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Old 07-16-2012, 02:36 AM   #21

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OK, I just have to point something out, and I know I am going to get shit for it . . . but I was on the island of Curacao for a week with my dad this past week, and I will tell you that the black people really behave like white people. They were generous, giving, and kind. I went to an all black beach - BY MYSELF - and nobody looked at me sideways, there was not a hint of danger in my world. However, I do have to say that being an island as small as it is - it may be that they know that tourism is their best asset. I just wanted to say that there are places in this world where it is possible to just BE a human being. It might not be in the USA, it might not be in in many other nations, but it could be on a little island.

Go ahead, hate on me for my experience.
i dont doubt you were in the company of some wonderful people. period. regardless of their color. But my cavil has always been with those blacks here, who, being poisoned with hate and ignorant of history prey on whites with a nearly sub human mentality. For instance kos, if you were to have strolled down to a beach in an all black area of detroit, do you think you would have come away with the same experiance?? Would have come back at all??
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Old 07-16-2012, 03:27 AM   #22

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i dont doubt you were in the company of some wonderful people. period. regardless of their color. But my cavil has always been with those blacks here, who, being poisoned with hate and ignorant of history prey on whites with a nearly sub human mentality. For instance kos, if you were to have strolled down to a beach in an all black area of detroit, do you think you would have come away with the same experiance?? Would have come back at all??
JDRock, your posts always seem to make me pause, and think. For that I thank you. In my opinion, trying to compare a beach in Detroit to a beach in some tropic island is comparing apples to oranges. Yes, an all black beach in Detroit, most of us would be lucky to live through the experience. The point though, that an all black beach, where folks are friendly in another country says something powerful. That color of skin does not dictate a person's behavior. How else could you interpret that? The black areas in our country are crime shitholes, yet in other places, they are full of wonderful people.

Skin color does not determine a person, circumstances do though.

Our ghetto's are an American problem.
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Old 07-16-2012, 01:58 PM   #23

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Show me one good black neighbourhood anywhere in the world. Show me one white neighbourhood that is anything like the crime rates of any predominately black neighbourhood. We are different. The only people who think like you are Jews and people who have never lived with [a large percentage of] black people.
Yup. Your tolerance to 'diversity' is in direct proportion to your distance from it..
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Old 07-16-2012, 03:03 PM   #24

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Show me one good black neighbourhood anywhere in the world. Show me one white neighbourhood that is anything like the crime rates of any predominately black neighbourhood. We are different. The only people who think like you are Jews and people who have never lived with [a large percentage of] black people.
If I did, I would be engaging in cherry-picking. The burden of proof against what could be called 'racial pragmatism' is well beyond one data point.
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Old 07-16-2012, 03:43 PM   #25

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If I did, I would be engaging in cherry-picking. The burden of proof against what could be called 'racial pragmatism' is well beyond one data point.
When did you turn into a wordy jew?
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Old 07-16-2012, 03:48 PM   #26

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When did you turn into a wordy jew?
Is this indeed THE difference between the ladies and gentleman that KOS was with and the inner city american blacks?? an outside influence perhaps??
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Old 07-16-2012, 04:18 PM   #27

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OK, I just have to point something out, and I know I am going to get shit for it . . . but I was on the island of Curacao for a week with my dad this past week, and I will tell you that the black people really behave like white people. They were generous, giving, and kind. I went to an all black beach - BY MYSELF - and nobody looked at me sideways, there was not a hint of danger in my world. However, I do have to say that being an island as small as it is - it may be that they know that tourism is their best asset. I just wanted to say that there are places in this world where it is possible to just BE a human being. It might not be in the USA, it might not be in in many other nations, but it could be on a little island.

Go ahead, hate on me for my experience.
the problem is that racism on both sides is neither entirely right or incorrect... both sides are biased and tha's why conflicts are here to stay... resolving this will demand to follow the money as usual to see through the fog. On a philosophical level, it is the failure to understand the tenets of freedom.... and why coercion (which racism is) will just keep the spin spinning. It truly is a 50-50% culpability.

I dont fully agree with Ayn Rand but she said many things that are enlightening. Colonization, she said in her "virtue of selfishness', to be successful must imply to "share" the economic profits of the latter with the indigenous people. This has never been done. The colonialists were seen as intrepid adventurers helping their country prosper. The whites did NOT care HOW the profits were achieved. While their country was booming, african masses were left with peanuts, their own elites after their independence became corrupt to the core when allowing the whites to replace pillage of their resources with the World bank debt shenanigans.

Curaco is a former dutch colony and their 1st official language is dutch. Being from EU/Belgium, I know the netherlands where they call curaco the netherlands antilles. Now I have to say that curaco nationals (slavery brought them there) can immigrate to the netherlands easily and are quite european minded. In europe curaco natives do not have a good reputation as those immigrating are too often drawn to activities deemed illegal by the system (drugs and human/women trafficking mainly)

Here in the USA, I have worked with curaco people on projects (paralegal customer service for law firms into international settlements) as I do speak dutch too. And I can tell you that they do not like the white people so much. They are resentful that they had to leave curaco because of a lack of jobs there, so like many latinos, they are here to work and send money to their families. Tourism doesnt feed everybody.

what I want to say here is that stigma of colonization/slavery is very real but that doesnt make the blacks right as the slave trade was mainly in the hands of wealthy arabs and blacks. Something they will hardly admit. They also wont stand up against their own black lying leaders instilling victimization in them.

The bloodline-belgian king, Leopold II, back in the early 1900's has authorized the genocide of 10 million africans at the time because belgium needed to compete with other EU countries that had colonies. Rubber was belgium' s gold rush but instead of negotiating with the tribes, the King greenlighted a mass murder, claiming that they were all savages anyway (plenty of vids on youtube). So why bother... that doesnt give belgians the right to behave worse than savages. Westerners couldnt care less and more importantly this was NOT reported in the news at the time. Until today, this awful legacy is not taught in belgian schools. The king is still seen as a super hero! I learned about this 3 years ago and I asked my (step) mother who used to be a nurse in africa before the independence of congo if she knew about this... she nods "yes" but quickly added, "many of them were cannibals"... while cannibalism did exist in very few african areas at the time, this is how were sold the blacks to the whites ... cannibalism was generalized and so the whites had a reason to exterminate them or use them as slaves. Nothing can justify a genocide . Even the rwandan genocide is a consequence of colonization due to the fact that the whites gave the "tutsis" more power than to the "hutus" - because tutis dont have negroid features. So the tutsis after the independence took over completely. It is useful to note that before colonization tutsis and hutus were living in great harmony. Racism was imported. Whites were certainly odious but the tutsis went along with the world bank and other contractors. It is the assassination of a rwandan presidential candidate against the western PTB (he died in a plane crash LOL) that was the catalyst of the genocide.

Really all I want to say here is that if all races and cultures alike continue to manipulate history to make their cause look genuine, racism will just never go away.

History is being manipulated in front of our very eyes every day, just turn on your TV ... then look at the world/society...

edit: some may say that we have a zionist problem, which is true, but why is the "money making bully mentality" blinding so many? Continuing this "victimization spin" on all sides will never make anybody right. The zionists and other elites just exploit our love and hate affair with money... they are mirroring OUR collective dilemma with money. We gave them birth and they became our nightmare.
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Old 07-16-2012, 04:36 PM   #28

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When did you turn into a wordy jew?
I'm on steyr_m's side with this one, as even if one could name one white neighbourhood with the crime rate of the average black neighbourhood, that would not validate Cebu's fatuous colour-blindness.
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Old 07-16-2012, 05:24 PM   #29

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i dont doubt you were in the company of some wonderful people. period. regardless of their color. But my cavil has always been with those blacks here, who, being poisoned with hate and ignorant of history prey on whites with a nearly sub human mentality. For instance kos, if you were to have strolled down to a beach in an all black area of detroit, do you think you would have come away with the same experiance?? Would have come back at all??
That's really stupid man, there are no beaches in Detroit.

Old 07-16-2012, 05:34 PM   #30

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That's really stupid man, there are no beaches in Detroit.

belle isle beach for starters...
looks kinda nice...

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Old 07-16-2012, 05:40 PM   #31

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Belle Isle is in between the US and Canadia, it's purely neutral ground that you cant get to unless you have a boat.

+1 for the effort though.

Old 07-16-2012, 05:47 PM   #32

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Belle Isle is in between the US and Canadia, it's purely neutral ground that you cant get to unless you have a boat.

+1 for the effort though.

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Old 07-16-2012, 06:34 PM   #33

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how about this then...?

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Old 07-16-2012, 07:13 PM   #34

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It's true that we certainly have a different perception regarding race here in the US. I have a friend born and raised in South Africa, he's white and he's quite frank on the issue of race. He says in his native area, many groups of blacks acknowledge that whites are smarter than they are. They are blown away by the complexity of things that white people have invented, like computers and automobiles. They know they couldn't build things like that and are fine with it. They don't hate whites, they know they're different but it's not a big deal over there like it is here.
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Old 07-16-2012, 08:57 PM   #35

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It's true that we certainly have a different perception regarding race here in the US. I have a friend born and raised in South Africa, he's white and he's quite frank on the issue of race. He says in his native area, many groups of blacks acknowledge that whites are smarter than they are. They are blown away by the complexity of things that white people have invented, like computers and automobiles. They know they couldn't build things like that and are fine with it. They don't hate whites, they know they're different but it's not a big deal over there like it is here.
Lets not forget the blacks' contribution to music and sport.

I have known several blacks from diplomatic ranks and their kids were doing *extremely* well in college. When you navigate the upper class of society, racism does *not* exist. Elites know than banding together to keep their masses dumb, victimized and stupid is essential. Racism is mainly an economic factor. The West has always supported dictators in africa. African leaders are as nefarious as the whites.

but in europe for example, the discrimination against blacks is becoming pale in comparison of arab xenophobia. Another gift from the french and british colonies, independence made it possible for (north) africans to immigrate easily. Black arabs have it tough as they wont abandon "female circumcision" .

During and right after the colonial boom, europeans got lazy and didnt want to make the dirty low level jobs... so arabs took over in those areas. As they were enjoying better living standards, loopholes allowed 3 generation families to move over. The rest is history... all planned.

edit: the next wave of racism will be chinese-caucasian
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Old 07-16-2012, 10:15 PM   #36

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Show me one good black neighbourhood anywhere in the world. Show me one white neighbourhood that is anything like the crime rates of any predominately black neighbourhood. We are different. The only people who think like you are Jews and people who have never lived with [a large percentage of] black people.
I hate to butt in here, but I believe Serpo posted this in his Krokodil thread.

Some pretty bad white Russian neighborhoods there.

Anyway, it is the exception, but they do exist. Everything is not 100% COMPLETELY black & white (both in the figurative and literal sense).
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Old 07-16-2012, 11:00 PM   #37

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So now some whites would agree with some blacks... the ultimate paradox.
As much as there is racism between white people, I can relate to the racism between blacks as a 50-50% caucasian-african. A majority of Africans regard me as white if i dont act more black than them, really I cant take part in this mega illusion

the struggle against racial hierarchy supercedes any inequality amongst light skinned and dark skinned blacks.... http://voices.yahoo.com/racism-among...x-2750910.html

Seeing the dark cloud in acknowledging black racism? Watch this video by a well educated/articulated black young man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd-CYCRY_Bc
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Old 07-16-2012, 11:15 PM   #38

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This guy isnt sure what side of the fence he sits on.................

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Old 07-16-2012, 11:31 PM   #39

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Yup. Your tolerance to 'diversity' is in direct proportion to your distance from it..
Few truer words have been said.
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Old 07-17-2012, 12:57 AM   #40

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I hate to butt in here, but I believe Serpo posted this in his Krokodil thread.

Some pretty bad white Russian neighborhoods there.

Anyway, it is the exception, but they do exist. Everything is not 100% COMPLETELY black & white (both in the figurative and literal sense).
..the trouble with this example is, these russkies are not sitting on their ass on public aid cursing and preying on the very people who give them the things they need to live without getting anything in return.
and basing their hate and crime soley on race while in the act of accusing the very people who support them of racism.
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