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Swidemaiskikemu 01-07-2008 01:10 PM

7 People From Around the World With Real Mutant Superpowers
The video about the monk simply blows my mind. [shocked]


addisonnicogel 01-07-2008 01:54 PM

That was prety sick[thumbup]

TepSteade 01-07-2008 05:41 PM

I think this deserves a very cheesy; "WOW the human body and spirit is amazing isn't it?"

Thifiadardivy 01-07-2008 06:09 PM

OMFG at the blind guy [shocked]

Jenisoisy 01-07-2008 06:58 PM


The video about the monk simply blows my mind. [shocked]
what a scam!! all these con artists are doing is charging high fees to give false hope to vulnerable, sick people.[cursing]

PareKeect 01-07-2008 10:09 PM

Regardless of the truth, I still find the closing paragraph just too funny.

Thus we introduce our superhero squad: Super-strong babies flying in jet packs, navigating with surgical precision through the darkest and coldest of nights, tearing your tanks apart with super strength karate blows and eating them, only to fly back up into the air and **** your own weapons back on top of you.

Swidemaiskikemu 01-07-2008 11:52 PM


what a scam!! all these con artists are doing is charging high fees to give false hope to vulnerable, sick people.[cursing]
How was the monk a scam artist? It's documented that these people can literally defy science with what they're capable of doing. His hands got up to 205 degrees [shocked]

quottrethew 01-08-2008 12:04 AM


How was the monk a scam artist? It's documented that these people can literally defy science with what they're capable of doing. His hands got up to 205 degrees [shocked]
Some people just can't believe it if it doesn't make sense to them, or if they can't do it.

Jenisoisy 01-08-2008 12:39 AM


How was the monk a scam artist? It's documented that these people can literally defy science with what they're capable of doing. His hands got up to 205 degrees [shocked]
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Being featured on Ripley's hardly counts as scientific documentation.

Some people just can't believe it if it doesn't make sense to them, or if they can't do it. [rolleyes]

No one can boil water with their hands.

Swidemaiskikemu 01-08-2008 12:48 AM


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Being featured on Ripley's hardly counts as scientific documentation.


No one can boil water with their hands.
There's countless videos and documentations of what these monks are able to do, many times with skeptics from the west that used scientific instruments to see if it was really a hoax or not. Try to have an open mind, you might learn something! http://discussworldissues.com/forums...lies/wink1.gif

Jenisoisy 01-08-2008 01:09 AM


There's countless videos and documentations of what these monks are able to do, many times with skeptics from the west that used scientific instruments to see if it was really a hoax or not. Try to have an open mind, you might learn something! http://discussworldissues.com/forums...lies/wink1.gif
There are countless videos of David Copperfield sawing women in half, doesn't make it real. I can't believe you're seriously entertaining the notion that this is real. Boiling water with your hands without being burned? Altering your body's weight through meditation? Give me a break. There's no way these monks could reproduce these acts under a controlled setting. Holistic medicine, acupuncture, chi, it's all quackery. Having an open mind doesn't mean you have to abandon all sense of reason.

quottrethew 01-08-2008 01:10 AM


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Being featured on Ripley's hardly counts as scientific documentation.


No one can boil water with their hands.
As if Ripley's is the only source?

Who said anything about boiling water? Not the video I watched. It didn't reach water's boiling point.


There's countless videos and documentations of what these monks are able to do, many times with skeptics from the west that used scientific instruments to see if it was really a hoax or not. Try to have an open mind, you might learn something! http://discussworldissues.com/forums...lies/wink1.gif
Here here.

Swidemaiskikemu 01-08-2008 01:12 AM


I can't believe you're seriously entertaining the notion that this is real. Boiling water with your hands without being burned? Altering your body's weight through meditation? Give me a break. There's no way these monks could reproduce these acts under a controlled setting. Holistic medicine, acupuncture, chi, it's all quackery. Having an open mind doesn't mean you have to abandon all sense of reason.
My father is an Acupuncturist, and it's the furthest from quackery. Eastern medicine has helped people for thousands of years, but it's a damn shame that Westerners, such as yourself, are quite ignorant on the subject.

Ervntewc 01-08-2008 01:22 AM

eastern medicine in general is something else than boiling water with your hands.

HBPujWBe 01-08-2008 01:38 AM


There are countless videos of David Copperfield sawing women in half, doesn't make it real. I can't believe you're seriously entertaining the notion that this is real. Boiling water with your hands without being burned? Altering your body's weight through meditation? Give me a break. There's no way these monks could reproduce these acts under a controlled setting. Holistic medicine, acupuncture, chi, it's all quackery. Having an open mind doesn't mean you have to abandon all sense of reason.
Just because you don't understand it, and it doesn't make logical sense based on what you know, doesn't mean its fake, quackery, etc.

Don't forget that at one point in time the world was flat and the sun revolved around the Earth, and the people who challenged that idea were considered insane.

It may seem impossible, and I won't fully believe it until I've had firsthand experience in a controlled environment of my choosing, but I'm not closed minded enough to call it quackery just because it doesn't fit with my understanding of the world.

And what's wrong with eastern medicine? Its helped MANY people. I've heard of numerous cases of various massages/acupuncture/etc. helping with anxiety, stress, and other various issues that we here in the west treat with wonderful drugs that have suicide as a side effect. I've seen my fair share of people on these "happy pills" end up more screwed up than they were before. Western medicine isn't perfect either ya know.

Edit: And I have never seen a video of a person actually boiling water with their hands. I have, however, seen someone heat a wet washcloth to the point where it steamed. I've seen the trick numerous times, but I haven't yet seen anyone actually boil it. However, I have yet to be able to wave my hands around water and heat it up to the point where it steams. I can't do a backflip either. Those must be magic too.

Jenisoisy 01-08-2008 04:48 AM


My father is an Acupuncturist, and it's the furthest from quackery. Eastern medicine has helped people for thousands of years, but it's a damn shame that Westerners, such as yourself, are quite ignorant on the subject.
Let me see if I've got this straight. Acupuncturists claim that a magical, supernatural energy called qi periodically become blocked in the body, causing illness, and can only be "unblocked" through the application of needles at one of 300 energy points on the body along meridians... I believe real medicine has another word for this sort of treatment.


Just because you don't understand it, and it doesn't make logical sense based on what you know, doesn't mean its fake, quackery, etc.

Don't forget that at one point in time the world was flat and the sun revolved around the Earth, and the people who challenged that idea were considered insane.
I'm betting you're the kind of person who thinks astrology might be real...

Swidemaiskikemu 01-08-2008 05:11 AM


Let me see if I've got this straight. Acupuncturists claim that a magical, supernatural energy called qi periodically become blocked in the body, causing illness, and can only be "unblocked" through the application of needles at one of 300 energy points on the body along meridians... I believe real medicine has another word for this sort of treatment.

I'm betting you're the kind of person who thinks astrology might be real...
The Chinese' description of yin and yang is essentially the body's homeostasis, where an absolute minute change in toxicity, basicity/Acidicy, or any other imbalance causes the body to deviate from its normal state. There are hundreds, if not thousands of journal entries that justify Acupuncture and eastern medicine's ability to heal, and it doesn't really take a lot of common sense that of the trillions of chemical reactions per second, an imbalance can occurr very easily.

But I assume Western Medicine is probably the most correct, right? Drugs created by science couldn't possibly kill people, or keep them sick right? Your ignorance and lack of knowledge on this subject is quite apparent http://discussworldissues.com/forums...lies/wink1.gif

Jenisoisy 01-08-2008 05:25 AM


The Chinese' description of yin and yang is essentially the body's homeostasis, where an absolute minute change in toxicity, basicity/Acidicy, or any other imbalance causes the body to deviate from its normal state. There are hundreds, if not thousands of journal entries that justify Acupuncture and eastern medicine's ability to heal, and it doesn't really take a lot of common sense that of the trillions of chemical reactions per second, an imbalance can occurr very easily.

But I assume Western Medicine is probably the most correct, right? Drugs created by science couldn't possibly kill people, or keep them sick right? Your ignorance and lack of knowledge on this subject is quite apparent http://discussworldissues.com/forums...lies/wink1.gif
there are no reliable studies that confirm acupuncture's claim to heal. Some research has shown that there is some success in pain relief, but this is entirely due to the placebo effect. Multiple studies have shown that fake acupuncture produces the same effect of pain relief as real acupuncture.

The National Council Against Health Fraud has concluded:
  • Acupuncture is an unproven modality of treatment.
  • Its theory and practice are based on primitive and fanciful concepts of health and disease that bear no relationship to present scientific knowledge
  • Research during the past 20 years has not demonstrated that acupuncture is effective against any disease.
  • Perceived effects of acupuncture are probably due to a combination of expectation, suggestion, counter-irritation, conditioning, and other psychologic mechanisms.
  • The use of acupuncture should be restricted to appropriate research settings,
  • Insurance companies should not be required by law to cover acupuncture treatment,
  • Licensure of lay acupuncturists should be phased out.
  • Consumers who wish to try acupuncture should discuss their situation with a knowledgeable physician who has no commercial interest [21].

Swidemaiskikemu 02-07-2008 07:26 AM


there are no reliable studies that confirm acupuncture's claim to heal. Some research has shown that there is some success in pain relief, but this is entirely due to the placebo effect. Multiple studies have shown that fake acupuncture produces the same effect of pain relief as real acupuncture.

The National Council Against Health Fraud has concluded:
  • Acupuncture is an unproven modality of treatment.
  • Its theory and practice are based on primitive and fanciful concepts of health and disease that bear no relationship to present scientific knowledge
  • Research during the past 20 years has not demonstrated that acupuncture is effective against any disease.
  • Perceived effects of acupuncture are probably due to a combination of expectation, suggestion, counter-irritation, conditioning, and other psychologic mechanisms.
  • The use of acupuncture should be restricted to appropriate research settings,
  • Insurance companies should not be required by law to cover acupuncture treatment,
  • Licensure of lay acupuncturists should be phased out.
  • Consumers who wish to try acupuncture should discuss their situation with a knowledgeable physician who has no commercial interest [21].

The FDA also claimed that Vitamins were part of "quack medicine," and it took them DECADES to finally admit that everyone should at least take a multi-vitamin supplement as part of their diet. I'm sure a civilization that has been known for their longevity and health for thousands of years is based entirely around fake medicine. If you truly, and ignorantly believe that, then this conversation is over http://discussworldissues.com/forums...lies/wink1.gif

Jenisoisy 02-07-2008 07:36 AM


The FDA also claimed that Vitamins were part of "quack medicine," and it took them DECADES to finally admit that everyone should at least take a multi-vitamin supplement as part of their diet. I'm sure a civilization that has been known for their longevity and health for thousands of years is based entirely around fake medicine. If you truly, and ignorantly believe that, then this conversation is over http://discussworldissues.com/forums...lies/wink1.gif
The FDA is a joke, everyone knows this.http://discussworldissues.com/forums...ies/laugh1.gif

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