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Old 08-02-2012, 06:33 AM   #1

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Default Mitt-For-Brains and the 9-11 Cover-Up - Bollyn
Mitt Romney and the 9-11 Cover-Up

July 31, 2012

The $100 million that Adelson pledged to donate to Romney in order to get Obama out of the White House is the oil in the wheels of Romney's election campaign.
- “In Jerusalem speech, it was Romney's voice but Netanyahu's words,” by Barak Ravid, Ha’aretz, July 30, 2012

Mitt Romney arrives in Tel Aviv on July 28 for a private off-the-record fundraiser with his hard-core Zionist supporters and meetings with the Israeli officials who are the prime suspects of the false-flag terrorism of 9-11.

Sheldon Adelson, the Zionist casino gangster and ally of Benjamin Netanyahu, who is bankrolling the Romney presidential bid with $100 million of his dirty dollars. Ian Fleming knew the type well and wrote about their criminal behavior in the James Bond books.
Photo: Why Is Sheldon Adelson Donating Millions to Romney?

Romney met on July 29 with Benjamin Netanyahu, the nuclear weapons smuggler and terrorist leader who stated that 9-11 was "very good" for Israel - on the day of the attacks - and again 7 years later. Netanyahu is clearly quite satisfied with the terror attacks that changed America.

Romney also met with the senior Zionist terrorist, Shimon Peres. Peres is the architect of Israel's illegal nuclear arsenal and a veteran terror mastermind.

Romney performed the obligatory ritual for the cult of the Temple Mount.

"If I will be president, there will be no confrontations between our nations before international institutions. There will be no public denouncing of Israel by the U.S. in the UN. Israel's friendly and unfriendly neighbors will know we stand with you."
- Mitt Romney to Ha'aretz (Israel), July 27, 2012

When you watch the video of Romney meeting Netanyahu on July 29 the "leading" GOP candidate to be Commander-in-Chief of the United States looks absolutely craven and weak. Romney dutifully repeats "Jerusalem, the capital of Israel " like a pathetic puppet who has been trained to repeat his lines. Romney has obviously been paid a great deal to ignore the fact that international law and U.S. policy consider Jerusalem to be an occupied city that has been seized by force.
On Monday, July 30, Mitt Romney, the leading Republican candidate in the U.S. presidential election, held a fund-raising breakfast for donors and pulled in more than one million dollars - at $50,000 per couple - in Israel. Fundraising in a foreign state; shouldn't that be illegal? The Washington Post reported that Romney was likely to get a very warm welcome in the Zionist state where his old friend Benjamin Netanyahu is the prime minister.


The hardline Zionist casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, like a mega criminal out of a James Bond story, is bankrolling the Romney campaign. Ha'aretz reported on July 30 that Adelson has pledged $100 million to fund Romney into the White House. Romney was seated next to Adelson at today's million dollar breakfast fundraiser in Jerusalem. Adelson has personally given Romney a least $10 million of his sleazy dirty casino dollars. Why are gangsters serving a foreign state allowed to buy U.S. presidents? (Photo: "Sugar Daddy Woes: The Federal Investigation of Sheldon Adelson")

Las Vegas casino owner Sheldon Adelson, an ally of Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu, sat next to Romney at the breakfast fundraiser in Jerusalem. Adelson backed Newt Gingrich in the Republican primary, but is now bankrolling Romney who has received more than $10 million from Adelson through his "Superpac". Romney is clearly obliged and dedicated to serving a foreign agenda - that of the Zionist extremists from the Likud, a coalition of Zionist terrorists put together by Menachem Begin in the 1970s comprising the former members of the notorious Irgun and Stern gangs. These are the terrorists who blew up the King David Hotel in July 1946 and killed Folke Bernadotte, the U.N. mediator in Palestine in 1948. The founders of the Likud brought terrorism to Palestine in the 1940s - and have employed terrorism as their primary tactic for more than 66 years. Make no mistake about it; these are the very same people who are behind the false-flag terrorism of 9-11.

Folke Bernadotte was murdered by Yitzhak Shamir and other terrorists from the Stern Gang. Shamir was one of the founding terrorists of the Likud, the same faction which rules Israel today. "The UN’s representative was a fine person who wanted to do his best for all mankind. So the Zionists killed him." - Brian Cloughley

Benjamin Netanyahu is the hard-line extremist from the Likud party of old Zionist terrorists who said that the terror attacks of 9-11 were "very good" for U.S.-Israeli relations. Netanyahu said this to the New York Times on 9-11, before the dust had even settled on Wall Street. At the time, the number of dead was thought to be more than 20,000. "Very good", Netanyahu said.

Later in April 2008, Netanyahu told an Israeli audience at Bar-Ilan University why 9-11 was good for Israel. "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq." (See Ha'aretz article “Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel”)

Consider this: Mitt Romney's closest friend in the Middle East is the prime minister of Israel who thinks 9-11 was "very good" - and that the "American struggle in Iraq" is a benefit for Israel. Netanyahu was also involved in criminal smuggling of nuclear weapons technology from the United States. So, Netanyahu is a nuclear weapons smuggler who engages in terror atrocities against the United States. Netanyahu may be Romney's friend but he is certainly no friend of the American people.

Benjamin Netanyahu and Mitt Romney are old friends from their days at the Boston Consulting Group in the mid-1970s. Romney revealed a fundamental weakness during a December 2011 debate in which the question of Palestine came up: “Before I made a statement of that nature, I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say: ‘Would it help if I say this? What would you like me to do?’”


Even Martin S. Indyk, the Zionist from AIPAC who served as the United States ambassador to Israel in the Clinton administration, said that whether intentional or not, Romney’s statement that he would ask Netanyahu what he should do implied that Romney would “subcontract Middle East policy to Israel.”

To understand what the Romney-Netanyahu relationship means for Americans, we need to understand one fundamental political reality that is completely ignored by the controlled media: the 9-11 cover-up is the linchpin that holds the wheels on the Zionist crimocracy running America. For the real perpetrators of 9-11 the cover-up most go on. The criminal-political regime (i.e. crimocracy) controlling America has to maintain the 9-11 cover-up to survive. Continuing the cover-up requires, first and foremost, controlling the president of the United States to prevent a proper criminal investigation from being conducted. This is why solving 9-11 through a rigorous and thorough criminal investigation and bringing the perpetrators to justice is of the utmost importance for the future of the American republic and its citizens. Nothing is as important as solving 9-11.

The Zionist war agenda was advanced during the Obama administration and the 9-11 cover-up has been maintained. The war effort in Afghanistan has continued and increased and the Gitmo Gulag where the supposed "Mastermind of 9-11" is being held is still in operation. The TAPI pipeline, designed to bring Israeli-owned gas from Turkmenistan to India and China, after pacifying Afghanistan, is still in the plans as the local and gas trade press reports.

President Obama has failed to meet any of the promises he made to the hopeful Americans who voted for him in 2008. Although there are hard-core and naive Democrats who will vote for Obama in 2012, with his failure to deliver on his fundamental campaign promises and the extremely lousy U.S. economy Barack Hussein Obama II (or whatever his name really is) is very likely to be a one-term president. The stage is clearly being set for a GOP victory in November.


Mitt Romney reminds me of the actor in one of those movies about how a president is made in the United States. Unfortunately, that's exactly what he is. What is most significant about Romney is not the man himself, but the people behind him. Looking at Romney's team of senior advisers one can see that the Romney team is the 9-11 false-flag terrorism team. Romney is being presented to American voters as the "lesser of two evils," but the Romney team comprises the same criminals who brought us 9-11.

Romney's adviser on intelligence and counter-terrorism is none other than Michael Chertoff, the former Assistant Attorney General responsible for the prosecution of the 9-11 attacks, who allowed the crucial evidence to be destroyed and failed to prosecute anyone for the attacks that changed America. Chertoff was the federal official who supervised the FBI and who played the key role in the non-investigation and cover-up of 9-11. He is, without a doubt, a criminal and traitor who should be arrested for having allowed the steel from the World Trade Center to be destroyed - before it could be examined by forensic experts. If Romney becomes president, Chertoff will be back in the Oval Office when he rightly belongs in a federal prison.

Michael Chertoff, as head of the criminal division of the Department of Justice, oversaw the FBI investigation of 9-11 and the collection of evidence. Chertoff, an Israeli national, was the key federal official responsible for prosecuting the crimes of 9-11. Rather than carrying out a proper criminal investigation, Chertoff allowed the crucial evidence to be destroyed. He is the son of one of the first Mossad agents and one of Mitt Romney's senior advisers - on terrorism and intelligence.

The Romney team includes other people involved at the highest level of the 9-11 attacks, most notably Dov Zakheim and his son, Roger Zakheim. Dov Zakheim served as the comptroller of the Pentagon budget when something like $2 trillion went missing - an astounding loss which was reported to the American people on September 10, 2001, by Donald Rumsfeld.

The fact that Michael Chertoff and Dov Zakheim are senior advisers on the Romney team needs to be seen in the light of the persistent 9-11 cover-up. In order for the Zionist war agenda, which was put into effect with 9-11, to go on and increase it is necessary for the people who brought us 9-11 to be protected - and be returned to power. This is why it appears very likely to me that the ruthless Zionist terrorists who brought us 9-11 will put Romney in the White House in November.

Sources and Recommended Reading:Two articles on the Zionist terrorists who murdered Folke Bernadotte -Heller, Stanley, “60 Years Later: The Killing of Count Folke Bernadotte,” September 17, 2008
Cloughley, Brian, “Israel's Terrorists - The man who murdered Count Folke Bernadotte died, but his evil example is still very much with us,” May 26, 2009
Articles on Mitt Romney's close ties with the Zionist terrorist faction that killed Bernadotte -
"A Friendship Dating to 1976 Resonates in 2012," by Michael Barbaro, New York Times, April 7, 2012

Bollyn, Christopher, “Mitt Romney: An Agent of the State Of Israel,” extract from “The Criminal Plot to Stop Ron Paul” on Rense.com
http://rense.com/general95/mittagnt.html Bollyn, “Arnon Milchan – 'Mr. Israel' and 9/11,” October 4, 2011

Bollyn, “The Destruction of the Evidence,” Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, 2012
Bollyn, “Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11,” April 18, 2011

Bollyn, "Making Sense of the 9-11 Cover Up,"
Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, 2012

Bollyn, "The Criminal Plot to Stop Ron Paul,"
March 10, 2012

Bollyn, "Understanding the 9-11 Bombing of WTC-6," December 21, 2009
http://www.bollyn.com/understanding-the-9-11-bombing-of-wtc-6/ "Mitt Romney Announces Foreign Policy And National Security Advisory Team," Team Romney, October 6, 2011
http://www.mittromney.com/blogs/mitts-view/2011/10/mitt-romney-announces-foreign-policy-and-national-security-advisory-team "Mitt Romney likely to get a warm welcome in Israel," by Joel Greenberg in Jerusalem, Washington Post, July 27, 2012
http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/mitt-romney-likely-to-get-a-warm-welcome-in-israel/2012/07/27/gJQAwOQvDX_story.html “Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel,” Ha’aretz (Israel), April 16, 2008

"Netanyahu Worked Inside Nuclear Smuggling Ring," by Grant Smith, The Council for the National Interest, July 6, 2012

"Romney taps Chertoff as campaign adviser," by Max Pizarro, PolitickerNJ.com, October 6, 2011

http://www.politickernj.com/51511/romney-taps-chertoff-campaign-advisor The Cost of Israel to the U.S., The Council for the National Interest, July 27, 2012
"War on Iraq - Conceived In Israel," by Stephen J. Sniegoski, The Council for the National Interest, April 9, 2012
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Old 08-02-2012, 07:14 AM   #2

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Dan Senor - Portrait of an Illuminati Facilitator

August 1, 2012

left. Dan Senor shows General Mark Kimmitt the way to Baghdad

Dan Senor "was the civilian face of the Coalition Authority to Americans, Europeans, Iraqis and the world." His Speaker Bureau

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Dan Senor was only 32-years-old when he became spokesman for Ambassador Paul Bremer, and the Coalition Provisional Authority after the 2003 Iraq invasion.

The optics weren't good: ambitious young Canadian Jew, graduate of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the face for the "US" invasion of Iraq?

By now it's clear Zionism is an expansionist ideology; apparently they didn't care who knew, even in 2003.

Senor, now 41, is "foreign policy adviser," aka Zionist handler, for Mitt Romney.

In Jerusalem Sunday, he committed his boss to "respecting" any Israeli attack on Iran. Later, Romney backed off only slightly, saying "no option was off the table." Romney was on his way to a $50,000 a plate fundraiser in the city. Such is "American" democracy.

(Dan Senor, center, with Romney & Netanyahu)

Dan Senor's career is a textbook example of how to serve the Illuminati bankers' Zionist Division which includes Israel, the US and Western Europe.

Some career highlights:

Dan Senor graduated in history from the University of Western Ontario in London Ont., Hebrew University and Harvard Business School.

Interned at AIPAC (Israel's Washington Lobby) and on Capitol Hill with Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham. Caught the eye of Neo Con boss William Kristol who famously said the Iraq war was conceived by 25 Jewish intellectuals in Washington.

Worked for the Carlyle Group , the tenth biggest defense contractor in the world, which specializes in starting the wars that may require its products. It hires retired politicians like GHW Bush who are able to get funding for weapons even if the Pentagon doesn't want them.

Senor then started his own "private equity" and hedge fund firm with John Kerry's millionaire stepson Chris Heinz (yes, that Heinz.) He also joined the Council on Foreign Relations and many other "think tanks." He co-authored a flattering book about entrepreneurship in Israel with his brother-in-law, and was a talking head on Fox-TV.


What caught my eye is that this uber Jew, a man who keeps kosher, married a shiksa, Campbell Brown, formerly of CNN. This illustrates that the Illuminati are not strictly-speaking Jewish. Although they run organized Jewry, they intermarry with Freemasons of all ethnic origin. The Illuminati are Cabalists, a satanic secret society within Judaism and all religions and groups.

For real Jews, marrying a shiksa is a serious breach. It essentially means the children, in this case two sons, are not Jewish.

Senor met Brown in Baghdad in 2003 and they married in 2006 in a civil ceremony in Colorado. The NYT Society Page reported that, "the couple vowed before 150 guests not only to stay together forever but 'to repair one small piece of the broken world.'

This is a popular conceit among Cabalists who believe they are "healing" the world by devouring it.

Campbell's father, Jim Brown ran unsuccessfully for Louisiana governor in 1987. He was elected insurance commissioner in 1991 and served until his resignation in October 2000 when he served a six-month prison sentence for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about the status of an insurance company. Brown was barred from practicing law until 2008.

I can't confirm Jim Brown is a Mason but he was surrounded by them and apparently he was corrupt.


Dan Senor is an example to all ambitious young Jews (and non-Jews) on how to succeed today.

Lend your talent to the Illuminati bankers. Help them take over the world and squeeze the wealth out of it, even if millions are maimed, starve or die.

Help the bankers extinguish the human spirit and reduce everyone to animals. Ensure the devil wins his wager with God: humanity is a failed experiment.

If you have any moral qualms, tell yourself and anyone else who will listen, you're "healing the world."


Related -

Makow -- Mating Habits of the Illuminati

Patrick Buchanan - Is Romney Being NeoConned into Attacking Iran?

Bill Kristol Celebrates Purge of the Republican Party

Romney's Jewish Connector

Canadian Ex Pat is Key to Romney's Foreign Policy Push
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Old 08-02-2012, 08:08 AM   #3

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Almost like morphing into one..............Ismerica or Amerael
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Old 08-02-2012, 02:25 PM   #4

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Almost like morphing into one..............Ismerica or Amerael
Azrael, the angel of death. Bringer of the reapers, hellfire.
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Old 08-02-2012, 02:29 PM   #5

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Isn't it an oxymoron to use mitts name and brains in the same sentence?
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Old 08-02-2012, 03:04 PM   #6

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bollyn = always good

Pat colo = always good
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Old 08-03-2012, 01:58 PM   #7

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The recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital is the rule of law, since it passed the approval of the US congress in 1995.

international law and U.S. policy consider Jerusalem to be an occupied city that has been seized by force.
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Old 08-03-2012, 02:24 PM   #8

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The recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital is the rule of law, since it passed the approval of the US congress in 1995.
But we all should know by now that the District of Columbia (a municipal corporation aka UNITED STATES, INC.) is an occupied city having been seized by AIPAC, so big fucking deal if a bunch of sell-out and suck-up traitors 'pass a statute' (aka public policy) in contradiction to international law.
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Old 08-03-2012, 03:24 PM   #9

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No need to swear.
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Old 08-03-2012, 03:31 PM   #10

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No need to swear.
Fuck the cock-sucking Lucifer worshiping Zionist swine, the absolute most wicked and vile pieces of shit on the planet, whose sole objective is to lord over the 'cattle' (aka goy) while terrorizing everyone (for profit). They are truly 'the Synagogue of Satan' as Jesus called them.

How's that?
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Old 08-03-2012, 03:41 PM   #11

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How Star Trek TNG represented 'the tribe' -

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Old 08-03-2012, 03:43 PM   #12

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Shows you have few if any morals and little command of the English language to have to resort to such gutter filth.
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Old 08-03-2012, 03:47 PM   #13

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Shows you have few if any morals and little command of the English language to have to resort to such gutter filth.
I've a number of your fellow LDSers as friends for years and apparently they "have few if any morals and little command of the English language to have to resort to such gutter filth" as well. lolololol
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Old 08-03-2012, 04:00 PM   #14

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How Star Trek TNG represented 'the tribe' -

America's Finest News Source didn't name them, but I think we know who the Grabblers represent.

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Old 08-03-2012, 04:02 PM   #15

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America's Finest News Source didn't name them, but I think we know who the Grabblers represent.

I remember when that first came out... I found it quite entertaining.

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Old 08-03-2012, 04:25 PM   #16

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^ the Occidental Observer writers picked it apart,

Jews Mocking the Tribe? - Occidental Observer

Lasha Darkmoon: The Subtleties of Jewish Humor « The Occidental ...

Kevin MacDonald: Edmund Connelly on Jewish Humor « The ...
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Old 08-03-2012, 05:57 PM   #17

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dam it getting harder to hold down food when are leader run around the world and tell them what we can do for them . lets try and see if we can fix are mess here
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Old 08-03-2012, 07:09 PM   #18

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Shows you have few if any morals and little command of the English language to have to resort to such gutter filth.
Ok lets talk about morals. How about the genocide of the state of Israel directed towards the Palestinian people? How about all the land they have stolen from the Palestinian people and the fact they are continuing to steal land to build in occupied territory and refused to return the land as per all the U.N. resolutions against them?

These are the people your Zionist government are supporting though direct aid in the form of money and military hardware which they use to commit genocide on the Palestinian people.

Supported by your tax dollars so your money is being used by them to murder innocent men, women and children.

You have a problem with profanity and yet you have no problem with genocidal murder partly supported by your tax dollars.

The master said "by their fruits ye shall know them."

Be careful your fruit is showing.
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Old 08-04-2012, 05:39 AM   #19

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F*ck the c*ck-s***ing Lucifer worshiping Zionist swine, the absolute most wicked and vile pieces of shit on the planet, whose sole objective is to lord over the 'cattle' (aka goy) while terrorizing everyone (for profit). They are truly 'the Synagogue of Satan' as Jesus called them.

How's that?

If you have not noticed, midnight rambler is trying to get to you. Don't let him. I do suggest you come up with solid answers to the questions posed, as you stated you would. This is a tough crowd, but we all tend to believe that this country, and the entire world is in a very precarious position at this time. Sometimes members use extreme means to try and get others to to think and see past the propaganda that is out there. Don't let it get under your skin. Swear words are tolerated here (except taking the Lord's name in vain, which the members accept in deference to me and other Christians on the site).
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Old 08-04-2012, 03:16 PM   #20

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No need to swear.
really? how about "no need to pander to the ENEMIES of the United States!!"
Mid rambler is getting to root issues ! the best response you can give is SWEARING?? talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel! oh, so now claim victim status by calling us haters and "anti " mormon!
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