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jobsfancy 09-16-2006 10:43 AM

9/11 questions
I would like some answers to these questions, because to my mind, the official answers don't make sense logically.

1. why on the home videos made by people on the ground, the planes that hit the towers did not have windows?

2. on the same home videos, if the frames are slowed down, it can clearly be seen before the plane hit the tower, a flash/explosion under it's belly, at the front, as if a rocket was fired, and then how come that the building wall exploded just before the nose of the plane hit it?

3. a plane is made out of very light materials. How can those light materials, regardless of the speed they were travelling at, penetrate instantly an entire building made out of concrete, so the other side of the bulding blows up?

5. supposedly the towers went down because the fire at the crash point was so intense, they melted the steel rods holing the building up. Obviously, this means extreme heat. If it was so hot there, then how come people could be seen at the crash point, waving at the cameras?

4. how can a plane of light materials (see point 3) penetrate bunker quality walls at the Pentagon?

5. why was there no plane debris at the pentagon?

6. it takes a mobile phone 45 seconds to be recognised by a communications tower and for it to lock onto the tower, so it can make a call. A plane travels at a speed where it covers the distance between towers every 30 seconds, so a mobile phone would never have a chance to lock on to a tower, never mind hold a conversation. So, how did the people on flight 93 call their families on their mobiles?

I wonder about a ton more issues with the 9/11 disaster, but these would do for now.

drislerfottor 09-20-2006 02:48 AM

Noone cares to comment? :(

viagradiscounttt 09-21-2006 12:49 AM

Hey Big A
I'm glad to see you also recognize the unanswered questions reguarding 9/11.

You want those questions answered? well so do alot of other people. All I can say, is that it sure as hell doesn't add up. Theres ALOT more questions to be answered than you posted. THe answer is that it was all staged.

This was just used as a pretext to invade foreign lands. This, along with the london bombings and others.

People think it sounds rediculous and it really does unless you look at all the facts. Truth is definately stranger than fiction. This was just another chain of events to help the Illuminati take one step closer to achieving the New World Order and take away more Freedom via the Patriot Act in America.

Amomiamup 09-21-2006 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Conan21
I'm glad to see you also recognize the unanswered questions reguarding 9/11.

You want those questions answered? well so do alot of other people. All I can say, is that it sure as hell doesn't add up. Theres ALOT more questions to be answered than you posted. THe answer is that it was all staged.

This was just used as a pretext to invade foreign lands. This, along with the london bombings and others.

People think it sounds rediculous and it really does unless you look at all the facts. Truth is definately stranger than fiction. This was just another chain of events to help the Illuminati take one step closer to achieving the New World Order and take away more Freedom via the Patriot Act in America.

That is exactly what I believe as well. While all that you wrote is considered 'conspiracy' in the US, the rest of the world that has free media sees it as fact.

The reason why I asked the above questions, which I know the answer to, is to see if any supporter's of Bush, etc, can answer them.

WGfg4CCZ 09-22-2006 05:11 AM

Big A
are you aware of how the London Gov't was running the exact same Terrorist "Drills" the same time as the real bombs went off. all by coincidence?

and the the Pentagon was also running drills about the Terrorists hijacking planes on the morning of September 11th?

oh and also the same with the Oklahoma City bombings?

the real events took place at the exact time and exact location and exact scenario of how the pre-arranged drills were?

This whole Video is great. Its called Terrorstorm by Alex Jones.


if you fast forward to 36 minutes into it. it talks about what i stated above.

Preegovesem 09-28-2006 02:52 AM

You both gotta hook me up with that crack you been smoking.

MpbY5dkR 10-19-2006 03:16 AM

These are good questions BigA. I don't know the answers to them either, but I commend you for exposing this. Those are really hard answers to answer.
This raises a few questions of my own. All of the people on these planes died. Correct? Were any of them ever identified or did the remains of these people incinerate? The reason I'm asking is, I still cannot believe that these so called terrorists were not taken care of by ALL of the passengers on these planes. I would have DIED trying to save everyone on these planes if I had to. To protect the people on board. Were these passengers in shock? Did they think that maybe the plane was being hijacked but would land at some point? Maybe they didn't know the planes were being flown into buildings? OR...
Maybe everyone on the planes were gassed, poisened, or made to believe everything was going to be alright. Maybe they were gassed, and the people who gassed them, had to ventilate the plane afterwards so they busted out the windows? As for the explosion. Maybe the plane had a bomb placed on it. By our country or by the terrorists. To maximize the damage inflicted. Placed it in the nose of the plane.
Just more fuel to add to the fire. Good questions though BigA. Good questions.

tilmprarnerit 04-27-2007 05:20 PM

I am guessing you got most of this information from the video loose change. Lets take a look at your first question.

1. Why on the home videos made by people on the ground, the planes that hit the towers did not have windows?

I have never seen a clear video that conclusively shows that the planes that hit the towers did not have windows. These claims are usually associated with reports that the planes where cargo planes. Where did this information come from then? The man who makes these claims in the loose change video, Marc Birnbach, was over two miles away from the towers and did not have a good view of the airplanes. Here is the excerpt from the popular mechanics article that debunks this story...

Flight 175's Windows
CLAIM: On Sept. 11, FOX News broadcast a live phone interview with FOX employee Marc Birnbach. 911inplanesite.com states that "Bernback" saw the plane "crash into the South Tower." "It definitely did not look like a commercial plane," Birnbach said on air. "I didn't see any windows on the sides."

Coupled with photographs and videos of Flight 175 that lack the resolution to show windows, Birnbach's statement has fueled one of the most widely referenced 9/11 conspiracy theories--specifically, that the South Tower was struck by a military cargo plane or a fuel tanker.

FACT: Birnbach, who was a freelance videographer with FOX News at the time, tells PM that he was more than 2 miles southeast of the WTC, in Brooklyn, when he briefly saw a plane fly over. He says that, in fact, he did not see the plane strike the South Tower; he says he only heard the explosion.

While heading a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) probe into the collapse of the towers, W. Gene Corley studied the airplane wreckage. A licensed structural engineer with Construction Technology Laboratories, a consulting firm based in Skokie, Ill., Corley and his team photographed aircraft debris on the roof of WTC 5, including a chunk of fuselage that clearly had passenger windows. "It's ... from the United Airlines plane that hit Tower 2," Corley states flatly. In reviewing crash footage taken by an ABC news crew, Corley was able to track the trajectory of the fragments he studied--including a section of the landing gear and part of an engine--as they tore through the South Tower, exited from the building's north side and fell from the sky.


Question 1 has been answered if anyone who care to hear more debunking I can continue...

mashabox 04-27-2007 05:29 PM

I'll do another claim that can quickly be debunked..

5. why was there no plane debris at the pentagon?


Numerous pieces of the plane, including the bodies of the passengers, and the black boxes were found. You can see if for yourself here...


Indian Butt Magic 04-28-2007 01:18 AM

Nothing has been dubunked. The people doing this "debunking" are basing what they say A LOT more on theory and weak information than their counter parts.

But since you are an expert I would like you to dubunk or state you opinion on a few things for me:

1) Why Did the 9/11 Commision's report not show the correct design of the WTC buildings when then were doing their dubunking? They completely left out the MANY Internal Support beams that ran through the center of the building that were a key component in the buildings safety design.

2) Why did the 9/11 Commision's report not indicate what happened to building 7?

3) Why was the building going through such extreme "renovations" weeks leading up to 9/11?

4) Why were the dogs that sniff for bombs pulled from the building weeks before the attack?

5) What are your thoughts about the Manifesto that was created by the gov't that listed foreign policies they wished to achieve but stated in 2000, that these aspirations would most likely not be realized withouth a "catastrophic and catalyzing event....like a new Pearl Harbor"

6)What is your thought on the Massive amount of Put Options placed on United and American Airline STOCK prior to the attack (The exact airlines involved with 9/11). A put option is projection that the stock will drastically decline in the short term.

7) What is your Opinion on Larry Silverstein (owner of WTC) taking out a huge insurance policy on his building's that included acts of terrorism shortly before 9/11?

8) What is your thoughts on Bin Laden being a CIA asset and agent who has worked with the U.S for years?

9) Why was the Bin Laden family flown out of the country on a private Jet right after 9/11 when planes were not allowed to be in the air?

10) what is your thought on the declasified gov't Document. "Operation Northwood" where they had detailed plans to carry out fake terrorism on U.S soil and then blame in on foreign enemies? these plans included hijacking jets, etc. How do you feel about the US gov't even writing these documents up? whether they were carried out or not.

11) WHat is your thoughts on MANY public officials being warned not to fly on September 11th? Mayor Willie Brown from San Fran, Jon Ashcroft, author S. Raushdee, and others were told not to fly to New York. The Joint Cheif of Staff had a metting in New York on Sept 11th but were told to cancell their flight? how do you explain that?

12) Whey did Norad (North American Aerospace Defense) stand down and not intercept the hijacked planes?

I have a ton of questions and issues for you to debunk or clarrify for me but I'd like you to answer these for now.

moopierof 04-28-2007 02:07 AM

your pictures are nothing new bro. The wreckage is inconsistant with the plane that supposedly hit it and quit frankly there is not a lot of it. alot of tin scraps and fragments. No one is denying "something" hit the building. I didn't see any pictures of bodies either that you claim are in the photos.

The Pentagon is a very protected building. Do you really think they didn't have cameras every where from multiple angles? The only one they released was this, a year after the fact, and it sure doesn't look like a commerical air liner to me.


The one link you posted was an investigation by FEMA. haha
Give me a break.

kimaddison 04-28-2007 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Conan21 (Post 2536)
Nothing has been dubunked. The people doing this "debunking" are basing what they say A LOT more on theory and weak information than their counter parts.

But since you are an expert I would like you to dubunk or state you opinion on a few things for me:

1) Why Did the 9/11 Commision's report not show the correct design of the WTC buildings when then were doing their dubunking? They completely left out the MANY Internal Support beams that ran through the center of the building that were a key component in the buildings safety design.

2) Why did the 9/11 Commision's report not indicate what happened to building 7?

3) Why was the building going through such extreme "renovations" weeks leading up to 9/11?

4) Why were the dogs that sniff for bombs pulled from the building weeks before the attack?

5) What are your thoughts about the Manifesto that was created by the gov't that listed foreign policies they wished to achieve but stated in 2000, that these aspirations would most likely not be realized withouth a "catastrophic and catalyzing event....like a new Pearl Harbor"

6)What is your thought on the Massive amount of Put Options placed on United and American Airline STOCK prior to the attack (The exact airlines involved with 9/11). A put option is projection that the stock will drastically decline in the short term.

7) What is your Opinion on Larry Silverstein (owner of WTC) taking out a huge insurance policy on his building's that included acts of terrorism shortly before 9/11?

8) What is your thoughts on Bin Laden being a CIA asset and agent who has worked with the U.S for years?

9) Why was the Bin Laden family flown out of the country on a private Jet right after 9/11 when planes were not allowed to be in the air?

10) what is your thought on the declasified gov't Document. "Operation Northwood" where they had detailed plans to carry out fake terrorism on U.S soil and then blame in on foreign enemies? these plans included hijacking jets, etc. How do you feel about the US gov't even writing these documents up? whether they were carried out or not.

11) WHat is your thoughts on MANY public officials being warned not to fly on September 11th? Mayor Willie Brown from San Fran, Jon Ashcroft, author S. Raushdee, and others were told not to fly to New York. The Joint Cheif of Staff had a metting in New York on Sept 11th but were told to cancell their flight? how do you explain that?

12) Whey did Norad (North American Aerospace Defense) stand down and not intercept the hijacked planes?

I have a ton of questions and issues for you to debunk or clarrify for me but I'd like you to answer these for now.

When did I say I was an expert? Nothing has been debunked because they are basing their theories on weak information? Yet you will believe videos full off mis information and downright lies. I am heading out of town right now but I will be back monday, I will see you then.

mikapoq 04-28-2007 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Conan21 (Post 2537)
your pictures are nothing new bro. The wreckage is inconsistant with the plane that supposedly hit it and quit frankly there is not a lot of it. alot of tin scraps and fragments. No one is denying "something" hit the building. I didn't see any pictures of bodies either that you claim are in the photos.

The Pentagon is a very protected building. Do you really think they didn't have cameras every where from multiple angles? The only one they released was this, a year after the fact, and it sure doesn't look like a commerical air liner to me.


The one link you posted was an investigation by FEMA. haha
Give me a break.

You call that proof? lol

Barryrich 04-28-2007 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Conan21 (Post 2536)
Nothing has been dubunked. The people doing this "debunking" are basing what they say A LOT more on theory and weak information than their counter parts.

But since you are an expert I would like you to dubunk or state you opinion on a few things for me:

1) Why Did the 9/11 Commision's report not show the correct design of the WTC buildings when then were doing their dubunking? They completely left out the MANY Internal Support beams that ran through the center of the building that were a key component in the buildings safety design.

2) Why did the 9/11 Commision's report not indicate what happened to building 7?

3) Why was the building going through such extreme "renovations" weeks leading up to 9/11?

4) Why were the dogs that sniff for bombs pulled from the building weeks before the attack?

1.) The 9/11 commission report was not intended to debunk any of the 9/11 conspiracy theories. The intent of the report was to provide the fullest possible account of the events the transpired on 9/11 and was compiled by a team of five democrats and five republicans. Are you telling me that these individuals were also in on the conspiracy?

2.) Again the 9/11 commission report was not designed to eliminate conspiracy theories. Have you even read it?

3.) Prove this was happening and use a reputable source. Alex Jones is not a reputable source. lol

4.) Not sure that they were pulled away but I do know that if you want to blow up the world trade center with a controlled demolition you dont need to hit it with aircraft. By the way where are these people who set these devices? Lets add them to the number of people involved in this grand conspiracy.

beth 04-28-2007 07:01 PM

1)Yes, The 9/11 commision report was just a normal investigation into what happened to the buildings. But I'm sure it was also done in light of all the conspiracy talk going around. Never the less They completely lied about the the design of the building so that their pan cake theory looked more plausable. How can they state a theory, withouth accurately portraying the proper design of the building?

2) If your doing an investigation into the collapse of WTC buildings, why leave out WTC 7? That was the most suspicious of them all.

side note1: I do not have the numbers in front of me but they spend very very little money on their 9/11 investigation and spent about 10x as much on Clintons Sex Scandal.

Side note 2: When a building collapses like this, Its is federal Law that a team of experts go in and examine the debris to determine what went wrong so that things like this can be avoided in future designs. They Gov't did not do this. They Broke the law. Instead, they immediately started cleaning up the debris and then shipped it over to China to be burried. They were in such a rush that they sent people in to help with the clean up when the air was unfit to breath and now many of them are dead or dying from lung disease.

3) Prove the renovations were happening? There are are many WTC employees who worked in the buildings that have stated on camera this was going on for weeks and even during the night. What exactly would you consider proof??

4) You didn't answer the question about the dogs bro, If you want to dubunk rumors, you better have answers. I find it very strange that renovations were taking place in the building and during that time the dogs were removed. Were the dogs sick? were the pregnant? were they not house broken and were peeing too much in the building?

As far as my video clip I posted. WHere did you read that I said "HERE IS MY PROOF" . I simply stated that the Petagon is a highly secured building with many survelance cameras yet the only one released is from the shittiest angle possilbe and it does not look like an air plane. Don't try to twist my words to argue your case.

Now please properly respond to statements 1-4 and then continue to the other ones and please point out any " lie " you are referring to as well. So far have have done a pretty pathetic job.

CGH1KZzy 04-28-2007 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Conan21 (Post 2543)
1)Yes, The 9/11 commision report was just a normal investigation into what happened to the buildings. But I'm sure it was also done in light of all the conspiracy talk going around. Never the less They completely lied about the the design of the building so that their pan cake theory looked more plausable. How can they state a theory, withouth accurately portraying the proper design of the building?

2) If your doing an investigation into the collapse of WTC buildings, why leave out WTC 7? That was the most suspicious of them all.

side note1: I do not have the numbers in front of me but they spend very very little money on their 9/11 investigation and spent about 10x as much on Clintons Sex Scandal.

Side note 2: When a building collapses like this, Its is federal Law that a team of experts go in and examine the debris to determine what went wrong so that things like this can be avoided in future designs. They Gov't did not do this. They Broke the law. Instead, they immediately started cleaning up the debris and then shipped it over to China to be burried. They were in such a rush that they sent people in to help with the clean up when the air was unfit to breath and now many of them are dead or dying from lung disease.

3) Prove the renovations were happening? There are are many WTC employees who worked in the buildings that have stated on camera this was going on for weeks and even during the night. What exactly would you consider proof??

4) You didn't answer the question about the dogs bro, If you want to dubunk rumors, you better have answers. I find it very strange that renovations were taking place in the building and during that time the dogs were removed. Were the dogs sick? were the pregnant? were they not house broken and were peeing too much in the building?

As far as my video clip I posted. WHere did you read that I said "HERE IS MY PROOF" . I simply stated that the Petagon is a highly secured building with many survelance cameras yet the only one released is from the shittiest angle possilbe and it does not look like an air plane. Don't try to twist my words to argue your case.

Now please properly respond to statements 1-4 and then continue to the other ones and please point out any " lie " you are referring to as well. So far have have done a pretty pathetic job.

You seem to have limited information about the 9/11 commission report and what its purpose was. I suggest you read it for yourself. Please show me the page that has faulty wtc designs.

It took very little research to find that dogs were NOT pulled from the buildings prior to 9/11. They were not pulled so this is another bit of misinformation you conspiracy guys throw around.

There were bodies found at the pentagon. This is not disputed.

Please come up with some valid points and I will answer them. Your arguments are weak and shallow. While I cannot say what exactly happened on 9/11, I can say the towers were brought down from the resulting inferno that followed impact which weakened the steel structure and caused the buildings to collapse.
Take care and be well

neniajany 04-28-2007 11:36 PM

I’m aware of the purpose of the 9/11 commission report. I have read a lot of it via PDF format online. What I meant was that many people had questions about what happened on 9/11 and this commission report did nothing but white wash the events and does nothing to debunk any information in the 9/11 Truth movement. I think it should be called the the Ommission Report simply b/c it lacks so much information and uses false information. They do not include any information that goes against the story they wish to portray and flat out lie about things as well. The Commission report is basically the upper levels of Gov't investigating itself.

The building was comprised of 47 MASSIVE support columns that ran through the Internal Core of the building. The 9/11 commision report completely leaves these columns out of the report!!! They say that the core of each building was a hollow shapt for elevators and stair ways. Regardless if the Jet Fuel, which burned off immediately (as Big A was illustrating with people waving from impact site), caused steel to weaken and hence cause a pan cake collapse at free fall speed I may add (silly theory anyway but whatever). Even if this happened, these massive columns should have remained and the CR does not touch this!!!

Show me an article in which the dogs were not pulled. Multiple WTC security personal said this is true. Here is an article right from a regular news site where it says the dogs were pulled.


You asked for proof of renovations. Many WTC employees have spoken out about the noisy renovations going on for weeks before 9/11. Scott Forbes who was the Senior Database Administrator at WTC said that the weekend prior to 9/11, they were told to shut down all equipment. He said he found this very odd and that it never happened before and that nothing really needed renovated. During this time all security cameras were turned off and the workers worked vigorously all weekend. Scott contacted the 9/11 commission board about this after the attack b/c he felt it was suspicious but was ignored completely. William Rodriguez, Senior maintenance manger of the building also has spoken out about the mysterious workers and shut down of security cameras. A large amount of 9/11 wtc survivors have gone on record to statiing this.

I guess that information is a lie, weak, and shallow??

You said you posted photos of bodies of individuals from the plane crash at the Petagon. Attach those photos to this thread because I did not see them

Candykiss 04-28-2007 11:46 PM

A Run Down of the Issues discussed thus far.
1) Commision reports did not discuss the collapse of the 47 internal columns. Furthermore, they went as far as to say the internal core was basically "hallow".
Rhandhular claims that this is a lie and that the building did not contain 47 massive inner columns.

2) What caused WTC #7 to collapse in and upon itself at free fall speed and why was it not addressed AT ALL in the 9/11 CR?
Rhandhular has no answer for this question.

3) Mysterious building renovations prior to attack.
Rhandhular says this as a complete lie despite Testimony of many WTC employees and security personal.

4) Dogs were pulled from buildings prior to attack.
Rhandhular says this as a lie used by conspiracy theorists despite Testimony of WTC security personal and news reports

!!Aaroncheg 04-29-2007 11:30 PM

I have to laugh everytime I see one of these things rear its ugly head on the net. The first and most obvious thing that stands out is the blatant attempt to smear the current administration being that almost all of these conspiracys originate from the extreme left. Secondly, the simple fact that a conspiracy of this size and magnitude requires thousands of people and flawless timing without rehersal. Nevermind the fact that all the people involved weither by accident or not would have to be completely silent to keep a secret like this a secret. the same people who think we never landed on the moon, ect. ect.. are the same people who think Black helicopters are following them. the real conspirracy is beliving that if we ignore or simply leave Islamic facaist alone (modern day nazi) that they will abandon the quest to rule and convert the world to Islam, which is not a religon of peace OR FREEDOM!:mad:

fubyFrery 04-29-2007 11:52 PM

I think it’s great how you copied your same response from the other thread and brought it over to this one. Thank you for sharing your in depth perspective on the issues involved in this thread Agent Smith.

The real Conspiracy is that the Islamic Nation provided a haven for S.S Nazi leaders after WWII and are planning to take over the world and impose a fascist government with Islam as the New World Religion....

Interesting concept!! Thanks for sharing!!

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