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This article was written by me several years ago. I was a writer for the Old Forge News which was published by David Foglietta with Friar Buck Charles Hatchko who now works with The Catholic Legate.
More On The Last Times by W. Thomas Wells (Mar Thoma) More On The Last Times My brothers in Christ Jesus the Lord: Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever! There is no doubt to me that we are in the END TIMES. All of the signs are prevalent. I have studied Sacred Scripture on this all to important matter. Outside of Sacred Scripture I have also studied what is known as private revelation. Not to be confused with public revelation. Years ago this was my main topic of research. I have traveled the country with many mystics. In 1995 I traveled with a group of scientists to investigate Nancy Fowler of Georgia. Most of the mystics that I have had dealings with were all from the Western Rite of the Church. There was of course a man by the name of Josyp Terelya from Russia. I met him on several occasions and reviewed his work. He is not Orthodox. I am, however, in contact with several Orthodox visionaries (most of them being clergy) in Russia. I personally believe that our Lord wants the West and the East to unite. We must unite in order to battle against the evil one. There are many Orthodox bishops who are willing to unite. The problem is the West refuses to do as such for political reasons. I believe the West is fearful of unity because it is the Orthodx Church that wants to keeps God's Holy Law to the letter. Unity is not what Lucifer wants. With unity will come strength. With strength will come Lucifer's defeat. Rome has already lost the faith. This was predicted by the Holy Theotokos when She appeared in LaSalette, France. Our Lady at La Salette said on September 19, 1846, "Rome would lose the Faith and become the seat of the antichrist . . . The Church will be in eclipse "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle." (2 Thes 2:14) St. Vincent of Lerins said: "When a foulness invades the whole Church . . . We must return to the Church of the past." He also stated in 490 AD: "In the Catholic Church herself every care must be taken that we may hold fast to that which has been believed everywhere, always, and by all. For this is truly and properly Catholic." Part of the original St. Michael Prayer composed by Pope Leo XIII said the following: " In the holy place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered." "In a hundred years time . . . bishops and priests will think they are marching behind the banner of the keys of Peter when in fact they will be following our flag . . . The reforms will have to be brought about in the name of obedience." (Alta Vendita/masonic document) In the book, Ecumenism , written by a freemason in 1908, it says "the goal is no longer the destruction of the Church but rather to make use of it by infiltrating it." On April 3, 1844, a leader of an Italian secret society called Nubius wrote a letter to another highly-placed mason. The letter spoke about the plan to infiltrate the Roman Catholic Church, and the attempt to insert a masonic pope, who would promote the religion of Freemasonry from the chair of Peter. "Now then, in order to ensure a pope in the required proportions, we must first of all prepare a generation worthy of the kingdom of which we dream . . . Let the clergy move forward under your banner (the masonic banner) always believing they are advancing under the banner of the apostolic Keys. Cast your net like Simon Bar Jonas; spread it to the bottom of sacristies, seminaries, and convents . . . You will have finished a revolution dressed in the Pope's triple crown and cape, carrying the cross and the flag, a revolution that will need only a small stimulus to set fire to the four corners of the earth." Freemason Eliph Levi said in 1862: "A day will come when the pope, inspired by the Holy Spirit will declare that all the excommunications are lifted and all the anathemas are retracted, when all the Christians will be united within the Church, when the Jews and Moslems will be blessed and called back to her . . . she will permit all sects to approach her by degrees and will embrace all mankind in the communion of her love and prayers. Then, Protestants will no longer exist. Against what will they be able to protest? The sovereign pontiff will then be truly king of the religious world, and he will do whatever he wishes with all the nations of the earth." Mrs. Bella Dodd spent most of her life in the Communist Party of America and was Attorney General designate had the Party won the White House. After her defection, she revealed that one of her jobs as a Communist agent was to encourage young radicals (not always card-carrying Communists) to enter Catholic seminaries. She said that before she had left the Party in the U.S., she had encouraged almost 1,000 young radicals to infiltrate the seminaries and religious orders . . . and she was only one Communist. Mrs. Dodd exposed the step-by-step battle plan of Communist subversion of the Catholic Church. She explained that of all the world's religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by the Communists , for it was its only effective opponent." Bella Dodd converted to Catholicism at the end of her life. Speaking as an ex-Communist, she said: "In the 1930's, we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within." The idea was for these men to be ordained, and then climb the ladder of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. Back then, she said: "Right now they are in the highest places in the Church." They are working to bring about change in order that the Catholic Church would not be effective against Communism. She also said that these changes would be so drastic that "you will not recognize the Catholic Church." (This was 10 to 12 years Vatican II.) Bella Dodd had said: "The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the Faith of the people, and even use the institution of the Church, if possible, to destroy the Faith through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing. Once the Faith was destroyed, she explained that there would be a guilt complex introduced into the Church . . . to label the 'Church of the past' as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries. This would be necessary in order to shame Church leaders into an 'openness to the world', and to a more flexible attitude toward all religions and philosophies. The Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church." THE ROAD THAT LIES AHEAD by +W. Thomas Wells (Mar Thoma) The time to prepare yourself is now, for God is about to intervene, to warn all humanity, that His cup of Justice is overflowing, and, soon will be poured upon all mankind. Many privileged souls have received a variety of gifts: locutions, visions, apparitions, interior lights, and other extraordinary experiences, all part of private revelations, not to be confused with public revelation that ceased with the death of Saint John the beloved Apostle. We are advised in Sacred Scripture no to despise prophecy, and today, such a proliferation of experiences now reveal an aspect of God, His Justice, that is about to be unfurled, unless people convert, repent, and for Eastern/Western; Orthodox/Roman Catholic, to deepen their Faith. THE NIGHTMARES OF THE 20th CENTURY: On October 13, in the year of our Lord 1884, Pope Leo XIII had a remarkable vision. When the aged Pontiff had finished celebrating Mass in his private Vatican Chapel, attended by a few Cardinals and members of the Vatican staff, he suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar. He stood there for about 10 minutes, as if in a trance, his face ashen white. Then, going immediately from the Chapel to his office, he composed the prayer to St. Michael, with instructions it be said after all Low Masses everywhere. ( Following the article is the original version of the prayer to St. Michael, written by Pope Leo XIII in 1884. The shorter version follows, which is the version said after low Masses.) When asked what had happened, he explained that, as he was about to leave the foot of the altar, he suddenly heard voices - two voices, one kind and gentle, the other guttural and harsh. They seemed to come from near the tabernacle. As he listened, he heard the following conversation: The guttural voice, the voice of Satan in his pride, boasted to Our Lord: I can destroy your Church." The gentle voice of Our Lord: You can? Then go ahead and do so." Satan: "To do so, I need more time and more power." Our Lord: "How much time? How much power? Satan: "75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service." Our Lord: "You have the time, you will have the power. Do with them what you will." Given the world as we have it today, the evident godlessness in the East and West, the difference is that in the West godlessness is not officially recognized, the goal is the same: the destruction of Christianity. At Fatima our Holy Mother warned the conversion of Russia will save Christian culture in the West, and push for a Christianity throughout the world. Now, today, in privileged souls, we learn the kingdom of Christ the King shall be established through the reign of the Mother of God. In Scripture we learn what our Lord did to the evil generation of Sodom and Gomorah. Today, people have grown apparently more perverse, more sophisticated in evil. Is not the world asking for a purification when a woman's child is ripped from her womb just for convenience, that assisted suicide appears to be acceptable to many? In Scripture we find the condemnation of a homosexual lifestyle, yet today it is accepted as a right. Just consider another abomination, where, in China, a nation granted most favored trading status by our country, aborted fetuses are offered as a dietary delicacy, wherein doctors say their consumption makes the skin smoother and softer, and, it is beneficial to kidney health. One doctor even said: "It would be a waste not to eat them." 1973: Fire will fall from the sky The Holy Theotokos appearing in Akita, Japan (an apparition approved by the Catholic Church *Western Rite* ), said to Sister Sasagawa: "...If men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all of humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the Deluge, such as has never been seen before. Fire will fall from the sky, and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priest nor faithful..." 1961-1965: The WARNING In another message, from Spain, the Holy Theotokos announced that our Lord will send a worldwide WARNING to allow the people to convert, to avert or mitigate a Chastisement to come. In this WARNING, one will be given a final chance to repent and convert, to accept God's Holy Mercy, before Justice is required. In this WARNING each person shall see his, her entire sinful life. This personal Enlightenment will coincide with a natural event, a cosmic phenomenon, that will persuade the unrepentant to reject the divine revelation, on the basis of psychological hallucination. So immense shall this WARNING be, that some in the state of mortal sin, will die of shock. After this Day of Grace, one should pray to the Holy Spirit, that, all of one's un-confessed sins become conscious, and one should cleanse themselves in the Holy Sacrament of Repentance, and attempt to remain in the state of sanctifying grace. Better, if people changed now before The WARNING . We are further told by privileged souls, that, after this event, Lucifer shall attempt his final goal of destruction, of the Church and the world, to seduce as many as possible to depart from our Lord, to a road that leads to eternal damnation. 1875: Theosophy Lucifer shall attempt, in this plan, to destroy all ordered governments and religion, using the spiritual and economic weapons of the New Age Movement. This vast organizational network today received its modern start in 1875 with the founding of the Theosophical Society by Helen Blavatsky. Its basic teaching was that all world religions had 'common truths' that transcend potential differences, a teaching in conflict with Christianity. The beginnings of this movement were enhanced through Alice Bailey, today seen as its high priestess. Theosophy, derived from 'theo', Greek for God, and 'sophia', wisdom, is the attempt to explain the nature of God, the universe, and man's relationship to both, in that salvation comes from evolution, that evolution is a process of self-realization or manifestation carried on by the cosmos. Eternal life in this school of thought occurs through repeated incarnations, or, reincarnation. Freemasonry enters the Church: The Order of Rosicrucians, even Freemasonry, are filled with New Age thought patterns. It is said the Rosicrucians sponsored Martin Luther's departure from the Catholic Faith. The Sacrifice of the Mass, a reenactment of Jesus' death on the Cross and through it, a restoration of Grace to men lost with the Sin of Adam and Eve, was regarded by Luther as that element that had to be destroyed, for he said: "...When the Mass has been overthrown, we shall have overthrown the papacy. I think it is the Mass, as on a rock, that the papacy wholly rests. Everything will of necessity collapse when their sacrilegious and abominable Mass collapses..." Further, in the late 1700's Adam Weishaupt established the Order of Illuminati, May 1, 1776, in Bavaria, and used its luciferian goals to infiltrate Masonic Lodges, even into Christianity itself. Indeed, the goal of The Illuminati was to destroy, first the Catholic Church, then the whole of Christianity. They had hoped to control a man whom they thought could be made the Pope, then, by decree, this man of their mentality, would enable them to influence The Church, and Christianity in general. The year before Cardinal Woityla became Pope John Paul II, in addressing a Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia, stated that the Church is now in its final confrontation with evil, that the Church which the devil hoped to set up externally may look like a true Church, but would be a Church of the Antichrist. Also, we are confronted with the statement made by Pope Paul VI, that he believed the smoke of Satan had entered the Temple of God. Today liberalism is rampant, and many, having lost the concept of mortal sin, approach the Holy Eucharist in that state, which is a Sacrilege. More and more faithful depart from Church Doctrine. The late Cardinal Seper, when asked why the Holy See did not take effective action on the many liturgical abuses with the USA, replied, sadly, that the Holy See no longer exercises effective control over the American Church, and privately confided, later, that it was up to the laity to uphold the Faith. THEOTOKOS, the Mother of GOD: The Mystical Body of Christ, The Church Catholic, has as its spiritual Mother, Mary, the Holy Theotokos. Tradition carries this thought that She became the Mother when at the foot of the Cross, She was given to the care of Saint John the beloved Apostle. Further Tradition then claims that She is the Mediatrix of all Grace, that the title Co-Redemptrix is in order because in Her Fiat, and in uniting Her sufferings with that of Her Son, She cooperated extraordinarily. Hence, Her title Co-Redemptrix would mean 'co' as Co-operator, not 'co' as equal. Prayer needed: I recommend, I urge, that one invoke Saint Michael as the Protector of the Church, he who is the Guardian of The Most Blessed Sacrament. Do not forget the existence of Purgatory or the condition of waiting, and the need to pray for the deceased. Pray for all priests, that they remember they share in the Priesthood of Jesus, the only Christ, that dissension among them cease. Especially pray for the Popes, Patriarchs and bishops, for they are Christ's representatives here on earth. Do pray for the bishop of Rome because many of the privileged souls prophecy the great suffering he will endure. One Church/One Government: Read 2 Thes. 2:3 . Many contemporary prophecies warn of a possible revolution in Rome, wherein one shall invalidly declare himself legitimate heir to the Chair of Peter. [History reveals antipopes in the past, departing from Church Doctrine and therein causing a schism, that, this apostate shall be in league with an Antichrist figure. More, that he will attempt to change the words of Transubstantiation, attempting to enhance through it the abolition of the Sacrifice, ( as foretold in the Book of Daniel) for then the Mass will not be a Sacrifice, but a form of symbolism, of transignification. (Keep in mind of the changes that have crept into the Western Rite after the closing of the Second Vatican Council). We are told by the privileged souls that the world is about to be divided into two camps: those of Christ, and, those of Antichrist. More, that there will be an attempt at a One World Government, and, a One World Religion not of Jesus the Christ, but of the Antichrist. A promoter of this One World Order, or Government, was the former President George Bush, who in September of 1990 stated that we would pledge our allegiance to the United Nations. Known to few, he was a member of the highly secret society known as the Order of the Skull and Bones. Bush was not an inventor of the words New World Order, but more, its promoter. On the back of the US dollar bill, can be found: "Annuit coeptis novus ordo seclrum." This inscription, placed on the currency in 1933 by Henry Wallace and Franklin D. Roosevelt, is translated: "Announcing the birth of the New World Order," for Christians, a phrase that can have diabolical implications. Franklin D. Roosevelt also said: "In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was planned that way." Clinton, following in FDR's beginning, signed a secret Presidential Directive that places American troops under foreign commanders. In 1961 JFK initiated orders that US forces would go under the UN, in public law 87297. It was conceived to produce this effect in stages. The US and Soviet Union would disarmed proportionately, the UN built up, with the goal that the US and Soviet Union would be disarmed (notice the base closings ), and the UN, the sole power. Clearly, this is an activity of Satan, Lucifer, the Father of Lies. Why? It is common knowledge that UN material published by Lucis Publishing, which was called the Lucifer Publishing Company until 1922, when its name was changed. Non other than Helen Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society started the Lucifer Publishing Co. in 1890. Further, we read of the Mark of the Beast in Rev.13, and subtly, today, credit cards are merged into smart cards, and researchers have admitted the existence of a chip found in these cards, containing the essentials of one's life and credit. Scientists admit the development of a microchip that can be inserted into one's hand or forehead for final identification. That chip shall have a transponder that satellites can track. Scripture reveals that those who accept that chip, when imposed upon society, can not be saved. Those texts of Scripture say refusal of that identification may mean the cessation of one's economic life, thereby, resulting in death through the inability to purchase food. By special Executive Order, the President of the US can impose that microchip as the identification method of the Country. Antichrist emerges: There is one now who declares he is Lord Maitreya, that he is, the Christ of the Christians, the Messiah of the Jews, the Krishna of the Hindus, the Maitreya Buddha of the Buddhists, and Imam Mahdi of the Muslims. To Christians, such a person is an Antichrist figure. This Lord Maitreya has his disciples, too, for Benjamin Creme, a British artist and esotericist, has been disseminating information on this World teacher since 1974, and has announced that since July 1977, when Matireya descended from his retreat house in the Himalayas, he took up residence in an Asian community in London. Maitreya has already met privately with groups of journalists and influential world leaders from all fields, informing them of his solutions to today's problems. His documented appearances have multiplied, in which he has claimed many prophecies of his having been realized, which increased his interest in the media. and expanded his believing public. He states he will demonstrate his identity on his Day of Declaration, on international radio and television networks, linked so that he will speak to the world. He alleges each person will hear him telepathically in his, her own language. He further adds, that all will have some form of experience, even if not watching TV, or, listening to the radio. Since Maitreya calls himself the Christ, it is no wonder he shall try to convince people that what people call today, as visions of Jesus, are but thought forms from a master of wisdom who actually was the Jesus of 2000 years ago. He will even claim Jesus and Mary were his disciples. He will expand his concepts to declaring some of the visions people were having, and are presently having, were created by the fervent aspirations and desire of the people, perhaps afraid of world events, who are looking for some reassurance and security. His popularity will be enhanced when he offers that nations can and will experience peace, brotherhood, and common goals, and that through the UN, destined to be the most powerful political force in the world, will resolve all major international problems. In the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts, +W. Thomas Wells (Mar Thoma) |
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