JessePex |
09-29-2011 04:40 PM |
The way I see it is similair to the Brainwashing institutions (Public Schools):
The teachers that are teaching this shit have been taught by fully inculcated and NWO compliant professors, who were originally planted/hand picked by the Luciferian Illuminists to begin with.
So the teachers who are teaching this shit totally believe it is real, and are convinced that the re-written version of events, history and technological advancements are just as they were taught they are, which is what they continue to teach.
I believe the banking industry is the same, in the sense that the upper echelons have known this plan all along (Devaluation and property confiscation world wide), but the plebs in the banking industry are continually swallowing the koolaid that is being handed to them about how TPTB are "struggling to correct" our financial problems and issues, but in reality the opposite is true:
The Banking industry is just one more control tool in satans hands, used to keep the masses stressed out and distracted and poor and indebted.
If you actually had time to think critically, you might figure out that something is wrong, and that things are not what they seem, and the PTB can't have you questioning the debt-reality they have created to enslave us all.
So, work harder for less (fake) money which is continually being devalued, and be scared of the scary mooslims, and suspect your neighbor is up to no good at all times, and trust the police and judicial system, and feel obligated to make sacrifices to pay off the national debt, and you'll fit in just fine.
(By the way, I know proper grammer would dictate that I should not us a comma before the word "and", but I just don't care. It's easier to read my run on sentence that way)