DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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Ceriopal 09-29-2011 12:37 PM

Personal report from IMF meeting last week!
Today, this higher executive of one of the major banks in Turkey, a patient of mine came for a treatment visit. He had visited last weeks IMF meeting in Washington DC, and I asked him about it...

He said that it was depressing, the world economy is going down, and they have no idea how to stop it. He said capitalism is DEAD! they have been trying to solve the debt problem with more debt and it is not working. Most meeting participants had come to realise that there is no salvaging possible re world economy....

I think we have an interesting autumn in front of us!

whimpykid 09-29-2011 12:40 PM


He said capitalism is DEAD!
Correction, banker socialism is dead. It's about time they quit privatizing their profits and socializing their losses. Fuck em

Ceriopal 09-29-2011 12:48 PM


Correction, banker socialism is dead. It's about time they quit privatizing their profits and socializing their losses. Fuck em
I agree, he himself said that he was a leftie, but that was what he said. IMO the bankers has not worked under capitalist rules for a very long time...

whimpykid 09-29-2011 12:55 PM


I agree, he himself said that he was a leftie, but that was what he said. IMO the bankers has not worked under capitalist rules for a very long time...
Not since the year 1913 in the U.S. when they instituted the central bailout bank. The quicker it crashes down and shows the world how unsustainable and fair that model is the better.

adverwork 09-29-2011 01:12 PM

You can't have a true free market (capitalism) without true money (gold and silver). The world system today is decidedly NOT "capitalism".

ROYMANgo 09-29-2011 01:15 PM


Today, this higher executive of one of the major banks in Turkey, a patient of mine came for a treatment visit. He had visited last weeks IMF meeting in Washington DC, and I asked him about it...

He said that it was depressing, the world economy is going down, and they have no idea how to stop it. He said capitalism is DEAD! they have been trying to solve the debt problem with more debt and it is not working. Most meeting participants had come to realise that there is no salvaging possible re world economy....

I think we have an interesting autumn in front of us!
You forgot "Click Click."

brilkyPlayday 09-29-2011 02:13 PM

World financial DOOOOOM.

Let me say it first, AND SO IT BEGINS. Here's a picture too.


mirex 09-29-2011 02:20 PM


Today, this higher executive of one of the major banks in Turkey, a patient of mine came for a treatment visit. He had visited last weeks IMF meeting in Washington DC, and I asked him about it...

He said that it was depressing, the world economy is going down, and they have no idea how to stop it. He said capitalism is DEAD! they have been trying to solve the debt problem with more debt and it is not working. Most meeting participants had come to realise that there is no salvaging possible re world economy....

I think we have an interesting autumn in front of us!
I hope he didn't travel all the way to that IMF meeting just to find that info out and to get depressed in the process, hell, we could have told him that a long time ago.

BTW Neuro, did you prescribe him some Prozac http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ies/smiley.gif

Ceriopal 09-29-2011 03:25 PM


You can't have a true free market (capitalism) without true money (gold and silver). The world system today is decidedly NOT "capitalism".
Personally I prefer the term free market, because capitalism has become synonymous with the bankers that have a state granted monopoly on money enforced by guns. The first thing the 'rebels' of Libya did was to create a central bank under BIS, and then they were backed by the full military might of the 'free' world, against their 'oppressor' Ghadaffi... A rinse and repeat of the campaign against Iraq.

adverwork 09-29-2011 03:29 PM


Personally I prefer the term free market, because capitalism has become synonymous with the bankers that have a state granted monopoly on money enforced by guns. The first thing the 'rebels' of Libya did was to create a central bank under BIS, and then they were backed by the full military might of the 'free' world, against their 'oppressor' Ghadaffi... A rinse and repeat of the campaign against Iraq.
I also prefer the term "free-market" over "capitalism". "Capitalism" has left a rotten taste in the mouths of many because the "capitalism" of today is merely socialism-communism in (a shitty) "disguise".

Ceriopal 09-29-2011 03:30 PM


I hope he didn't travel all the way to that IMF meeting just to find that info out and to get depressed in the process, hell, we could have told him that a long time ago.

BTW Neuro, did you prescribe him some Prozac http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ies/smiley.gif
Actually he said that he had seen this coming for many years. I don't think he was depressed himself, he just felt the entire atmosphere was depressing. Btw I don't prescribe Prozac since I am a chiropractor!

JessePex 09-29-2011 04:40 PM

The way I see it is similair to the Brainwashing institutions (Public Schools):

The teachers that are teaching this shit have been taught by fully inculcated and NWO compliant professors, who were originally planted/hand picked by the Luciferian Illuminists to begin with.

So the teachers who are teaching this shit totally believe it is real, and are convinced that the re-written version of events, history and technological advancements are just as they were taught they are, which is what they continue to teach.

I believe the banking industry is the same, in the sense that the upper echelons have known this plan all along (Devaluation and property confiscation world wide), but the plebs in the banking industry are continually swallowing the koolaid that is being handed to them about how TPTB are "struggling to correct" our financial problems and issues, but in reality the opposite is true:

The Banking industry is just one more control tool in satans hands, used to keep the masses stressed out and distracted and poor and indebted.

If you actually had time to think critically, you might figure out that something is wrong, and that things are not what they seem, and the PTB can't have you questioning the debt-reality they have created to enslave us all.

So, work harder for less (fake) money which is continually being devalued, and be scared of the scary mooslims, and suspect your neighbor is up to no good at all times, and trust the police and judicial system, and feel obligated to make sacrifices to pay off the national debt, and you'll fit in just fine.

(By the way, I know proper grammer would dictate that I should not us a comma before the word "and", but I just don't care. It's easier to read my run on sentence that way)

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