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Police and Emergency Response attacked regularly !
News Coverage. "Malmo, Sweden has been overrun by Islam. Muslims refuse to integrate into Swedish society while they live off of and deplete the system. They intimidate the police, Swedish citizens.. they even threw rocks at firefighters who were trying to put out a fire set to their mosque!" Malmö dwellers forced to deliver their own mail Published: 13 Jan 12 17:20 CET As postal workers assigned to the Malmö district of Seved feel too threatened to carry out their duties, the residents themselves will now have to deliver their own post.
”You do what you have to do, we have to solve it somehow. And we have no idea how it will work before we have tried, that's how I look at it,” Swedish Postal Service (Posten) district manager Rolf Weiffert to local paper Skånska Dagbladet. For months, Seved has been plagued by continuing problems. Threatened postal workers in the area were forced to carry panic alarms and many residents say they don't dare go out at night. From February 1st, two residents in the area will help authorities deliver mail to some 500 households in the area. The Posten and Malmö city will be co-operating on the project, which will begin as a 6 month trial project and focus on getting young people engaged in postal delivery, according to the newspaper. "I'm satisfied," Anders Malmquist, district manager with the city of Malmö, said. “Young adults get an insight and an understanding of how it is to work in the postal service." The two young people who will deliver the letters are currently being recruited. They will be employed for 12 months by Jobb Malmö, a community project, and get introductory education by the postal system, followed by an internship and, the plan is, eventual employment as a postal worker. The municipality sees the venture mostly as a workforce project to steer the unemployed youth into work life, even if the idea itself stems from criminality and the lack of safety that has come to characterize the area. The postal service denied that there was a need for new postal worker recruitment, but stated that the there was a danger of the postal service coming to a halt. Since the police beefed up camera surveillance of the area in December, the number of incidents has decreased, but the district, which has 4,500 residents, has always had considerable social problems. Half of the population is between 19 and 44 with a majority of foreigners. Less than half of the adults have paid employment and the average income is low. Youth gangs have taken over parts of the town and are engaged in more or less open drug trafficking. In October, one postal vehicle was also subjected to an attempted robbery. TT/The Local/og ( What do you think? Leave your comment below. |
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Muslim rape wave in Sweden Swedish girls Malin and Amanda were on their way to a party on New Year's Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten half to death by four Somali immigrants. Sweden's largest newspaper has presented the perpetrators as "two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia", a testimony as to how bad the informal censorship is in stories related to immigration in Sweden. Similar incidents are reported with shocking frequency, to the point where some observers fear that law and order is completely breaking down in the country. The number ofrape charges in Sweden has tripled in just above twenty years. Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six - 6 - times as common today as they were a generation ago. Most other kinds of violent crime have rapidly increased, too. Instability is spreading to most urban and suburban areas. A group of Swedish teenage girls has designed a belt that requires two hands to remove and which they hope will deter would-be rapists. "It's like a reverse chastity belt," one of the creators, 19-year-old Nadja Björk, told AFP, meaning that the wearer is in control, instead of being controlled. Björk and one of her partners now plan to start a business to mass produce the belts and are currently in negotiations with potential partners. "But I'm not doing this for the money," she said. "I'm really passionate about stopping rape. I think it's terrible." In an online readers' poll from the newspaper Aftonbladet, 82% of the women expressed fear to go outside after dark. There are reports of rapes happening in broad daylight. 30 guests in a Swedish public bath watched as 17 girl was raped recently, and nobody did anything. The girl was first approached by 16-year-old boy. He and his friends followed her as she walked away to the grotto, and inside the grotto he got her blocked in the corner, ripped off her bikini and raped her, while his friend held her firm. ... Some Muslim immigrants admit their bias quite openly. An Islamic Mufti in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are "asking for rape." Apparently, he's not the only one thinking this way. “It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid. “The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably fucked before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame. It is important that she retains her virginity until she marries.” It was no coincidence that it was a Swedish girl that was gang raped in Rissne – this becomes obvious from the discussion with Ali, Hamid, Abdallah and Richard. All four have disparaging views on Swedish girls, and think this attitude is common among young men with immigrant background. “It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean;” says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words. “Many immigrant boys have Swedish girlfriends when they are teenagers. But when they get married, they get a proper woman from their own culture who has never been with a boy. That’s what I am going to do. I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get fucked to pieces.” |
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#4 |
what the fuck is wrong with the native peoples of these countries? they should be out in the street en masse. with pitchforks, torches, and ropes. it's not just Oslo, Malmo, all of Europe is suffering from this, remember France burning for years and Australia, it goes on and on, even in the UK, I have another thread coming. The Marxists won't be satisfied till every European country is destroyed. Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration + add that other video of that other Jewish Witch lecturing Europeans Found it. Listen to what she says carefully, she says it with a straight face. " Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were " All for Israel and to straighten out the " anti semites " she refers to. " jews will be safe " . Barbara Lerner Spectre and jewish implementation of multiracial multiculturalism in the Europe Swedish State Sponsored Video, disgusting rap video " integration " buzz word, translates to suicide and genocide, and people buy it. Video Comments, at end of video you see credits to state. " The government of Sweden paid for this video and is broadcasting it in Sweden and is promoting race mixing. It shows a woman having sex with a Negro while singing the Swedish National Anthem. " How Zionists Divide and Conquer Outed, the same organizations in Europe that promote " multiculturalism " lobby for Israel as a Jews only State. "support Israel as a "Jewish State" do everything they can to create a fractured society in nations they live in outside of Israel. Why Zionists preach one thing for Jews and the direct opposite for Gentiles. Mass immigration, multiculturalism and diversity makes any society vulnerable to the most organized, aggressive, ethnic people on earth. Their leaders know that that their team effort gives a huge advantage over a fractured, atomized society. Diversity is a weapon. in this video I give direct evidence of the Zionist technique for dominating a society." |
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what the fuck is wrong with the native peoples of these countries? they should be out in the street en masse. with pitchforks, torches, and ropes. they make the native lands of many Muslims hell - in many cases, and people flee to a safe place ... where they have no job. i know one Iraqi family that fled the US invasion. 5 grown up brothers & sisters. one ended up on Welfare in New York with his family & their mother. one ended up in Australia (doctor), another ended in Chicago (hair-dresser), another in Canada, and another in Finland (lady chef.) if the US hadn't invaded Iraq via the Jew Neocon 'vision' (of Hell) - that entire family would still be in Iraq. |
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#17 |
Sweden still has an 85% Nordic demographic.
It's always my belief when I see these things that it is some type of Zio-Op to distract us from our own far more serious demographic issues and keep us hating and wanting to kill Muslims. I am hopeful in the upcoming Euro recession, the Euro peoples will force more serious cuts in both immigrants and "refugees" on the scum who rule over them. I exclude the U.K. from my statement above. They seem as clueless as us. |
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#18 |
The vast majority of white society has been rendered completely ball-less.
I am of the belief that it is a vast Zio conspirisy to dilute and destroy the white population of developed counties through immigration and leeching from brown/less developed nations. Part of that is that whites begin hating all of these people, and it succeeds in dividing and conquering the white societies. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Instead of directing 100% of one's anger at who is creating and enforcing these policies, they direct anger at the pawns of the game, rather than the king. |
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