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Old 10-09-2011, 10:07 PM   #1

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Default Gold Confiscation
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Old 10-09-2011, 10:58 PM   #2

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Interesting read and very detailed. But I am skeptical that one can finesse his gold possession when dealing with the government. The government changes the rules all the time to suit its own interests. On top of that, one is at the mercy of the court; the court may not agree with your definition of "rare and unusual." The bottom line is that you cannot trust the government or the courts vis-a-vis gold, especially during times of extreme fiscal or monetary crisis. A sick and injured animal on it's last legs is not to be reasoned with. If you want to hold gold, really hold it, my advice is do not pin your hopes on some obscure government exemption as you are likley to be disappointed. The only secure private gold is gold held secretly and out of the jursidiction of government, any government. Don't ask me where that is: I don't have any gold.
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Old 10-09-2011, 11:09 PM   #3

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Government: Just ignore them.
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Old 10-09-2011, 11:20 PM   #4

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Besides, it escapes me why the government would sieze gold. Didn't 'the prostestant' say that gold isn't money and central banks hold gold purely out of 'tradition?' Isn't 'the prostestant' the smartest banker in the world? So he should know of what he speaks, no?
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Old 10-09-2011, 11:31 PM   #5

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To me it make some sense to hold "rare and unusual coins," just in case.

I am a registered coin collector. Are you?
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Old 10-09-2011, 11:34 PM   #6

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I see government maintaining the death of a thousand cuts by eroding wealth through taxation since its safer for them and offers a lot of wiggle room on rates. A formal confiscation order is not necessary when people willingly declare capital gains. The Rubicon people see before them is maintaining compliance with that, or taking care of number one first knowing the world is now every man for himself.
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Old 10-09-2011, 11:49 PM   #7

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To me it make some sense to hold "rare and unusual coins," just in case.

I am a registered coin collector. Are you?
No. I don't own gold coins.

In one possible future......

Judge: The court orders you to surrender any and all gold coin in your possession.
Oldmansmith: My coins are "rare and unusual" and minted prior to 1933. The law exempts these coins from siezure.
Judge: I am the law today. Don't quote obscure old statutes at me!
Government lawyer: Your honor, the 'Mona Lisa' or 'The Guttenberg Bible' are 'rare and unusual.' The charged has in his possession gold coins that though old exist in hundreds and thousands of copies extant. These are simple gold disks stamped with an impression, and done so thousands of times to effect virtually identical copies.
Oldmansmith: But but but the 1933 law and subsequent revisions and amendments clearly exempt...
Judge: Nothing that is gold coin lest it be unique, as in the only one and having recognized value to cognoscenti. Your coins are just one of many thousands, hardly rare and hardly unusual.
Oldmansmith: But but...I am a registerd coin collector!
Judge: So is my daughter's music teacher's husband's brother. The order stands! Surrender the coins!
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Old 10-09-2011, 11:59 PM   #8

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If you are a registered coin collector, will not the registration document show where you live. That archive of registrants, is a gold mine for someone who have little scruples to 'mine' gold quickly... Not that any government official would ever think such a thought, as they are all beyond reproach in the execution of their duties toward humankind!
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Old 10-10-2011, 12:07 AM   #9

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When the gubbermint comes for your gold and silver

Offer brass and lead first.
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Old 10-10-2011, 12:13 AM   #10

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Hopefully their counter offer won't include DU
It's a foregone conclusion that it will.
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Old 10-10-2011, 12:29 AM   #11

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If you think they are just going to take your gold silver but some howe leave. you alone you have got to be dreaming.

if they are going to get my metal at least two of those thieves are to pay a "killer" of a premium on it

maybe more if I'm lucky
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Old 10-10-2011, 01:14 AM   #12

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TT, I was under the impression that the only metals you have on hand are a combination of copper, brass, and lead, and that you shun those worthless barbarous relics.
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Old 10-10-2011, 01:23 AM   #13

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confiscation of all pm's is a GIVEN. C'mon ,take the red pill ....as the gov grows more thirsty for revenue, like a drung needing a drink, or a junkie needing a fix they will justify ANYTHING to their gain. So, the only question remaining is; will you resist? and if so, HOW?
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Old 10-10-2011, 01:39 AM   #14

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Keep your metals in a safe deposit box in a bank and confiscation is a foregone conclusion.

Those metal confiscation posters were placed in post offices (federal territory), federal courthouses (federal territory) and federal reserve banks (federal territory).

Gold confiscation never applied in any of the several united States.

'Course, if you claim to be a U.S. citizen then gold confiscation applies to YOU (as federal territory).
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Old 10-10-2011, 01:56 AM   #15

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Why would the government confiscate gold when it can print as much fiat as they want? Confiscating gold would only expose the money system as a lie. That's the last thing they want.

And if they did confiscate it, what would they do with it? Sell it? For dollars that they can print at will?
ATTILAGLIC is offline

Old 10-10-2011, 02:01 AM   #16

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Why would the government confiscate gold when it can print as much fiat as they want? Confiscating gold would only expose the money system as a lie. That's the last thing they want.

And if they did confiscate it, what would they do with it? Sell it? For dollars that they can print at will?
Good points, but they've done it before.
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Old 10-10-2011, 02:19 AM   #17

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Why would the government confiscate gold when it can print as much fiat as they want?
Gold represents a lawform. Slaves don't own gold. To enslave people you take away their ability to pay their debts.
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Old 10-10-2011, 02:41 AM   #18

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Problem (see OP): Solution (to wit vide infra)

How To Hide Your Gold: A Bloomberg Primer

A world insolvency crisis, a Thermidorian reaction in Egypt, a hard landing in China, the first non-PIIGS nationalized bank... The world is on fire yet despite all of the above (or rather due to) what is the topic of one of the most commented articles on Bloomberg over the past week? Why how to hide one's gold. Bloomberg's Ben Steverman writes: "If you’re looking for a safe place to put your investments, Chad Venzke has a suggestion: Dig a hole in the ground four feet deep, pack gold and silver in a piece of plastic PVC pipe, seal it, and bury it.

Venzke is hardly the only investor who wants his precious metals nearby at all times. A pound of gold worth about $24,000 can easily fit in a pocket; how to protect it is a decision that carries expensive consequences. Do-it-yourself investors who don't trust banks must find creative storage options, whether burying gold in the yard, submerging it in a koi pond, stashing it behind air-conditioning ducts, or placing it under carpets." Indeed, as Venezuela is about to reclaim possession of its tons of gold from UK vaults, even as the Dutch central bank proudly admit to hiding its own gold in precisely the same venues that are no longer good enough even for Chavez, the topic of where one should hide their physical is rapidly becoming a very incendiary. One thing is certain: among the hard core "physical" community, the idea of storing it in the same banking system that would be insolvent once the fiat status quo collapses, is verboten anathema. So what are the options?
Bloomberg continues.

[T]here are growing piles of precious metals in, under, or near American homes. From mid-2010 to mid-2011, U.S. investors bought up more than 100 tonnes of physical gold coins and bars, up from 15.2 tonnes in 2007, according to the World Gold Council. (A tonne, or metric ton, is 1,000 kilograms.) Worldwide bar and coin demand rose 37 percent during the mid-2010 to mid-2011 period, according to the Council, even as demand from exchange-traded funds backed by physical gold, and similar products, fell 84 percent.

The notion of keeping one’s gold in a safety deposit box—inside the banks many gold aficionados find so untrustworthy—is anathema to many gold bugs. Venzke, who predicts "runaway inflation" and a crisis leading to a "new form of currency within this decade," worries that the boxes won't be accessible if banks shut down in a crisis. "How are you supposed to get your stuff out of there?" he asks.

For those storing gold and silver in or around their home, the most immediate danger isn’t a crisis or a dip in metal prices. It’s theft. The FBI, which tallies the theft of precious metals and jewelry in one category, says $1.6 billion was stolen in 2010, up 51 percent from 2005. Just 4.2 percent of the lost loot was recovered last year.

Metal detectors are a big worry. Basic detectors can find metal on the surface or in the first 12 inches to 14 inches below ground, depending on soil conditions, says Louis Mahnken Jr., a sales representative for Kellyco Metal Detectors in Winter Springs, Fla. That’s why Venzke advises burying it at least four feet deep. There are online debates about the best way to frustrate such thieves, including using scrap metal as decoys or hiding metal by covering it underground with asbestos or mirrors.

Metal owners also use the "hiding in plain sight" maneuver. According to dealers, some customers buy 100-oz. silver bars, paint them black, and use them as doorstops. That's foolish, says Steven Ellsworth, a coin dealer in Clifton, Va., who teaches security classes for the American Numismatic Assn.

Safes can certainly deter thieves. Yet an inexpensive fire safe may be exactly the wrong place to put your valuables. Richard Krasilovsky, president of Empire Safe, calls such safes "handy carrying cases for burglars." A fire safe is designed to protect papers from fire, not from intruders, says Ryan Smith, a senior product manager at SentrySafe. "It wouldn’t be wise to put any more than $20,000 of valuables in our products," he says.Yet, as many of the more pragmatic survivalists have pointed out, in a game of rock, gold or lead, it is the latter that usually wins:

[W]hether gold is buried, put in a safe, or hidden under your bed, there’s nothing to stop a determined person with a gun from making you show them where you put it. That’s why it’s important no one ever know you have gold in the first place. Krasilovsky’s company will deliver safes in the middle of the night, installing them where no one, including a contractor, is likely to stumble across them.

"People have to be extraordinarily secretive," Krasilovsky says. This secrecy keeps away not only thieves but also prying relatives and the tax man. "One of the benefits of owning precious metals is nobody knows you own it," Venzke says. "It’s the most private investment you can make."

Unless, of course, you feel compelled to post youtube videos sharing insights about where to stash your gold. So, without posting videos of their personal explots in this matter, we querry Zero Hedge readers, many of whom are certainly not in the pro-fiat camp, to share their perspectives on what in their view is the best storage place for the one true currency.

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Old 10-10-2011, 05:50 AM   #19

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Good points, but they've done it before.
The last time they did it, we remained on an international gold standard. There's no longer a reason for them to do it.

Gold represents a lawform. Slaves don't own gold. To enslave people you take away their ability to pay their debts.
Even this is no reason these days. Back in 1933, most everybody had some gold because it was part of the currency. Now, a small percentage of the people own any. They are already in a position to enslave 95%, without need for a disruptive confiscation.
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Old 10-10-2011, 02:42 PM   #20

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Even this is no reason these days. Back in 1933, most everybody had some gold because it was part of the currency. Now, a small percentage of the people own any. They are already in a position to enslave 95%, without need for a disruptive confiscation.
Bankers know what they are battling. History has proven that they have a plan and have consistently stuck to it. If gold is valuable then they want it all.

There are two systems in the world today: the 10 commandments and the 10 planks. Those in the world who are successful practice the 10 commandments. These same people also want YOU to practice the 10 planks. Very selfish, very self-centered, and for these reasons I expect their practice of their law is flawed in the end analysis.

Maybe you have the perception that you need to have large quantities of gold and silver stashed away in order to switch from the 10 planks to the 10 commandments. I can only give you my opinion that it really takes very little of either metal to meet the minimum requirements of dealing with substance. My holdings of silver consists of $21. With that $21 I established a bond that has been recorded. The bond is used as an offer to contract. I have never had anyone refuse to contract with me on this basis. The only gold I have consists of a $5 gold piece. Society demands that one carry a certain amount of money to not be a vagrant. This singular gold piece fills this need quite well.
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