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Old 08-30-2012, 02:14 AM   #1

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Default What is the starter's official duty?
So starting the round today at a municipal course that is 100% public (ie: there should be NO discrimination towards golfers), the starter asks "what are your handicaps?" My friend and I looked at each other and said we have no idea because we've never really cared to calculate. Well then she goes on a tirade about how this course will be too hard and we should play from the greens. We just told her we have played this course a few times and we know what we are getting ourselves into, and we'll be playing from the blues thank you very much. Anyways, I was still waking up and I duffed my first drive (normal for me on a first hole) and she just sits there with this look on her face like she's a smug expert. My friend comes up and cranks one down the left side that hits a tree. All we hear is "Shoulda listened to me, I know what good golfers look like!"

Anyways, that set the tone for a few holes.

I'm just curious what starters are actually supposed to do other than make sure you tee off on time? Are they there to advice which tee boxes to use?
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Old 08-30-2012, 02:28 AM   #2

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All ours do is make sure you paid. At least I hope they do that.
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Old 08-30-2012, 02:35 AM   #3

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Be cordial, get people queued up properly and at the proper times, and answer questions. Be an ambassador for the course.

You should have asked her if she would rather you go back in and request your money back, and then to take your business elsewhere? If the answer is NO, then tell her to shut the Eff up so you can enjoy your round.

I would have been sure to complain about the attitude of the starter in the pro-shop.

We often play a course here where the regular starter is wonderfull. Every other person at the proshop (cashier, staff, and the pro) are the rudest people I have ever encountered. The regular starter treats everyone as equals. The Pro, when acting as starter, gives preference to members, and is openly against people whose home courses are elsewhere.
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Old 08-30-2012, 02:43 AM   #4

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Usually the starters that I have seen are older retired guys that are really cool. I can't believe that she was talking to you like that. I would of went in and complained about it. I can trying to help you find the right tee box to play from, but that is rediculous how she treated you.
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Old 08-30-2012, 02:48 AM   #5

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That sounds pretty bad. As another poster said, most of the starters I've met have been older gentlemen who are quite nice, usually funny, chatty guys. Sorry you had to deal with a person like that.
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Old 08-30-2012, 02:57 AM   #6

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No offense to the OP, but IMHO the starter's job (much any golf club employee) is to make sure that ALL patrons enjoy their round (I do disagree with how she delivered said message). Nothing worst than being stuck behind golfers that are playing from inappropriate tees all the while having ZERO chance of getting their approach shots on regulation (ie. golfers that can't hit longer than 200 yards on their drives but yet insist on teeing off from the blues/blacks). 4.5-5 hour rounds are simply unacceptable...
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Old 08-30-2012, 03:01 AM   #7

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Starters are there to make sure you paid and to make sure you Waite long enough to tee off so the group in front of you is out of the way.
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Old 08-30-2012, 03:05 AM   #8

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I agree her attitude was awful, but when she asked your handicap, maybe you could have told her what you usually shoot at the course, in lieu of a handicap.

I think a good starter sets the tone for the day. They should suggest which tees to use, based on handicap or scoring average. They tell you if its cart path only or 90 degrees, if riding, point out any local rules where applicable, and advise you of pace of play standards you're expected to comply with.

Most of the starters I've dealt with are pretty cool, but you do occasionally run into some who act like they hate their job, and take it out on the golfers.
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Old 08-30-2012, 03:08 AM   #9

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No offense to the OP, but IMHO the starter's job (much any golf club employee) is to make sure that ALL patrons enjoy their round (I do disagree with how she delivered said message). Nothing worst than being stuck behind golfers that are playing from inappropriate tees all the while having ZERO chance of getting their approach shots on regulation (ie. golfers that can't hit longer than 200 yards on their drives but yet insist on teeing off from the blues/blacks). 4.5-5 hour rounds are simply unacceptable...
Thats totally fair. My 4some was behind a 2some and ahead of another 2some. We were right on the group ahead of us's tails the whole time and even had to sit at a couple tee boxes and wait (I think they were dicking around a bit). We finished in 4hrs 21mins according to their official clocks so we were by no means slow when they say it should last 4.5hrs.
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Old 08-30-2012, 04:28 AM   #10

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No offense to the OP, but IMHO the starter's job (much any golf club employee) is to make sure that ALL patrons enjoy their round (I do disagree with how she delivered said message). Nothing worst than being stuck behind golfers that are playing from inappropriate tees all the while having ZERO chance of getting their approach shots on regulation (ie. golfers that can't hit longer than 200 yards on their drives but yet insist on teeing off from the blues/blacks). 4.5-5 hour rounds are simply unacceptable...
I'll disagree with you. Though I dont hit short and in fact I am long but I am inconsistant and when my game is not working good for me on a given day I can be all over with my drives and I often shoot in the 90's but can, have and still do it in 4 hours. In fact i find the slower people who hold up the course can be and are often alot of times the better golfers. Taking toooo long at lining up, at address, at too many practice strokes, at much toooo long lining up puts etc... and then of course taking much tooo much time looking for the ocasional lost ball or three. I usually get out as a single and mach up with all different golfers both poor and very good ones. And I find what i have mentioned to be the case very much so. Then of course some of the slowing down is also due to the fact that some people just live in slow motion. Just everything they do takes for ever wether its golf or some chore or something else at home or in thier personal lives. Just part of their natural character wether they golf good or not. Can be quite annoying to some of us but thats just the way they are. Just annoys me when alot of golfers assume the lesser golfers are the reason for delays on the course when it can and is often the other way around. I've witnessed it too many times. With that said, I dont think anyone should ever tell anyone where they should play from.
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Old 08-30-2012, 04:30 AM   #11

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What course were you guys at. As far as I"m concerned the started should ask have you played here before our course yardage is ... from each tee and have you paid. Golfing in the city can be more of a PITA than's it's worth some day's and if you were at Maple Ridge or McCall Lake 4 hrs 21 is a decent time.
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Old 08-30-2012, 05:54 AM   #12

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Thats totally fair. My 4some was behind a 2some and ahead of another 2some. We were right on the group ahead of us's tails the whole time and even had to sit at a couple tee boxes and wait (I think they were dicking around a bit). We finished in 4hrs 21mins according to their official clocks so we were by no means slow when they say it should last 4.5hrs.
Fair enough. But I've always also wondered why some of my buddies would insist on teeing off the blues when they would enjoy their rounds (and day) that much more by shooting off the whites...
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Old 08-30-2012, 05:58 AM   #13

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I'll disagree with you. Though I dont hit short and in fact I am long but I am inconsistant and when my game is not working good for me on a given day I can be all over with my drives and I often shoot in the 90's but can, have and still do it in 4 hours. In fact i find the slower people who hold up the course can be and are often alot of times the better golfers. Taking toooo long at lining up, at address, at too many practice strokes, at much toooo long lining up puts etc... and then of course taking much tooo much time looking for the ocasional lost ball or three. I usually get out as a single and mach up with all different golfers both poor and very good ones. And I find what i have mentioned to be the case very much so. Then of course some of the slowing down is also due to the fact that some people just live in slow motion. Just everything they do takes for ever wether its golf or some chore or something else at home or in thier personal lives. Just part of their natural character wether they golf good or not. Can be quite annoying to some of us but thats just the way they are. Just annoys me when alot of golfers assume the lesser golfers are the reason for delays on the course when it can and is often the other way around. I've witnessed it too many times. With that said, I dont think anyone should ever tell anyone where they should play from.
Point taken. I've been stuck around the fore mentioned groups your pointing to as well. Fair to say that slow golfers come in all shapes, sizes and handicaps. But the issue at hand is with golfers playing off the wrong tees and whether it's the starter's role to "assist" them in making the correct decision...

And I beg to differ on you opinion that nobody should ever tell anyone where they should be playing from. Case in point a round last week when we were stuck behind a foursome (2 middle aged couple). The ladies were playing off the mens whites (67.3/124) despite not being able to drive past 150 yards. They were lagging almost 2 holes behind before the course Marshall told them to pick up their ball and catch up. Wondering if you would still hold firm on your stance if you were stuck behind them all day.

FYI this is the scorecard and pace of play policy of my home course. 4hr rounds before 8am (we usually average 3.5 walking) and 4.25hr average after.

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Old 08-30-2012, 06:18 AM   #14

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Bummer of a way to start the round. We have a rotation of older gentleman who handle the duties at my home course. Most have become great friends and are very friendly. That being said, they also are very protective of the course. I have seen them act what I deem inappropriatly on several occasions with people that might not look the part. All the while several members could get a way with murder and they wouldn't say a peep. So goes life I'm afraid.
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Old 08-30-2012, 06:31 AM   #15

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At the few spots with starters here, they tend to leave you alone unless you head for the tips. A couple places add dire warnings about your fate should you be slow or drive a cart somewhere inappropriate, which are of no use if you're someone who is going to do either of those.

I'll disagree about telling people what tees to play. If I've laid my money down I'll play from the tees I want, thanks very much. And if I'm that brutally slow doing it...I'll let people play through. Isn't that hard, folks. My home course does not have or want marshalls, and for the most part it works out. The occasional greens fee group abuses it, but 95/100 times, there's not an issue. A bit of common courtesy goes a long way with that.
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Old 08-30-2012, 06:48 AM   #16

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Point taken. I've been stuck around the fore mentioned groups your pointing to as well. Fair to say that slow golfers come in all shapes, sizes and handicaps. But the issue at hand is with golfers playing off the wrong tees and whether it's the starter's role to "assist" them in making the correct decision...

And I beg to differ on you opinion that nobody should ever tell anyone where they should be playing from. Case in point a round last week when we were stuck behind a foursome (2 middle aged couple). The ladies were playing off the mens whites (67.3/124) despite not being able to drive past 150 yards. They were lagging almost 2 holes behind before the course Marshall told them to pick up their ball and catch up. Wondering if you would still hold firm on your stance if you were stuck behind them all day.

FYI this is the scorecard and pace of play policy of my home course. 4hr rounds before 8am (we usually average 3.5 walking) and 4.25hr average after.

well i guess I didnt think of all the possibilities and I do see your points as well. But I do wonder had that group you were stuck behind been playing the correct tee's, if they would have delayed you really any much less anyway. Chances are you probably would have caught up to them perhaps just a hole or two later and they probably would have been two holes behind just a bit later in the round. Guess will never know that for sure since they did what they did. Sad what happens as we get older. Shorter hits, slower moving. No disrespect to anyone up in age, in fact i say that with all due respect and one day i'll be there too, at least I hope to be.
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Old 08-30-2012, 07:05 AM   #17

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Fair enough. But I've always also wondered why some of my buddies would insist on teeing off the blues when they would enjoy their rounds (and day) that much more by shooting off the whites...
No offense, but why do you get to decide what they would or would not enjoy?
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Old 08-30-2012, 07:22 AM   #18

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I'll disagree about telling people what tees to play. If I've laid my money down I'll play from the tees I want, thanks very much. And if I'm that brutally slow doing it...I'll let people play through.
The problem is that, while letting groups play through is appropriate, it's still a major problem if the course is packed. If all groups but yours are playing to pace, then you're either creating a bottleneck or never getting to play. Maintaining pace of play is course management prerogative, and good course management will make it a priority, while doing it in a polite and appropriate way.

One way they can do so is to help golfers select the appropriate tees.

Skipped off the pond using Tapatalk
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Old 08-30-2012, 07:24 AM   #19

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What course were you guys at. As far as I"m concerned the started should ask have you played here before our course yardage is ... from each tee and have you paid. Golfing in the city can be more of a PITA than's it's worth some day's and if you were at Maple Ridge or McCall Lake 4 hrs 21 is a decent time.
McCall is pretty easy, shag is ok, maple ridge is a bit tricky. According to score cards you were well on pace for the round.

I still would be offended by that starter. Not like you don't have enough to think about on the first tee. I find it funny that they 'knew' what a good golfer looks like, that's pretty strange. Oh well there are many more courses in yyc than the city offers. Some city courses greens are like first cuts anyway. I myself have never had at issue with city Marshall's as they were always super nice. This one musta been having a day for the benefit of doubt. Just my 2cents
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Old 08-30-2012, 07:27 AM   #20

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You guys should golf in Calgary. I have played at courses where they have you go off every 6 mins. I have starters say okay you can go I just say no I would rather wait until they are clear. They tell me no you need to go your not going to reach them. Well I have hit it over there heads while they are in the fairway. The starter then says well that's good but you should have waited. WTF??? You pushed me to go even though I told you I was going to hit into them. Don't book groups so close together
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