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emorbimefed 06-20-2012 05:41 AM


What's your mom's first name? I would like to refer to her by name. I'm thinking Jesus has his hands pretty full these days, and referring to her by name might make it easier.
Her name is Peggy. Thank you all for the prayers they mean more to me than I can express. I'm looking into every viable option that I can for alternative medicine, It's just all happening so fast she is scheduled for surgery in just two weeks.

God Bless you all

Thank you.

EsAllCams 06-20-2012 06:08 AM

I will send a boost to Peggy and dedicate a day of practice to sending her healing and positivity.

Included is a site that has archived the most popular alternative cures...these are things that you can do for her right now, without waiting.


Budwig protocol, cottage cheese and oil, read about it, supposed to have a 90% or higher cure rate

Rounteetepehryn 06-20-2012 07:10 AM


What's your mom's first name? I would like to refer to her by name. I'm thinking Jesus has his hands pretty full these days, and referring to her by name might make it easier.
Boosts are more effective when I have a name as well. Pics are even stronger but I don't ask that here.

Plaumpholavup 06-20-2012 12:49 PM

I will pray for her HillBilly, with all my heart, and I will suggest that she does some research on strict water fasting, because it can purify her liver on a cellular level and totally destroy the cancer.

So I will pray that she has the commitment and strength to do a lengthy water fast, and I will pray that she can defeat this cancer. Christ can heal her, and Christ promotes fasting.

Sthjrderfida 06-20-2012 01:36 PM


Her name is Peggy. Thank you all for the prayers they mean more to me than I can express. I'm looking into every viable option that I can for alternative medicine, It's just all happening so fast she is scheduled for surgery in just two weeks.

God Bless you all

Thank you.
Hillbilly, a lot of work can be done in two weeks ! Please get a juicer , that is the very first thing....fresh juice.
Cleanse - Nourish- Heal If you don't know where to start because you'll hear about so many different alternatives....
The first one would be God's plan for health and natural healing. ( Bible)

My doctor's name is Dr. Richard Schulze.
He won't/ doesn't tell anyone personally what to do....he's retired and has been in jail enough times to know better.
His information will teach you how to heal yourself through cleansing and nourishing.
A lifetime dedicated to helping others heal is all he has ever done.
He has been one of the GREATEST inspirations in my life.
His information is worth looking into as well.

uC4F0NVL 06-20-2012 02:24 PM

Hillbilly, this news hits me so close to home.


BenWired306 06-20-2012 03:32 PM

So sorry to hear this Hillbilly, I have prayed for your mother Peggy and you...

PNCarl 06-20-2012 04:22 PM

Positive vibes sent, tell her to check her bulk mail as well as her inbox.

TriamiCaw 06-20-2012 04:50 PM

From my Family to yours, i truly hope for the very best in your situation. Peggy is in our prayers, and will continue to be.

I dont want to give you medical advise, but changing the diet is key to cleansing and healing the body.

May peace be with you.

incimisiche 06-20-2012 06:53 PM

Prayers sent.

IoninnyHaro 06-20-2012 07:32 PM

hope everything works out for your family hillbilly . we will also pray for your mom

sandracuk 06-20-2012 07:41 PM

Prayers and positive thoughts to her and your family!

Scukonahuy 07-01-2012 09:48 PM

Well I have been juicing for her and giving her vitamins. She is getting where she can't drink the juice so much. It makes her sick. She went to the emergency room about an hour ago she is a lot of pain. I'm just not sure about anything anymore. I feel so useless right now.

Onervemurce 07-01-2012 10:11 PM


Well I have been juicing for her and giving her vitamins. She is getting where she can't drink the juice so much. It makes her sick. She went to the emergency room about an hour ago she is a lot of pain. I'm just not sure about anything anymore. I feel so useless right now.
I am so sorry for your hurt, Hillbilly. You are doing the best that you can.

new-nickname-zanovo 07-01-2012 10:15 PM

so sorry to learn of this recent development.

You are not useless, and you have not harmed her. ANY positive nutrition you brought into her life in these last few days of improved nutrition, her body is extremely grateful for, of that you can be sure.

Secondly, the pain she is experiencing is most likely a new indicator of a change, which you've help her ameliorate simply by the improved nutrition. Until you know what the "change is evaluated to be"...until that point of fuller understanding, you can love, learn, and lead in this confusing time for her as her much loved son.

All pain medications currently in vogue--at least those of which I'm aware that are used in ERs--are terribly constipating. Her juicing before, and now resumption of juicing afterwords-- if she will persist--is the only 'natural way' to combat the assuredly accompanying constipation side effect just as sure as I'm typing this post negative side-effect of the pain treatment she will receive in ER.

The place I find I can be most effective is in understanding and participating in logistical post ER support when the patient is another close loved one.

For one thing, within 3 days, make an in person request for in the hospital medical records department, and go pick up and review, even as a layman, what was stated in the "intake records." It is my belief you'll need your photo ID, driver's license, to do so.

Did you know you can even ask for and receiving on CD format, any ER x-ray/CT/MRI scan imagery as well as the official summary as read by the radiologist in ER from today's ER visit?

In my case it was 20 pages of typed, for $3.75, and no charge for the CD. I took a check since my credit card doesn't like charges under $10. My med records clerk stated
they will not accept cash.

In my recent situation, I was able to AND DID correct in red ink right on the printouts, the errors in the nurses recordation and the over-claims by the CYA physician, since they were all so fresh in my mind.

I also learned of the difference of opinion stated by the radiologist vs the pablum that came out of the attending ER Dr's. mouth, which was erroneous and contradicted in black and white what the ER attending glibly spouted. I was unaware of this bad info by the ER Dr. until I got my own records and sat in the lobby to read them before leaving the facility after picking them up. Yes, they will mail them to your home if you desire. But your Mom will have to be the one making the official request, unless you have health power of attorney as her son.

We lay people interested in nutritional arrest and mitigation of cancering cells can only proceed with full disclosure as best we understand it, post ER experience. We can adjust nutritional support, with more complete understanding.

I was able to open the CD on my Win7 and roam around, both in zoom in and 1 frame at a time, etc., all the CT scans done. There were in excess of 500 total images.

Also, the gross dosage rate will be on a single page in that CD, as well as the montage of the highlighted points to which the Radiologist drew attention to in his comments.

Vigilance, consistency and stalwart support from a strong, caring son are NOT usless...far from it. You be there, and we'll be here.

This took time to develop, and proper nutritional support WILL make for a quicker reversal than the initial onset and progression sustained thus far. While she's resisting the juicing currently, perhaps you can get into some chat rooms and ask for some "taste enhancers" that will make the juicing more palatable as she moves from poor health to better health. This has been covered somewhere, I'm sure of it!

Please check in again as you are able. Thanks for the update, my GS friend.

prayerful beefsteak and Helen

Misespimb 07-03-2012 08:21 PM

Thanks to the power of God and all of your prayers. I have good news today. My Mom had a Pet scan and instead of the originally estimated 75 percent of her liver the cancer is only in 45 percent and it's not showing up any where else in here body either! This will make the surgery much easier and her chanced of a full recovery much better as well.

Thank you and God Bless you all.

Ekzamenov 07-03-2012 09:01 PM

Fantastic news!

mikajuise 07-03-2012 09:17 PM

never underestimate the power of prayer

duceswild 07-03-2012 10:24 PM

Thats great news HB but you still have to be vigilant. Keep on track doing what you are doing. Your mother has been in my prayers since you shared the news. God bless.

pesty4077 07-03-2012 11:17 PM

Great news......keep juicing!

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