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LICraig 09-01-2006 08:57 PM

The Final Solution to Iran
Being this is the XFiles area... I'm going to start this off with a prediction! The Republicans are probably going to lose the House and maybe some Senate seats too. Americans are going to punish the Republicans for Iraq not taking a New York minute to fix... as if Japan and Germany took a couple years sheeesh.

The President went into Iraq knowing full well it was going to destroy His popularity and destroy the Republicans with him. He knows also that Iraq is just going to get worse because of Iran. Iran being a threat to peace in Iraq AND!!!!!! and I say AND Israel... the nuke threat etc and Syria helping Iran fuck up Lebenon....

It is my belief that with all that is going on and the President has nothing to lose... his last decision sometime before leaving office will be to fucking blow up all of Iran's nuclear production plants across the country and maybe some bases too to make sure they can't retaliate against Israel for what we do. It wouldn't even surprise me if he used bunker busting nukes too.

That's my prediction.


Beedcardabeme 09-03-2006 01:42 AM

That is the only way for stability in Iran. But the problem will be in the way the rest of the world treats us following actions as you suggest. I am not to sure about democrats winning that many seats as their party is more divided than the republican, see Ned Lamont.

pGJLweEw 09-03-2006 02:02 AM

Don't get me wrong... I support the President 100%... I do believe in everything he's done. I understand from personal experience that most of the time when doing the 'Right' thing, it's not the 'Popular' thing and there comes a time when a man stands alone and makes the decision. He did, and it's hurting him and everybody in the Republican party.

I make this prediction because it's the right thing to do and not the popular thing to do and the world will just continue to hate us... nothing new right? The President knows that the majority of the entire planet leans left all the way to Dictatorships and Theocracies... no matter what he does, he won't win the planet over... he has nothing to lose and nobody will understand his decision for decades to come as it takes decades to totally feel the reprocusions of a US President's policies.

The decision to nuke parts of Iran will change the world forever.


Ad0i89Od 09-03-2006 02:22 PM

after any action comes a reaction...

its one of the most fundamental laws in nature...

if i was iran or any other country for that matter i would be investing heavy in nuclear technology or some other form of mass destruction so that i can protect myself against liars and terrorists...

the only thing GWB is doing in reality is massively promoting any and all anti american organisations and speeding up all efforts to nuke the USA...

in the mean time you can occupy the whole muslim world and kill 100-s of millions of civilians it will not stop progress in science in any way...it will only accelerate it...

be nice or be nuked (sooner or later)...

asSexate 09-03-2006 04:17 PM

Yes I remember that new story about the 100 million citizens killed by the US. I think it was on the BS network. Owned by over exaggerators incorporated

Cnbaapuy 09-03-2006 07:16 PM

Iran's nuclear race and their record for supporting terrorism is what's getting them in this kind of trouble. They are asking for it. So they come up with a nuke and use it on the USA, they would doom their people when we turn it into glass.


CatLuvkaLover 09-03-2006 07:18 PM

i never said the US gov. actually killed 100million...read before you reply..."you can go ahead and occupy the whole arab world and kill 100-s of millions it will only make life worse for you" is what i meant...

the US government IS responsable for millions of deaths...with huge power comes huge RESPONSABILITY (something most US citizens fail to understand)...
when you cripple/bomb the shit out of a region YOU ARE RESPONSABLE for the aftermath...when you impose economic sanctions on millions and millions of innocent people and competely fuck up their livelyhoods and futures...when you expand your politics on the world and make underlated people suffer/fight you directly OR INDIRECTLY...when you force a war upon a country by demanding shit you know their leaders wont accept (nor would you ever accept it)...you know how the US gov. plays...

the aftermath is felt for several decades and ultimately costs millions of lives through crime/poverty/war/disease/poor quality of life ect ect...

your actions have negative global consequences...for example GWB has done a great job of isolating and satanizing the islamic community and giving americans a bad name all over the world...

youre the worlds #1 economic and military superpower its silly when you try to wash your hands of any responsability...your government easily kills more civilians driectly than all the terrorist organisations in the world combined...if you really want to fight terror why not just stay at home :D ...

i dont hate the USA its just a shame that such a great country does not lead the world in a positive way and is so careless with other peoples lives...

rolex-buy 09-03-2006 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by pete999
i never said the US gov. actually killed 100million...read before you reply..."you can go ahead and occupy the whole arab world and kill 100-s of millions it will only make life worse for you" is what i meant...

the US government IS responsable for millions of deaths...with huge power comes huge RESPONSABILITY (something most US citizens fail to understand)...
when you cripple/bomb the shit out of a region YOU ARE RESPONSABLE for the aftermath...when you impose economic sanctions on millions and millions of innocent people and competely fuck up their livelyhoods and futures...when you expand your politics on the world and make underlated people suffer/fight you directly OR INDIRECTLY...when you force a war upon a country by demanding shit you know their leaders wont accept (nor would you ever accept it)...you know how the US gov. plays...

the aftermath is felt for several decades and ultimately costs millions of lives through crime/poverty/war/disease/poor quality of life ect ect...

your actions have negative global consequences...for example GWB has done a great job of isolating and satanizing the islamic community and giving americans a bad name all over the world...

youre the worlds #1 economic and military superpower its silly when you try to wash your hands of any responsability...your government easily kills more civilians driectly than all the terrorist organisations in the world combined...if you really want to fight terror why not just stay at home :D ...

i dont hate the USA its just a shame that such a great country does not lead the world in a positive way and is so careless with other peoples lives...

That's not even an arguement that the US Gov't kills more people than any terrorist in the world... in a nut shell ALL GOVERNMENTS have killed more people than any terrorists in the world. Like I said... the Arab countries will come into the 21st Century kicking, screaming and biting... it's painful but they will be dragged there whether they like it or not.

Welcome to Imperialism.


gooseCile 09-03-2006 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by STORM SHADOW
Iran's nuclear race and their record for supporting terrorism is what's getting them in this kind of trouble. They are asking for it. So they come up with a nuke and use it on the USA, they would doom their people when we turn it into glass.


Ah the old "WMD lie"...yes everybody in iran is SHIT CRAZY :rolleyes: ...lets say they have 1 maybe 2 nukes or 20 it does not matter...they can deliver maybe 1 or 2 to the USA via some boat and smuggle it over because they have no realistic way to deliver by ICBM...they blow up maybe 5% of the USA at best and then what? LOL the USA turns them to glass and the world applauds...

does this really sound like a plan to you?...

or they nuke israel and then you turn them to glass...


do they just want something to defend themselves from lying US presidents?...they become free of US bullshit...

WMD is just another word that scares americans like terrorist or communist...iran kinda has more right to have nukes than the nuke dropping on civilians USA...you may call them extremists but they cant hold a candle to your government...

Soolfelpecelf 09-03-2006 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by STORM SHADOW
That's not even an arguement that the US Gov't kills more people than any terrorist in the world... in a nut shell ALL GOVERNMENTS have killed more people than any terrorists in the world. Like I said... the Arab countries will come into the 21st Century kicking, screaming and biting... it's painful but they will be dragged there whether they like it or not.

Welcome to Imperialism.


ok name one other modern government that flies over half the globe and bombs the shit out of civilian areas...

oh and why should US decadence and imperialism be the mark of the 21st century?

bawayTeen 09-03-2006 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by pete999
ok name one other modern government that flies over half the globe and bombs the shit out of civilian areas...

oh and why should US decadence and imperialism be the mark of the 21st century?

You don't understand... I'm all for dragging the fucking mid east into the 21st Cent and turning them into little pacifist capitalists... I really don't care if they want to or not... there are many good reasons for it.

As for the issue with Iran vs Israel... Iran's own leaders say they are going to vaporize and exterminate Israel... sorry, but they don't know how to play nice, and people that don't play nice (our game), can't have the big toys. Therefore booooooom ciao Iran!


BILBONDER 09-03-2006 07:49 PM

thats not very "democratic" of you is it?...the arab people are generaly very peacefull its just that the USA wont leave their oil alone...remember than theyre not the ones on your territory its kinda the other way around...if you drag them in to the 21st century they will get 21st century technology...they wont stop hating you...LOL if you think they will...

israel is a bunch of bullshit for itself i wont go there...may all people live in peace...

as for iran you know this is US propaganda bullshit...they nuke israel they get nuked...they know this...the people of iran are good decent people its just that youre turning them against you and in to a fucking war zone...

youre just making the world hate you and want to fight you...you will lose...i know you think you wont fail like every failed empire before you...but in reality youre nothing special...its a shame because you have life so nice...your government is your worst enemy not the arabs...

avodeinst 09-03-2006 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by pete999
thats not very "democratic" of you is it?...the arab people are generaly very peacefull its just that the USA wont leave their oil alone...remember than theyre not the ones on your territory its kinda the other way around...if you drag them in to the 21st century they will get 21st century technology...they wont stop hating you...LOL if you think they will...

israel is a bunch of bullshit for itself i wont go there...may all people live in peace...

as for iran you know this is US propaganda bullshit...they nuke israel they get nuked...they know this...the people of iran are good decent people its just that youre turning them against you and in to a fucking war zone...

youre just making the world hate you and want to fight you...you will lose...i know you think you wont fail like every failed empire before you...but in reality youre nothing special...its a shame because you have life so nice...your government is your worst enemy not the arabs...

I like it my way...thanks anyway. They will be Westernized... Absorbed. In time when they're addicted to Capitalism just like Japan and the Germans...they'll chill. It's addicting... the only ones that will hate us is the now generation, the children growing up in Capitalism won't give a shit about the issues... all they'll care about is sex, partying, alcohol, the usual suspects.


ranndomderr 09-03-2006 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by STORM SHADOW
I like it my way...thanks anyway. They will be Westernized... Absorbed. In time when they're addicted to Capitalism just like Japan and the Germans...they'll chill. It's addicting... the only ones that will hate us is the now generation, the children growing up in Capitalism won't give a shit about the issues... all they'll care about is sex, partying, alcohol, the usual suspects.


how about the olkahoma city bombing or the terror acts by arabs living in western countries?...they have it "good" dont they?...at best you will make them westernized terrorists...and at what cost to you and them?...

"we are borg you will all be assimilated" may sound good in the movies but may i remind you how badly youre cause is doing in iraq?...youre losing badly in iraq as far as assimilation is concerned...can you really handle iran and iraq? (rethorical question...i know you cant)...

such a waste of lives and $...

AnriXuinriZ 09-03-2006 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by pete999
how about the olkahoma city bombing or the terror acts by arabs living in western countries?...they have it "good" dont they?...at best you will make them westernized terrorists...and at what cost to you and them?...

"we are borg you will all be assimilated" may sound good in the movies but may i remind you how badly youre cause is doing in iraq?...youre losing badly in iraq as far as assimilation is concerned...can you really handle iran and iraq? (rethorical question...i know you cant)...

such a waste of lives and $...

Give it time... the decade is still young. *wink* Assimilation actually has been studied by archeologist and it's been going on since the dawn of Civilization... so it is written so shall it be done. They will be assimilated come hell or high water.


AngelinaLip 09-04-2006 01:49 AM

Who gives over 50% of the UN their operating budget, who gives the most money to North, yes North Korea, to Palestine, pre hamas election, and every other country in the world, except Cuba?

That is right the US, who actually won the war in Iraq, over throwing Sadam who was their pupet at once. The problem is the Iraqi's have failed to run the country since. Iraq needs to be split into four countries.

I find it humorous that everyone hates America, but they love to take the aid without a thank you.

StitsVobsaith 09-04-2006 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by nolenut
Who gives over 50% of the UN their operating budget, who gives the most money to North, yes North Korea, to Palestine, pre hamas election, and every other country in the world, except Cuba?

That is right the US, who actually won the war in Iraq, over throwing Sadam who was their pupet at once. The problem is the Iraqi's have failed to run the country since. Iraq needs to be split into four countries.

I find it humorous that everyone hates America, but they love to take the aid without a thank you.

Thank you my friend for saying that. People get all mixed up with what the President is saying because the media is against him and uses PYSOP to fuck with people. Let's get it straight what the President said and what he meant. When he said Victory in Iraq, WE WON the war in Iraq! The Gov't toppled, Saddam arrested, free election, USA rebuilding Iraq... what more can the President do for them? They need to help themself now without the USA holding their stupid fucking hands so much!

The President NEVER said we won the war on terrorism EVER!!!!! He knew this would take years!!!! decades! Maybe never! But terrorism was alive and well attacking US Warships, embassies, servicemen shot on the street, kidnappings, planes taken in midair, night clubs blown up, allies attacked, World Trade Center attacked first time.... all before President Bush took office.

So get off his fucking back... he never said we won the war on terrorism, just the theater of war against Iraq... that war is long over.


avappyboalt 11-01-2006 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by DaRooster
Funny you should mention Germany and Japan.
Let me ask a question: Did Germany or Japan have massive resistance fighters confronting america and Allied forces? Both these contries officially surrrendered. Both Germany and Japan wanted peace. They both wanted to end the war and rebuild and move on,in peace.
Now In Iraq, the local business owner and the butcher,baker and candle stick maker have taken up arms. The insurgents or not only terrorists its the general population killing our troops. Any idiot should be able to see this country simply doesn't agree with anything we have as an agenda. Simply put they don't want a democratic government. Except for Greece no other Islamic country is a western style democracy. They will keep fighting the US troops until we leave. And do you blame them? What if China decided America is a corrupt nation and should be overthrown. Now our Government is gone no police no nothing in the form of national or local defense. What would you me and every other American man woman and child do...We would take the weapons we have and start resisting by what ever means we could find or make....This is what is happening in Iraq.

Ok...after I read this I needed a couple days to think about it... it's a very good question that deserves a great answer... I don't know if I can make my point.. I will try.. and think I should also consult other historians and poli sci professors on this issue but I do see the difference and don't know if I can put it into words.

How we fought Germany and Japan determined the policies of the White House how to rebuild. What the WH faced in WWII that this WH doesn't have the advantage of is... Japan and Germany were completely bombed into submission... don't say Iraq is..it's not even close... not by a million miles. Carpet bombing was the tool of the trade back then and Japan got two nukes to boot. They were demoralized and beaten to the point there was no fight left in any of them. We went after the Japanese and German people to insure there was no fight left in even the civilian populace.

In Iraq and Afgan.. we fought the Gov't entirely, took out their military, their leaders... we did NOT go after the civilian populace... (of course their were SOME competely civilian non combatant deaths), but the civilians were spared what we did to Japan and Germany by precision bombing. Precision targeting. Iraq and Afgan average people were NEVER bombed into complete submission... of course the people still have fight left in them. Had (in my opinion), we fought them like we did the Japanese and Germans, literally hundreds of thousands of dead.. I honestly believe they'd be on their knees begging for peace... all of them.

And about the part you talked about China and USA... every man woman child taking up arms... well guess you missed the part where the US Soldiers finally entering Germany proper when they gave up and Hitler had committed suicide... they reported no men left harly and saw mostly women and children carrying guns to protect the Father Land. Alot of the people left that we killed were children in Germany and took out a good chunk of civilian children and women in two dropped nukes on two civilian targets in Japan... and they were warned that Tokyo was next!

For you to even think that Japan wanted Democratic Gov't was wrong too... they were Imperialists.. it was not natural to them either, it was forced on them as part of the surrender.

To sum it up... the world would never allow us (like they can stop us pffffft) to do to Afgan and Iraq what we did to Germany and Japan. Many would say that's why we should treat them like Japan and Germany. Because the media is really controlling the outcome... the President would be impeached and convicted if he did that to them. Had the media been there enforce with minute by minute action updates like we have now... America would never have let the President literally wipe out Japan and Germany. You should read what we did in Dresden... straffed civilian targets and fire bombed the civilians to punish them and that was AFTER Germany literally had no fight left in them.

The face of war has changed... media won't let us win easy.

DenisMoor 12-06-2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by DaRooster
So much for your predictions...
As far as Japan went we dropped not one but two A-bombs( why was two necessary) and the Germans welcomed us to end the war. That war lasted much longer than a New York minute. The Iraqis want us out because they think they have done nothing to warrant this destruction, Japan and Germany was something totally different and their people knew it.And if your an Imperialist why aren't you in the military fighting for your country? All talk, no action.

My enlistment in the Army Special Forces ended last year after I broke 1/2 my body in a car accident... military since '79 Navy and Army... keep your comments to yourself asshole and don't get personal.

tinamasak 12-06-2006 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by DaRooster
Imperialism is a policy of extending control or authority over foreign entities as a means of acquisition and/or maintenance of empires. This is either through direct territorial conquest or settlement, or through indirect methods of exerting control on the politics and/or economy,
Japan does not fit into this definition of Imperialism, not unless you consider Okinawa a nation they conquered. We didnt just invade Germany and Japan and walk away..did we? Not should we do that with Iraq but there is a drastic difference in Iraq...

Look, if China came over to the US and invaded us and systematically disbanded our armed forces what would you, me and ever able bodied man do...we would use what ever means necessary to fight the bastards. Thats how the Iraqis see it, Not only that, but this conflict has drawn EVERY Muslim in the mid-est to want to go into IRAQ and fight against America. There is only one solution and that is to get out...PERIOD. in order to win we would have to evade and take over EVERY Islamic nation on the planet and set up Marshall law. These people simply don't want us there. They see this war as a holy war. Its a conflict of beliefs. You cant put a gun to a mans head and tell him "now your going to do things differently and your going to believe its Gods will". These people don't care who flew a plane into the world trade center. This will not end until we leave and try to help rebuild the infrastructure of not only Iraq but relations with the Islamic people as a whole. You cant get rid of a roach infestation with a loaded gun. very rarely can you cure a disease by cutting it out. The problem is a conflict of beliefs, not of politics.
This is a mess just like the Israeli/Palestine conflict that has been ongoing since the time of Christ.
Japan and Germany where the aggressors. Iraq did nothing to us. The North Vietnamese did nothing to us and where did that war bring us? All we got out of Vietnam was a nice shiny memorial with a lot of names of those who thought the way you do.
And America wasn't solely responsible for the victory in WWII. Russia lost close to a million soldiers before we ever got involved...and we got involved reluctantly. So if you want to compare wars, use two that are similar, such as Vietnam and Iraq.

I know what Imperialism is... my major is Poli Sci... and we are just as Imperialist as any nation ever has been... I don't have a problem with it.

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