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Old 01-19-2007, 02:03 AM   #21

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Is it better to learn painful truth, or avoid it?
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Old 01-19-2007, 04:45 AM   #22

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This reminds me of a carnival game booth I once gave all my money to when I was a kid--that little stuffed monkey I finally won cost me $25.00. But, this is my last try . . . if this still misses the mark I'm outta here

Is it better to serve the truth or to be served by it?
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Old 01-19-2007, 10:41 PM   #23

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Though this question contains elements of "dogmatic teaching", knowing the correct dogmas may not help some people find the correct answer.

Spiritually speaking, is it better to a) have Christ become incarnate within our souls, or b) become the disembodied Logos within our souls?

Does this question fit into your scheme of things, Seraphim(Owen)?
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Old 01-19-2007, 10:45 PM   #24

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This is becoming like Lay's potato chips (you cannot stop with just one).

Is it better to evaluate without participation or to participate without evaluation?©

(Possibly some of our Anglican brothers and sisters, who would be Orthodox, would say neither/nor at the present time)

We are getting paid for this aren't we? (that didn't count as a try did it? . . . somebody stop me . . .
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Old 01-19-2007, 11:00 PM   #25

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Sorry, I might as well expose my own spiritual ignorance, but to this simple mind, the obvious answer is "all of the above" or perhaps I am missing the fact that there is perhaps no "right" answer? Many of these questions, to me, are simply two sides of the same coin. Which side is the "right" side?

Is it better to be poor or rich? I don't know, but it is better to be "saved" (which I define for convenience sake in this instance, as "entering the Kingdom"). According to Scriptural evidence, being rich can make this harder, but Christ tells us ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE for God. Being rich is better if the rich person is a WISE STEWARD, using the TALENTS he is given for the "profit" of God, because for the poor person who is not wise, even what he has will be taken away.

If I am ill, and do not feel I am "ready" to stand in God's presence, then I will fight with all my strength to stay alive to the point where my repentance will be acceptable before God, because the Apostles tell us that spiritual warfare is to the last breath. I pray to God that I not die "too soon", and I pray every Liturgy for a death that is blameless and peaceful. And I will not stand in judgement of the person who simply says "Thy Will be done" with a clear conscience, regardless of my opinion of his actions up to that last breath.

Or perhaps the answer is "it depends"? OK, so I flunked the test. Now what?
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Old 01-19-2007, 11:34 PM   #26

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How about:

Is it better to a) fight evil or b) suffer from evil?
In both cases, evil defeats you. There is only one choice, which is to provide an example of something better. Also, be careful, for it's up to God to decide what is evil.

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Old 01-20-2007, 12:24 AM   #27

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It seems to this little brain that we are talking at cross purposes, or perhaps the confusion is only mine. If so please forgive. But I DO find the title confusing. IQ Test? This seems to imply that there is, in fact, a right answer and a wrong answer, or at least, that certain answers will result in a "higher" score and other answers will result in a lower score. What if I get a "high" score? Does this mean I am a "spiritual genius"? Does anyone else see a possible danger here of prelest? Or am I simply reading too much into it?

Therefore, I understand why certain people prefer the term "koan", which is simply a "thought problem", the expression of a paradox. It is in trying to harmonize the paradox that awareness begins. BOTH answers ARE right (or wrong), the real problem is to figure out HOW they can both be true or false at the same time (which ties in with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle in quantum physics, but I digress...).

But that is not an "IQ Test". Or else I failed the test again.
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Old 01-20-2007, 10:02 AM   #28

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Current science has determined that IQ is purely a function of genetics. And that the prediction of future success is based on IQ. That is the current state of biological science with respect to behavior, intelligence, etc.

So to say that there is something like a spiritual intelligence test that might be a predictor of success in life is a way of refuting that, without having to get involved in ideological/scientistic debates. Of course, the whole definition of success would be different, OK?

The assumption is that there is a "better" answer, not necessarily an absolutely right answer.
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Old 01-24-2007, 12:35 AM   #29

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Is it better to a) be hated or b) be embarrassed?

Does one grow more from a) a fall or b) recovery from a fall?

Is one more oneself when a) alone or b) in a group?

Is truth more readily a) seen or b) heard?

Is forgiveness a) an end or b) a beginning?

Is it more important a) to forgive or b) to be forgiven?

Is it of more profit a) to be mocked or b) to be ignored?

INXC, Matthew
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:57 AM   #30

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Is it better for "The Jester" to have the pellet with the poison in: a.) the vessel with the pestle [and the brew that is true in the chalice from the palace] or b.) in the chalice from the palace [and the brew that is true in the vessel with the pestle]?

But wait, come to think of it they broke the vessel with the pestle and this has now been replaced with a flagon with a dragon. Okay, please replace the vessel in both "a.) and b.)" with the afore mentioned flagon in the above.
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:12 AM   #31

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Danny Kaye and "The Court Jester" is one of my favorite movies!

Get it? Got it! Good!

Oh, no, don't get me started!

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Old 04-04-2007, 11:31 PM   #32

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Jolly good show, Matthew! We just need a couple of dozen more....
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Old 03-13-2008, 07:49 AM   #33

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I want to invite members to think about and contribute questions for a spiritual IQ test. The idea would be not to ask dogmatic questions, but questions that require a response from the soul that would not require prior knowledge in the form of theological "information" so to speak, but what is your soul telling you.

For example:

Question: Is it better to be a victim of an injustice, or to commit an injustice?

Hopefully we can come up with 25 good questions.
Dear Servant of Christ, Seraphim:

Many replies to your question but no answers.

I understand why you used the term I.Q. test. It has nothing to do with intelligence but with answers that come from one's nature rather than from complex external sources of text which derive their answers from others without guarenteeing the recipient the quality of true comprehension.

Ordinary people can quote brilliant people without understanding in their hearts what they are quoting.

My answer: It is better to be a victim of injustice than to commit an injustice; just like it is better to be St John the Baptist than King Herrod.

In Christ, Victor
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Old 03-14-2008, 03:03 AM   #34

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Most people of at least some understanding would probably cheat on this test (maybe not consciously, but by saying what they believe to be the right answer regardless of their true feelings). Is that not telling in and of itself? After all, who wants to "fail" a spiritual IQ test?

Then you have to define your audience. Some of these questions would not fly with a Western mindset.
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Old 03-14-2008, 03:25 AM   #35

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Most people of at least some understanding would probably cheat on this test (maybe not consciously, but by saying what they believe to be the right answer regardless of their true feelings). Is that not telling in and of itself? After all, who wants to "fail" a spiritual IQ test?

Then you have to define your audience. Some of these questions would not fly with a Western mindset.
I think I see what you are saying here Anna, and you make some good points; however as a counter point I think the true Beauty of this thread is found in what these thought questions do to a classic Western mindset.

Go ahead and give it a try , the simplier the better here , it is actually in the formation of the question that I find the most value.

In Christ,
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Old 03-14-2008, 03:35 AM   #36

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Afterthought . . .

Here's an oldie but a goodie Anna, and it applies somewhat to the above:

Is it better to a.) participate without evaluation; or b.) evaluate without participation?
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Old 03-14-2008, 10:59 AM   #37

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Is it better to a) be hated or b) be embarrassed?
This depends on circumstances.

a) To be hated for Christ's sake is excellent! To be hated by victims that you persecute is a sign of your iniquity.

b) Embarassment is good when felt by proud, pretentious people and lack of it is good in spiritually humble people.

Does one grow more from a) a fall or b) recovery from a fall? From the recovery. Demons fell & never recovered, did they grow in Christ-like stature? Of course not. Adam & Eve fell and recovered. They grew.

Is one more oneself when a) alone or b) in a group? a) Introverts when alone. b) Extroverts when in a group

Is truth more readily a) seen or b) heard? Neither. Some truths are eye-witnessed; some are testified. I think the poster mistakenly substituted the word "readily" for the correct word which could be for example, "accurately".

Or perhaps the question should be, "Is truth more believable when seen or heard?" Then the answer would be a) seen.

Is forgiveness a) an end or b) a beginning? Both of course. It is an end of conflict and a beginning of peace for example. There are many correct variations to this answer.

Is it more important a) to forgive or b) to be forgiven? Both are important, and what is more important as far as you are concerned depends on whether you are the offender or the victim.

a) You forgive your offender so that the Lord will also forgive you and to bring relief to a troubled and gilt-ridden person.

b) You need forgiveness for offending others by asking for it, thus removing negativity from your victim and you need forgiveness from God for your salvation.

eg. "Ask forgiveness for deliberately and selectively manipulating whatever someone states to be conveyed for others, thus creating a negative reputation for him/her. This is bearing false witness against thy neighbour, and requires both God's and your victim's forgiveness before you depart this world."

Is it of more profit a) to be mocked or b) to be ignored? Both under different circumstances.

a) It is better to be mocked if you are a proud and pretentious man who feels more important than others because of say, spending more time acquiring a higher education and more letters after your name for the sake of respect, praise and power.

b) If one is a spiritual person, like an Orthodox hermit, who prefers the company of God and His heavenly servants, being ignored by proud, pretentious people is better than being mocked as the former leaves one alone to continue in one's spititual exchanges whereas the latter distracts from the spiritual exchanges with God and His heavenly servants and brings turmoil to an otherwise peaceful, prayerful person.

In XC, Victor
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Old 03-14-2008, 07:11 PM   #38

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Seems like you've kind of missed the point of this thread and the questions!

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Old 03-15-2008, 01:27 AM   #39

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Afterthought . . .

Here's an oldie but a goodie Anna, and it applies somewhat to the above:

Is it better to a.) participate without evaluation; or b.) evaluate without participation?
Ouch! Was that supposed to mean little 'ol me? You nailed me there, Rick.

I'm not much on philosphical questions, but one I can think of from my life would be: "Would you be willing to go to hell if it meant your children would enter heaven?"

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Old 03-15-2008, 03:08 AM   #40

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Is it better to a) be hated or b) be embarrassed?
These are two different things, to be hated gives the opportunity to be forgiving. To be embarrassed means my pride has taken a hit and a good dose of humility is called for.

Does one grow more from a) a fall or b) recovery from a fall? Recovery. If you stay down, you're out.

Is one more oneself when a) alone or b) in a group? Alone...and without music or television blaring to keep you from having to be surrounded by your own thoughts.

Is truth more readily a) seen or b) heard? Depends. We often see things that people want us to see and hear what they want us to hear. To get a true picture of someone we should see/hear them from the privacy of a closet when they are on day three of a family visit somewhere in the vicinity of a major holiday. This is related to the immediately preceding question.

Then there is the Truth of God and in whom do we see it--only in Christ himself. The remainder of us are, at best, only a dim reflection.

Is forgiveness a) an end or b) a beginning? The beginning.

Is it more important a) to forgive or b) to be forgiven? Again, it depends on perspective. To forgive means that you will be forgiven your sins. To be forgiven means the one who has wronged you gains the opportunity to be forgiven his. If your goal is your own salvation, then the first. If your goal is the salvation of others, then the latter. However, if in desiring the salvation of others above your own you win Paradise, then the latter, again.

Is it of more profit a) to be mocked or b) to be ignored? Well, if in mocking we share the suffering of Christ, it is a blessing. To be ignored nails our pride to the cross and may help us grow--also a blessing. It depends upon our individual spiritual needs.

Just my poor thoughts.

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