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Old 08-16-2012, 11:02 PM   #1

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Default Can you handle the truth?
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Old 08-16-2012, 11:30 PM   #2

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Few can handle the truth. That's what the sphinx is all about. It represents nature which is why it has the head of a woman (nature as in, the objective world, or truth). If you approach it and are unprepared, it will destroy you mercilessly. That's why it has the body of a lion. So based on the sphinx, very few of us can handle the truth.
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Old 08-16-2012, 11:49 PM   #3

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Few can even give it a fair consideration in some cases.
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Old 08-17-2012, 12:40 AM   #4

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I would disagree with the statement that doctors destroy health.

Health is the sole responsibility of the individual. Doctors are trained to use drugs and surgery. It is up to the individual to create and maintain health for themselves and judiciously use the services of the doctors, when needed, such is the case when you have broken bones sticking out of your body from a car crash. Or when a cop beats your brains out and they need to be put back in.

But only idiots go to doctors to get healthy. Health comes from good eating, exercise, and a peaceful mind. Stress, drugs, bad food, and sitting on the couch lead to bad health. And doctors don't make anyone do those things.
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Old 08-17-2012, 01:01 AM   #5

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I would disagree with the statement that doctors destroy health.

Health is the sole responsibility of the individual. Doctors are trained to use drugs and surgery. It is up to the individual to create and maintain health for themselves and judiciously use the services of the doctors, when needed, such is the case when you have broken bones sticking out of your body from a car crash. Or when a cop beats your brains out and they need to be put back in.

But only idiots go to doctors to get healthy. Health comes from good eating, exercise, and a peaceful mind. Stress, drugs, bad food, and sitting on the couch lead to bad health. And doctors don't make anyone do those things.
Beautiful summation Salty, spot on.

As a physician, I am extremely disappointed with my colleagues. While their ignorance of nutrition and holistic health might be forgivable, their haughty arrogance in rejecting new knowledge about said subjects is repugnant. My colleagues with their multiyear educations and numerous degrees are so blind in fundamental ways that it is appalling. Sadly, the educated man is apt to reject new knowledge off hand lest it interfere with his magical world view, born entirely out of the university-medical school-residency orthodoxy. Why must men make the same mistakes over and over again? Why cannot men resist the pride before the fall? I see doctors ignorant of nutrition, of whole foods, of spirituality, of the environmental dangers all around us. When I brought up the spectre of atmospheric depleted uranium at a Cancer Conference, the chief of staff laughed in my face. I don't give him the time of day anymore and he knows it. He also knows that I can wipe the flaw with him intellectually but I learned a thing or two about restraint and grace as a young man. I have given up on my colleagues. I keep the conversations short and strictly on work at the hospital. My reports are succinct, factual, cogent and grammatically perfect. But I am deeply saddened by the intellectually petrified state of affairs in modern medicine. It has peaked at some sterile state of high decadence. The coming fall is inevitable. There are no more healers, no more men of medicine who hunger for cures, for breakthroughs, and solutions found though humble and earnest work. Fleming discovered Penicillin on discarded moldly bread while working in a literal closet. He saved untold millions of lives. Today it's all about grants, and fancy presentations, and overpriced conferences and lectures. Curiousity is dead. Medicine is a wasteland of close-minded profiteers and opportunists.

I sincerely hold far more hope for the members of this forum. Because of your fertile open minds and willingness to explore and understand new subjects, you collectively will fare far better, physically and spiritually, than my genetically-modified food-consuming pill-popping multi-degreed "educated" colleagues. Never have men been simultaneously so educated and simultaneously so ignorant and bereft of wisdom and humility.
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Old 08-17-2012, 01:07 AM   #6

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Oh please... sit on it & rotate, Potsy.
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Old 08-17-2012, 01:35 AM   #7

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Oh please... sit on it & rotate, Potsy.
I understand how hard it is to even admit something like it is even possible. We have been so brainwashed into "knowing" it is not true, that the possibility of geocentrism cannot even be entertained, even though almost all observations scream centrality, and no experiment has ever demonstrated earth's motion (of course most people do not realize that). The depth of the deception is much much, much, much... deeper than most can even imagine.
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Old 08-17-2012, 01:40 AM   #8

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You need to change your handle to JimQJones.
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Old 08-17-2012, 01:41 AM   #9

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You need to change your handle to JimQJones.
No kool-aid here.
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Old 08-17-2012, 03:24 AM   #10

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My "instant messenger" signature for the last 5 years. The quote by Ellner echos the one in the OP.

"Armaments, universal debt and planned obsolescence — those are the three pillars of Western prosperity." — Aldous Huxley

"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.
Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroys information and religions destroy spirituality."
-Michael Ellner

"Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce, and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate." — James A. Garfield, 20th U.S. president, two weeks before he was assassinated in 1881

"I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinions of himself than on the opinions of others." --Marcus Aurelius

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it" --Frederic Bastiat
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Old 08-17-2012, 04:17 AM   #11

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I can't read this,what does it say

But in answer too your question.......it's the lies I can't handle
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Old 08-17-2012, 04:21 AM   #12

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"We now live in a nation where
doctors destroy health,
lawyers destroy justice,
universities destroy knowledge,
governments destroy freedom,
the press destroys informaiton,
religion destroys morals,
and our banks
destroy the economy."
----------------Chris Hedges found above poster with a side byline: Sustainability the Musical

and below the poster it says:

Chris Hedges' full name is
Christopher Lynn Hedges.
He is an American Puliter Prize-wining journalist
and war correspondent specializing in
American and Middle Eastern Politics
Born: 9.18.1956 at St. Johnsbury
Spouse: Eunice Wong
Education: Harvard Divinity, Colgate Univ, Starr King School for the Ministry
Awards: Lannan Literary Fellowhsip
Nominations: National Book Critics Circle Award for General Non-fiction

Some of his books are:
War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning

American Fascits The Christian Right and the War on America

I Don't Believe in Atheists

What Every Person Should Know About War

Losing Moses on the Freeway

Collateral Damage


Never heard of him until I stumbled across this poster. Guess I don't get out much, huh....

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Old 08-17-2012, 04:36 AM   #13

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Thanks for that post Mamboni I really appreciate your insights and honesty in this matter.

Healers do exist as some of them are born that way and it is a natural gift.

No amount of education can develop this.Usually they are not in the medical profession.

Education to me is a form of programming and the more we are filled with knowledge the more common sense is squeezed out until all there is a state of useless knowing and believing.

True education to me is a life time journey without end,it is exciting and interesting without any time arriving at knowing it all.True health is a vast area to understand and is related too many areas.
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Old 08-18-2012, 04:50 AM   #14

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What is taught is that it is a Dog eat Dog world.

Some humans then display their highest revelation by eating non-believers.
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Old 08-19-2012, 07:37 AM   #15

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You know we receive an education in the schools from books. All those books that people became educated from twenty-five years ago, are wrong now, and those that are good now, will be wrong again twenty-five years from now. So if they are wrong then, they are also wrong now, and the one who is educated from the wrong books is not educated, he is misled. All books that are written are wrong, the one who is not educated cannot write a book and the one who is educated, is really not educated but he is misled and the one who is misled cannot write a book which is correct.
The misleading began when our distant ancestors began to teach their descendants. You know they knew nothing but they passed their knowledge of nothing to the coming generations and it went so innocently that nobody noticed it. That is why we are not educated.

Now I will tell you what education is according to my reasoning. An educated person is one whose senses are refined. We are born as brutes, we remain and die as the same if we do not become polished. But all senses do not take polish. Some are to coarse to take it. The main base of education is one's "self-respect". Any one lacking self-respect cannot be educated. The main bases of self-respect is the willingness to learn, to do only the things that are good and right, to believe only in the things that can be proved, to possess appreciation and self control.

Now, if you lack willingness to learn, you will remain as a brute and if you do things that are not good and right, you will be a low person, and if you believe in things that cannot be proved, any feeble minded person can lead you, and if you lack appreciation, it takes away the incentive for good doing and if you lack self control you will never know the limit.

So all those lacking these characteristics in their makeup are not educated.

Ed Leedskalnin, 1936.
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Old 08-19-2012, 02:36 PM   #16

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You know we receive an education in the schools from books. All those books that people became educated from twenty-five years ago, are wrong now, and those that are good now, will be wrong again twenty-five years from now. So if they are wrong then, they are also wrong now, and the one who is educated from the wrong books is not educated, he is misled. All books that are written are wrong, the one who is not educated cannot write a book and the one who is educated, is really not educated but he is misled and the one who is misled cannot write a book which is correct.
The misleading began when our distant ancestors began to teach their descendants. You know they knew nothing but they passed their knowledge of nothing to the coming generations and it went so innocently that nobody noticed it. That is why we are not educated.

Now I will tell you what education is according to my reasoning. An educated person is one whose senses are refined. We are born as brutes, we remain and die as the same if we do not become polished. But all senses do not take polish. Some are to coarse to take it. The main base of education is one's "self-respect". Any one lacking self-respect cannot be educated. The main bases of self-respect is the willingness to learn, to do only the things that are good and right, to believe only in the things that can be proved, to possess appreciation and self control.

Now, if you lack willingness to learn, you will remain as a brute and if you do things that are not good and right, you will be a low person, and if you believe in things that cannot be proved, any feeble minded person can lead you, and if you lack appreciation, it takes away the incentive for good doing and if you lack self control you will never know the limit.

So all those lacking these characteristics in their makeup are not educated.

Ed Leedskalnin, 1936.
Good post. The only part I take issue with "believe only in the things that can be proved" One needs not believe in what is known. Am I misunderstanding?
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Old 08-19-2012, 03:40 PM   #17

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We are born as brutes, we remain and die as the same if we do not become polished.
This guy's got a bad attitude, and I'm not willing to become Polish.
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Old 08-19-2012, 03:43 PM   #18

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Just for the record, I have NOTHING against polish sausages....

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Old 08-19-2012, 06:33 PM   #19

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I would disagree with the statement that doctors destroy health.

Health is the sole responsibility of the individual. Doctors are trained to use drugs and surgery. It is up to the individual to create and maintain health for themselves and judiciously use the services of the doctors, when needed, such is the case when you have broken bones sticking out of your body from a car crash. Or when a cop beats your brains out and they need to be put back in.

But only idiots go to doctors to get healthy. Health comes from good eating, exercise, and a peaceful mind. Stress, drugs, bad food, and sitting on the couch lead to bad health. And doctors don't make anyone do those things.
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