DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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bixlewlyimila 07-22-2012 01:44 AM

I have a dumb phone I edited my post, I didn't mean YOU directly.

FWIW, my phone is an antique, it's seven years old.

Saqwnht 07-22-2012 01:48 AM


Bernays was instrumental in women 'liberating' themselves with cigarette smoking.
Yeah, I read that part too, and the result sucks, but the methods by which he accomplished that are still being utilized today . . . and have been used in the media in all days in between. Ugh.


And regarding your query, 'Buy now, pay later' has a nice ring to it, huh?
Not to me, but I think too much. It seems familiar, if anything, probably because I've heard it a million times.

mp3 free 07-22-2012 04:43 AM


. . . but I want to know when the tide changed from cash to credit, and how the idea was sold to the people. When did the greed/convenience/programming/etc. weigh more than the honor of a debt free life?
I'm pretty sure it was the '60's . . . If it feels good do it.

It was a period of time when people took a holiday from responsibility and (for the most part) we haven't returned to it.

aspinswramymn 07-23-2012 01:51 AM

I think k-os asks (aks) an interesting question. It is a big shift in mentality and it seems like it happened fairly quickly AND the main thing is that not only did people (appear to) willingly accept this new paradigm of debt money BUT they have completely forgotten how it used to be before and I find that amazing and disturbing. How people could have no memory of how it used to be. I prod people, not by telling them something but by asking them something that hopefully triggers a memory and they go, oh yeah....... Now I remember!

I personally think it's this constant push to move on to some new issue. We never get to address the current issue, problem, scam, crime what ever it is they are implementing. It's all about moving on, whats the next big drama we can all carry on about. Then it's on to the next one. We soon find ourselves so far away from the zero point we have no chance of getting back there to address the original issue, which of course if we did, would solve all of the other issues.

It's like, if a baby is screaming and bawling it's head off, what do the parent do? Assuming the kids not dying, they try and distract it, take it's mind of what ever the grizzling was about and give it something else to occupy it's mind with. People are governed in much the same way even though they are supposed to be grown-ups.

The speed with which the old was forgotten is troubling IMO.

rikdpola 07-23-2012 03:02 AM


I personally think it's this constant push to move on to some new issue. We never get to address the current issue, problem, scam, crime what ever it is they are implementing. It's all about moving on, whats the next big drama we can all carry on about. Then it's on to the next one.
Too true, Glass.

EspanaCamsInfo 07-23-2012 05:16 PM

Commercial banking as you see it today began 600 years ago.

Money has been debt for centuries...the entire history of the the USA and world was financed by created out of thin air debt.

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