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softy54534 01-25-2010 12:24 PM

Lancet (UK): Palestinians beat their wives, it's the Jews fault

From news article:
The Lancet is one of the world's most prestigious medical journals. In recent years, however, it has moved a bit from medical to political, and the results are that it has become a purveyor of idiotic social science studies as well.

The latest version is a study that looks at Palestinian Arab men who beat their wives ("intimate partner violence") and who is to blame for it.

Take a wild guess.

softy54534 01-25-2010 02:07 PM

http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Mediocrates http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...post-right.png http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/201...by-lancet.html

From news article:
The Lancet is one of the world's most prestigious medical journals. In recent years, however, it has moved a bit from medical to political, and the results are that it has become a purveyor of idiotic social science studies as well.

The latest version is a study that looks at Palestinian Arab men who beat their wives ("intimate partner violence") and who is to blame for it.

Take a wild guess.

Lillie_Steins 01-25-2010 02:37 PM

Yeah - that would mean most of the Arabs would beat the living...... out of their women.

S.T.D. 01-26-2010 06:07 AM

You guys are missing the point. Here's the issue at hand: the Palestinians & PA, led by the "moderate" Abbas are funding and inciting against Israel. Shouldn't Israel do the same? Why can't someone like Dan Gillerman get an interview with Charlie Rose and enlighten people? Why can't he explain how Mahmoud Abbas did his thesis on denying the Holocaust? Maybe he can show a clip where, in Arabic of course, Mahmoud Abbas is naming streets after Suicide bombers.

It is so the time for Israel to go on the offensive.

I remember during the 2006 Lebanon war they had that female PR person ( i think her name was Miri Eisen?), who was just horrible, and she was apologizing for everything that was happening during the war, instead of saying "hey, it wasn't us that fired rockets into the other country and kidnapped and killed people." She was just on the defensive and sounded extremely pathetic. This is a losing strategy. For example, you never hear Hilary Clinton apologizing about innocents being killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. Never.

I felt a similar way when Bibi was waving around the Aushwitz blueprints at the UN a few months ago. The rest of his speech was good though ,so I forgive him.

Also, I saw Michael Oren on Fareed Zakaria. Zakaria politely attacked Oren using all the Palestinian talking points. Maybe Abbas faxed him a memo beforehand. In any case, Oren is a brilliant man and he didn't say one thing the Palestinians were doing wrong. Maybe he said something about Hamas, but that's it. All he was doing was defending ISrael the entire hour. He was only on the defensive, and I was pretty disappointed with how this brilliant man came off, even though he was only following orders from above...

I also think Israeli leaders need to tone down their Holocaust talk. Why can't they just explain who the enemy is now w/o reminding the whole world about the Holocaust? Do they think most of the world cares about the Holocaust anyway? Europeans don't even care, what makes them think Africans, CHinese, etc, care?

***I think I'm going to respost this in the main forum

Big A 01-26-2010 11:44 AM


I don't see any problem, the study just says that those who are worse off because of the conflict tend to beat their wifes more than the rest. What's so weird about that? Is it an illogical conclusion or anything?
As opposed to say honor killings, forced veiling, child marriage and such?

Raj_Copi_Jin 01-26-2010 12:48 PM


As opposed to say honor killings, forced veiling, child marriage and such?
OK, so you think that it's weird that a middle-class Gazan who lost 2 brothers (even if they were Hamas terrorists), got his house bombed during the recent war in Gaza (maybe because it was storing rockets, or unintentionally) and obviously didn't get any help after the war to rebuild his life, overcome the trauma, etc will probably tend to get more violent on his wife than, let's say, Arafat or Abbas?

I don't think Israel or Israelis want this stuff to happen, but well, it does happen because terrorists prefer to fight in heavily populated areas and if Israel doesn't answer then you will have Israelis in that position... Being in denial of this reality won't help Israel.

And like I said, I'd like to see how does Palestinian marital violence compares with such violence in other countries (Arab, Muslim, war-torn), counting all Palestinians and also counting only the Arafats and the Abbases...

Ifroham4 01-26-2010 01:14 PM

Oh I don't know. Maybe it has to do with not having electricity because Hamas stole the fuel oil. Or Hamas drags your kid into the street and beats him as a warning to the others or Hamas shoots your uncle for being a 'collaborator'.

Beerinkol 01-26-2010 01:28 PM


Oh I don't know. Maybe it has to do with not having electricity because Hamas stole the fuel oil. Or Hamas drags your kid into the street and beats him as a warning to the others or Hamas shoots your uncle for being a 'collaborator'.
Yes, that helps as well. Ditto if Fatah does the same thing.

But let's not pretend that Israel's presence in the West Bank doesn't affect Palestinians, as far as I'm concerned, it is a necessary evil.

LottiFurmann 01-26-2010 01:57 PM

Yet economic conditions in Yesha are the best they've ever been. Maybe violence is a disease of affluence.

Fegasderty 01-26-2010 02:16 PM


Yes, that helps as well. Ditto if Fatah does the same thing.

But let's not pretend that Israel's presence in the West Bank doesn't affect Palestinians, as far as I'm concerned, it is a necessary evil.
You can flip that 180 degrees.

The constant threat of genocide, numerous attempts toward that end in fact. Numerous mass killing via terrorism, and attempted terrorism. Overwhelming persecution of Jews (including mass ethnic cleansing) in the Middle East by Arabs (given most of the Israeli Jews are actually Mizrachi and Sephardi). To boot arabization and colonialization of historic Hebrew lands by Arab invaders under the auspices of theologically driven imperialism. And what do we see? Do we see rampant wife beating by Jews? Do we see honor killings? Do we see even Jewish NGO's or the Israeli govt fund studies that chalk up indigenous social problems to War, to threat of War? on to Arabs? Did we ever see that in fact? When Jews were immensely poorer in Hebron and Jerusalem than most Ottoman backed Arabs. In Yemen or Libya where Jews were little more than chattel slaves under the thumb of the local sheiks? Do we have historic revisionism in our community? Do we endemically excuse our mental illnesses on to the implacable enemy? What do we see? Where is even the remote equivalent? Where do we use those things on a political score card? (I'd actually encourage comparable studies... reciprocity is a b*tch)

Let me be frank here, the very first thing that is of difference between civilized people (read Jews) and uncivilized people (read Arabs) is that the former can and do deal with social stressors w/o relegating to bogeymen, whilst the latter look for anything at all to save face. Modern Civilization mandates ethics, face culture mandates death and a blame game of the empowered onto scapegoats.

NeroASERCH 01-26-2010 02:59 PM


You can flip that 180 degrees.

The constant threat of genocide, numerous attempts toward that end in fact. Numerous mass killing via terrorism, and attempted terrorism. Overwhelming persecution of Jews (including mass ethnic cleansing) in the Middle East by Arabs (given most of the Israeli Jews are actually Mizrachi and Sephardi). To boot arabization and colonialization of historic Hebrew lands by Arab invaders under the auspices of theologically driven imperialism. And what do we see? Do we see rampant wife beating by Jews? Do we see honor killings? Do we see even Jewish NGO's or the Israeli govt fund studies that chalk up indigenous social problems to War, to threat of War? on to Arabs? Did we ever see that in fact? When Jews were immensely poorer in Hebron and Jerusalem than most Ottoman backed Arabs. In Yemen or Libya where Jews were little more than chattel slaves under the thumb of the local sheiks? Do we have historic revisionism in our community? Do we endemically excuse our mental illnesses on to the implacable enemy? What do we see? Where is even the remote equivalent? Where do we use those things on a political score card? (I'd actually encourage comparable studies... reciprocity is a b*tch)

Let me be frank here, the very first thing that is of difference between civilized people (read Jews) and uncivilized people (read Arabs) is that the former can and do deal with social stressors w/o relegating to bogeymen, whilst the latter look for anything at all to save face. Modern Civilization mandates ethics, face culture mandates death and a blame game of the empowered onto scapegoats.
True, it's one of the reasons of why Israel's presence in the WB is like I said a necessary evil. But come on, let's be honest, the Palestinians don't have it easy, they could have better lives if there was a peace deal.

Also, the last paragraph indirectly gives a reason of why the The Lancet's study results are valid...

doctorzlo 01-26-2010 04:46 PM

They have it easy as compared to say dirt poor Cambodians, Guatemalans etc. The blame game starts and stops at the PLO.

My last paragraph?

softy54534 01-26-2010 05:08 PM


They have it easy as compared to say dirt poor Cambodians, Guatemalans etc. The blame game starts and stops at the PLO.
Well that's why I want to compare Palestinian marital violence with other countries, to know how do they fare.


My last paragraph?
Yes, instead of doing a serious effort for rehabilitation (or asking UNRWA and the international community to help) and for building a country most of them prefer to place ALL the blame for their problems on Israel.

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