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Old 08-23-2012, 02:38 AM   #1

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Default Feel Good Story Of The Day: Russell Dohner, doctor for 57 years still only charges $5
87 year old Russell Dohner, town doctor for 57 years in smalltown USA, still only charges $5 per visit.

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Old 08-23-2012, 12:51 PM   #2

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OMG ! Thank You soo much joboo, you just made my day !!!
I am so happily speechless that nothing or no one could possibly mess up my day,
this doctor is a SAINT. He is just unreal. Oh God Bless him. He looks soooo much younger than his age.
His mind is in excellent condition and his heart is just the sweetest, old fashioned kinda caring soul that
I just want to go to Rushville, Illinois right this minute . I'll make something up , sore throat or earache,
I'll pay double and then some.
Cry happy happy happy cry
Can you imagine going to see the same physician as your grandmother did ?? just WOW !!
and he'll see u on a SUNDAY if you need him ! OMG again.

Russell Dohner, Illinois Doctor, Charges Patients $5 For Entire Physician Visit

The Huffington Post | By Khadeeja Safdar Posted: 06/25/2012 3:58 pm Updated: 06/25/2012 4:26 pm

Dr. Russell Dohner has been treating Rushville residents for about 60 years, while never charging more than $5 per visit.

While the rest of the country awaits the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act and the future of health care costs, the residents of Rushville, Ill., are less worried about the cost of a visit to the doctor.
Russell Dohner, the town's doctor since 1955, charges his patients just $5 -- not for a co-pay but for the entire cost of a physician's visit, according to KSDK News. The low price isn't the only thing at Dohner's office that's remained constant for decades. The office hasn't been remodeled, nurses haven't been replaced and staff members haven't ditched their old-school method of writing medical records on index cards in favor of more modern technology.
Considered a local hero, the 87-year-old Dohner keeps his clinic open seven days a week.
In 57 years of practicing medicine, he's never taken a vacation, KSDK News reports.
The $5 physician visit charge has been in place since the 1970s. Before that, he charged $2 per visit.
The Illinois doctor, a graduate of Northwestern University Medical School, is offering a huge service to his town in the current economic climate. Medical costs, which rose 6 percent nationwide in the past year, are taking a heavy toll on American households. A family of four with an employment-based insurance plan can expect to pay $20,000 -- or about 40 percent of median household income -- on medical expenses this year.
Across the country, the financial burden of rising medical costs has many Americans scaling back on physician visits and medications. More than 80 percent of the uninsured reportedly skimp on necessary health care.
But thanks to Dr. Dohner, the uninsured residents of Rushville have a place to get much-needed medical treatment.
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Old 08-23-2012, 12:53 PM   #3

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Russell Dohner Charges $5 a Visit

By Champ Clark
06/24/2012 at 04:00 PM EDT

Russell Dohner
Callie Lipkin

When Russell Dohner was a boy, he had a terrifying bout of seizures.

"When I came out of them," he tells PEOPLE, "there would always be [our physician] Dr. Hamilton. I decided I wanted to be like him."

After medical school, he hung out a shingle in the next county over. His fee: $2.

That was in 1955. And while times have changed, Dr. Dohner hasn't.

He still sees patients seven days a week out of the same office, keeps handwritten records with the help of his longtime nurse, Florence Bottorff, 88, and has been charging patients $5 a visit since the '70s.

"That's the way I've always done it," says the gentlemanly bachelor. "There are quite a few people who come to see me because they can't afford anybody else. I can help."

For that, a town is grateful. "Right now, I'm not working and I don't have insurance," says Mildred Ortiz, 50, who has high blood pressure.
"Dr. Dohner works for his patients, and for love."
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Old 08-23-2012, 01:17 PM   #4

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How can you afford to stay open when you bring in that little money? He has to pay his staff, pay his overhead, pay his own wages, out of $5 visits? How many people does he see a day? Even if he sees 50 patients daily, that's only $250.
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Old 08-23-2012, 01:23 PM   #5

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I have no idea whatsoever. Just take my money, take it, how much does he want, need ?
I secretly don't get along with doctors, but I LOVE him.
I hate prescription medication with a passion, but I still love him.
He is an angel.
maybe he would like some silver or gold, oh here, just take it !
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Old 08-23-2012, 01:47 PM   #6

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your telling me there a real doctor still in this country . i bet he works out of his house . i would pay him with a chicken and i would bet he would take it for payment
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Old 08-23-2012, 02:34 PM   #7

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The Doc who has charged $5/visit for over 55 years

--by Bob Dotson, Original Story, May 11, 2012
Charging the price of a fancy cup of coffee, Dr. Russell Dohner has cared for Rushville, an Illinois town of 4,300 people, for more than half a century, delivering 3,500 babies, and never taking a vacation — or even an entire day off.
Rushville, Ill., is the kind of place where backyards have gardens instead of grass, and sunflowers wave in the wind. A tiny town, just 4,300 people, named for a doctor and settled by the men who marched back from the War of 1812. Rushville was built on government land, halfway between St. Louis and Chicago, as a gift to veterans. Those who did not come back got a statue on the courthouse square and were called heroes. “In a mercenary world,” a waiting patient told me, “this place is an oasis.” But there is another sort of hero in Rushville today — one the town treasures, and can also touch. Dr. Russell Dohner has been looking after his neighbors for 55 years, charging them about what we pay for a fancy cup of coffee: five bucks a visit. Making a difference

Dohner doesn’t believe in tossing things away, and that keeps costs down. The only thing modern in his office is medicine.
Most of his nurses have been with him nearly as long as his furniture. They’re paid well because Doc works around the clock.

He will go anywhere, at any time, to help those in need, often arriving before emergency crews. He once saved a small boy from smothering to death in a corncrib, once climbed down into a coal mine to help rescue four men. Dohner broke his own back a few years ago and has had a heart attack — the only times he’s ever closed his clinic. He took time off until patients started coming to his house seeking medical care.

He does have help. Doc brought half the Rushville hospital staff into the world, including the woman who runs the place, Lynn Stambaugh. She used to wash dishes at the hospital. Dohner inspired her to go to nursing school.
I asked her why Doc never burned out. "Well, I think because every day he makes a difference to at least one person, and if you can do that, you can go on.”The morning we first met, back in 1983, Dohner had been to surgery twice, prepped a broken arm, handled two emergency cases, checked on 50 patients and delivered three babies. It was not yet 10:30.No days off

He has only one hobby: trees. He’s donated 10,000 of them to this prairie town. Now and then he does slip away to go fishing on a Thursday afternoon, but he’s usually in his tie, and always near a phone.
He has not, in 55 years, had a vacation, not even a full day off. What would he do, if he did take a day off?“I would like to go to Missouri,” Doc says. Missouri is only 58 miles west of Rushville.“Yes, but I have to take care of my patients first.”The last time Doc left Illinois was during World War II. He was a military policeman in the Army, guarding President Harry Truman. “I was close enough to touch him,” Doc smiles, “but he wouldn’t have liked that.”Dr. Dohner was born 85 years ago on a nearby farm, one of seven children. He worked to pay his own way through Northwestern University medical school. He had his heart set on being a big-city cardiologist, but decided, “Rushville needed a doctor, so I stayed. It’s the way it’s got to be, if I take care of what comes.” Russell Dohner has won dozens of awards for the quality of his practice and was runner-up for Country Doctor of the Year. Every morning before the sun peeks over the water tower, dozens of people are crammed into his waiting room. He takes no appointments. Those who are seriously ill use the back door to get immediate attention; others sit for an hour or more to visit a doctor who knows more about them than some of their families do. The first baby he delivered now drives her granddaughter 30 miles for an office visit. “When your little girl gets carried to surgery by the doctor instead of one of the nurses, she will learn to trust him, too,” she said. docc has no children of his own — unless you count the 3,500 babies he’s delivered. That’s more than the population of Rushville.

If you would like to contact the subjects of this American Story with Bob Dotson, contact:Dr. Russell Rowland Dohner
103 West Washington Street
Rushville, Illinois 62681

(217) 322-4363

Doctor Dohner does not have e-mail. The best way to contact him is through:
Luan Phillips
Director of Community Relations
Culbertson Memorial Hospital
238 South Congress Street
Rushville, IL 62681
217-322-4321, ext. 269

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Old 08-23-2012, 03:45 PM   #8

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He has a fund to pay for the people who can't afford his $ 5.00 bill !!!


I'm in AWE. Old fashioned country doctor .....this is just to unreal. I swear to God I've not seen one of his kind in decades.

I know a lady doctor in the country that wears big men-lookin-workboots & jeans & flannel shirt to work & talks like a true hillbilly,
but she's still in a modern office & charges modern prices.....this doctor wears a suit everyday & lives like it's 50 years ago .
I haven't seen a phone like that in an office setting since the 80's at least. ( the old rotary ones)
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Old 08-23-2012, 03:48 PM   #9

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And everyday I bet jews laugh at him.
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Old 08-23-2012, 03:51 PM   #10

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Let them laugh at him, who cares...he is unaffected by evil--- he'd see them too, treat them, pray for them too.....no problem.......
they can go to h*LL
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Old 08-23-2012, 03:53 PM   #11

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He has a fund to pay for the people who can't afford his $ 5.00 bill !!!


I'm in AWE. Old fashioned country doctor .....this is just to unreal. I swear to God I've not seen one of his kind in decades.

I know a lady doctor in the country that wears big men-lookin-workboots & jeans & flannel shirt to work & talks like a true hillbilly,
but she's still in a modern office & charges modern prices.....this doctor wears a suit everyday & lives like it's 50 years ago .
I haven't seen a phone like that in an office setting since the 80's at least. ( the old rotary ones)
Sounds like this guy honors the true and restful traditions of the good life, living by the age old philosophy that states, "If it ain't broke don't fix it"!
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Old 08-23-2012, 04:21 PM   #12

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True Aruyvedic doctors in India have been offering their services for donations only , they sustain that money corrupts the art of medicine. Again, truth have been out there since ever, Aruyvedic teachings are 5,000 year old.

Ayurveda - Art of Being 1-7 - YouTube

ps: if you have a health condition and wish to explore alternative treatments, plz watch this truly amazing video asap.

Aryuveda principles are based on restoring balance of the 4 components (fire, water, air and earth) ruling over human biology, using herbs. Homeopathy is derived from it. In india, those doctors are too physicians, often Phds, in conventional medicine.

Be aware that westerners practitioners dont always follow the ethics of donations. But they exist.
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Old 08-23-2012, 04:46 PM   #13

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wrong thread.
You missed the point. LOTS & LOTS of natural healers accept donations or charge minimal fees, I personally know hundreds of them......
this is about a ONE OF A KIND RARE U.S. M.D.
There are tons of threads on all the other kind of natural doctors, he is NOT a natural doctor.
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Old 08-23-2012, 07:27 PM   #14

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I think you might have a bit of a "cognitive disconnect" going on here. You do NOT believe in mainstream medicine, pharmaceuticals, and modern medical practice... but you praise this guy as an "angel"?

He's an "Angel" for administering treatments that you are opposed to, as possibly harmful to the patient, just because he does so charitably? That's like praising a communist official who rounds up dissenters and executes them simply because he "works tirelessly and without pay".

I'm not being trying to be mean or anything... just trying to wrap my mind around your praise for this guy!
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Old 08-23-2012, 08:08 PM   #15

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Cognitive Disconnect ? You must be joking.

Can anyone on this forum, friend or foe explain why I have so much respect for this doctor ?
I ask you , please, anyone ? Does everyone not understand or is it just Gaillo ?

Does anyone know why or what I am talking about, ? I just need to know before I answer his questions.

I am just stupefied. Someone please give me some hope that you understand me.......

If not, I give up talking anymore.
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Old 08-23-2012, 08:33 PM   #16

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Cognitive Disconnect ? You must be joking.

Can anyone on this forum, friend or foe explain why I have so much respect for this doctor ?
I ask you , please, anyone ? Does everyone not understand or is it just Gaillo ?

Does anyone know why or what I am talking about, ? I just need to know before I answer his questions.

I am just stupefied. Someone please give me some hope that you understand me.......

If not, I give up talking anymore.
OHL, I do understand. This man gives because that's just who HE IS AS A MAN. I respect that.
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Old 08-24-2012, 12:33 AM   #17

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All i can say is if his town does not erect a statue, name something after him, or something else sizable honoring this guy when he passes, something is seriously not right in the world.
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Old 08-24-2012, 04:19 AM   #18

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IRS' POV: "what? he only took in this much $ money this year? our metrics tell us that doctors in his area should be taking in much much more. He must be evading taxes! we need to send him to jail with all the rapists and murderers and get this dangerous man off the streets so our children are safe "
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Old 08-24-2012, 06:29 PM   #19

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I think you might have a bit of a "cognitive disconnect" going on here. You do NOT believe in mainstream medicine, pharmaceuticals, and modern medical practice... but you praise this guy as an "angel"?

He's an "Angel" for administering treatments that you are opposed to, as possibly harmful to the patient, just because he does so charitably? That's like praising a communist official who rounds up dissenters and executes them simply because he "works tirelessly and without pay".

I'm not being trying to be mean or anything... just trying to wrap my mind around your praise for this guy!
SIGH. huh.

So yes, I despise pharmaceutical drugs & mainstream medicine. I do not take any prescriptions nor OTC's for ANYTHING ever. That is my choice for myself because I know of the natural/herbal/food way of fixing my malady no matter what. (except for TRAUMA CARE ) I am a libertarian & believe in people's right to choose to put whatever they want into their bodies. The communist analogy, you can shove, sorry not trying to be mean either, there. ooops.

I adore that doctor in the OP & I guess I'll explain it, even tho you probably won't understand .
I've been talking on these forums for 5 years & not one person besides General tries to even reply to my question. Thanks General, I appreciated it, but that's not what I was talking about.

When I LOVE a family member or friend or anyone that comes to me and they are sick or are having any malady in their body
and DO NOT completely believe in my way of life and do not believe
in natural healing and I have done everything in my power to try to convince them that it will help them, BUT THEY ARE BRAINWASHED INTO BELIEVING THAT THEY MUST GO TO THE DOCTOR FOR MEDICINE TO FIX THEM, then who am I to stop them ? Nobody. Their free will. SO GO !!! They want me to give them some magic herb pill that does not exist to immediately fix their problem....not gonna happen. I have helped countless people GET OFF OF THEIR TOXIC prescriptions including insulin, antibiotics, steroids, allergy meds, cholesterol drugs, stomach ulcer meds, thyroid meds, pain meds..you name it. The cure for diabetes is NOT insulin. If you don't want to take the herbs & change your diet & lifestyle then the diabetic will stay insulin dependant and their pancreas just gets weaker & weaker.
The medicine/insulin SAVES THEIR LIFE, just like ALOT of medications do. There is NO other option if they're not going to do the work to STAY OFF OF MEDICATIONS !
The meds do not cure the problem, Gaillo, they put a bandaid on the problem because the person refuses to help themselves.

How many people do you know on prescription meds ? guess what ? There's alot of them. Does it make me sick, does it kill me to know that this is what people
are doing their bodies ? Yes. Does everyone listen to the advice they are given for their greatest good no matter how hard I try ? NO.
Can I change them ? No. they must do it for themselves, all I can do is educate them.
I have been very successful with more people than I can ever remember, but not everyone......for those people........off to the doctor they go then.....SEE YA !
(see ya when your so sickly from being over-medicated & doctored to death that maybe you'll try to help yourself)

Furthermore, When somebody calls me at the crack of dawn before I've even had a chance to brush my teeth or calls me late at night when I'm dead asleep or anytime in between and they're sick or somebody that they love is sick and want me to weigh in on their problem, for example if somebody says they have a horrible earache or their child is screaming with a earache and I tell them "if it were me this is what I would do.....and I explain the very simple way of handling the stressful/painful situation and they say to me,
"WELL, I CAN'T DO THAT, I'M TOO AFRAID", or if there are herbs that need to be taken via the MOUTH or INTO THE EAR CANAL and they will not do it, then how in the hell are they supposed to get better ? I ask you, Gaillo . They won't ! So go to the doctor ! I'm not going to shove my natural healing down their throat or down their ear canal for them !

Going to the doctor says this about people..." I do not know how to fix this health problem, I need it fixed ASAP, and a doctor and the medicine will help me.
Now I edumacate people on how to take responsibility for their own health & their own bodies, but if they deny the truth that they can heal themselves, it's out of my hands, OK.
Go to the doctor.

Now, the doctor in the OP is charitable like you stated, that's only a tiny fraction of why I like him. You pay five bucks for him to write you a prescription for some toxic med.
It's still a prescription that I despise for MYSELF and would NEVER take it !!! Other people NEEEED THAT MEDICINE TO LIVE !!!! No matter how awfully true that may be to me !!
I can't beat myself up over & over because they won't listen & WANT MEDICINE instead !!!
So that 5 bux to someone with no health insurance could save their life. They still have to come up with bux to pay for the poison at the pharmacy, too, ya know.

That doctor has love in his heart that makes him be able to NEVER take a day off and to be able to keep going on & on & on be happy.
His old fashioned values and caring, gentle nature would automatically have healing abilities just by meeting with him .
not the modern day doctors who suck the life out of your soul & pocketbook before you die and then continue to send exhorbitant bills to your family after your dead
because they killed you, but blame it on natural causes.

People go through a dozen years of public education & NEVER learn a thing about how to take care of themselves, EVER.
They are trained from cradle to grave to go the doctor, do I wish every person in the world would honor their bodies and turn to natural healing
instead of allopathic 'treatment'. Yes, I yearn for that everyday, it can only happen one person at a time, until they wake up..... so until then......
the people that we love and adore who are suffering & need their medicine because & turn their backs on natural healing all should have a doctor like HIM in the OP.

People learn the hard way,Gaillo.

There are no incurable diseases, just incurable people.

Shall I go on or did you "wrap your head around " it yet ?
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Old 08-24-2012, 09:39 PM   #20

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Nope... I'm still clueless.
You say that people "need" mainstream medicine, even though it most often does not heal them, and can actually cause harm, but the doctor in the OP is somehow a "GOOD GUY" because he is "old fashioned" and doesn't rape their pocket book too. Probably a GREAT guy to visit, prescribes poisons for instant gratification with a smile and good-old-timey personal warmth...
Wrong is wrong. Poison is poison. A "cure" that doesn't work, or creates further complications, is no cure at all. I see nothing admirable about a "do-gooder" who leads people down the wrong health path, regardless of how well intentioned and charitable he is. Sorry.
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