HBPujWBe |
01-08-2008 01:38 AM |
There are countless videos of David Copperfield sawing women in half, doesn't make it real. I can't believe you're seriously entertaining the notion that this is real. Boiling water with your hands without being burned? Altering your body's weight through meditation? Give me a break. There's no way these monks could reproduce these acts under a controlled setting. Holistic medicine, acupuncture, chi, it's all quackery. Having an open mind doesn't mean you have to abandon all sense of reason.
Just because you don't understand it, and it doesn't make logical sense based on what you know, doesn't mean its fake, quackery, etc.
Don't forget that at one point in time the world was flat and the sun revolved around the Earth, and the people who challenged that idea were considered insane.
It may seem impossible, and I won't fully believe it until I've had firsthand experience in a controlled environment of my choosing, but I'm not closed minded enough to call it quackery just because it doesn't fit with my understanding of the world.
And what's wrong with eastern medicine? Its helped MANY people. I've heard of numerous cases of various massages/acupuncture/etc. helping with anxiety, stress, and other various issues that we here in the west treat with wonderful drugs that have suicide as a side effect. I've seen my fair share of people on these "happy pills" end up more screwed up than they were before. Western medicine isn't perfect either ya know.
Edit: And I have never seen a video of a person actually boiling water with their hands. I have, however, seen someone heat a wet washcloth to the point where it steamed. I've seen the trick numerous times, but I haven't yet seen anyone actually boil it. However, I have yet to be able to wave my hands around water and heat it up to the point where it steams. I can't do a backflip either. Those must be magic too.