DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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-   -   What's good for the Goy ain't good for the Zios. RE: General Dempsey. (http://www.discussworldissues.com/forums/general-discussion/195131-whats-good-goy-aint-good-zios-re-general-dempsey.html)

bortycuz 08-16-2012 08:35 PM

What's good for the Goy ain't good for the Zios. RE: General Dempsey.
Drunken brawling Irish bum. How dare he speak to us Chosen Ones like that.

The general's remark was not a slip-of-the-tongue. It was a calculated statement from a general of Irish descent and character. His words constituted a slap in Israel's face, a punch in the face, and a kick to the most sensitive part of the body. To be more precise, the US slammed Israel's head against the wall and said: "Shut up. Stop babbling about Iran. Without us there is not much you can do, and don't assume for a second that we are dancing to your tune. You shouldn't do anything stupid, and stop driving the entire world crazy."


Let's see if the above paragraph gets edited.

P.S.: Good for General Dempsey !

68AttendGem 08-16-2012 08:50 PM

From Dempsey's comment:

...Israel can "delay but not destroy Iran's nuclear capabilities," Ynetnews complains with extreme hyperbole!

...constituted a slap in Israel's face, a punch in the face, and a kick to the most sensitive part of the body. To be more precise, the US slammed Israel's head against the wall ...decided to bring the Jewish state's leadership to its knees and hurt our exaggerated self-confidence and undermine our deterrence. Cry babies. It'd be comical if the gangsters that rule that place weren't murderous thieves.

DextExexy 08-16-2012 08:56 PM

Anti-semite!!! Anti-semite!!!! He criticized Israel!!! Oh angelic Israel, so pure and innocent, GOD's chosen!!!! The goy dares wax snarky at Israel? This is anti-semitic hate-speech!!! Oh my, oy vey!!! Why do these goyim hate us Jews??

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