would enter.’) Even if only the top half of the building were so prepared, then we would anticipate 2 metric tonnes x 11 locations or 22 tonnes. If the mass of stream of molten metal were estimated at more like 10,000 kg of iron then the figure goes up to 220 tonnes of thermite. We have to believe (a) that the conspirators were ignorant enough to attempt to use thermite, and (b) could insinuate between 22 and 220 tonnes of thermite, plus charges, plus radio firing systems, into each tower. If in addition, thermite is required by the CD hypothesis to account for the molten steel in the basement after collapse, then we have to add an addition two tonnes of thermite for every tonne of molten iron. The problem for the CD theory is in fact that no reliable estimates exist of the amount of molten metal, if any, in the basements. To sum up, it is a tough job to for the CD hypothesis to account for the stream of molten metal as iron produced from thermite reaction because (a) the choice of thermite requires the conspirators to be incompetent, (b) pooling of the molten iron would require the odd concentration of thermite on a given floor in one location, and (c) the quantity needed (22-220 tonnes) would be hard to smuggle in and hide in the building. This quantity increases by two tonnes per every tonne of molten steel estimated to be in the basements. The IF hypothesis suggests that the molten metal is aluminium (and other alloys used in plane construction), and that it pooled in that location because that is where the plane was. As Jones rightly point out however, the IF hypothesis would require the molten aluminium (and alloys) to attain temperatures several hundred degrees above melting point. The IF hypothesis also requires that the molten steel in the basement have been heated by a combination of fire and mgh energy, so much rests on estimates of those factors. I want to add a hypothesis that may yet explain the high temperatures, and would need to be disproved by the CD theorists: that some of the aluminium in the planes was ignited on impact. I return to this issue later on. Molten Steel thoery at ground zero address and dispelled. Next question please...
Last edited by Rhandhular; 05-22-2007 at 01:34 AM.
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#16 |
There are dozens of facts in the articles I sent. You can also get contact information there to challenge the editor of TVNL with your brilliance. What are your credentials that you can challenge the physicists and other scholars who have debunked the official story? Of course, you're ready to support your claim.Originally Posted by shadow7 ![]() ![]() |
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#17 |
"The tendency to occultism is a symptom of regression in consciousness", Adorno wrote in Minima Moralia. . "The veiled tendency of society towards disaster lulls its victims in a false revelation, with a hallucinated phenomenon. In vain they hope in its fragmented blatancy to look their total doom in the eye and withstand it The offal of the phenomenal world becomes, to sick consciousness, the mundus intelligibilis."
The Russians couldn't possibly build an A bomb without Commie traitors. The Russians are too dumb. Hitler couldn't have been defeated by the Red Army marching across Eastern Europe and half Germany. Traitors let it happen. JFK couldn't have been shot by Oswald -- it had to be the CIA. RFK couldn't have been shot by Sirhan--it had to be the CIA. There are no end to examples seeking to prove that Russians, Arabs, Viet Cong, Japanese, etc etc couldn't possibly match the brilliance and cunning of secret cabals of white Christians. It's all pathetic but it does save the trouble of reading and thinking. The conspiracists make dizzying "deductive" leaps. There is a one particularly vigorous coven which has established to its own satisfaction that the original NASA moon landing was faked, and never took place. This "conspiracy" would have required the complicity of thousands of people , all of whom have kept their mouths shut. The proponents of the "fake moon landing" plot tend to overlap with the JFK and 9/11 crowds. These are just three of the paragraphs that sum up the total foolishness and stupidity of people who WANT to belive something so assinine. Hillary will save us huh? LOL! Conan you should be putting all this energy into ways of defeating terrorism not perpetuating it ![]() |
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#18 |
"The tendency to occultism is a symptom of regression in consciousness", Adorno wrote in Minima Moralia. . "The veiled tendency of society towards disaster lulls its victims in a false revelation, with a hallucinated phenomenon. In vain they hope in its fragmented blatancy to look their total doom in the eye and withstand it The offal of the phenomenal world becomes, to sick consciousness, the mundus intelligibilis."Originally Posted by agentsmith ![]() Here is a video for you Truthers that features the producers of loose change debating Mark Roberts. Enjoy... |
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#19 |
"The tendency to occultism is a symptom of regression in consciousness", Adorno wrote in Minima Moralia. . "The veiled tendency of society towards disaster lulls its victims in a false revelation, with a hallucinated phenomenon. In vain they hope in its fragmented blatancy to look their total doom in the eye and withstand it The offal of the phenomenal world becomes, to sick consciousness, the mundus intelligibilis."Originally Posted by agentsmith ![]() also, History has Everything to do with it.
Last edited by Conan21; 05-21-2007 at 08:21 AM.
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#20 |
There are dozens of facts in the articles I sent. You can also get contact information there to challenge the editor of TVNL with your brilliance. What are your credentials that you can challenge the physicists and other scholars who have debunked the official story? Of course, you're ready to support your claim.Originally Posted by shadow7 ![]() |
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