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Old 08-31-2012, 12:13 AM   #21

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Check out the 1911 forum. Lots of parts for sale there. Beauty is a slide with sights you can just ship. It isnt classified as a firearm.
good luck
Apparently you are not allowed to have that stuff shipped. Sights maybe slide no no. Sorry about the bad advice.
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Old 08-31-2012, 12:48 AM   #22

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Does anybody know what will be the total cost to buy a new glock 17 or 19 and also can I bring from the states the 33 round magazines, any restrictions in the dr?.
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Old 08-31-2012, 12:54 AM   #23

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A new Glock 17 bought legally in a gun store will cost you about $4,500-5,000 US with the license. If you can find a new one.

As for bringing in clips, I have brought them in the past with no problems, but I really am not sure now. The problem could be in the US side. Over here it should be no problem, and most likely would never be detected anyway.
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Old 08-31-2012, 12:59 AM   #24

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A new Glock 17 bought legally in a gun store will cost you about $4,500-5,000 US with the license. If you can find a new one.

As for bringing in clips, I have brought them in the past with no problems, but I really am not sure now. The problem could be in the US side. Over here it should be no problem, and most likely would never be detected anyway.
Thanks for the info!
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Old 08-31-2012, 01:14 AM   #25

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It really appears that a lot of information here is from people that have NOT gone thru the process in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC.

IF YOU GET CAUGHT ENTERING THE ..... DOMINICAN REPUBLIC.... WITH A GUN..... U DONE! Or you can pay your way out... like big time.


I have my LEGAL Turus. It does just fine. IT IS LEGAL. U.S. $3K over 3 years ago with all tests and stuff included.

That is what is was then. About 5K a year to re-new with a pee-in-a-cup test included in the price.

What I had in my home Country has NO bearing on what the laws are here.
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Old 08-31-2012, 01:17 AM   #26

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It is the typical 'price them underground' problem, why 1 in 4 guns (or is it 1in 5) on the street are registered, why having the price so high makes them so cheap to the gutter scum.
You can buy a scratched up revolver on the streets of the capital for RD10,000, no collectors item but it is still a nightmare in the wrong hands. Biggest issue with these very cheap revolvers are they are probably responsible for killing someone and so it might be a bit hairy being caught with it. I've heard of stories about losers being fitted up with pistols by PN, selling them, or giving them to some low life to sell at street level, and then before the seller gets out of the street they are picked up by another PN and forensics (I know, forensics in DR, apparently they do have them) match up the link and bobs your uncle, PN are in the clear, some innocent goes down for murder. I'd hate to think of the fate of an expat with a murder weapon in their hands.

I understand many taxi drivers get their guns directly from PN, clean and for less than RD45,000, but their seems to be an unspoken agreement with them due to the nature of their job and they are always under threat after dark. At worst they'd get it confiscated, at best a small propina. Infact for the most part I reckon on the street an expat would only get it confiscated with a hefty on the spot fine. But no one ever knows what the weapon has been through what it can link you to and so a very dangerous game to play for the sakes of having what seems to be nothing more than a status symbol.
I say status symbol as I can't remember hearing of the times expats have shot intruders or muggers (maybe donP has some snippets of such cases?),so it makes me wonder just how useful they are in reality, or we would hear more stories of them being used by expats.
But if you've got the cash and want one, the why not, it can't do any harm going through legal channels.

I think it is a pain for Americans mainly, being able and probably having guns for years, it is natural, a miss. But for most Europeans there seems little want or need as we never had them, and for me, I'm frightened of them, I don't even like holding one.
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Old 08-31-2012, 01:18 AM   #27

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Thanks for the info!
Doc try a 9mm 1911. There are tons of them here! kind of easy to find, if you look around.
Glocks over here are not worth it IMHO. a brand new gen 4 in the states would easily run us$400-500. I doubt you can even find a gen 4 over here due to the import ban put in place back in '06. Over here they can easily run us$4,000-5,000, and probably a gen 2 or early gen 3. 9mm 1911's are all over the place, and can easily be purchased used in good condition. gun shops sell them for about RD$100-130 thousand. but used you can find them for about 30-60 thousand. Just lookd around there are plenty of them for sale. Legally of course.

P.S. Sigs and S&W's are running about the same price as the glocks US$4,000-5,000.

Good Luck!
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Old 08-31-2012, 01:26 AM   #28

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Doc try a 9mm 1911. There are tons of them here! kind of easy to find, if you look around.
Glocks over here are not worth it IMHO. a brand new gen 4 in the states would easily run us$400-500. I doubt you can even find a gen 4 over here due to the import ban put in place back in '06. Over here they can easily run us$4,000-5,000, and probably a gen 2 or early gen 3. 9mm 1911's are all over the place, and can easily be purchased used in good condition. gun shops sell them for about RD$100-130 thousand. but used you can find them for about 30-60 thousand. Just lookd around there are plenty of them for sale. Legally of course.

P.S. Sigs and S&W's are running about the same price as the glocks US$4,000-5,000.

Good Luck!
And I don't have to wonder why X-pats make me more scared. MORE ROAD BLOCKS AND INSPECTIONS are just fine with me.
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Old 08-31-2012, 02:13 AM   #29

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[QUOTE=Ringo;1128051]And I don't have to wonder why X-pats make me more scared. MORE ROAD BLOCKS AND INSPECTIONS are just fine with me.[/QUOTE


Tried to edit the bad quote, but couldn't.
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Old 08-31-2012, 02:29 AM   #30

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The Hi Power clones are somewhat reasonably priced. Get a trigger job and some sights and thats one hell of a pistol.
People have Glockitis in the DR all the plastic crap is ten times what it costs in the US.
Pure form and function the High Power is so sweet. But, in this environment originals let alone clones would require significant maintenance internally as well as externally. Glocks survive very well here and everywhere with a minimum of maintenance. Not affordable or attainable for everyone but............
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Old 08-31-2012, 03:10 AM   #31

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And I don't have to wonder why X-pats make me more scared. MORE ROAD BLOCKS AND INSPECTIONS are just fine with me.
Why is that? Responsible civilian ownership of firearms is a hallmark of a free society. How many expats have you read about being involved in irresponsible shootings? I know two members of this forum that used firearms to save thier lives.
If you need a gun you need one very badly. Better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it.
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Old 08-31-2012, 03:34 AM   #32

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Why is that? Responsible civilian ownership of firearms is a hallmark of a free society. How many expats have you read about being involved in irresponsible shootings? I know two members of this forum that used firearms to save thier lives.
If you need a gun you need one very badly. Better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it.
You and most others don't get it. If you do not live in your "home country" then you, as an x-pat are a guest. That is the host country has laws. YOU may not like them or agree with them but they are the laws. Those, and it appears that many e-pats, don't feel the need to follow the law and regulation of their new home. I guess that you are JUST SO MUCH smarter?

I've stated that i HAVE gun. A legal gun. I've followed the Dominican Republic law to own and carry that gun. I have all my papers in order for everything.

YOU don't... I hope you get caught. Tired of you smarter and better then everyone else gringos.
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Old 08-31-2012, 04:09 AM   #33

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You and most others don't get it. If you do not live in your "home country" then you, as an x-pat are a guest. That is the host country has laws. YOU may not like them or agree with them but they are the laws. Those, and it appears that many e-pats, don't feel the need to follow the law and regulation of their new home. I guess that you are JUST SO MUCH smarter?

I've stated that i HAVE gun. A legal gun. I've followed the Dominican Republic law to own and carry that gun. I have all my papers in order for everything.

YOU don't... I hope you get caught. Tired of you smarter and better then everyone else gringos.
I think you misread my post my friend. I did not nor would I advocate the breaking of the law. Im happy that you have a gun and its legal. I wont say Im smarter I will say that I try to read posts prior to insulting people and wishing them problems with the law.
Have a wonderful weekend.
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Old 08-31-2012, 04:33 AM   #34

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hahahahaha I love these threads!
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Old 08-31-2012, 04:34 AM   #35

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Damm, from what I am reading here the little "stash" I have locked up in the Santiago area could be my retirement fund :-) About two years ago, when I was told it could not be done, and the Illustrious Ladybird called me all sorts of names for even asking, I brought in two handguns, a Taurus "Red Stripe" Raging Bull in .454 casull and a Glock 29 Sub compact 10mm, NOT the S&W Short and wimpy but full 10mm auto as designed, both apparently illegal as hell as my "paperwork" consisted of a nice letter from a general no longer in favor and apparently anything over 9mm is illegal for civilians :-(

My plans to move to the DR are on indefinite hold, most likely cancelled so I don't know what to do with the bloody things. I don't think there is any way to legally sell them as they were never officially brought into the country (They did legally exit the USA)

Have about 1000 rounds for each, plus 2000 or so .45's the casull will chamber and are a whole lot more fun to fire. The Red Stripe Raging Bull is selling in US for $750+ depending on condition (this particular one has been fired about 100 rounds and is immaculate in a climate controlled safe as is the Glock which has about 300 rounds put down range) and I think selling around $550-$600.

I'm not sure if would even take the chance of selling them in DR as I do plan on visiting and sounds like I could get quite a few people upset, but really don't know what to do with them

Now the M 61, no problem, I'm going to defend myself against Pichardo's drones

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Old 08-31-2012, 04:49 AM   #36

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Now the M 61, no problem, I'm going to defend myself against Pichardo's drones
Can't be done...... there's to many of them.................
They're everywhere...................

B in Santiago
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Old 08-31-2012, 05:41 AM   #37

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And I don't have to wonder why X-pats make me more scared. MORE ROAD BLOCKS AND INSPECTIONS are just fine with me.
Ex-pats honestly scare you? Expats with LEGAL 9mm's scare you, But thieves, and rapists with stolen .45's don't? If anything you should feel honored to be in the presence of an armed xpat IMHO. But thats just my .02 no offense to anyone. Those roadblocks as annoying as they are; i applaud there efforts. as long as you have all your paperwork in order, then there should be no problem. I know for a fact that there exists people that own both legal, and illegal guns here in the country. whether thier expats or just plain dominicans, everyone does it. as soon as your license expires you gun is illegal. so we've all had illigal guns once in our lives . then you have your slick ones that own legal, and have the illegal lying around (pa' resolver) heck its a third world country, you get 3rd world results. just my .02 cents.

Lets all get along and communicate!
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Old 08-31-2012, 04:04 PM   #38

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... MORE ROAD BLOCKS AND INSPECTIONS are just fine with me.
I've been through a huge number of these "inspections" over the course of the decade I've lived here. In all of that time there was one where it was a real inspection. The rest of the time it is the local PN shaking folks down for money for drink or food. It's embarrassing when you are driving with someone from outside of the country to be stopped and shaken down by what are purported to be national police in this country.

What Danilo should do is crack down on those road blocks so they are REAL and actually have a positive impact as opposed to fleecing the population.

I do not believe in coincidence. The incident of "roadblocks and inspections" seems overly tied to 'just before the weekend' or 'at the end of the month.' Hmmmm...?
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Old 08-31-2012, 05:59 PM   #39

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Its always good to have a passport some cash and firearms cached away. Its not like they are irreplacable.
Change your handle tho Ringo may report you to the powers that be.
I had a raging bull for a bit. I took a deer at 200 yards. That revolver is a beast to say the least.
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Old 08-31-2012, 08:36 PM   #40

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A new Glock 17 bought legally in a gun store will cost you about $4,500-5,000 US with the license. If you can find a new one.

As for bringing in clips, I have brought them in the past with no problems, but I really am not sure now. The problem could be in the US side. Over here it should be no problem, and most likely would never be detected anyway.
I seriously doubt the Glock 17 would ONLY be $4000-$5000 since used lesser known/respected brands sell for that range. I also doubt you'd locate a new one anywhere. I bought mine about 6 or 7 years ago for $1500 here in the DR...glad I did!

You can get higher capacity clips here than you ever can in the US. The US has laws against high capacity clips but the DR doesn't. Any gun store in the capital (decent one) should have all of the clips you ever need.
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