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Old 09-29-2011, 12:40 AM   #21

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O Mother, how long would you make me go about
Like the bull with blinkers on
Round and round the oil- press?
Tying me down to the trunk of this world
You are incessantly making me go around and round.

Due to what offence, may I ask,
Have you made me a slave to the six oil-men?
Births countless of beasts and birds and so forth
I have seen through,

Yet the cessation of this suffering is not in sight.
The word `Mother' is soaked in affection,
The way of the world is that
When the child weeps the Mother takes it on her lap.

Am I outside the world?
Countless sinners got delivered
By just chanting `Durga, Durga, Durga'
O Mother, for just once remove the blinkers from my eyes
So that I may behold Your fearless feet.
Wicked sons there are, ever so many but never a wicked Mother.
(Keep Prasad, your wicked son, bent at your feet.)
O Mother, Ramprasad hopes to stay at your feet in the end.

- Ramprasad Sen

Note: The six oil men are Kama, Krodha,Lobha, Moha, Mada (Ahamkara), and Matsarya.

Jai MAA !!!
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Old 09-29-2011, 06:02 AM   #22

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hi nacchi sir,
kashmir/punjab /west bengal generally celebrate devi navarathri.....UP/BIHAR generally celebrate ram lila with ravan dahan....

sheravali MAA is very famous in punjab......

vasantha navarathri very famous in north eastern states with UP/BIHAR.....due to ram navami......

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Old 09-29-2011, 07:30 AM   #23

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With that song by Ram Prasad Sen, I will end my membership of this forum. Why wait till Vijaya Dhasami. As they say subasya seegram.

I am not comfortable here reading all the anti_Brahmin and anti_Hindu statements.

My Guru always said "Find the the cause of anxiety and hurt and remove it".

I am doing that.

This forum is no longer a pleasure for me.

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Old 09-29-2011, 11:43 AM   #24

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Mahishasura Mardini stotra is my most favourite of all Devi stotras (after Gayatri mantra of course!) Its very hard to get the traditional tune on you tube but the one below is how I like it. I grew up listening to a lovely version by SPB but can't find it online.


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Old 09-29-2011, 11:52 AM   #25

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With that song by Ram Prasad Sen, I will end my membership of this forum. Why wait till Vijaya Dhasami. As they say subasya seegram.

I am not comfortable here reading all the anti_Brahmin and anti_Hindu statements.

My Guru always said "Find the the cause of anxiety and hurt and remove it".

I am doing that.

This forum is no longer a pleasure for me.

Is it not we did in Tamil Nadu? Throw in the towel, wave white flag, and bow to ignorance. At least there it was a political loss. Here it will be a moral loss.

But if you can not fight, what can I say.
I have thought of doing it myself, but decided against it.
Look at the good people and ignore the rest.
We will miss your wise counsel. 'What would Kali Maa do, do that, annihilate the ignorance'.
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Old 09-29-2011, 05:37 PM   #26

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With that song by Ram Prasad Sen, I will end my membership of this forum. Why wait till Vijaya Dhasami. As they say subasya seegram.

I am not comfortable here reading all the anti_Brahmin and anti_Hindu statements.

My Guru always said "Find the the cause of anxiety and hurt and remove it".

I am doing that.

This forum is no longer a pleasure for me.

hi nachi sir
i agreed with u..........mine is edited by praveen....no regrets.....here pooorvasrama brahmins are aprasrama atheists.....

i like aitheists.....not the poorvasrama brahmins.......they very dangerous to brahminism.....like original christian are

good........but converted christians are very dangerous....i feel this is my last post......................


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Old 09-29-2011, 05:59 PM   #27

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With that song by Ram Prasad Sen, I will end my membership of this forum. Why wait till Vijaya Dhasami. As they say subasya seegram.

I am not comfortable here reading all the anti_Brahmin and anti_Hindu statements.

My Guru always said "Find the the cause of anxiety and hurt and remove it".

I am doing that.

This forum is no longer a pleasure for me.

I know forum is not much of a pleasure at times but we can make it pleasurable by having posts like what you started and maintaining it.
I was looking forward to this thread for this 9 days but now there is nothing to look forward.
I know sometimes even I get the feeling of "what am i still here in forum?"
but I still fight that feeling and stay on cos at least what we type here sometimes can benefit someone.

Just take it as service we are doing in cyber space.

I hope you stay and continue this Sat Sang for Navaratri.

Mahishaasuras are everywhere..Dont worry every bull has his day!!
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Old 09-29-2011, 08:59 PM   #28

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யாதனின் யாதனின் நீங்கியான் நோதல் அதனின் அதனின் இலன். திருவள்ளுவர்
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Old 09-29-2011, 09:07 PM   #29

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Swami Krishnananda's lecture on the esoteric significance of Devi mahatmya
is a revelation. Kindly go thru' the link :

The Esoteric Significance of the Devi Mahatmya - Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals
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Old 09-30-2011, 02:00 AM   #30

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With that song by Ram Prasad Sen, I will end my membership of this forum. Why wait till Vijaya Dhasami. As they say subasya seegram.

I am not comfortable here reading all the anti_Brahmin and anti_Hindu statements.

My Guru always said "Find the the cause of anxiety and hurt and remove it".

I am doing that.

This forum is no longer a pleasure for me.

dear nacchi,

i have always been your admirer, from way back. i have loved your analysis of our society and also your religiosity.

it is one thing, for us to leave on our own. the other, to be forced to by others. the former is ok, but the latter, i would desist, only because that would be giving others control over our decisions. which i do not wish or wish to accommodate.

there are many ways to avoid ulcers, and one which works for me, is to keep away from certain posts and posters. it is not that i wish them bad, but as you have stated, these cause me grief, which i dont need to have.

we cannot change the world. we cannot even change one other reader here. but we can change ourselves to find and enjoy our peace.

if by leaving here, you find comfort, so be it. may be for a time? i am looking forward to your visits here, in due course. for after, 'never' is a word that we never use while we are still here on this earth. right?

who knows what tomorrow will bring?

thank you.
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Old 09-30-2011, 06:04 AM   #31

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dear nacchi,

there are many ways to avoid ulcers, and one which works for me, is to keep away from certain posts and posters.
had this been followed, this sad thing would not have happened.

i predicted this a two weeks ago, when sh.nacchi was engaging in a dialogue with a person, whom he should have avoided, because i know many a good people in the past had left the forum with the same encounter.

sir, please come back. i never debated with you, but i never missed to read your posts.
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Old 09-30-2011, 12:06 PM   #32

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In spirit of the season

Aigiri Nandini - AR Rahman - Album - Chaturbhujam - YouTube
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Old 09-30-2011, 02:36 PM   #33

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...i like aitheists.....not the poorvasrama brahmins.......they very dangerous to brahminism.....like original christian are
tbs, I am one of those poorvashrama brahmins and I have said so myself often. Let me assure you, I am not dangerous at all, I wouldn't hurt anything other than a pesky fly.

Many feel Nachi brings a different perspective and should stay, and I endorse the staying part. But I surely do not appreciate the parting shot, one about anti-brahmin and anti-hindu. If there is anything he does not agree with he should stand up and debate. But he seems to think his pronouncements must be seen as unassailable truths, that just won't do. If he allows these things to give him ulcer, then it is probably good that he leaves, his health is more important than the ephemeral satisfaction of some die-hard theists here.

All said and done, it is clear that the reason Nachi and tbs want to call it quits is because they are offended that their posts, the ones I am sure are pearls of wisdom in their own minds never seen by mankind, got edited out by the owner of this forum. Let us not get misdirected, this is the reason.

This brings out an important difference between those who are open-minded and those who are convinced they are some sort of oracle. My posts got edited several times, I felt bad no doubt, but I tried my best to make peace and did so as well.

Shri Sangom's posts got edited in the past, and he did not nurse any great ill-feeling for long. Happy has been banned temporarily, for no fault of her own if I may add, yet she is contributing with all her might -- whether you agree with her posts or not is a different matter.

So, what is so great about those who are on the "other" side that makes them தொட்டா சிணுங்கி? Why can't they take some lumps we on this side routinely take. They may talk to Praveen by PM and get things sorted out, why not? I have dealt with Praveen by PM and I find him reasonable to the extent you are willing to be. If you let your ego come in the way, -- that is your prerogative -- then it will be difficult. But then, face up to it, don't invent pseudo reasons like anti-brahmin and anti-hindu, these are just சால் ஜாப்பு like KB says, it fits here not where KB uses it.

Let us try to live with each other, we are not mortal enemies, all we have are some disagreements in POV. If I disagree with you it does not automatically mean I hate you, how can that be, I disagree with my dear wife, one I love more than any other, on god?

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Old 09-30-2011, 02:59 PM   #34

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Dear TBS,

You know dear..if you hear this song you will understand.So dont leave..
dont let yourself be hit by.....Ok see this song:
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Old 10-01-2011, 04:40 AM   #35

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Dear TBS,

You know dear..if you hear this song you will understand.So dont leave..
dont let yourself be hit by.....Ok see this song:

doc, i like mijacs 'man in the mirror' and its wonderful and well relevant lyrics

I'm Starting With The Man InThe Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer

If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change..

read lines in between
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Old 10-01-2011, 07:10 AM   #36

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Dear TBS,

You know dear..if you hear this song you will understand.So dont leave..
dont let yourself be hit by.....Ok see this song:

hi renu,
thank u so much....this forum became more anti hindu and anti brahmin..........this forum basically for BORN AGAIN ATHEISTS....

im unfit for this forum.......i dont like to continue anymore..... i echoed with shri nacchi sir's feeelings.....life goes on.....my 2 cents...

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Old 10-03-2011, 05:19 AM   #37

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For some reason or other, many members have left this Forum. Some of them have
posted many brilliant pieces, and I would request all my friends to go thru' the same.

I feel that posts of personal insinuations and closing of the eyes to the points made by
others are the main causes for this. Many people have indulged in jalpam and vithandam,
and naturally it is difficult to continue the arguments.
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Old 10-03-2011, 07:04 AM   #38

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DM is a prayer to the Divine Mother to rid ourselves of the six enemies residing
within us like kama, kroda, loba etc. In this age , we do not have any enemies
outside of us, they all reside in us.

We seek the blessings of the Divine Mother to take us beyond the three gunas
and become gunaatheetha.

The paaraayana must be done in a prescribed order during navaratri.

It is also a mantra sastra and to decode it one must have deep knowledge of
sanskrit grammar , vyakaranam. These bijaaksharas are highly potent and
that is why vyaakaranam and chandas are important.
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Old 10-03-2011, 10:33 PM   #39

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The main aim of this forum must be to share the hindu religious knowledge, specially brahmins, with others. Unnecessary criticism and arguments should avoid.
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Old 10-04-2011, 01:08 AM   #40

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The main aim of this forum must be to share the hindu religious knowledge, specially brahmins, with others. Unnecessary criticism and arguments should avoid.

where do you get such ideas? have you read the constitution. if you dont like certain thread, i suggest you avoid them, than preach what this forum 'SHOULD' be. if you dont mind.

for starters, if you would start posting regularly and let us know where you stand on issues and stuff that we discuss. there is enough place here for everyone in this eclectic forum. as a new member, i think, you should focus on what you can contribute, than focus on excluding long standing members because some feels they are 'anti brahmin'.

again, unless you prove otherwise, i would say, that most of those members who query deeply, would by default, are better read and more knowledgeable than parttime brahmins like you and me. let us give these guys some credit. ok?

and if you are upto the challenge, read up more, and challenge them on their own turf. now, i would call that a fair fight.
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