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F1grandprix 09-01-2012 05:55 PM

kiyosaki "dollar collapse is imminent"

Doctor-CTAC 09-02-2012 03:06 AM


That interview was uploaded in June! And Kiyosaki doesn't say the collapse is imminent. He is smartly elusive on the timing, though he says the collapse is certain. That's the key point: if you're prepared for it, then the time of the collapse is not important. Actually, it was a good interview. Kiyosaki's exposition on the four types of people was very instructive and very insightful. In basic terms, what he is saying is: if you want to be rich, you must know how to navigate the maze called the tax code. And to do this you must either be a large enterprise that influences the writing of tax law, or an investor who is smart and fleet of foot enough to exploit tax code incentives, such as writeoffs, subsidies, and exemptions. Good stuff.

Proodustommor 09-02-2012 11:24 AM



That interview was uploaded in June! And Kiyosaki doesn't say the collapse is imminent. He is smartly elusive on the timing, though he says the collapse is certain. That's the key point: if you're prepared for it, then the time of the collapse is not important. Actually, it was a good interview. Kiyosaki's exposition on the four types of people was very instructive and very insightful. In basic terms, what he is saying is: if you want to be rich, you must know how to navigate the maze called the tax code. And to do this you must either be a large enterprise that influences the writing of tax law, or an investor who is smart and fleet of foot enough to exploit tax code incentives, such as writeoffs, subsidies, and exemptions. Good stuff.
Indeed, very good stuff. The biggest thing I learned, is I am actually happy being just an employee (an E). I don't have that drive for wealth, and in turn, it made me grateful and thankful, for my employer, a true capitalist. I have a job because of them, a job I enjoy very much...yet they have taken all the risks, and gotten returns from those risks as well.

He's very right, too many folks view the rich as being greedy, when in fact, they are not. They've given a lot of us a chance to do the type of work we want to do.

Enlightening video, imo. A must watch.

*Playergirl* 09-02-2012 11:44 AM


Indeed, very good stuff. The biggest thing I learned, is I am actually happy being just an employee (an E). I don't have that drive for wealth, and in turn, it made me grateful and thankful, for my employer, a true capitalist. I have a job because of them, a job I enjoy very much...yet they have taken all the risks, and gotten returns from those risks as well.

He's very right, too many folks view the rich as being greedy, when in fact, they are not. They've given a lot of us a chance to do the type of work we want to do.

Enlightening video, imo. A must watch.
Let us count the ways you are used as a tool on a daily basis. Ban me for calling out Slowbell as a fucking TOOOL. You need the sarc flag bro. MDB wouldn't even do this. Momma milk.

Good morning one and all.

LeaderBiz 09-02-2012 11:47 AM


Let us count the ways you are used as a tool on a daily basis. Ban me for calling out Slowbell as a fucking TOOOL. You need the sarc flag bro. MDB wouldn't even do this. Momma milk.

Good morning one and all.
Call me what you want, no need for a ban.

Am I a tool for living the life I choose to live?

Good morning to you too, sunshine.

Caregrasy 09-02-2012 12:34 PM

You know, that sonuvabitch called himself "generous" and called small business people "greedy." Fuck him. He is seeking absolution for having used the tax code to get rich, for getting rich off of the "go along and get along" attitude, all of you working stuffs are greedy and/or suckers. I got mine, I don't care if the deficit (taxes) is 10% of GDP, I got rich off of tax breaks, hahahaha. Fuck him five times, the craven sonuvabitch. The only thing he didn't say is "I'm doing God's work."

Beck should have choked the shit out of him right there on camera.

exschke 09-02-2012 01:06 PM


You know, that sonuvabitch called himself "generous" and called small business people "greedy." Fuck him. He is seeking absolution for having used the tax code to get rich, for getting rich off of the "go along and get along" attitude, all of you working stuffs are greedy and/or suckers. I got mine, I don't care if the deficit (taxes) is 10% of GDP, I got rich off of tax breaks, hahahaha. Fuck him five times, the craven sonuvabitch. The only thing he didn't say is "I'm doing God's work."

Beck should have choked the shit out of him right there on camera.
That sure as hell would have 'upped' his ratings and would be a sight to behold!

Evoncalabbalo 09-02-2012 02:11 PM

First, Glen Beck called him KIOSKI.... not Kiosaki. I thought that odd- how he got the guy's name wrong right after he said Robert K's book "changed my life".

Kiyosaki sounds senile. The guy is a blithering fool. He has very limited teaching skills and it seems that he is only regurgitating what his advisors told him. He always seems to have an advisor around to bail him out when he gets stumped.

wmzeto 09-02-2012 04:43 PM

Those who are rich didn't become rich by being stupid (crooks?, maybe) so that all that you have to do is to follow the money, and safe you will be.........do you remember the $175.00 jar of jam from "Soilent Green?"......well, it will be.

We no longer have the facilities to make just about anything.....and even if we had the facilities then the ingredients will be hard to find...........over 90% of our clothing is coming from overseas so that when TSHTF we "could" be in trouble, I say could be and not will be for the simple reason that we have cotton and everyone will be wearing whites.

Want to have a safe future?.....get a big truck with a nice trailer and transport goods from point A to poing Z, but don't forget about the gas.....you can always trade something in your trailer for gas.....have someone riding shootgun.

bitymnmictada 09-02-2012 04:57 PM

Will we live to see the day when us old folk tell the kids there was period of time in the past when “riding shotgun” didn’t literally mean you had to ride up front and man the shotgun?

gZAhTyWY 09-02-2012 05:09 PM


Will we live to see the day when us old folk in the UStell the kids there was period of time in the past when “riding shotgun” didn’t literally mean you had to ride up front and man the shotgun?
Depends; get out of this second rate backwater and you just might.

HRS1H7gO 09-02-2012 09:06 PM


Enlightening video, imo. A must watch.
Dunno? Think it kinda sucked...

"Be generous, and grab everything you can."

Consume or be consumed "Its Biblical"

KahiroSamo 09-03-2012 12:43 AM

China Launching Gold Backed Worldwide Currency - Now the Americans will have to find a reason to go to war against China !!

Read more: http://www.indiavision.com/news/arti...#ixzz25Lp0j4OK

When there are to many people in a life pod you must get rid of some of them or no one will live......and the same goes for the dollar, so much of it floating around that it will sink the Earth, one of this days will be using it as heating fuel as per Germany.

"Learn Spanish and Chinese and buy water stocks"... Ponce

drycleden 09-03-2012 03:47 AM

That India article is pure editorial speculation without any hard references or documentation.

Personally though, I think China will rock the world one day and announce a gold-backed yuan.

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