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86GlSqSK 08-31-2012 03:29 PM

Ron Paul Dumps Republican Party
Ron Paul Recants The GOP, Just Says No To Keynesians

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/31/2012 08:26 -0400

As we anticipate more demand-rigging, pump-priming, can-kicking experiments from Bernanke today, Ron Paul just came out with his latest stream of truthiness (via Bloomberg):


Indeed, what is the opposite of 'between a rock and a hard place' when deciding on just who will provide 'change' in November.

KellyLynchIV 08-31-2012 03:54 PM

I wish he'd come right out and do it/say it!

Bondjrno 08-31-2012 04:00 PM

Is an independent run possible at this point?

ConoMadura 08-31-2012 04:02 PM

I saw a TV ad yesterday from Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party's presidential nominee who was wooing Ron Paul to run as his VP candidate.

That is a very smart thing for Gary Johnson to do. He would get all the Ron Paul supporters plus a whole lot more disaffected republicans. It isn't over for Ron Paul. He's not endorsing Mitt for Brains. Also, as he was due to fly out of St Petersburg, the TSA was giving him and his family some harassment before allowing them to get on the plane.


itepearce 08-31-2012 04:04 PM


Is an independent run possible at this point?
Yes, but most unlikely. Paul is tired and no doubt discouraged. The people are not ready for his message and his leadership. There will have to be much more misery and suffering under the new anointed one before a critical mass of people will say enough is enough. It will probably be too late at that point. Frankly, I think we have already passed beyond the point of no return, economically, fiscally and politically.

Farson 08-31-2012 04:09 PM

Here's the Bloomberg Video cited by Durden, sorry no embed.


An indy run is not feasible at this point, too many sore loser laws and too late in the game. But joining up with the LP would sure poke a stick up the GOP's ass http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ies/smiley.gif

Abnorttrano 08-31-2012 04:26 PM


Is an independent run possible at this point?
No. Too many varying state rules.

dabibibff 08-31-2012 04:34 PM

If RP did it, I might consider voting that ticket. Maybe they could switch positions (Gary Johnson VP, Ron Paul Pres.)?

Personally, I don't think Ron Paul would do that.

Vulkanevsel 08-31-2012 04:41 PM

I'll vote GJ either way, if Ron got on board that'd be even better. The only reason I'm even voting is out of spite, hoping that the numbers (IF reported honestly) will send a BIG FY to the GOP. After this though I'm done and will be un-registering.

RemiVedia 08-31-2012 04:46 PM

If that happened, Obama would win, and the Libertarian Party would get by far the biggest victory in its history (I would guess 10-20% of voters, maybe even a bit more).

paralelogram 08-31-2012 04:53 PM

GJ/LP will still get a HUGE bump in votes even if RP isn't on the ballot, there's a huge segment of RP'ers, indy's, D's and some R's that are defecting. Yeah, they'll blame the RP'ers but they know they lost it all on their own and probably on purpose.

P1international 08-31-2012 06:55 PM


I'll vote GJ either way, if Ron got on board that'd be even better. The only reason I'm even voting is out of spite, hoping that the numbers (IF reported honestly) will send a BIG FY to the GOP. After this though I'm done and will be un-registering.
In 2008, I wrote in Ron Paul's name. (As well as the primaries in 2008 and 2012). But voting for Gary Johnson as the headline name on the Libertarian ticket might actually be a better strategy this time around. More of an expression that the two-party system is a corrupt bank-owned scam. Good idea LT. Hold off on un-registering; this may be a strategy to build upon.

cookiemonster 08-31-2012 07:04 PM

We're voting for Johnson too. In fact, I was just about to put my new bumper sticker on my car that the campaign sent us after making a contributionhttp://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ies/smiley.gif.

drexigordiche 08-31-2012 07:04 PM

Why doesn't the Constitution Party get more traction here? Seems to fit our general ideals a bit better than the Libertarian Party, who seem to only want to support supposively reformed Republicans.

Gcromqgb 08-31-2012 07:16 PM

I'm now voting for Virgil Goode, Constitution Party.The Libertarian Party wants to let everybody do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt or bother someone else, even if it is morally wrong,..... baby killing, queers marrying, etc. The impression I got from Ron Paul was that he was personally against these things. The states rights he promoted made me think that possibly there could become a state that I would want to live in.

Beatris 08-31-2012 07:24 PM

I'm all for letting people do their own thing as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. In that sense, I could be a libertarian. The sad fact is that the Libertarian party supports abortion and that definitely hurts someone else.

I understand that there are a lot of pro life libertarian candidates, but Johnson is not one of them. This time around, I'll probably just stay home.

I hope the mindless sheep republicans are happy with where their voting strategy has gotten them. Not one of the top three parties fielded a pro life candidate this time. It was supposed to be a flagship issue for these people.

gagagaridze 08-31-2012 07:28 PM


I'm now voting for Virgil Goode, Constitution Party.The Libertarian Party wants to let everybody do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt or bother someone else, even if it is morally wrong,..... baby killing, queers marrying, etc. The impression I got from Ron Paul was that he was personally against these things. The states rights he promoted made me think that possibly there could become a state that I would want to live in.
Wouldn't it be nice to live in a state that reflected how you thought? That's how it was set up by the founders unless I'm very mistaken. All 50 states could drive in the best direction for themselves and we'd all have a choice. Me, I prefer to let God sort out the morals as I'm not fit to judge anyone and they're not fit to judge me. The majority of my voting life has been with the LP for that very reason but that's not to say that I agree with everything that hard core libertarians think either.

Eunatis 08-31-2012 07:30 PM

At this point, why do you people even concern yourselves* with 'voting'?? http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...milies/huh.gif lol

*I defy you to name ONE good reason for 'voting' (other than for county offices).

nonDosearrany 08-31-2012 07:49 PM


At this point, why do you people even concern yourselves* with 'voting'?? http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...milies/huh.gif lol

*I defy you to name ONE good reason for 'voting' (other than for county offices).
I reckon that it's just one of the old remnants that even us "types" have held onto, for better or worse, right or wrong. At this point I wouldn't even put up an argument to try and defy your challenge except for the small caveat that it made me feel a little better for some stupid, strange reason, even though I know I know better.

On a related note...Let it not be said that millions of us didn't try to work within the system only to have the system tell us to fuck off and when the SHTF I can act accordingly with a very clean conscious. After what I've witnessed this go round I understand that there are NO rules and I will make my own up as I see fit when I see fit.

BriKevin 08-31-2012 08:02 PM


On a related note...Let it not be said that millions of us didn't try to work within the system only to have the system tell us to fuck off and when the SHTF I can act accordingly with a very clean conscious. After what I've witnessed this go round I understand that there are NO rules and I will make my own up as I see fit when I see fit.
Why not make it reciprocal? Tell them to fuck off. Remove yourself from the voting rolls. I think eventually, many millions will figure that one out and do it. No harm in being an 'early adopter'.


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