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Haibundadam 08-19-2012 02:54 PM

OK, WTF did I do to my knee
And it's not the knee it's behind it where the muscles and ten-dints(sp.) are.

So here's what happened, on the way home from training in 100+ heat I stopped at the base of the grapevine to get diesel and to give the dogs some water etc. I'm in the bed of the truck to give Shelby some water and I was on my knees and I felt a cramp in my right knee, I straightened it out and it hurt like shit. So I finish up what I'm doing and get back in the truck and spend 90 minutes driving the rest of the way home.

I wasn't in any pain at all on the way home, but once I got out of the truck I was like WTF. On a scale of 1 - 10 I was at about a 3. But as the night went on, it increased.

Right now, just trying to bend my knee or put any weight on it is about an 8 and to walk on it, I can't have my foot straight it feels better to point it outward.

Hopefully Mamboni chimes in, other than taking some Aspirin and iceing it last night I haven't done anything else. I'm going to get some anti-inflamatories in a bit but what else should I do?
So, with all the brain power on here, what are your thoughts? And no, I'm not going to put myself down. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ies/smiley.gif


XIMHOTEP-X 08-19-2012 03:03 PM

Any swelling? Does it feel warm to the touch or red? I think getting Ibuprofens is a good idea.

Haibundadam 08-19-2012 03:07 PM


Any swelling? Does it feel warm to the touch or red? I think getting Ibuprofens is a good idea.
Minor swelling, it's as warm as the other knee.

DextExexy 08-19-2012 03:34 PM

Could be a lot of things. I'd have to examine you. My guess is that you pulled a hamstring when you got up from the kneeling position. Or, you have DJD behind the patella and you aggravated it when you were kneeling in the truck bed. Driving shouldn't be a problem but if you try to flex the knee you will see stars. Whatever it is it is not an emergency. You have nothing to lose by:

1. Keep the knee elevated above the heart and in a comfortable posture
2. alternate cold- and hot-presses to the back of knee, 30 minutes each or whatever feels good
3. take aspirin, motrin or similar every 4 hours
4. give it 24 hours to improve.

After 24 hours, if there is no improvement, you may have torn a hamstring or torn a meniscus. You will need to see an orthopod.

I hope it resolves itself.

VemyhemiHef 08-19-2012 04:16 PM

I hope your knee feels better soon, GoD.

Glanteeignile 08-19-2012 04:18 PM


After 24 hours, if there is no improvement, you may have torn a hamstring or torn a meniscus. You will need to see an orthopod.
Some time ago I tore the miniscus in my knee and it prevented me from straightening out my leg. The tear happened when my knee was in a folded position (kind of like a squat) and there was not any appreciable pain when the tear happened, but I did definitely know that something went wrong. The pain was not too bad right after it happened, and I was able to walk without too much pain over to a chair.

But within an hour or two, the pain increased to where I could not put much weight on the knee. I found out later that the cartilage from the meniscus had torn and folded over, preventing the knee from straightening out.

Hopefully what you have is nothing this serious, but if it does not start to get better over the next day or two, you may have to go see an orthopedic, as mamboni says.

eduptultyt 08-19-2012 05:50 PM

It could be a torn meniscus or a tear in the ACL. Make a call in the morning and get an MRI. Have the problem addressed immediatly. You dont want to be in a emergency situation with a fucked up knee and not be able to move quick. Southern California is a hotbed for orthopods. Everyone comes here for joint replacement; from every country with socialized medicine. Take care and stay on the ice.

thomaskkk 08-19-2012 05:57 PM

since it doesn't sound like you were tackled by Lawrence Taylor or anything, i wonder if it's the combination of inactivity (sitting & driving) and activity.

last year i had a 4 day drive, followed by a 2 mile swim where i pushed myself, especially on the kickboard.

after the swim i was blown away, i was crawling because i couldn't walk. seemed like it had to be major.

24 hours later, i was OK.

i would kick back & rest it and enjoy the excuse to drink beer.

Glanteeignile 08-19-2012 06:15 PM


Some time ago I tore the miniscus in my knee and it prevented me from straightening out my leg. The tear happened when my knee was in a folded position (kind of like a squat) and there was not any appreciable pain when the tear happened, but I did definitely know that something went wrong. The pain was not too bad right after it happened, and I was able to walk without too much pain over to a chair.

But within an hour or two, the pain increased to where I could not put much weight on the knee. I found out later that the cartilage from the meniscus had torn and folded over, preventing the knee from straightening out.

Hopefully what you have is nothing this serious, but if it does not start to get better over the next day or two, you may have to go see an orthopedic, as mamboni says.
Forgot to mention that surgery was required to correct the problem, to clean up the tear and remove the part that was folded over.

Pcodaygs 08-19-2012 06:21 PM

It could be worse:

RooldpalApata 08-19-2012 06:23 PM

Go see a chiropractor tomorrow, he can xray it and tell you whats going on. Here the local guy only charges 20 bux to xray things. I had a few similar situations and one my knee kept getting worse, like you experienced. What I noticed was when I drove my leg was in a certain position that was aggravating it and causing the whole problem. Was real hard to change the habit of having my leg in that position resting against the console but I remained conscious of it, moved the seat to different positions until my leg no longer was aggravating my knee.

tactWeiccaf 08-19-2012 07:18 PM


It could be worse:



Joking aside, maybe try Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar?

Here's a bunch of alternative cures for knee problems. Apple Cider Vinegar comes up as #1 (as usual.)

Tumeric, kelp, and ginger are also a really useful anti-inflammatories. You can get all in capsule/tablet form for very cheap. You should be taking kelp everyday anyways for radiation protection and thyroid health. It also helps block fluoride absorption naturally.

MicoSiru 08-19-2012 08:51 PM

I tore the meniscus in both knees over the last decade. I did not have surgery and both healed fine, although one took over a year. I know many people who had surgery for torn meniscuses (and other knee problems) and most were not at all successful.
Arthoscopy is like SCUBA diving in water so murky you can't see your hand unless you press it against your face mask.
I wouldn't get knee surgery until exausting every other avenue. GLTU.


Tryphadz 08-19-2012 10:23 PM

Hi, this is Noc's girlfriend. I'm a massage therapist, and if you came to see me with that story, I would start working on you beginning with this assumption:

You may have inflamed the bursa kneeling on the hot truck bed, which could have caused a cramp or swelling in popliteus (a little stabilizer muscle that is easily strained when you're kneeling and there's any kind of extreme temperature), leading to the cramp in your lower leg. Then driving for 90 minutes would aggravate that lower leg/knee musculature that connects behind the knee and is controlled by the nerve that runs--you guessed it--behind your knee.

To relieve it, work to reduce tension in your hamstring connections as well as your gastrocnemius and soleus connections at the knee, put ice on the back of your knee for no more than 15 minutes of any given hour, suggest that you take some NSAIDs and keep it elevated, and do some slow and easy stretching. You could loop a belt around your foot and gently pull back until you feel a little tug in the back of your lower leg, (hamstring stretch) take three breaths, then ease off and relax for another three breaths. Repeat a few times, and see if you can get some of that mobility back (and move out of that foot-pointing-only mode!). If you're into topical analgesics, I love Golden Tiger, and they offer free samples on their website. It works really well. Good luck!

[The Nocturnal Egyptian speaking again] Just remember that you can relieve pressure on the knee by massaging the muscles that attach near it. Massage your quads, hamstrings, your glutes and calves. All of these connect near the knee so easing tension on them will lessen any pulling in the knee. And that goldentiger stuff is pretty much the best topical painkiller I've ever tried. http://www.goldentigerusa.com/samples.php

Also dude you could just go see a massage therapist. I go all the time, it helps a lot. If you need me to recommend someone, I have lots of really good people in southern California for that. When you pull or strain a muscle, the other muscles get really sore from compensating for the strained muscle.

videolkif 08-19-2012 10:28 PM

Hey, man...

Get better soon, I hear your dick stabbing skills are severely impaired when knee injuries happen! http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/grin.gif

thomaskkk 08-19-2012 10:48 PM


Hey, man...

Get better soon, I hear your dick stabbing skills are severely impaired when knee injuries happen! http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/grin.gif
yeah, what happens if you find some 1000 ounce bars by the side of the road ? http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ies/smiley.gif

buchmausar 08-19-2012 11:16 PM


DextExexy 08-20-2012 01:18 PM

Once you have recuperated, you should make a periodic pilgrimage to Africa, where the knee grows.

thomaskkk 08-20-2012 01:54 PM


looks complicated.

maybe someday Home Depot will be selling them.

DextExexy 08-20-2012 02:03 PM



looks complicated.

maybe someday Home Depot will be selling them.
Complicated? LOL. That drawing is vastly simplified. I've dissected knees and the beauty and complexity of their design and construction is something to behold. They are so well balanced that the slightlest perturbation of the smallest parts, be they the menisci, cruciates or the cartilage cause all kinds of problems.

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