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#21 |
Those that are behind the scence still have pleanty of raping and pillaging to do.
It will be a slow grind to the end because the sheep will still believe the lie thinbgs are getting "Better" If a sudden collapse comes.......all the exits are not barred and the sheep will start going buck wild when it dawns on them they are in the slaughter house. It will be painful to watch this play out ...........but vindicating I get to see all people who called me a quack eat nice big plate of crow. T |
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#22 |
Sparky and many others there were predicting before the '08 crisis and after it that TSHTF timeframe given by many of the well known pundits and select GIM members was way too short. I consistantly said over and over again that during the middle to later part of this decade would be the early time frame and that a much slower road to 100% slavery where TS never really HTF in some sudden way is also a very real possibility. The entire world is on this fiat game and the intention of the absolute power elite criminals is to fleece the workers of the world, not each other. Wars are for show and distraction only. If these global elite in nearly every nation are able to rotate the currency devaluations that are coming in a slow and transitional process then we could easily and simply see a very slow road to serfdom evolve. A slow race to the bottom where in 30 or fifty or 70 years you have basically a global 2 class society: About 10 percent live very well and manage and enforce the system, although these are not the real controllers. 90% of the world works for food, housing, a semblance of medical care and an Internet connections with free movie downloads. The real controllers remain at the few thousand families that we see today and remain completely hidden. They keep the 10% enforcers-managers-politicos in line and provide them with directions. This slow road is actually the most likely scenario. This is why most of the freedom forums are actually hoping for a sudden SHTF scenario to evolve because the slow road, often alluded to by the anaology of a frog slowly boiled to death in a pot of water, is a much more dangerous scenario given the severely uneducated and "sheepish" nature of the vast majority of the human race. While I agree and understand 100% with this analysis probability, there are other factors that come into play that change this probability greatly. I debate a friend of mine on this all the time, he thinks the faith in fiat can be held onto indefinetly, while I think that economic/monetary matters act like physics/gravity and happen when the inertia hits that point of critical the market/countries/people refuse to keep following the fiat faith. There is a push come to shove point and I believe there is an action/reaction-reaction/action coming in a shorter rather than a longer time frame. |
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#23 |
Money games have a many thousands of years history and fiat can even go away for a while and still leave the same controllers in power. It can then emerge again later. If history is a guide, the majority of the human race is unable to remain focused on root causes for more than about 30 seconds and that's assuming they will be able to correctly identify the root cause of their grief, a very big assumption in itself. Your argument is very unconvincing.
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#24 |
Those that are behind the scence still have pleanty of raping and pillaging to do. |
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#25 |
Money games have a many thousands of years history and fiat can even go away for a while and still leave the same controllers in power. It can then emerge again later. If history is a guide, the majority of the human race is unable to remain focused on root causes for more than about 30 seconds and that's assuming they will be able to correctly identify the root cause of their grief, a very big assumption in itself. Your argument is very unconvincing. I think my premise is as sound as yours. That being said...I can't do a fvcking thing that effects events 100 years from now because I live in the here and now and the short term future, 20 or 25 years or so, and I have a finite window of time at my disposal. Jefferson had it correct, in that the country should be ruled by the generational code, ie that any law, contract, treaty could only exist for a span of (40?/48?) years and then they were null and void. Like I tell my friend, this is one of those debates that never ends, till it ends. |
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#26 |
Most doomers underestimate how much inertia the system has. My bottom prediction has always been 2013-2017, and I'm sticking with it. The idea of pinpointing within 6 months a collapse that has been 100 years in the making is ridiculous. It will seem like TSHHTF to us but for the average american they will still think things are going to get better. 2012 there will be no doubt of real panic across all levels but the smart money has already taken all of the life boats. I believe that we will not start seeing light at the end of the tunnel until 2018 at the earliest. We have the very real possibilities of the country breaking up as .gov collapses, a World War if .gov gets a strongman Fascist in 2012, a revolution if Obama gets reelected, and throw in there a hyperinflationary depression, massive illegal immigrant persecution, starvation, crime, disease, and the just over all doom. Our way of life is so fragile and without that dollar working, unsustainable. But that is at least 6 months away... ![]() |
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#27 |
And people are going to go, 'That land's not yours, prove that it's yours,' and the only thing you have to prove it's yours is on an electric file. Then it's like, 'What's the value of currency, and whose food is whose?' People's alarm systems at their homes will no longer work. Neither will our heating, our garbage disposals, hot-water heaters that run on gas but depend on electricity - what happens when all our modern conveniences fail? I'm going to be ready to take myself and my family to a safe place where they don't have to worry. I dont think Ashton has forgotten his roots or where he came from. |
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#28 |
It will seem like TSHHTF to us but for the average american they will still think things are going to get better. 2012 there will be no doubt of real panic across all levels but the smart money has already taken all of the life boats. I believe that we will not start seeing light at the end of the tunnel until 2018 at the earliest. We have the very real possibilities of the country breaking up as .gov collapses, a World War if .gov gets a strongman Fascist in 2012, a revolution if Obama gets reelected, and throw in there a hyperinflationary depression, massive illegal immigrant persecution, starvation, crime, disease, and the just over all doom. Our way of life is so fragile and without that dollar working, unsustainable. But that is at least 6 months away... ![]() How did you arrive at that timescale? I had that as a best-case scenario for years now.... and just waited for things to start popping. Here is how I got there: Mat 24:3 And as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, Tell us, when will these things be? And, What is the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age? Mat 24:32 But learn the parable of the fig tree [Israel]: When its branch becomes tender and it puts out leaves, you know that the summer is near; Mat 24:33 so also you, when you see all these things, know that it is near at the doors. Mat 24:34 Truly I say to you, In no way will this generation [the one seeing the signs and of the fig tree] pass away until all these things have occurred. Israel was reestablished as a nation in 1947/1948. A typical lifespan was counted as 70 years and a generation was considered 40. There may be another starting date since Israel did not perhaps reach summer bloom in 1948, but in later years. At the outside, I figured 2018 would complete this. Now we watch for signs of the completion of other prophecies. Maybe 1967 has significance. Anyway, we seem to be in the target area. Conditions unlike any in history before us are now firming into our destinies. Is doom 6 months away? I think the start of doom is no more than 3 years away and the enslavement is already happening... in case you want to define doom as such. People can still choose things and I see doom fully blossomed as a sealing of choices. Then the end will come quickly. |
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#29 |
This is one instance where I will never feel good about being able to say "I told you so". When I moved to CR I said F them, they're gonna get what they deserve, the stupid bastards, but after reflecting on that thought it is wrong. I think about the good folks and the people I care about that just don't get it and the pain they're gonna go through and it saddens me dude. These people are our potential brothers in arms, wish them no harm. TT, you're a leader and all those people who called you a quack will be looking to you for guidance, reality will have hit them like a 2x4!
[/quote] This is a good thought and so true. When advice or suggestions you KNOW to be good and true are rejected, the human response is to say I told you so and the desire to look forward with vindication is strong. But as you said, once the time actually comes you'll feel bad that you did not do more to reach them. That being said... Are you saved? Have you trusted Jesus Christ as your Saviour?? It's not too late IF you are reading this. He is the only REAL Hope and salvation for ALL men. |
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#30 |
People can still choose things and I see doom fully blossomed as a sealing of choices. Then the end will come quickly. In the spirit of conjecture and not to be confused with belief,
I'd say it's going to come down to two choices. The choice to die free or to live materially under total subjugation. The means by which this sealing of choices will occur will be through currently hidden or unknown advancements in technology. Sorry folks, but technology isn't gonna save us. It's gonna be the vehicle of our undoing. The Trojan horse by which the Luciferian principle that knowledge has the capacity to become all knowing is penetrating the spirit of humanity. In other words, we are going to become trans or post-humanized as a species. No more being human. At least, not while choosing to live as a chippy dippy butt monkey for the elite. ![]() There won't be any escaping. No bugging out. It'll be down to the sealing of choices. Eternal Life or Eternal Damnation. |
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#31 |
It will seem like TSHHTF to us but for the average american they will still think things are going to get better. 2012 there will be no doubt of real panic across all levels but the smart money has already taken all of the life boats. I believe that we will not start seeing light at the end of the tunnel until 2018 at the earliest. We have the very real possibilities of the country breaking up as .gov collapses, a World War if .gov gets a strongman Fascist in 2012, a revolution if Obama gets reelected, and throw in there a hyperinflationary depression, massive illegal immigrant persecution, starvation, crime, disease, and the just over all doom. Our way of life is so fragile and without that dollar working, unsustainable. But that is at least 6 months away... ![]() How did you arrive at that timescale? I had that as a best-case scenario for years now.... and just waited for things to start popping. Here is how I got there: Mat 24:3 And as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, Tell us, when will these things be? And, What is the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age? Mat 24:32 But learn the parable of the fig tree [Israel]: When its branch becomes tender and it puts out leaves, you know that the summer is near; Mat 24:33 so also you, when you see all these things, know that it is near at the doors. Mat 24:34 Truly I say to you, In no way will this generation [the one seeing the signs and of the fig tree] pass away until all these things have occurred. Israel was reestablished as a nation in 1947/1948. A typical lifespan was counted as 70 years and a generation was considered 40. There may be another starting date since Israel did not perhaps reach summer bloom in 1948, but in later years. At the outside, I figured 2018 would complete this. Now we watch for signs of the completion of other prophecies. Maybe 1967 has significance. Anyway, we seem to be in the target area. Conditions unlike any in history before us are now firming into our destinies. Is doom 6 months away? I think the start of doom is no more than 3 years away and the enslavement is already happening... in case you want to define doom as such. People can still choose things and I see doom fully blossomed as a sealing of choices. Then the end will come quickly. Hey Spectrum, What mathew 24:32 is referencing about summer has to do with the season of the return of the real Christ, the 7th trumpet sounding. The 7th trump is the return of the real Christ. Christ instructs us to not let yourself get harvested out of season. Christ also says His return will be sometime during the 5 summer months of the locusts which pretty much marks the time of summer. Biblical harvest is summer time when fruit and vegies are picked and not fall when farmers are out in the field picking dried up grains and such. Some of the most Biblical literate scholars over look this simple little aspect about harvest and summer, myself included until Arnold Murray took time to explain when and what to look for. I can say this guys if GSUS is still up that I can tell you three days before the real Christ appears. Its written that the two witnesses will be slain in the streets of Jerusalem three days before the real Christ appears. You see two people get slain in the streets of Jerusalem and their bodies leftas a display in the streets. You have three days ( biblical days start at 6am not 12pm) to get your faith in order and renounce the allegience to the fake messiah or pay heavily. |
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#32 |
| picked up the article. Pretty cool. |
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#33 |
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#38 |
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