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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #21

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Yeah no problem my friend glad to have cleared things up. I not only study and research everything from militaries, economies, politics, history, etc. but also enjoy doing this as a hobby as I continue to enhance my knowledge and learn something new about a certain country every day. Yeah I partially agree with you that certain countries should not spend as much on military but should focus on improving their economies, health care and human rights issues. But you have to also understand for example my country Turkey is in a geographically key position and is surrounded by former enemies and dangerous, hostile and powerful countries such as Iran, Russia, Greece, Armenia, and the Middle East, etc. so they have to keep getting stronger and maintain a powerful well-equipped, well-trained and capable large armed forces to have a balance of power in the region and to deter future attacks on their soil.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #22

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U guys seem well versed on military issues, probably more than the news. Can someone tell whats the worst thing that can happen in the yellow sea? with the USS Washington aircraft carrier in place to carry out drills with the South and the North is threatening firepower.

Should a war break out what's China's stance. i mean it has to take a side and i'm sure it won't leave North Korea alone
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #23

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South Korea doesnt want to strike or they would. The south wont strike until after another cheap shot from the north. Then the north would be quickly knocked out, two days tops.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #24

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It is true that North Korea is highly overestimated and probably will not last very long in a war with a major power or even a middle power as their economy and technological capabilities are very limited and weak. However they are considered the most militarized country in the world as they spend a huge amount of their GDP on military and pretty much the whole country is looked upon as an army and treated as such. They are very tough, hostile and paranoid due to the communist government which brainwashes its people to think this way especially towards the West, most specifically towards the US. Now I didn't mean to generalize saying they are tough, hostile and paranoid in my previous sentence but like I said they are brainwashed to think this way. Despite everything they have the 4th largest army in the world ahead of countries like Russia and still possess much military power/force that should be taken seriously, they are also developing and working on possessing nuclear weapons and have already succeeded in having some warheads according to some sources. Now Indonesia is ranked in top 15 as 12th or 13th in several websites I have come upon but when I looked more into it, I ranked them as 18th in the world. They have a very tough training system, and are economically growing as well, have fairly large and powerful army, navy and air force but still have some time to be considered powerful enough to be in top 15 or 12/13 in my opinion. I don't know much about African militaries but would rank Egypt, South Africa and Nigeria as the top 3, and the rest would follow. Anyway here's my extended top 20 to 30 if you or anyone else wants to know more: 16) Egypt, 17) Italy, 18) Indonesia, 19) Mexico, 20) Taiwan, 21) Sweden, 22) Greece, 23) Canada, 24) Spain, 25) Saudi Arabia, 26) Ukraine, 27) Australia, 28) Thailand 29) Denmark, 30) Poland.
i partially agree with your list... but venezuela should be also into the top 30 imo. a latin american ranking is more like:

1 brazil
2 mexico
3 venezuela
4 argentina
5 colombia
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #25

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i partially agree with your list... but venezuela should be also into the top 30 imo. a latin american ranking is more like:

1 brazil
2 mexico
3 venezuela
4 argentina
5 colombia
The military budget ranking per the 2009 SIPRI ranking goes like this in Latin America (top 10):

1. Brazil
2. Colombia
3. Chile
4. Mexico
5. Venezuela
6. Argentina
7. Peru
8. Uruguay
9. Guatemala
10. Paraguay

Colombia's budget is well over $10 billion and Chile's also beats Mexico ($5.6 billion vs. $5.4 billion). I wouldn't shortchange Colombia and Chile.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #26

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i don't think military budget ranking per the 2009 is a good way of judging the armies of latin america.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #27

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i don't think military budget ranking per the 2009 is a good way of judging the armies of latin america.
Well, it can't be taken alone, like, you have to keep in mind how many arms a country has stockpiled and how many resources it could dig into if it needed to. What about the three countries you listed make you think that their military is superior to Colombia's, despite Colombia spending twice as much money on their military?
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #28

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Hmm i agree with most of the country's but don't you think holland is missing out? it's a small country but they deffinetly have a good trained army! We actually have one of the best trained sf
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #29

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Here are the top threes, but broken down into category. It's not as simple as using the term "best army".

By "Best", what do you mean? If you're measuring the LARGEST armies, then it goes

1. Russia (21 million including reserves and paramilitary forces)
2. North Korea (9.4 million including reserves)
3. South Korea (8.6 million including reserves)

If you're counting the active military personel ONLY, it's as follows

1. China (2.2 million)
2. USA (1.5 million)
3. North Korea (1.1 million)

If you're talking about the STRONGEST armies by nuclear deterrence (nuclear weapons stockpile) it's as follows.

1. Russia (11,000 nuclear warheads/ICBMs)
2. United States (8,500 nuclear warheads/ICBMs)
3. China (2,500 nuclear warheads/ICBMs)

Lastly, if you're talking about the most CAPABLE/STRONGEST army in terms of reach, economy and provisions, it's...

1. Russia (capable blue water navy, not thinly-stretched around the world, vast resources, global reach, space capability)
2. China (largest military budget if you value the Yuan correctly, capacity for global influence)
3. USA (based in 180 locations throughout the world but thinly stretched and economically strained)
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #30

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Top ten military means , not being ally.

Regarding Pakistan , Indian forces fight more than Pakistan.
Size of Indian forces larger than Pakistan.
India won all the battle against Pakistan.
Pakistan Fight against only Islamic terrorist but Indian forces fight against Islamic terrorist , Communist Naxalists and Communist Maoist supported and trained in China .
The Maoist terrorist are dangerous of all , like very brutal killing .
Pakistan to fight against India brought numerous Islamic terrorist from around the world .

Not a point here but , Bin laden was in Pakistan soil for more then 15 years as per Indian intelligence right?

Can you justify Why Pakistan , from above points ? India is also Nuclear power.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #31

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I mean Being ally does not show strength. right ?
Iran has many in quantities but not guaranteed quality.
Israel has less F-15 than Saudi Arabia , but Israel has many home grown products and one of largest supplier of defense . Israeli air force can carry many continuous strikes but it is difficult for SA .
Same in case of Pakistan , were government it self i not stable .
Can you evaluate my points and reply? I will be happy to find some replies or some new points.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #32

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Brahmos Cruse Missile is fastest in the cruse missile in the world.

Nuclear power Countries.

Countries with Space technologies.

Countries with good reserve forces.

Countries with largest standing army . In case of India it is 1.2 million.

Countries with aircraft carrier.

Countries by technology.

Many more you can add.

Please continue the list.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #33

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I got few more points .

Countries with Amphibious war fare capabilities .

Countries with latest home grown Fighter .

Countries with 4 and 4.5 generation aircrafts.

Countries with AEWS .

Countries with 5th generation fighter and fighter programs.

Countries with new aircraft carriers.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #34

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Anti ballistic defense system is one of the important factor in securing its nation.

There are few countries which have developed this technology by their own .

U.S.A - Arrow.
Russia. S-300/400/500.
Israel. - Arrow , Iron dome , Barak
India. - Prithvi (PAD) and AAD.

Soon Canada and France will be in the group. May be Japan , Korea and Taiwan.

SAM , cruse , ICBM , Submarine launched , MIRV etc can be considered.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #35

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I agree with most of yours except:

1. USA, latest tech and weapoons
2. Russia, nuclear power!
3. China, gigantic army+navy
4. India, same as China
5. UK, special forces and spies
6. France, just; all-around
7. Turkey, hard commando training leads to very tough fighters
8. South Korea, technology
9. Israel, best tech in the world besides the US and maybe Russia
10. Brazil, rapidly growing economy and military

Close behind are Japan and Germany 11th and 12th respectively
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #36

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the world's most powerful 5th Army (american and Swedish scientists explained)

1- A.B.D
2- China
3- Russia
4- Turkey
5 - İsrael

the number of the army that the expedition

1. Turkey 15.374.000
2. People's Republic of China 12.500.000
3. United States 10.426.000
4. Russia 10.037.000
5. North Korea 9.106.000
6. South Korea 6.087.000
7. Pakistan 5,619.000
8. Germany 5.480.000
9. Iran 5,545.000
10. Vietnam 2,484.000

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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #37

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With all due respect any discussion of military power that does not give considerable conisderation to nuclear weapons is incomplete. Nuclear weapons are the most powerful and effective weapons in the world. A country with a large enough arsenal who has the means to deliver these weapons can project its will any where in the world at any time. While the US may still possess a "qualitative" edge at the moment over Russia and China, Russia has the largest and most advanced nuclear arsenal in the world at the moment, as well as the most advanced and reliable delivery systems for these weapons. In addition the US has allowed its nuclear capabilities and its delivery capabilities to erode in recent decades.

Russia's nuclear edge offsets any "qualitative" conventional edge the US may still have. China has vast numbers that the US cannot match. These vast numbers would quickly overwhelm any "qualitative" edge America may still possess over them. In a military confrontation with China, America would lose badly in a conventional figth. America's only option would be a nuclear one. Also, in any fight with China, America will definitely be fighting Russia also and very likely China as well. The same applies in a fight with Russia as well. If Russia needed assistance in a conventional fight, China would come to their aid. this would quickly overwhelm any qualitative edge America may have. With Russia's vast nuclear arsenal going nulcear against Russia is not feasible.

Essentially China's vast numbers cancel out any qualitative edge America may have. Russia's nulcear arsenal cancels out America's nuclear option. In addition, a fight against either of these countries will lead to fighting the other as well. Also, Russia, China, and other nations have upgraded their militaries in recent years. America has not. As such, any qualitative edge America has oir may have is diminishing rapidly. Also, America has neglectd the "hard sciences" such as math, chemistry, physics, and engineering in its education system in favor of politically correct teachings such as "native American studies", "emancipation of enslaved peoples studies", "LGBT rights studies", "man caused global warming", and a plethora of other things. As such, America does not have the skilled personnel to remain competitive with up and coming powers or Russia and China for any length of time.

Even if those problems of lack of skilled personnel could be solved, which would take a decade or more to get a handle on even if America changed its education system right this instance, America faces an additional problems of massive national debt and a crumbling infrastructure. Much will need to be done to address all of this. If this is not bad enough, America lacks any kind of manufacturing base to manufacture things to meet its basic needs, let alone build what would be needed to win a military confrontation with the likes of Russia and China. Given America's lack of the skilled personnel, the manufacturing infrastructure, its crumbling civilian infrastructure, and its massive national debt, there is almost zero possiblity that America is going to be able to compete with Russia or China in any meaningful way in the short to mid term or very likely the long term.

Given these factors, America will continue to weaken while China and likely Russia will grow stronger. There's simply no way for America to realistically expect to compete. Also, America holds the position of being the most universially despised country on the planet. In any confrontation with Russia, China, or any other combination of powers, these others can count on help. America cannot.

The hurdles for America are massive. I have no doubt that Russian and Chinese leaders wake up each and every morning thanking whatever god or gods they believe in that the problems their nations face are no where near as severe as those faced by America.

Finally, America may be the most powerful nation today but, if so, given all the factors laid out above this will only continue to be the case for another year or so, two years at the most.

Mid to long range for world powers would be as follows, if we are talking about winning a war.
1.) Russia
2.) China
3.) India
4.) Israel
5.) Iran
6.) North Korea
7.) Pakistan
8.) Brazil
9.) Iraq
10.) Venezuela

The US is not even on the list. At this point, the US has no real prospect to be competitive as a major world power. In addition, it has Russia, China, Iran, and a host of other countries literally gunning for it. America should focus on its survival and not on global power. With all the issues laid out above, America's survival as a soverign entity is less than 50% over the next five year period and this assumes its current leadership is replaced with competent leaders. The problems have simply allowed to go on too long and have become to massive. Under current management, America's survival prosepcts over a two to five year period are less than 1%.

Currently a list of the top military powers would likely be
1.) Russia
2.) China
3.) USA (a VERY distant third)

The rest of the current list I could not quibble to much with, however, Pakistan should be listed ahead of the United Kingdom. France, and Germany. With all due respect any analysis of military power that does not consider nukes first and foremost is at best incomplete. Also, long range trends need to be considered as well. In the current situation America's prospects are dim and mid to long range they are even dimmer. Essentially America should not be ranked number one in military capabilities. In fact the country is not even close to Russia and China and barring something extrodinary the likes of which has been seldom if ever seen in world history the superiority of Russia and China over America in military force capability will only become wider in coming years.
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #38

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1# is the USA
2# Russia
3# England and Germany tied
China to me is not there yet they just got their first aircraft carrier used from the Ukraine. Yes some countries maybe a nuclear power. I would not expect any western nation nor China would ever use them. And the others that have them lack good delivery systems making them more of a local threat than global. If a power was to use nukes or bio weapons today I think the response would be devastating to them. I would also like to say some of the nations that has supplied troops for the global war on terrorism are great to. I had the honor to meet troops from Croatia Albania England in Iraq I know Romania Poland and Germany and many others have got into the trenches as well .And my Hat goes off to all my brothers in arms
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Old 09-01-2012, 12:48 PM   #39

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With all due respect and as a fellow American, I cant believe you made all these crazy assumptions based on what? America has its problems granted but so does every country basically in the world. Plus you loved to highlight this China-Russia pact but have you not heard of NATO? Plus the US has mutual defense treaties with numerous powerful countries around the world not in NATO ( Japan, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand) etc. Plus India would more than likely side with the US also. America is not doing great but there's hope still if we can keep President Obama in office and get rid of most of the obstructionist Republican element in both houses of Congress we could pull out of this malaise we find ourselves in now. I for one believe in America and its amazing ability of pulling together to get through anything. This is all conjecture of course but I felt I had to respond after reading such a negative view of America.
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Old 09-22-2012, 07:30 AM   #40

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I'm a university student in my 2nd year doing a double major in political science and history and have been personally researching and reading/watching news, information and articles on world militaries also learning from my courses and from several websites I gathered (globalfirepower.com, globalsecurity.org, nationmaster.com, cia.gov, etc.) here are my top 10 and extended Top 15 militaries in the world according to my studies and research.

1.) The United States of America - Obviously and undisputed top military in the world due to the second standing largest army and very powerful combined force of army, navy and air force, excellent military training with their marines, delta forces, seals, excellent technology and economy, numerous allies, more than 100 military bases and global influence in the world, 2nd largest nuclear arsenal (however most technologically advanced nukes), huge military budget, extensive and continuing military experience in wars such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and now in Yemen, permanent member of UN Security Council, 4th largest country in the world by area/land mass and 3rd by population with over 300 million people, one of the largest military weapons technologies and producers in the world, leading member of NATO, etc.

2) People's Republic of China - largest standing army in the world as well as the largest country in the world with a population of over 1.3 billion, equally large and powerful navy and air force, good military training, improving navy and air force, between 200-300 or more nukes making it between 3rd-5th largest nuclear arsenal in the world, second highest military budget after US, growing economy and rapidly improving technology, self-sufficient in military production and huge military weapons technology, permanent member of the UN Security Council, most powerful Asian military, etc.

3) The Russian Federation - 5th largest army in the world with over 1,000,000 troops, largest nuclear arsenal in the world (one of the two most advanced nukes in the world, the other being US), largest country by area/land mass by far, one of the largest countries as well with a population of over 142 million people, most powerful Eurasian country, very disciplined and professional military training, large and powerful navy and air force as well, one of the best military technologies and weapons producers in the world, stable and growing economy after the Soviet collapse in 1990, permanent member of the UN Security Council, large military budget, one of the most experienced militaries in the world, etc.

4) Republic of India - 3rd largest standing army in the world after China and US, second largest country in the world by population after China with over 1.75 billion people, also one of the largest countries in the world by area/land mass, one of the largest and rapidly improving and powerful army, navy and air forces in the world, good military training, experienced military with wars over Pakistan and China, growing military weapons production and technology/industry, large military budget, 3rd most powerful Asian military power, etc.

5) The United Kingdom - one of the largest military budgets and economies in the world, small combined military force of army, navy and air force personnel in the world but very effective nonetheless, the most powerful navy and air force with a strong army as well in Europe and one of the best and largest navies and air forces in the world as well, permanent member of the UN Security Council, one of the leading members of NATO, one of the largest countries in Europe with 62 million population after Russia with 142+ million, Germany 80+ million, Turkey 75 million and France 65+ million, one of the best military training in the world along with US, Canada, Australia, Russia, etc., an experienced military with recent NATO involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, one of the top nuclear powers, one of the leading NATO and EU members, etc.

6) France - permanent member of the UN Security Council, one of the best militaries in Europe and very good military training, decent sized and very powerful army, navy and air force, one of the largest economies and military budgets in the world, one of the largest countries in Europe with over 65 million people, one of the top nuclear powers, one of the leading NATO and EU members, etc.

7) Germany - largest country in Europe with over 80+ million people, one of the leading NATO and EU members, excellent military training and one of the best military weapons technology and industry in Europe and the world, 4th largest economic power in the world and one of the best technologies in the world, decent sized but very powerful and professional combined force of army, navy and air force, one of the best tanks, air craft carriers and fighting planes, and other military weapons producers in the world, not a declared nuclear power but is a member of the NATO nuclear sharing policy and possesses a number of nuclear weapons along with Turkey, Italy, Belgium and Netherlands, one of the leading members of NATO and EU being the most populous member of EU, a defensive force but in war time can mobilize and possess a very large and powerful army and overall military, is very capable of producing its own nukes if need be but due to its bad reputation in WWI and especially WWII not allowed to acquire its own produced nukes, etc.

8) Japan - one of the best navies and air forces in the world as well as a small but very professional and well trained army, 2nd largest economy in the world and one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, one of the most populous countries in Asia and the world with over 127 million people, a defensive force like Germany but can quickly create a very large and powerful army and overall military if need be, does not possess any nuclear weapons but very capable of producing its own, due to their bad reputation in WWII like Germany restricted military, etc.

9) Republic of Turkey - most powerful military of Middle East and Central as well as Western Asia, 2nd largest army and overall military of NATO after US, excellent military training and very well trained according to NATO standards, a very large (over 1,055,000 overall military) and powerful combined force of army (514,000 active, 380,000 reserve and 144,000 paramilitary), navy (best in Middle East and the Muslim world, and air force (2nd best in Middle East after Israel), one of the largest Eurasian countries with 75 million people, largest economy in Middle East and in the Muslim world being 17th economy in the world in GDP nominal and 15th in GDP PPP, 8th largest military budget in the world, technologically and in military weapons industry the best in Middle East and in the Muslim world as it has access to NATO weapons and produces 60% of it's own weapons and has future impressive military production projects like a native tank based on the German Leopard model jointly created by South Korea, a unique and strategically as well as geographically important country and considered a bridge between East (Asia and Russia) and West (Europe and the Americas) being near Middle East, one of the few Muslim majority (99% Muslim) countries but a secular democracy, has great influence in Middle East and in the Muslim world due to it's long legacy of Turkic empires ruling over most of Muslim lands especially from the previous Ottoman Empire (1299-1923 ruling over three continents of Arabia and Middle East, North Africa, Anatolia/Asia Minor of current day Turkey and Southeastern Europe/Balkans as well as Caucasus), part of the NATO nuclear sharing policy and possesses 90 nuclear weapons (40-45 of them under the personal use and disposal of the Turkish air force and navy), is capable of producing it's own nuclear weapons with a growing economy and military technology, has signed a deal with neighbouring Russia to open Turkey's first nuclear power plants in the next few years after neighbouring Iran's attempts to acquire these weapons to maintain a balance of power in the region, part of G20 major economies in the world, produces food, weapons, automotives, textiles and clothing, very attractive tourist location, etc.

10) Israel - one of the best military trainings in the world, a very experienced army with it's several wars with the neighboring Arab countries since it's formation in 1948, best air force in Middle East, very self-sufficient in creating its own military weapons production/industry/technology, small but very professional and powerful army and air force and decent navy, a nuclear power, strong alliances with US, NATO/EU/Europe and Turkey, many resources and self-sufficient in these vast resources, one of the most experienced militaries in Middle East, the Muslim world and in the world in general with the Turkish Cyprus invasion in 1974, and the recently continuing civil war in the eastern part of Turkey with the separatist/communist/terrorist organization called PKK (Partiye Karkireye Kurdistan meaning Kurdistan Workers Party) for 25+ years since 1984-present, etc.

11) Islamic Republic of Iran - very good military training and professionalism, one of the top 3 largest military powers in Middle East the Muslim world and 8th in the world, large and powerful army and air force, decent navy, seeking to develop and acquire nuclear weapons, the major Shiite Muslim country, over 70 million population being one of the largest Muslim countries, strong alliances with Russia and China, an experienced army with it's recent war with Iraq from 1979/80-1988/89/90, vast reserves of oil and gas, etc.

12) Islamic Republic of Pakistan - very good military training and professionalism, the largest Muslim military power in the world with over 600,000 active troops and the 6th/7th largest in the world, very large and powerful army and air force decent navy, a very experienced army with it's wars with neighbouring India, the only Muslim nuclear power, strong alliances with Turkey and the rest of Middle East and the Muslim world especially with the Arab states, China, France and some NATO/EU/Europe, and US, largest contributor to UN peacekeeping missions with over 10,000 soldiers, second largest Muslim country and one of the largest in the world in population with 180 million people, etc.

13) Brazil - a growing military and economic power in the world, largest and most powerful military and economy in South and Latin America, strong alliances, one of the largest countries in the world by population (over 192 million people) and area/land mass (5th/6th largest in the world), etc.

14) South Korea/Republic of Korea - one of the most economically and technologically advanced countries in Asia following Japan's model, 6th largest active army in the world, a very powerful and large army, navy and air force, one of the best navy and air forces in Asia, very self-sufficient in military weapons production/industry/technology and general production, over 45 million people, strong alliances with Japan, Turkey, US and NATO/EU/Europe, etc.

15) North Korea/Democratic People's Republic of Korea - the most militarized and combat ready army in the world, the 4th largest active army in the world, a very large and powerful army and air force decent navy, over 23 million population, etc.
my friend you forget to mention one thing about pakistan. pakistan air force took part in arab israel wars in 67 & 74. PAF shoot down some israel jets with any loss.
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