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Old 07-31-2012, 12:17 AM   #1

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Default Chinese rubbish collector who saved and raised THIRTY babies abandoned at the roadsid
The truly inspiring story of the Chinese rubbish collector who saved and raised THIRTY babies abandoned at the roadside

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 13:27 GMT, 30 July 2012 | UPDATED: 22:28 GMT, 30 July 2012

Lou Xiaoying has been praised in China for saving more than 30 abandoned babies over the years

A woman has been hailed a hero after details of her astonishing work with abandoned children has emerged.

Lou Xiaoying, now 88 and suffering from kidney failure, found and raised more than 30 abandoned Chinese babies from the streets of Jinhua, in the eastern Zhejiang province where she managed to make a living by recycling rubbish.
She and her late husband Li Zin, who died 17 years ago, kept four of the children and passed the others onto friends and family to start new lives.
Her youngest son Zhang Qilin - now aged just seven - was found in a dustbin by Lou when she was 82.

'Even though I was already getting old I could not simply ignore the baby and leave him to die in the trash. He looked so sweet and so needy. I had to take him home with me,' she said.

'I took him back to our home, which is a very small modest house in the countryside and nursed him to health. He is now a thriving little boy, who is happy and healthy.
'My older children all help look after Zhang Qilin, he is very special to all of us. I named him after the Chinese word for rare and precious.
'The whole thing started when I found the first baby, a little girl back in 1972 when I was out collecting rubbish. She was just lying amongst the junk on the street, abandoned. She would have died had we not rescued her and taken her in.
'Watching her grow and become stronger gave us such happiness and I realised I had a real love of caring for children.
'I realised if we had strength enough to collect garbage how could we not recycle something as important as human lives,' she explained.
'These children need love and care. They are all precious human lives. I do not understand how people can leave such a vulnerable baby on the streets.

Lou is now dying from kidney failure. She is pictured here with two of the children she helped rescued

Lou, left, caring her the babies with her husband Li Zin. She would give them to friends and family after she rescued them

Lou, who has one biological daughter, Zhang Caiying and now aged 49, devoted her life to looking after the abandoned babies.

Word of her kind-hearted gestures has now spread in China, where thousands of babies are abandoned on the streets by their poverty stricken parents.

One fan explained: 'She is shaming to governments, schools and people who stand by and do nothing. She has no money or power but she saved children from death or worse.'
'In the local community she is well known and well respected for her work with the abandoned babies. She does her best. She is a local hero. But unfortunately there are far too many abandoned babies in China who have no hope of survival.
Only last week there was news of a baby lucky to be alive after having its throat cut and then put in a plastic bag and thrown in a dustbin at Anshan city, in northeast China’s Liaoning province.
The baby – a girl – was thought to be a victim of the country's one child policy where parents restricted to only having a single child prefer boys and girls are unwanted and often discarded.

Lou, who is now in hospital, has become iconic in her village and people have said she puts the government and other officials to shame

A little boy who was found abandoned by Lou is now cared for by her older children. The family have little money but still managed to save dozens of children

Lou made a living from collecting and recycling rubbish, she said that she would never leave the children after coming across them, abandoned

Infanticide of 'guilt children' is still a problem in rural areas but it is rare in cities, where children are usually abandoned but not killed.

The baby's fate has horrified China. The tot was spotted when a passerby went to throw some rubbish in the bin the and saw what he thought was a dead baby in the bag.
He told police that the child was purple and had not moved until he examined the bag more closely.
A resident who witnessed the girl being taken to hospital said: 'She was still breathing and had a heartbeat. Blood from the wound stained the whole body.'

Doctors said that if the baby had been left in the bag a few minutes longer she would have died of suffocation and it had already been affected by the lack of oxygen hence the purple colour.
They said that the baby had been born premature and was probably between 32 and 34 weeks old and weighing just 1.4 kg.
A medic said that if the cut had been just a millimetre deep in the baby would have died.
The premature baby was found in a bin, with placenta and umbilical cord still attached, in Anshan city in northeast China

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Old 07-31-2012, 12:24 AM   #2

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The Chinese get HUGE fines if they have more than the government mandated amount of kids so I understand why people discard them at birth.
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Old 07-31-2012, 01:30 AM   #3

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The Chinese get HUGE fines if they have more than the government mandated amount of kids so I understand why people discard them at birth.
You say "understand" like you have simpathy for the abandoning parent/s over filthy money.
I dont know how you can say that. I personally cant even comprehend a parent who discards a little helpless human life thats apart of you like an old plastic used up rag doll in the trash knowing that little life doesnt have a chance.
It sickens me to think animals may just drag those crying infants away for dinner....i just cant comprehend these parent not think of just what might happen to these helpless infants.

I personally hope God serves justice to these worthless humans with the person they abandoned standing on Gods right side.
Those worthless people dont deserve to existence.....and they wont!
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Old 07-31-2012, 01:32 AM   #4

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Lou Xiaoying
Beautiful picture.
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Old 07-31-2012, 01:50 AM   #5

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You say "understand" like you have simpathy for the abandoning parent/s over filthy money.
I dont know how you can say that. I personally cant even comprehend a parent who discards a little helpless human life thats apart of you like an old plastic used up rag doll in the trash knowing that little life doesnt have a chance.
It sickens me to think animals may just drag those crying infants away for dinner....i just cant comprehend these parent not think of just what might happen to these helpless infants.

I personally hope God serves justice to these worthless humans with the person they abandoned standing on Gods right side.
Those worthless people dont deserve to existence.....and they wont!
So storming into a house and beating or killing the pregnant women and her kids is okay, and imprisoning and or killing the father is also okay...

Since you understand the Chinese culture and their government much better than I do, I guess you really put me in my place

Your comment is so... not worthy of me being banned. But you get the idea right?

oops I forgot to thank you for such a useful post.
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Old 07-31-2012, 02:03 AM   #6

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I personally hope God serves justice to these worthless humans with the person they abandoned standing on Gods right side.
Those worthless people dont deserve to existence.....and they wont!
If God brought those children into the world knowing full well what would take place, it seems he already knew there would be a fair amount of misery baked into the equation.

Doesn't it seem odd to want God to kick the misery level up a notch, and add to it further?
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Old 07-31-2012, 02:13 AM   #7

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It still jars me to my soul to grapple with the absolutely indefensible and abhorrent discarding of precious children whether in China or any other place on this planet. Life is not granted by the Chinese Govt, it is a Gift of God, our Eternal Creator.

I NEVER will understand this behavior. The Creator must both wretch and weep uncontrollably at times.

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Old 07-31-2012, 02:14 AM   #8

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If God brought those children into the world knowing full well what would take place, it seems he already knew there would be a fair amount of misery baked into the equation.

Doesn't it seem odd to want God to kick the misery level up a notch, and add to it further?
So you think sending these worthless people to be consumed in the firey pit is adding more misery huh?
You havent read Gods Word have you.....liberal!

Let me guess oh unwise one...you'll be one of those knashing their teeth against God when Christ returns.
Oh heck......go hug a tree or something will you.
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Old 07-31-2012, 02:18 AM   #9

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So storming into a house and beating or killing the pregnant women and her kids is okay, and imprisoning and or killing the father is also okay...

Since you understand the Chinese culture and their government much better than I do, I guess you really put me in my place

Your comment is so... not worthy of me being banned. But you get the idea right?

oops I forgot to thank you for such a good post.
Was I addressing someone storming into a house beating up or killing a pregnant woman?
No I wasnt.
Was I refering to the chineese way of life?
No I wasnt!

Was I addressing the selfishness of people discarding a completely helpless child into the trash over money
Yes...I was!
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Old 07-31-2012, 02:19 AM   #10

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If God brought those children into the world knowing full well what would take place, it seems he already knew there would be a fair amount of misery baked into the equation.

Doesn't it seem odd to want God to kick the misery level up a notch, and add to it further?
Granted many others have perished in the same way. One, however, cannot discount that this is the fate of those found.

One could also say that this is a made up feel good story for the sheep too...
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Old 07-31-2012, 02:25 AM   #11

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She sets a good example for the rest of us and I think she does the will of Jesus Christ.
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Old 07-31-2012, 02:32 AM   #12

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So you think sending these worthless people to be consumed in the firey pit is adding more misery huh?
You havent read Gods Word have you.....liberal!

Let me guess oh unwise one...you'll be one of those knashing their teeth against God when Christ returns.
Oh heck......go hug a tree or something will you.
Not sure if I caught that. So is that a yes or a no?
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Old 07-31-2012, 02:34 AM   #13

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I'm wondering their fate if the government found out that they were raising them kids.

And I am not saying it's right to abandon the kids, they aren't killing them they are letting them have an opportunity of being raised perhaps by someone that can not have kids. It's like that in all 3rd world countries either by the government or by poverty. In the phil the kids go into what seems very similar to prison and stay locked up until they are 15 or 16 and then just set free with no home, job, relatives etc.
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Old 07-31-2012, 02:39 AM   #14

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God does his work through the acts of others. I think this is well established throughout history. His children act on his behalf. Perhaps he just doesn't have enough children these days to make a big enough difference......
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:09 AM   #15

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Not sure if I caught that. So is that a yes or a no?
Its a "no" if you are asking if destroying the wicked is adding more misery.
And what I mean by destroying is exactly what God says hes going to do to them....and thats to turn them to ashes spiritually......uncreated......... as in no longer exists!

From the attitude of your response I'd say an educated guess is you'll be amongst those knashing their teeth against God.
You already are!
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:19 AM   #16

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Its a "no" if you are asking if destroying the wicked is adding more misery.
And what I mean by destroying is exactly what God says hes going to do to them....and thats to turn them to ashes spiritually......uncreated......... as in no longer exists!

From the attitude of your response I'd say an educated guess is you'll be amongst those knashing their teeth against God.
You already are!
* Thanks you for such a useful post.
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:25 AM   #17

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Religion, ah the last Island to hide behind, or the force that releases all levels of rationalization. I will say this, religion binds us, but at what cost.
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:26 AM   #18

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You say "understand" like you have sympathy for the abandoning parent/s over filthy money.
I don't know how you can say that. I personally cant even comprehend a parent who discards a little helpless human life that's a part of you like an old plastic used up rag doll in the trash knowing that little life doesn't have a chance.
It sickens me to think animals may just drag those crying infants away for dinner....I just cant comprehend these parent not think of just what might happen to these helpless infants.

I personally hope God serves justice to these worthless humans with the person they abandoned standing on Gods right side.
Those worthless people don't deserve to existence.....and they wont!
China's per-capita GDP is still about $5'000, and that is very unevenly distributed, both among provinces and within provinces. Most of China is therefore about as rich as sub-Saharan Africa. With the increases in food costs and the demise of the 鐵飯碗 (iron rice bowl) system of job security and benefits, many could not afford to even feed a child, much less two. It is a poor outcome either way; the fine is only the icing on the cake.

Most people, even those known for their cleverness such as the Chinese, are moronic apes that lack any substantial foresight or strategy, and this article seems to corroborate my observations. Lou Xiaoying appears to be the exception that proves the rule.
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Old 07-31-2012, 05:25 AM   #19

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That lady was an angel for those poor kids. That little boy looks so happy even in that run down garbage strewn home. If there is a heaven she is sure to be there...
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Old 07-31-2012, 05:33 AM   #20

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The abandonment of The Weak, Innocent and Helpless.

If I lived a thousand lifetimes I cant wrap my head around any justification for this.
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