Come on - we all know "she" is RAF code for "shower-room buddy".
shut it you ex army Bumlord Tea Bagger
Not even that all famous Areeya ladyboy?
Ah, all of OHPs fantasies nearly accomodated in one line of text. I bet you go all squiffy inside when army blokes turn up on base don't you.
argh... my god damn ****ing eyes.....
yes I go boss eyed and my ring goes all loose and I fart uncontrollably
[rofl] unfortunately, I googled it as well, worth a good laugh though [rofl] .
You never said you wouldn't tap it. [thumbup]
I was looking at all the cables and adapters for my laptop and decided to knock up a pretty sweet cut foam ancillary holder from a 250 CD case and some foam I had knocking around looks pretty sweet I must say