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#21 |
He is one malevolent son of a buck messed up entity and i don't like him. That was when I was forced to go to Rick Warren's church/"Christian Camp" (the guy who swore Obama into office.) This guy to me was pure Evil and I just had this gut feeling of raw Evil about him and his followers. I later found out this guy was a hardcore Luciferian and tied to the Illuminati since his mission was to corrupt Christianity and push it towards Luciferianism. What made me "hate" Christianity was Luciferianism, not ACTUAL Christianity. This is all an organized effort WITHIN the church to turn people away from the Christian God, towards Lucifer. A majority of the Christian church is infected with this shit like a plague. It's that whole social justice attitude where they inject Marxism/Cultural Marxism into the church and ignore more and more of the Bible. One year I heard them talking about how Gay Marriage was a sin, then the next year he's explaining how it's good and God doesn't want us to hate. Everyone just bought this shit up. Real Christians are an endangered species now. Being forced to go to Rick Warren's "church" made me despise Christianity and absolutely hate Christians, which pushed me towards Marxism (militant atheism.) Every single group and organization I was connect to or helped out I found out later was Marxist. It took me a long period to figure this shit out, but when I found you guys I was starting to question all that. I now have a positive view of Christianity as a necessary Evil since it does seem to oppose the flavor of tyranny we have today. I've always viewed religion as a form of control, that's more ancient that government. Religion and Statism are one in the same to me. The Power Elite who control a society will pick a flavor of both to different degrees. The United States currently isn't becoming more atheistic, it's becoming more Luciferian. I think it's just "switching religions" into something darker than where we were. At least with Christianity, the form of control was meant to keep things in order and have a self imposed amount of fear of Hellfire, so they would sometimes prevent people from doing bad things (even though most just excuse themselves as a special case.) Luciferianism is meant to make people so morally bankrupt that they will turn to the State for all their problems. It's designed that way on purpose. Sorry for my long tangent, but I feel it's important to share these things about myself since it is what has led me to my current views on the world. |
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#22 |
Last year all my crops were drowned out in torrential rains this year they are all blown out in horrific winds what's not to like? |
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#23 |
He is one malevolent son of a buck messed up entity and i don't like him. Evil exists... we can all agree on that. God, if he/she/it does exist, supposedly created EVERYTHING. 1 - If God is omniscient (sees everything, including the future) then God MUST have seen that evil would occur. 2 - If God is omnipotent (all powerful), then God can CERTAINLY prevent evil from occurring. THUS: God is omnipotent and omniscient, AND allows evil to continue to exist (which makes God evil by definition), or... God is omniscient, but not omnipotent, yet created everything (including evil) anyway even though God KNEW evil would arise, which makes God just as evil, or.. God is omnipotent, but not omniscient, and had no idea that evil would arise. That makes God indistinguishable from the "forces of nature" in their blind randomness, so why even consider such a being as being different from or outside of nature itself, or... God is neither omniscient nor omnipotent, in which case why call him/her/it God at all? Christians will undoubtably reply with the "freewill" argument, which I spit upon with the utmost contempt... if God were truly good, he would segregate/incarcerate/rehabilitate or destroy the doers of evil, and rectify the damages done (this IS, after all, a being that can supposedly turn back time and resurrect people from the dead!). We could STILL have free will in such a world, we just wouldn't have the "freedom" to harm our fellow man. Hey... we don't currently have the "freedom" to walk through walls, does that REALLY make us any less "free" or rob us of our "free will"? I don't think so. I cannot accept the idea that a "God" who would create a world such as the one we live in could by ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION be a being of "Love" and "Goodness". This is a large part of why I am an Atheist, other than the complete illogic and irrationality of the whole God idea to begin with. BTW, do you folks want this to remain in General Discussion, or should we move it to the Religion section? ![]() |
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#24 |
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#25 |
What you see in nature is creatures producing a lot of offspring only to get painfully chewed up by something else.
Seems odd to bring so many lives into a world only to have the majority of them suffer at the jaws of another. I will create a cute fluffy baby bunny, only to have it painfully ripped to shreds by mr. wolf. Knowing all this in advance...I will call it intelligent design. ![]() |
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#26 |
It's a contest Gaillo, with a grade/assessment at the end. If there weren't the contest then how would we know and be able to make the distinction? ![]() |
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#27 |
Shami, Gaillo, joboo,
Not sure if you're looking to 'supplement' your ideas in this area, but here are two short books that I think you'd find interesting. Btw, I think it's unfortunate that these types of topics are categorized as 'religion and philosophy', as the books below, which defy genre, tend to disagree with Phillip k Dick, VALIS William Bramley, Gods of Eden |
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#28 |
I don't know how to read. I can't read more than a paragraph without my mind going blank since I have so many thoughts racing through my head at a time. I've never been able to read a book in my entire life. The only reason I read the Bible and Book of Mormon was since I had an audio book version.
If you have a video I might check it out. edit: Maybe I'll just run it through one of my text to voice programs. Nevermind. |
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#29 |
Mortal life is a trial period. We are judged on how we deal with the circumstances of our earthly existence. A thousand years of our mortal time, is but a day in eternal time.
The Apostle Paul told the Athenians “we are the offspring of God.” The writer of Hebrews refers to Him as “the Father of spirits.” The Lord has declared “the spirit and the body are the soul of man.” William Wordsworth penned the truth: Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: The soul that rises with us, our life’s Star, Hath had elsewhere its setting, And cometh from afar: Not in entire forgetfulness, And not in utter nakedness, But trailing clouds of glory do we come From God, who is our home: Heaven lies about us in our infancy! How grateful we should be that a wise Creator fashioned an earth and placed us here, with a veil of forgetfulness of our previous existence so that we might experience a time of testing, an opportunity to prove ourselves in order to qualify for all that God has prepared for us to receive. One primary purpose of our existence upon the earth is to obtain a body of flesh and bones. We have the gift of agency, privileged to choose for ourselves, learn from the hard taskmaster of experience, discern between good and evil, and discover that there are consequences attached to our actions. |
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#30 |
I don't know how to read. I can't read more than a paragraph without my mind going blank since I have so many thoughts racing through my head at a time. I've never been able to read a book in my entire life. The only reason I read the Bible and Book of Mormon was since I had an audio book version. With your knowlege of the world, I would never have guessed! ![]() I read at least a book a week, sometimes 2 or 3. Have since I was 10. |
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#31 |
Mortal life is a trial period. We are judged on how we deal with the circumstances of our earthly existence. A thousand years of our mortal time, is but a day in eternal time. ![]() From our resident Rmoneybot spammer nonetheless! ![]() Is this mainstream Mormon thought? ![]() |
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#32 |
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#33 |
Wow! |
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#34 |
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#35 |
We are an extension of God's thought/feelers.
Why he has an interest on this side of things is beyond me, but seems somewhat necessary. You want to say the longer you hang around this place, the more you will be able to take with you, or know of yourself. Not the case, as all you ever had was there from the get go. |
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#36 |
I don't know how to read. I can't read more than a paragraph without my mind going blank since I have so many thoughts racing through my head at a time. I've never been able to read a book in my entire life. The only reason I read the Bible and Book of Mormon was since I had an audio book version. Do you generally pick things up very quickly? What I'm going to say will sound crazy, even to me. I just learned about this a few weeks ago (even though I heard the term before but I didn't know what it meant). It sounds like you could possibly be an Indigo child: Indigo children are those who are believed to represent a higher state of human evolution. The term itself is a reference to the belief that such children have an indigo colored aura. The color indigo represents the chakra of the third eye, which is associated with intuition, and paranormal abilities such as seeing angels, spirits or deceased loved ones. They are highly empathic, possessing the ability to discern what others are thinking and feeling. Thus they have the ability to know when someone is being authentic, honest and truthful. Indigo children are highly sensitive beings with a clear sense of self-definition and a strong feeling that they need to make a significant difference in the world. They are strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to be self-guided rather than directed by others. They are unique in the way they see things and will not conform in order to fit into society. Indigo's possess wisdom and a high level of awareness "beyond their years." When you look into their eyes you can see that they are old souls, and wise ones. They can be very outspoken, speaking to an Indigo is like talking to a miniature adult of sorts! They are often diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Dyslexia, and Learning Disabilities, they have a tendency to become unsociable when not around others of like mind. They are also prone to depression and sleep disorders such as insomnia and persistent nightmares. Indigo's tend to be more visual, kinesthetic learners so remember best what they can picture in their brain and create with their hands. They are highly energetic people so movement is required to keep them better focused. They love to talk and explain things. They tend to be very animated and dramatic.They have a very difficult time sitting still unless they are doing something they find valuable. The Indigo's life purpose is to bring awareness that the old systems no longer work and rally for change. They possess a low tolerance for people and systems that are not authentic and authority without a good cause or reason. They become very angry, frustrated and will act out if they sense injustice. Because they are so highly sensitive they tend to a have lot of allergies to foods, and environmental toxins, and this can cause them to become off balanced easily. Indigo's need to learn how to maintain balance in their lives. When surrounded by a lot of negativity, anger, loud, noisy places and things of this sort, they will become imbalanced and will absorb the negativity and begin to act out in an angry way or become very introverted and have difficulty coming out of their shell. Don't know if those types of people are real, but it just came to my mind when you posted about yourself. |
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#37 |
Ah, very interesting. I'm a very slow reader as well. After forcing myself through school my attention span is quite damaged. Sorry, I don't have any audio or video for you of these materials. The ideas however are slowly being pulled into various modern materials and authors works (along with other 'classics'). ![]() Damn... still miss that crazy Stalinist junkie jew! ![]() |
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#38 |
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#39 |
Ah, very interesting. I'm a very slow reader as well. After forcing myself through school my attention span is quite damaged. Sorry, I don't have any audio or video for you of these materials. The ideas however are slowly being pulled into various modern materials and authors works (along with other 'classics'). What's your opinion on the Spirit Science series? It mentions like you did about Indigo Children (in later episodes) |
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#40 |
Bullshit! Tell the starving baby in Africa how it's a "contest" and how they'll be "scored" at the end! It is my sincere belief that there is not a single grain of sand out of place in the Cosmos.... how could there be? Everything happens according to Law, the Law of Cause and Effect (also known as Karma) being the main governing Law. Everything that is happening right now, has ever happened, and will ever happen is ONE thought in the mind of God. If you don't like the name "God" then use some other word, but whatever you call it, the Universe is one System. |
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