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Old 04-28-2012, 02:27 AM   #21

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They must not perish!
Classic European art.

George was eager to see his father. He longed to embrace him and apologize for all of the foolish and disrespectful things he had said to him. But first, he had a score to settle with a certain college professor. George put on his best suit and tie. He plugged his ear phones in and blasted Wagner's 'Ride of The Valkries' ".
George marched across the campus with a look of controlled rage in his eyes. He marched into Dr. Silverstein's auditorium with his head down, and quietly took a seat in the back row. The nasal voiced devil soon began lecturing on and on about racial and gender inequalities in European-centered civilizations. It was vintage Silverstein. George's impressionable White schoolmates, with their baggy pants, hip-hop clothes and backwards baseball caps, were swallowing Silverstein's poison pills hook, line and sinker. George allowed Silverstein to spew his cultural toxin for about 20 minutes. He then raised his hand so that he could give the Marxist professor a piece of his newly educated mind.
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Old 04-28-2012, 02:27 AM   #22

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Silverstein has no idea what's coming!
"George Bailey? Is that you? I remember you from last semester. I wasn't aware that you were here today. I failed to recognize you in that shirt and tie, and without your earrings. You must have enjoyed my course so much that you signed up again eh? Class, I'd like for you to meet George. He was one of my brightest students last semester. He truly has a thorough grasp of the ideas presented in this course. George, would you be so kind as to tell my class about that brilliant term paper you wrote about European racism, imperialism, and the need for monetary reparations?"

And that's when young George let loose on the unsuspecting Professor!

."ENOUGH!!! You scheming devil! You mendacious fabricator of falsehoods! You pusillanimous purveyor of pinko propaganda! How dare you try to corrupt and manipulate our young minds when your filthy lies."
Some of the sleeping students were rocked awake and brought to attention by George's suddenly thundering voice.
"We Europeans have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to apologize for, and everything to be proud of. And most of all, we don't owe anybody jack-didly-squat!!!! Not one thin dime! To the contrary, it is the rest of humanity that owes us a debt which can never be repaid, and a debt for which we have always been too noble to collect upon! We are the rightful heirs and protectors of a rich cultural heritage. You vile manipulator! We are the sons of the ancient Aryans, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Persians, the Romans, the Celtics, the Vikings, the Normans, the Saxons. How DARE you inflict shame and guilt upon us? We Europeans didn't just contribute to civilization...WE ARE CIVILIZATION! And from this day forward, I decare that we will no longer tolerate you false "intellectuals" trying to tear our people down. Never again will we walk on eggshells when we speak, always fearing that we might be called "racist." Your clever sophistry and verbal gymnastics will never fool us again Silverstein! We no longer care what people think. All that matters now is restoring the truth which you have perverted to your own demonic ends!"

"I know what you are up to! I know now why you corrupt my young peers by shoving lies and false heroes down their throats. Enough of your Marxist games of divide and conquer, you commie pinko subversive! We don't want to hear anymore about slavery, Martin Luther King, Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Black History Month, or 'The Holocaust'. Your false heros would not have amounted to anything without the institutions of high civilization created by the European peoples. I'm going to set this class straight about who the truly great men of history are - the European, and pre-European statesmen, scientists, explorers, monarchs, navigators, conquerors, inventors, artists, writers, philosophers - the innovative giants of history that you and your ilk have erased from our collective memories. You speak of a world liberated from all White influence? Permit me to tell your students about such a world, Silverstein, because I can speak from personal experience, you wretched little conspiring communist monster!"

You speak of White oppression Silverstein? Really? Really? Let me tell you something, you miserable little piece of filth. It is WHITES, more than any other peoples, who have had to endure hateful persecution and GENOCIDE.
From Genhis Khan's Mongols murdering and raping many millions of Aryans.
To the Asiatic Huns tormenting our ancestors from the frontiers of Eurasia all the way to the doorstep of Northen India.
To the Amerindians, genociding the original White Solutrean settlers of North America.
To the brutal Incas and Mayans crowding out and hunting to extinction the original Whites of South America.
To the Blacks of 1804 Haiti murdering the White French down to the last man, woman, and child.
To the Khazarian-Jewish Bolsheviks starving out and murdering millions of White Russians.
To the modern day Hun Joe Stalin starving millions of White Ukrainians to death.
To Moroccan troops raping thousands of Italian women and slitting their husbands' throats at Monte Cassino during World War II.
To the Asiatic and Bolshevik hordes of the Soviet Union gang raping 2 million German women.
To Robert Mugabe and Nelson Mandela presiding over the little known anti-White reign of terror now taking place in Southern Africa.
And yet, we still remain noble and decent enough to let the past stay in the past, and to not blame the descendants of our historical tormentors for the sins of their forefathers. You call us "White Supremacists"? You call us "a hate group." And yet it is we who continually extend our hands in friendship and tolerance to all races, sub groups, nationalities, and religions of the world. It is not 'hate' which animates us, but rather LOVE - love for our ancestors. We seek neither domination, nor confrontation, with any other race. BUT.....but make no mistake....... the days of Whites being crapped upon, and gleefully accepting it, are OVER! The self hatred and the White guilt are over! Hence forward, anti-Whitism will be deemed as intolerable and "politically incorrect" as any other form of racial or ethnic bigotry. You hear me Silverstein?"
Silverstein turned white as a ghost. He was shellshocked and rendered speechless for the first time in his career. Never in all of his years at the University had a student dared to so boldly challenge his falsehoods. Speaking from the heart as well as the mind, and with an eloquence he never thought he could muster, George broke out into a 60-minute monologue on history, science, philosophy, culture, and all the other attributes that constitute high civilization. The young students were captivated by George's brilliant oratory. Some were moved to tears.
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Old 04-28-2012, 02:27 AM   #23

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"Now THAT'S what I call a man!" swooned one of the female students as George spoke.
The stupid and weak boy became a wise and heroic champion.
By the end of his tirade, George's reawakened classmates were thundering their approval of his speech. Even many of the non- Whites could not help but be impressed with the power, the logic, and the sincerity of George's words. They saw him not as an enemy, but as a great leader of his people, and a shining light for all of humanity, who was due his proper respect. Unlike the weasly worded weakling Whites of the University, the non-Whites found George's boldness and honesty to be a breath of fresh air. The entire class gave George a standing ovation. The White students thanked him for helping them rediscover and reclaim their lost identity. In just one unforgettable hour, the unstoppable power of raw truth had melted away years of Marxist guilt tripping, self hate, wimpishness and cultural brainwashing
But he wasn't done yet. For his closing act, George pulled out his unusually heavy bookbag.
"And finally Silverstein, there is one more bit of unfinished business that I have with you. You've been demanding reperations. Well, I have the first installment for you. It is a heartfelt re-payment from a great Lady that I recently had the pleasure of meeting."
George reached into the bag and picked up the stone which he had brought back from the Andes, the stone upon which his great ancestor had spat upon and given to him.
"I got your payback right here Silverstein!"
He cocked his mighty arm and let loose his hardened missile from the top of the auditorium.
"The 'Beauty of Loulan" says 'Hello!' " shouted George just as he launched.
Silverstein tried to block the speeding projectile with his frail arm. The force of the stone shattered his forearm, and deflected into his face. Silverstein's nose was smashed up into pieces, and chards of broken glass from his spectacles were embedded in and around his eyes. The pinko professor fell backwards, cutting the back of his head open against his desk.
The class then erupted in laughter as the inspired White students proceeded to storm out. As they pass the badly injured professor, the young men violently foot-stomp and spit upon their former Marxist mentor, throwing their hip-hop baseball caps and nose earings at him as they stampede out the door.
"Dang! These White boys is off the hook!" laughed one of the awestruck Black students.
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Old 04-28-2012, 02:28 AM   #24

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Anti-Whitism will no longer be tolerated!
The students lifted George up upon their shoulders and carried him out of the auditorium like some conquering hero of antiquity. They proceded to rampage and make mayhem throughout the campus, infecting others with the virus of truth while pulling Marxists out of their classrooms by their hair!
George beheld the great spectacle and was pleased. With a glint in his eye, George glanced up towards the sky, winked, and said:
"Thank you, Clarence. Thank you."
Meanwhile, laying in a puddle of his own blood and urine, a badly injured Silverstein was left humiliated and shaken. He knew that these reawakened Europeans could no longer be brainwashed with "political correctness" and guilt. His great fear was that more of these White youths would soon reawaken and take their countries and civilizations back from the Marxists.
Silverstein was worried, but he remained confident that most young people would never learn the truth about their glorious past, their precarious present, and their ruinous future. Afterall, the media, Hollywood, the music industry, the colleges, and the schools are mostly controlled by "liberals" like Silverstein. With the power of political correctness in their hands, they can continue to tear down our European ancesters, destroy our institutions and traditions, instigate Blacks and other races against Whites, flood America with third-world immigration, and push degenerate "entertainment", homosexuality, and other garbage onto a weak, confused and morally degenerate youth.

After reflecting upon these facts, Silverstein smiled a devilish grin and muttered to himself: "A few of these White sheep may wake up to what's being done to them, but the majority of these idiots never will."
And he smiled again....and laughed with diabolical Marxist glee. Then he repeated to himself "No...they won't see it until it's too late."
But for the first time in his academic career, a voice of fearful doubt had crept into Silverstein's subconcious. He added:

"They'll never figure it out..........Or will they?"
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Old 04-28-2012, 02:28 AM   #25

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Here you go to share this.

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Old 04-28-2012, 02:56 AM   #26

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This is one long read.
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Old 04-28-2012, 03:07 AM   #27

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I was reading as you were posting.

This was a main area in my study of Occidental History/Migration and Relgion. Theres some damn good information here. The story wasnt to bad either
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Old 04-28-2012, 03:13 AM   #28

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I was reading as you were posting.

This was a main area in my study of Occidental History/Migration and Relgion. Theres some damn good information here. The story wasnt to bad either
Heim I assume it's biased, but how accurate at a 1,000 foot level do you think it is?
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Old 04-28-2012, 03:32 AM   #29

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That is excellent! I couldn't stop reading it. Thanks GoD! I'm forwarding this to a few of my friends and associates. It's time to begin the great Aryan awakening!!!
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Old 04-28-2012, 03:50 AM   #30

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Well, of course its biased. I cant really comment on the total accuracy of the information because of course I am biased as I based my studies on an indo-european/aryan centric civilization, so of course I believe a great many of the facts presented.

There are, of course, strong arguments against this, but a lot of that started to die down after the blonde and red haired mummies started showing up in every corner of the globe significantly a few decades ago. Then DNA testing really came in the last so many years and they arent doing the opponents any favors.

The Out of Africa stuff is pushed massivley in nearly all schools across the world. Whatever we finaly discover, whatever origins we find we truly derive, whatever the truth may be, afro-centric origins, I am certain, is not.
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Old 04-28-2012, 04:26 AM   #31

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The ending was...unexpected.
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Old 04-28-2012, 04:26 AM   #32

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Through my recent studies into whiteness over the internet & of this site I've come to the conclusion that there are two strains.

One a gentle, intelligently creative and colorful strain.

The other a nomadic, waring, colonizing and generally nasty dark strain.
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Old 04-28-2012, 04:39 AM   #33

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Good story until the violence erupts. You throw the first stone, I got your back
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Old 04-28-2012, 05:08 AM   #34

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I wish I had the attention span (or time) to read the whole thing.
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Old 04-28-2012, 05:22 AM   #35

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I wish I had the attention span (or time) to read the whole thing.
You had time to post a response. I thought you were well read, apparently I was wrong.
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Old 04-28-2012, 05:36 AM   #36

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You had time to post a response. I thought you were well read, apparently I was wrong.
Oooooh burn!
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Old 04-28-2012, 05:57 AM   #37

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Oooooh burn!
I love ya girl. Hey I'll be in Florida for 2 days next week, Sat and Sun you could be my date at the wedding. With no doom flu I'm a lot fun.
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Old 04-28-2012, 06:10 AM   #38

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Excellent read!
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Old 04-28-2012, 06:11 AM   #39

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Well read, well hung....

What the fuck's the difference?
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