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Old 07-07-2008, 12:30 PM   #61

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I just hate it when people slander the good things Telstra offer, simply because they had a bad experience with something completely unrelated to their own problems with T$.
While I agree with you there, I don't blame people who slander companies based on their own personal experience. I do however have a problem with folks who slander companies based on opinions other than their own.

Think about it hypothetically: you are a Telstra customer, and you are not happy with the service becuase 'X' amount of things have happened that you don't appreciate (i.e. bad customer service, service outages, or price hikes)... I think you have the right to slander the company, even though we are all well aware that there are other people out there happy with their services. There is so much competition out there nobody will stick around if they are the unfortunate individual who happens to be the minority when it comes to bad service. Call it misinformed, or whatever you want, but the fact is every department of a company is responsible for carrying the whole comapny's reputation.

From my own personal experience I have been happy with Telstra's service (when I have used them), but also know the history of the company in the broad market and don't fully appreciate their stance in the industry, hence why I don't use their services. Does not make the services bad (by all mean they are very good as you said), but I don't have to use them if I don't find the company's values on par with what I expect for my money.
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Old 07-07-2008, 01:08 PM   #62

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I do however have a problem with folks who slander companies based on opinions other than their own.

I don't find the company's values on par with what I expect for my money.
1. A lot of members on Whirlpool have not used a Telstra product and simply bash them and other Telstra users because they think they are the superior nerd.

2. I don't find their value for money good either. The only broadband product I think is worth considering is their extreme cable offerings 30000/1000 (many users benching around 33Mbit as T$ don't cap the speed, it's the max cable performance). Without doubt the leader in Aussie broadband performance.

Anyhow... I know this looks like I'm pro Telstra. Though the fact is I rather an ADSL2+ offering with VoIP and a big data package. Like iinet's naked DSL. I just find Whilpool users to be very one sided and think all that people need the internet is for huge amounts of P2P traffic and thus rendering any other ISP's offering besides the likes of Internode etc etc completely useless.
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Old 07-07-2008, 03:13 PM   #63

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1. A lot of members on Whirlpool have not used a Telstra product and simply bash them and other Telstra users because they think they are the superior nerd.
The survey is actually sent out to every ISP and than its put on the ISPs website and given to people from that ISP to fill out. Its not given to random people to just fill out and put in bad stuff about random ISPs. There where over a thousand Telstra users that filled out the survey and the majority of those Telstra users are the ones who had gave Telstra the bad reputation.

You can't just fill out a Telstra survey if your going through another ISP like Optus or something cause it won't work (at least it didn't with me).
2. I don't find their value for money good either. The only broadband product I think is worth considering is their extreme cable offerings 30000/1000 (many users benching around 33Mbit as T$ don't cap the speed, it's the max cable performance). Without doubt the leader in Aussie broadband performance.
Cable is just like ADSL2+ in the fact thats its VERY limited. MOST people are still stuck on ADSL and the fastest cable speed you can get in an ADSL area is 3MB/s whereas ADSL can go up to 8MB/s. Thats IF there is cable in there area to begin with. Cable sure as hell isn't in my area. Unless they put it in the last few months.

I'm not gonna deny that Telstra cable is good/bad cause I've never heard anything bad about it but only good things. but the fact is most people are on ADSL/ADSL2+ and thats exactly what I'm basing my opinion on.
Anyhow... I know this looks like I'm pro Telstra. Though the fact is I rather an ADSL2+ offering with VoIP and a big data package. Like iinet's naked DSL. I just find Whilpool users to be very one sided and think all that people need the internet is for huge amounts of P2P traffic and thus rendering any other ISP's offering besides the likes of Internode etc etc completely useless.
Telstra make you pay for your downloads after you've reached your quota. The only plans they don't make you pay for your downloads is the Liberty plans where instead they cap you. The largest Liberty plan is 25GB. I have 40GB with internode and I still go through that in a month. Lets not forget that the 25GB Liberty plan is $99.95 which is the same as I'm paying now but with 40GB. Why would anyone pick a plan which has worse features over a plan with better features. it doesn't make any sense.

Also there are ISPs that offer huge amounts of quota. exetel offer over 100GB of quota for less than what I'm paying now for 40GB. But I'm not going through them for a few reasons and one of them being customer service.
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Old 07-07-2008, 03:29 PM   #64

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_FAKE_, I have Optus cable and find fluctuations in speed almost non existent. It gives me 17mbps pretty much any time of the day... where I find my g/f's ADSL 2+ gives different results, ranging between 6-14mbps on any given time of the day. That's the only advantage I see with cable, mainly becuase it relies less on line quality and distance to produce results. But as you said availability is pretty limited (I can't get Telstra here, but can get Optus). I would switch over to ADSL2+ if I could (as I am only 1.5 cable kilometers from the exchange), but I have already established a solid business contact point via my optusnet email address that I cannot afford to lose (sound funny if you put it that way haha... 'afford').

Oh and on a side note, I think you meant 'mbps' for your measurements, as MB (in capitals) signifies megabytes instead of megabits. But I know what you meant anyway. [thumbup] ...I wish we had 8MB/sec!!!
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Old 07-07-2008, 03:31 PM   #65

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Every Aussie has dealt with Telstra at some point.

Personally, I get pissed off at Telstra every time I see Bigpond's plans.

$60 for 600MB.
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Old 07-07-2008, 03:42 PM   #66

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_FAKE_, I have Optus cable and find fluctuations in speed almost non existent. It gives me 17mbps pretty much any time of the day... where I find my g/f's ADSL 2+ gives different results, ranging between 6-14mbps on any given time of the day. That's the only advantage I see with cable, mainly becuase it relies less on line quality and distance to produce results. But as you said availability is pretty limited (I can't get Telstra here, but can get Optus). I would switch over to ADSL2+ if I could (as I am only 1.5 cable kilometers from the exchange), but I have already established a solid business contact point via my optusnet email address that I cannot afford to lose (sound funny if you put it that way haha... 'afford').
I've always wanted to try cable cause of all the good things I hear about it and apparently its meant to sh*t all over ADSL when it comes to online gaming due to higher bandwidth and lower ping which is vital in FPS games. But the price is a little high. Its not available in my area and the quotas are pretty small[thumbdown]

Oh and on a side note, I think you meant 'mbps' for your measurements, as MB (in capitals) signifies megabytes instead of megabits. But I know what you meant anyway. [thumbup] ...I wish we had 8MB/sec!!!
Yea lol. Sorry was kinda in a rush so not thinking clearly. I have cleanup duty for housing inspection[thumbdown]
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Old 07-07-2008, 03:47 PM   #67

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Every Aussie has dealt with Telstra at some point.

Personally, I get pissed off at Telstra every time I see Bigpond's plans.

$60 for 600MB.
That's why I hate Telstra. They deliberatly use 'rope a dope' tactics, knowing full well average families have no idea how much 600MB a month is, then charge them 10C or whatever per MB over! An inflated price 1000's of times more than it's really worth.

So you end up with families owing $300 after the first month and not knowing how it happened.

Imagine if Electricity and water company's could inflate their prices as much as this if you go over a limit. They would be investigated and charged.
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Old 07-07-2008, 08:00 PM   #68

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I've always wanted to try cable cause of all the good things I hear about it and apparently its meant to sh*t all over ADSL when it comes to online gaming due to higher bandwidth and lower ping which is vital in FPS games. But the price is a little high. Its not available in my area and the quotas are pretty small[thumbdown]

Yea lol. Sorry was kinda in a rush so not thinking clearly. I have cleanup duty for housing inspection[thumbdown]
I would get pings of 12ms playing on both Telstra and Internode servers, while on T$ cable. [yes]

The reason why cable offers such high speed is that it's shared bandwidth. The more cable users you get in your area the slower it gets. However with new encapsulation methods and many frequency channels that your modems can connect to, this is not really and issue and most people see flying speeds.
The reason why distance from the exchange is no issue with cable is... it doesn't run to an exchange. Just like this Australian wide fibre to the node proposal. Cable is very similar. The fibre optics run into the neighbourhood and then the street is the last bit that is coax. The only difference with the new Australian wide proposals is that it will use copper twisted pair (telephone line) and dedicated lines to each house (just like ADSL)... not a shared network like cable.

Also to clarify on FAKE which has some misinformation...

Telstra Cable (Docsis 2.0) can hit over 30Mbit = 3.75MB/s

ADSL2+ theory max is 24Mbit... however most sync below 20Mbit. Mine used to sync at 18Mbit.

No need to tell me about Telstra plans work FAKE... I've been there and done that.

FAKE seems to have some points right and wrong all at the same time. This is what I see a lot of in Whirlpool, and it just causes lots of misinformation. Considering I work in the industry where I have a bit more hands on with this sort of stuff, I feel I know a little bit more about these things. [yes]
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Old 07-07-2008, 10:08 PM   #69

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Telstra Cable (Docsis 2.0) can hit over 30Mbit = 3.75MB/s
LOL. I made a mistake which cubase pointed out. I really meant that cable in most regional areas only offer speeds of up to 3mbps not 3MB/s. And unless they have changed that thats still the speed.

A friend of mine had cable and was connected at 12mbps and it was the max possible speed as 30mbps cable didn't exist back than and 24mbps ADSL2+ was only just coming out. But he told me his uncle had the new ADSL2+ at the time and said his cable was still faster.

I already know how cable works etc etc as I read up quite a lot about ADSL and cable before I first got connected to broadband. And I still stand by what I said

ADSL2+ theory max is 24Mbit... however most sync below 20Mbit. Mine used to sync at 18Mbit.
Thats a very impressive sync for ADSL2+ as the majority of people are lucky to even sync at 14mbps. I've been told that my 7.5mbps speed was quite good for an 8mbps connection as most don't even get to see 6mbps. But my lines aren't exactly the best and I live about a kilometre or less from the exchance so my sync speeds should be full 8mbps.

But what can I expect. Telstra only cares about money and they get most of it in capital regions so they couldn't care less about the quality of our lines.[thumbdown] So long as we can make a phone call or connect to the net no matter the speed there's nothing we can really complain about
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Old 07-08-2008, 04:26 AM   #70

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So long as we can make a phone call or connect to the net no matter the speed there's nothing we can really complain about
So quit your complaining!
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Old 08-07-2008, 09:43 AM   #71

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So quit your complaining!
Perhaps I will cause the capital regions have a higher fuel price than we do[rofl] So its only fair they get better services. But still, it does get on my nerves to be having to pay a higher price for lesser quality and smaller quotas.

Perhaps I should move to Europe, talking to my mate now who's there and he's telling me they have FREE WIFI EVERYWHERE. What luxury. You have to pay like top dollar for that hear[thumbdown]
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Old 08-07-2008, 10:12 AM   #72

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I couldn't imagine having monthly quotas you couldn't go over. I would probably max out within a week easy.
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Old 08-07-2008, 10:27 AM   #73

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I couldn't imagine having monthly quotas you couldn't go over. I would probably max out within a week easy.
Than I suggest you prepare for it as unlimited quotas won't be around forever. The cost of sending and receiving data is continuously increasing and and soon ISPs won't be able to afford it any longer so your internet prices will likely go up or your ISPs will adopt quotas.

Some ISPs in the US are already starting to adopt quotas now.
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Old 08-07-2008, 10:48 AM   #74

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Than I suggest you prepare for it as unlimited quotas won't be around forever. The cost of sending and receiving data is continuously increasing and and soon ISPs won't be able to afford it any longer so your internet prices will likely go up or your ISPs will adopt quotas.

Some ISPs in the US are already starting to adopt quotas now.
I too have noticed prices and packages becoming increasingly unreasonable. We used to get free upgrades to our quotas and bandwidth all the time... it was a nice surprise. But these days, deals are getting worse and worse. Wireless internet is a joke in terms of price/performance. ADSL2+ is not reliable enough for the price, and Cable is about as affordable as diamond studded disposable underwear! It's not wonder Wi-Fi security breaches are becoming a more prominent issue as of late... it sounds like a good idea to me to piggy-back of somebody's un-secured connection rather than pay, becuase the fine for doing so probably works out less than a month or two worth of internet costs!! [rofl]
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