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nmnrIjGB 07-24-2008 09:03 PM

The new X-files movie !!!
Anybody going to see it tomorrow ?

Cause i am http://discussworldissues.com/forums...lies/cool1.gif

farmarrl 07-24-2008 10:26 PM

Hehe, when I saw the trailer my first thought was "I wonder when Golem will post a thread about it". I'm not gonna watch it though, not interested in the genre.

nmnrIjGB 07-24-2008 11:17 PM

I am soooo predictable


CaseyFronczek 07-24-2008 11:19 PM

Can't wait to see it. Hopefully they can recpature some of the magic which the later Seasons lost.

cmruloah 07-25-2008 01:38 AM

so far the imdb comments are mixed, but that already is better than everyone going "meh"

sportlife 07-25-2008 09:51 AM

It doesnt seem to be doing too well on the tomatometer

http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/x_files_2/ 29% so far but i suppose its early yet, could get worse or maybe a tiny bit better

Never wathced the series or anything, was it cancelled, or did it run its course to setup movies to follow?

goatteatromiag 07-25-2008 12:44 PM


Never wathced the series or anything, was it cancelled, or did it run its course to setup movies to follow?
The series lasted for 9 seasons. Although David Duchovny (Fox Mulder) left after the 7th season. But he did make occasional appearances during the last two seasons. The first movie, which I absolutely loved came, out between seasons five and six.

itepearce 07-25-2008 01:50 PM


The series lasted for 9 seasons. Although David Duchovny (Fox Mulder) left after the 7th season. But he did make occasional appearances during the last two seasons. The first movie, which I absolutely loved came, out between seasons five and six.
I thought T-1000 did a reasonable job in the later seasons, but unfortunately the storylines started getting more absurd and boring towards the end.

Âåðåùàãèí 07-25-2008 03:35 PM

I saw it last night and being a huge X-Files fan I must admit that the movie sucked incredibly. Specially the storyline was laughable.

cmruloah 07-25-2008 03:42 PM


I thought T-1000 did a reasonable job in the later seasons, but unfortunately the storylines started getting more absurd and boring towards the end.
As an Actor, Robert Patrick was flawless but it just didn't work.

he also starred in 2 of the best Outer Limits episodes ever, Quality of Mercy & Flight of the Light Brigade

nmnrIjGB 07-25-2008 07:28 PM


I saw it last night and being a huge X-Files fan I must admit that the movie sucked incredibly. Specially the storyline was laughable.
Noooooooooooooooo http://discussworldissues.com/forums...ilies/cry1.gif
Ohh well, a few hours till i see it, then i´ll make up my own mind.

trubreTab 07-25-2008 11:34 PM

Gonna be awesome. I recently acquired all 9 seasons of the X-Files, having not watched the show very much in the 90's during its prime, but I just finished Season 1 and the show is very well so far.

I guess I gotta watch the first X-files movie between seasons 5 & 6 is it?

cmruloah 07-26-2008 12:09 AM

hmmm, 3 people on FM already going through all 9 Seasons of the X-Files

TeLMgNva 07-26-2008 05:14 AM

I'll be going Golem, but not until 1st August as that's when it's released here, can't wait. Love the series, and the first film, so cannae wait [thumbup]

xpllmr 07-26-2008 04:37 PM

Will defo be going to see it :)

Fegemiembendy 07-26-2008 04:54 PM

I'm a fan of the X-Files, but I won't see this one before it's released on DVD. It looks pretty bad judging from the trailers but who knows? As long as there's enough beer in my fridge when I eventually do go out and rent it, this could be a guilty pleasure kind of movie! http://discussworldissues.com/forums...ies/blush1.gif

dhrishiasv 07-26-2008 05:32 PM

I am a big fan of the series (up until mulder left of course) and just got back from seeing the movie.

All i have to say is if you are looking for government conspiracies, aliens / extra terrestrials, smoking man kinda stuff like the first movie its no where to be found.


I was quite disappointed with the story, played out more like an episode of CSI with a supernatural twist rather than a proper x-files type of story. Fair enough if you don't want to make the movie about aliens, but at least stick to the premise of having the story revolve around a paranormal phenomenon!

Anyway, if you are fan of the series, wait for the DVD. If you are not a fan of the series, i wouldnt bother at all.

cmruloah 07-26-2008 07:57 PM

So we have a case of trying too hard to be new instead of using old stuff?

Seriously, no cancerman?

DoctorNiCYDEn 07-27-2008 03:13 AM


I am soooo predictable

I knew you was gonna do that

megatrendsZ 07-27-2008 06:14 AM

I saw Step Brothers last night which was a very dumb and goofy movie and the humor was the same swearing over and over throughout the whole movie but did have its moments. Seeing how the new X-files movie is rated 20% below that on Rotten Tomatoes, I think I will pass on the X-Files.

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