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Excerpts from: Bush Nazi Salvation
Zion's Secrect Police; i.e. Secret Service, must number @ 120,000 by now, for it would be 250,000 if they kept up their growth rate from the second half of the last century. Don't get shook! I can save them along with every Bush Nazi that supports them! Media Becomes Electoral USA Although the purpose of the election was to choose Electors to cast their votes for President the third week in December, I saw that Electoral victories were being declared in states with 1% of the Popular Vote counted. I saw California polls were supposed to close at 5 PM. When is the 9 to 5 worker supposed to vote? And what kind of lines would there be at the polls? It's all a sham! It's a ruse to show voters that their vote is not worth anything! How in hell does the media get the Electoral Vote when it is not supposed to be casted until December or counted until January? I'd also like to know how many of these Electors are those who God has condemned. Trust in God! Read the clouds.(Ps. 68:34) God will tell you what to do with every one of them! As for Presidential Elections, direct election of the President by Popular Vote seems to be the only way to rectify this mess that they call Demockracy. Think I jest about Obama? He looks like a Biafran refugee! He probably has AIDS! SS will be able to easily manipulate him with their chemicals! Nazism in America - Curse of the Bush Nazis: I bet you thought that Nazi was a religious term pertaining to the Nazarenes. Wrong! The Nazis are the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots, arising from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Most of them do not know that they are Nazis. Satan's servants appear as preachers of righteousness. (2 Cor. 11:14) Sweet people!. People like that did the Potato Famine, the Wisconsin Death Trip, the Holocaust, and much more. There is nothing hidden that is not revealed here. See ; ; or plus Coprophagia Rules 2001, a suppressed article, is now posted on these blogs. Upon being asked, "Where do you get your inspiration?" "The inspired life is its own reward. You find something that feels like it is worth pursuing, and worth putting your heart into. It is a lot like the Holy Spirit of the Bible. People talk about the Holy Spirit speaking to people when It doesn't. The Bible says that It will speak what It hears, which means that the Spirit will let you know when something or someone is from God. Inspiration comes the same way. It grabs you when you happen upon something that you know is worth pursuing. I am His witness. I am His messenger. "He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own, He will speak only what He hears (or sees), and He will tell you what is yet to come." (John 16:13) Read the clouds! His power is in the sky! (Ps. 68:34) 8/27 Keep in mind that the Devil is the sweetest Gad damn person that you are every going to meet! (1 Cor. 11:14; 1 John 4:1; 2 Tim. 3:7) ..11/14 Since GHW Bush revealed that sh*theads are in control of laboratories everywhere, I believe that prescribing drugs such as statins for cholesterol levels is a hoax more often than not. Researchers have singled out LDLs and HDLs as the be-all and do-all of cholesterol while not addressing at all the effect of such statins on enzymes other than the ones that produce cholesterol. It is superficial research that entrusts your life to the companies that are producing the drugs while they are most likely blocking all other pertinent research in that area. Family history allegedly plays a role in cholesterol problems, but they don't consider that many of those who reportedly died of heart problems were murdered with toxic substances like petroleum, cyanide, anthrax, etc. If someone was eliminated like that by the SERPENT, is it any wonder that Hitler's Health Care would target members of the same family by saying, "So you have a history of heart disease in your family, heh?"? Bush BAAL Worship - A Forum Topix post 6/23 As you should know from my Bush Daddy Religion article, the BAALs are Bush's Asinine Anal Lovers. GHW Bush says that he has been eating feces for 70 years. 70 years of brushing people off, saying he is too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions his stupidity. He and all his Bush Nazis have replaced the sulphurous fire of the Bible with feces(Gen.19:24 Lev.18:21; Ez.20:26; Is.13:16); i.e. the secret "power food" of the Moabites of Sh*ttim.(Numbers25:1-4) It fries their brains! GHW Bush fried W's brain @ 55 years ago. They can't feel emotions! They can cry on the spot. They say that is proof that they feel emotions. Behold, they are less than nothing, and their works are utterly worthless; he who chooses them is detestable." (Is.41:23-24) You have to listen to these Bush Nazis who worship excrement, don't you? It is a fatal mistake! Behold the Mystery of God: The mystery is how God is going to get rid of every damn one of you. By supporting Bush Nazis, you have set a trap for your own lives. These kind caring Bush Nazis, feigning distress and regret 24/7 and talking terror all the time are Al Qaeda themselves, posing as angels of light, i.e. the Devil.(2Cor.11:14) Do you wonder why everyone appears to be "senseless and without knowledge"?(Jer. 10:14) These Bush Nazis tell people to just babble senselessly if anyone tries to talk sense to them. "Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth".(Jer.9:5) That explains why there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.(Prov.14:12) It works! When you babble like a moron, people just shake their head and walk away, saying, "I can't argue with such stupidity!" Now these Bush Nazis who set you up to babble like a moron are going to point the finger and say, "These are the sh*theads you want! Listen to them! They talk like idiots!" Isn't God's work strange?(Is.28:21; 29:14; Jer.8:9; Hab.1:5) "?a little while and the wicked will be no more"(Ps.37:10) Have you been listening to the Bush Nazis and heeding their requests to support seemingly trivial things? Then you have probably set a trap for your own life.(Prov.5:21-23; 11:5,19; 16:4; 28:10) Someday they are probably going to tell you to stay home, and that will be the day that they come and get rid of you, claiming that you were one of them for having supported them. These fools keep saying, "Let God hurry and do His work so we can see it!", and they are never going to see it.(Is.5:19) The fool just disappears. To where? Maybe Strawberry Fields. "Nothing is real! Nothing to get hung about!"(Jer.9:22) As you should know, those who complain will accept instruction." (Is. 29:24) "Let me take you down cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields!" Do you wonder why the Bush Nazis keep saying; "Nothing's going to happen! No body is going to do nothing about it!"? ...8/19 GHW Bush keeps saying that I have been murdering sh*theads! In fulfillment of Isaiah 14's prophecies about the "King" of Babylon, GHW Bush is the one who is murdering "his own people" by having them do the most dumb*ss stuff that gets them killed. I save sh*theads! I say, "Save this guy's head! Save that guy's head!" I care! Maybe the thing to do is leave info on the Love Festivals, Practice Marches, coprophagia, etc. in public restrooms. That's where they hang out. 11/9 GHW Bush says that they are going to kill Obama's Electors so no one finds out that they were Bush Nazis. I would save them! I would save every one of their heads, then people will shake their heads and say, "Gee! They really lost their heads when they voted for Obama!" (Ps. 64:8) Since nobody liked the number, 666; the thing to do is probably put the name of the Beast, GHW Bush on their foreheads. I call him Bush N*gga! I bet they wouldn't get far with Bush N*gga written on their foreheads. (See GHW Bush, A King or Some Other Gad Damn Thing at the end of GHW Bush, Amigo Del Diablo, which is @ halfway through my blog. Not the MySpace one.) 11/20 Bush Nazi Idol Worship: Has a nation ever changed its gods? Sure these Bush Nazis can do anything that they put their sh*t-eaten brains to! That is why they continue to do things that they know are worthy of death. Now as the "fruit of their schemes", the nations shall know that God gave them into the hands of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword. In other words, when you dispatch these idiotic Zionist Nazis, you must cut off their heads, for they are the Holy-wannabes of Israel, and their heads are the idols of Israel. They have been behaving like they are "God on earth", calling good evil and evil good. Rest assured that God's words back them up in their efforts to become His people, for God says that after two days He will revive them; on the third day He will restore them, that they may live in His presence. Tell them that though they have fallen, they will rise and that God has promised them a new heart. Because they have sinned against Him, they will bear the LORD's wrath, until He pleads their case. Via these Bush Nazi Idols, God's salvation will be carried to the ends of the earth. (Jer. 2:11; Rom. 1:32; Jer. 6:19; Ez. 39:23; Ps. 63:10; Ps. 12:3; Is. 5:15,20; Hosea 6:2; Mic. 7:8-9; Ez. 36:26; Is. 49:6) Brought to you by Jerry Garcia and his Deadheads. Eeee Gad! Here comes Jerry! "Driving that train!..." "Got up and made for the door! And he cracked me on the head with a two by four!" "What? Who? Huh?" "By God I've found Peace! Peace at last! Peace that lasts!" |
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I can't even read it because its to large and bold, it hurts my eyes. So even though conspiracy stuff is usually interesting to me, I'll skip it. |
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You know Bush is a pretty Cool Nazi as Nazis go. Although he really had a lousy wardrobe compared to those German Hugo Boss wearing guys in WW2. Guess he was just missing the whole style thing.
Also you really can’t be a real Nazi unless you have a Blond Nazi babe to make you look good. ![]() ![]() Also a dagger an Eyepatch never hurts. LOL! |
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