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Old 08-29-2012, 09:55 PM   #21

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I don't think he's a plant. I think he's just a con artist.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:02 PM   #22

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what weirds me out about lw is the patriot radio news hour. i listen to eric + joe religiously. they hit almost every nail on the head, almost 100% of the time. lw is the only person eric EVER has on the show, maybe 1 or 2 times a year. he swears by lw. i would chalk lw up as a crackpot if it were not for patriot.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:02 PM   #23

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How particularly ironic to short form the name Lindsey Williams in the thread title.

My name, well I'll tell you my name. I'll get to that in a second, but first let me tell you friends a bit about my name....but first I'm going to explain to you a bit about the alphabet, but before I do that I have some vital information on how mankind formed the written word....

Yes my friend that's how single cell life forms divided to form more complex cell structures leading up to more complex life forms.

But before I get into my full name let me tell you about my mother, and why she chose the name. She was born a long time ago....

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Old 08-29-2012, 10:30 PM   #24

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I don't think he's a plant. I think he's just a con artist.
A con artist who just happened to guess that oil would go from $150 to $50 at the exact time he predicted?
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:32 PM   #25

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what weirds me out about lw is the patriot radio news hour. i listen to eric + joe religiously. they hit almost every nail on the head, almost 100% of the time. lw is the only person eric EVER has on the show, maybe 1 or 2 times a year. he swears by lw. i would chalk lw up as a crackpot if it were not for patriot.
Yes I know, I've had those recordings on my YouTube:

Based on what is discussed they are literally neighbors with Lindsey Williams. I love Eric and Joe. I haven't missed an episode since late 2007. I've had some contact with them too, but I don't think they aren't perfect. No one is. I sort of look at it as when Alex Jones stood around and defended "his friend" Charlie Sheen.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:36 PM   #26

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A con artist who just happened to guess that oil would go from $150 to $50 at the exact time he predicted?
A majority of his calls have been wrong. I've listened to most of his interviews since I was a "true believer" for a while myself, but if someone is wrong consistently than then right a few times that doesn't make them a prophet. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:41 PM   #27

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Yes I know, I've had those recordings on my YouTube:

Based on what is discussed they are literally neighbors with Lindsey Williams. I love Eric and Joe. I haven't missed an episode since forever. I've had some contact with them too, but I don't think they aren't perfect. No one is. I sort of look at it as when Alex Jones stood around and defended "his friend" Charlie Sheen.
what are those 2 like in real life? i love them as well.
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Old 08-29-2012, 10:43 PM   #28

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I meant like E-mail contact and they mentioned me briefly on one of their episodes. I don't wanna say what or which though since I have a lot of fake identities so I can stay anonymous.

I also got them to advertise our forum on their website.
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Old 08-29-2012, 11:18 PM   #29

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I meant like E-mail contact and they mentioned me briefly on one of their episodes. I don't wanna say what or which though since I have a lot of fake identities so I can stay anonymous.

I also got them to advertise our forum on their website.
they've mentioned me as well i am the guy who bought a road grader like eric + the guy who sent them a picture of the voting lines in wisconsin on my iphone.
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Old 08-29-2012, 11:18 PM   #30

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A majority of his calls have been wrong. I've listened to most of his interviews since I was a "true believer" for a while myself, but if someone is wrong consistently than then right a few times that doesn't make them a prophet. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
So we agree.

Ken Fromm told him so!
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Old 08-30-2012, 01:15 AM   #31

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Because he is a plant. He was right about that prediction, wich sent droves of Patriots to his every word. Next up.....Lead them off of a cliff....
As to being "wrong" past couple years, LW said "he wasn't wrong, the elites were"... chuckled and said no really, they thought Assad would be a pushover, they didn't expect him to dig in his heels like he did, so it's pushed elites' timetable forward "6 months" (where's his former timetable again??). Make of that what you will!
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Old 08-30-2012, 04:15 AM   #32

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PatColo wrote: I thought that part was vague, "derivatives emergency", how does one even recognize that with the noise ratio out there? Don't be too hard on Chaplain LW's lack of specificity. The man's a fish out of water. He's taken a cram course on derivatives from his "Christian brokerage buddy" who is still IN the derivatives' game, so how "unbiased is that Cliff Notes' education" I ask you?

If he was asked to describe SIN, will Pastor LW would reel those off with machine gun rapidity and accuracy! Derivative emergency clues? Not so much.

Allow me to suggest a few of the obvious recognizable DERIVATIVES emergency clues you asked for? These are to aid you and others in spotting "derivative emergencies" that rise about background noise, all couched within the reference ala LW / elite warnings of late.

A MAJOR BANK/BROKERAGE HOUSE going under. Suddenly. As in "emergency meetings" taking place over a weekend normally.

Lehman Bros was the biggest so far, followed by Merrill Lynch, and then AIG insurance back in 2008 if you need a frame of reference.

Lehman Brothers (a combo bank/brokerage) was flushed down the toilet before the marketplace got the sitting Fed Chairman's attention.

Merrill Lynch was crammed into the arms of Bank of America in a shotgun wedding almost immediately. [Also, recall, Countrywide Mortgage was ALSO crammed down BoA board of directors in this same general time window.]

Then there was much public handwringing, emergency meetings, Goldman Sach's authored headlines, Goldman Sach's hosted meetings, and Goldman Sachs' Robert Rubin "statements" via soundbytes. ALL of this was accompanied by what-if's speculations that emerged and swirled around whether AIG was also going to get flushed in a CASCADING FAILURES situation, before by this time, Federal Reserve--new man on the job--Bernake awoke from his lethargy and did QE 1. Yours truly never will forget the weekend Bernake asked for an received an emergency meeting with Goldman Sachs' CEO Rubin to learn about the derivative risk and why all this was happening.

All these derivative failures happened after

1) very loud rumors of large financial services co's were in trouble...like 3 to 6weeks of said rumors

2) severe spike higher (easily spotted on the "charts" in the USDX) as global money fled the risky plays and into the "safety of the US$ and UST-Bond market" globally observed.
[Ed: US$ is STILL the world's reserve currency which is why this knee-jerk "flight to safety"(buzzwords) pattern is STILL the standard M.O. of the financially spooked.]

3) Massive dumping of equity shares of rumored troubled financial company...taking a formerly "solid stock's share price" to quite literally PENNIES PER SHARE in less time than it took to type this.

4) Massive FEDERAL RESERVE [or other central bank in other geographic regions] infusion of "cash" into the financial infrastructure system to "rescue the too big to fail" _________(fill in the blank)_________________banks, and interrupt the cascading failures everyone was observing, thanks to the incessant, hand-wringing daily financial news.

Hope this helps you recognize the next one.

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Old 08-30-2012, 04:24 AM   #33

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If one were to ask me where we are in this "derivative failure cycle" currently, I'd have to say, very strongly that the rumor phase is incessantly focused on a major MAJOR bank currently.

As an ancillary footnote to Step #1) above, a very big, specifically identified (sophisticated investor) entity, who parked their money into a specific Hedge Fund manager's portfolio has WITHDRAWN 1/2 BILLION dollars at risk from the same management of a globally recognized, heavy hitter in the hedgefund market space. This happened just this past week. FWIW, this is the same manager whose fund was raided just immediately prior to the Lehman Brother's big derivative flush back in 2008. Coincidence? You decide.

That's what I'm seeing. Sinclair's talked about this major rumored, troubled Bank player's troubles. So have other "big name pundits" in the insider analysts' talkshow/blog circuit.

So, check off STEP #1 of the above iteration. It HAS already surfaced and is currently both water cooler talk as well as the behind closed doors hand-wringing/strategizing, re-allocation of risk asset dicussions currently a loud undercurrent on Wall Street as we speak. Said "volume level" is well above "background noise" amplitude on the soundboard.

It should also be noted that when #4) occurs, GOLD in particular will spike in very observable response, followed by a lesser spike $ wise by Silver. Some have thought it would be last FR meeting. I wasn't. Others have pointed to this weekend's Jackson Hole. It isn't. Still others have pointed to Sept 6 in Germany. I doubt that either.

The latest noise I'm picking up is 3rd week of October. But that is for a false-flag event. The financial precursor should be obvious before a false-flag event, at least in my mind.

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Old 08-30-2012, 04:52 AM   #34

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Fucking stupid shit that nobody understands with big words... Ohh how so humble a man.

fvcking retards are part of the matrix but they have no clue. Hahahaha Funny stuff that brings me out of fvckville. Re read it and laughed again.. I'm simpleminded right BS?

Anyways you all missed ameriKan idle, well it did and we have to pick up the pieces to make it right again.
Give me some love people.
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Old 08-30-2012, 04:58 AM   #35

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5. when oil hits $150 a barrel, liberty rig and all of the capped oil fields in north dakota will be turned on (bakken
shale fields). When they keep pumping the P.O.O. up, then pull the plug.

Any number of central banks in foreign countries get compromised.
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Old 08-30-2012, 05:34 AM   #36

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A con artist who just happened to guess that oil would go from $150 to $50 at the exact time he predicted?
A broken clock is right twice a day.
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Old 08-30-2012, 04:55 PM   #37

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A broken clock is right twice a day.
I think you are goiving this broken clock to much credit.....This guy was selling books and gold on the Patriot network 10 years ago.....or more.
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Old 09-01-2012, 04:09 AM   #38

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You have to wonder if LW was really a chaplain for the elites running the Alaska oil pipeline. And if he was if he really got as close to the elite as he claims. I wouldn't know where to start to try to prove or disprove this claim of his, but it would be interesting to know.

There is just something very fishy with his statements that are along the lines of "They invited me into their Circle and into their meetings"; these are people who go to utmost pains to protect their secrets.
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Old 09-01-2012, 03:02 PM   #39

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"If he was asked to describe SIN, will Pastor LW would reel those off with machine gun rapidity and accuracy!"

I doubt this. I have never heard a sermon on 1 John 3:4. "Sin is transgression of the Law." And I have spent a lot of time listening to baptist preachers.
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Old 09-03-2012, 04:16 PM   #40

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"If he was asked to describe SIN, will Pastor LW would reel those off with machine gun rapidity and accuracy!"

I doubt this. I have never heard a sermon on 1 John 3:4. "Sin is transgression of the Law." And I have spent a lot of time listening to baptist preachers.
Funny guy, druid,
but yours truly here, has YET to meet, let alone hear of a baptist preacher who didn't know the Big 10, by heart, and simultaneously have his/her radar tuned high to spot the offenders after which appropriate pressure is then applied to get'em saved.

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