DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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Alright you racist biatches....
What you gonna tell me about this little Brother?


Reftsheette 07-15-2012 04:09 AM

Genetics. It's all about genetics.

If I take myself as an example. My father and mother are both short, both have decent IQ's, both are ambitious, and dad drinks a little too much. Well like them, I'm shorter than average, I've got a higher IQ then them, strong ambition and I drink a little to much.

It's like the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing time and time again and expecting a different result. As a whole, expecting a negro to act civilized is insanity.


you mean expecting the average negro to act otherwise. I see no colors man, I see good and I see bad. GoD, Humor me, would you want me to be your neighbor? Take a chance here, am I a white dude or a black dude? Dogs on both sides do the same, attack color more than just protect. Have doubts? Let loose my dog when the UPS dude comes... LOL... hahaha, let my dog choose between the mail man or the UPS dude LMAO. It's ONLY about the color of their clothes. Not who they are.

Reftsheette 07-15-2012 04:27 AM


you mean expecting the average negro to act otherwise. I see no colors man, I see good and I see bad. GoD, Humor me, would you want me to be your neighbor? Take a chance here, am I a white dude or a black dude? Dogs on both sides do the same, attack color more than just protect. Have doubts? Let loose my dog when the UPS dude comes... LOL... hahaha, let my dog choose between the mail man or the UPS dude LMAO. It's ONLY about the color of their clothes. Not who they are.
You drinking? You get not points, and may God have mercy on your soul.



You drinking? You get not points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Okay dude I NEED to see the longer episode!

I am still coherent.. LMAO. Inebriated in the field I be the best comrade you find. Dusk, Day, Dawn, no matter my situation or condition you will be covered.

As long as I get my Vodka.

WTF? I sound like some other guy.

Nevermind, nothing to see here, move along folks.

Reftsheette 07-15-2012 04:56 AM


you mean expecting the average negro to act otherwise. I see no colors man, I see good and I see bad. GoD, Humor me, would you want me to be your neighbor? Take a chance here, am I a white dude or a black dude? Dogs on both sides do the same, attack color more than just protect. Have doubts? Let loose my dog when the UPS dude comes... LOL... hahaha, let my dog choose between the mail man or the UPS dude LMAO. It's ONLY about the color of their clothes. Not who they are.
FYI Cebu, my previous post was just messing with you, as you could obviously tell. The dog example you gave isn't a good one because 99.9 percent of dogs out there aren't trained in protection. Just today at training some gang banger types showed up with a pretty big back yard pit bull that they raved about as being so tough and a man eater. This piece of shit, just like his owner and friends worked in defense. Dogs have a lot of drives, food, prey, aggression, defense. This fucking pit was showing massive signs of aggression, but once the stick was pulled out, it immediately went into defense. The leash that was attached to his harness showed immediate slack and it backed up.

Remember it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.

So back to your response. I just think that genetically, the negro is predisposed to thinking with, "muh dick" and not having the intellectual thought to consider the consequences of their actions. And on top of that, the commie fucking liberals in this country not only give them a PASS, but they also give them more welfare and EBT cards to continue a train wreck. Visa vi the definition of insanity.

But at the end of day, a certain percentage of the negro population will assimilate in civilized society, while the majority will not, it's just not in their genetic make up.


Ok so that we agree here you admit my dick is much Huger and satisfying than say a poodle with a little less length and girth... am I correct?

Thus your little brown dog is nil.

... to be continued later folks

SM9WI8oI 07-15-2012 06:31 AM

I realize, I've missed a day
But I am too white to care anyway
I look around, and see blackface
What the hell, have I lost my taste

Don't want to find out
Just want to cut out

My head explodes
My ears ring
Shitty hip hop
will do that thing
The last thing that I recall
I got dropped off in a black shit hole

Don't want to find out
Just want to cutout

Chimpout, I really had a chimpout
Chimpout, I really had a chimpout

I really had a chimpout, baby

Wicked guitar lead goes here....>

JohnMitchel 07-15-2012 12:13 PM


you mean expecting the average negro to act otherwise. I see no colors man, I see good and I see bad. GoD, Humor me, would you want me to be your neighbor? Take a chance here, am I a white dude or a black dude? Dogs on both sides do the same, attack color more than just protect. Have doubts? Let loose my dog when the UPS dude comes... LOL... hahaha, let my dog choose between the mail man or the UPS dude LMAO. It's ONLY about the color of their clothes. Not who they are.
I don't know about that. My old Beagle used to just hate black people from the time we got him as a puppy he always barked at black people but not white people. He also hated Midgets and motorcycle riders too LOL

n2Oddw8P 07-15-2012 05:03 PM

It's all about genetics.
The Ansestor's Tale

Published on Jul 13, 2012 by AmetDebatesDeCrazies

"This is not intuitively obvious and might be quite surprising to some people."

"Some people may find the evidence of biochemical genetics unsatisfying because it seems not to square with their everyday experience."

"With the best will in the world it is intuitively hard to believe what is in fact the truth"

"This is of course a politically sensitive matter"

"What is the resolution to the apparent conflict between appearance and measured reality?"

glamourcitys 07-15-2012 05:33 PM

while genetics do matter, the environment for sure too does... 50-50%... when one teaches victimization to a group, the complex of inferiority/superiority come true

darwin is too a major deception... where will the fittest be when the whole planet is finally destroyed by his thirst of absolute power and mindless hyper-consumerismhttp://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...milies/huh.gif Werent the dinosaurs also the masters of the planet at some point?


******* it the kids were into here again! I didn't read all that posted but under the first 2 I was away.


Did I get thanks tho?

That's what my kid just said to me.... too big to spank

sXVUOUVC 07-15-2012 06:02 PM


Did I get thanks tho?

That's what my kid just said to me.... too big to spank
must always remember to log out...lol

n2Oddw8P 07-15-2012 06:22 PM


Did I get thanks tho?

That's what my kid just said to me.... too big to spank
This further reinforces my no thanks policy.

If you like what someone posts you'll respond appropriately or search the database for further reading material.

LOL awaits the inevitable reset of the forums thanks feature.

spravka.ua 07-16-2012 01:34 AM


This further reinforces my no thanks policy.
I just wanted to thank you for this post. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ies/smiley.gif

xanax-buy-online.com 07-16-2012 01:44 AM


I see no colors man, I see good and I see bad.
Show me one good black neighbourhood anywhere in the world. Show me one white neighbourhood that is anything like the crime rates of any predominately black neighbourhood. We are different. The only people who think like you are Jews and people who have never lived with [a large percentage of] black people.

TOPERink 07-16-2012 02:02 AM

We need a "punch in the face" button for Golden Snake.

spravka.ua 07-16-2012 02:12 AM


Show me one good black neighbourhood anywhere in the world. Show me one white neighbourhood that is anything like the crime rates of any predominately black neighbourhood. We are different. The only people who think like you are Jews and people who have never lived with [a large percentage of] black people.
OK, I just have to point something out, and I know I am going to get shit for it . . . but I was on the island of Curacao for a week with my dad this past week, and I will tell you that the black people really behave like white people. They were generous, giving, and kind. I went to an all black beach - BY MYSELF - and nobody looked at me sideways, there was not a hint of danger in my world. However, I do have to say that being an island as small as it is - it may be that they know that tourism is their best asset. I just wanted to say that there are places in this world where it is possible to just BE a human being. It might not be in the USA, it might not be in in many other nations, but it could be on a little island.

Go ahead, hate on me for my experience.

n2Oddw8P 07-16-2012 02:19 AM


We need a "punch in the face" button for Golden Snake.
FAIL! The reply button should suffice.

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