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Old 03-12-2011, 04:53 PM   #21

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Sai Baba of Shirdi

Sai Baba of Shirdi was a crown jewel among Saints. He lived his entire life out in a small and obscure village in India. The villagers of Shirdi each claimed him as a member of their own religion, Muslim or Hindu, but really he came to make peace between them and he always encouraged each to stick to his own religious path. He drew devotees from all over the country though he never traveled and never cared for fame. Over and over his devotees found he knew their innermost thoughts and details of their lives. He effected cures, conferred health, happiness, and prosperity, and made childless couples conceive. His real purpose though was to awaken in them a longing for the spiritual life. Thousands thought of him as a wonderful saint with miraculous powers but his innermost circle knew him to be in incarnation of God himself. Some said of Datta, others of Shiva, still others saw ecstatic visions of their own beloved Guru or chosen Ishta (personalized icon of God) while gazing at Him. He himself said only that he was the humble servant of God and pleased and furthered all who came in contact with him. Many books have been written about Shirdi Sai Baba but the Shri Sai Satcharita, the story of Sai Baba's life and actions (quoted from below) was written in his own lifetime and is best known among Sai devotees. Just before leaving his body he told a disciple he would be reborn in a certain village 8 years hence and so it came to pass. (See section on Sathya Sai Baba.)
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Old 03-12-2011, 04:55 PM   #22

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Sai Baba was first seen as a youth of sixteen sitting under a neem tree in Shirdi. None knew his origin or past. Even then he seemed to be full of the knowledge of Brahman. He had no desire for worldly objects, even in dream. He kicked out Maya (illusion) and Mukti (illumination) was serving at his feet. This young lad, fair, smart, and very handsome, was first seen under a Neem tree seated in an Asan (meditative posture). The people of the village were wonderstruck to see such a young lad practicing hard penance, not minding heat and cold. By day he associated with none. by night he was afraid of nobody. People were wondering whence that young chap turned up. His form and features were so handsome that a mere look endeared him to all. He went to nobody's door, always sat near the Neem tree. Outwardly he looked very young; but by his action He was really a great soul. He was the embodiment of dispassion and an enigma to all.
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Old 03-12-2011, 04:56 PM   #23

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Once it so happened, that a sadhak (disciple) of Yoga came to Shirdi with Nanasaheb Chandorkar. He had studied all the works on Yoga, including the Yoga-sutras of Patanjali, but had no practical experience. He could not concentrate his mind and attain samadhi (the highest meditative state) even for a short time. He thought that if Sai Baba be pleased with him, He will show him the way to attain samadhi for a long time. With this object in view he came to Shirdi and when he went to the Masjid he saw Sai Baba eating bread with onion. On seeing this, a thought arose in his mind, "How can this man, who is eating stale bread with raw onion, solve my difficulties and help me?" Sai Baba read his mind and said to Nanasaheb - "Oh Nana, he who has the power to digest onion, should eat it and none else". Hearing this remark, the yogi was wonder-struck and then he fell at Baba's Feet with complete surrender. With pure and open mind, he asked his difficulties and got their solution from Baba. Thus being satisfied and happy, he left Shirdi with Baba's Udi (sacred ash) and blessings.
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Old 03-12-2011, 05:03 PM   #24

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as sridhi baba say he back in 8 years
there now a person sooryaji yogis that talk about sun appear
in here to visualise the benefit of sun and power of sun meditation that can heal all sickness.
as baba say no caste in learning hindu muslim christian is all one so thus this yogis say sun can be meditated by all religion.
he sooryaji yogis been all over country spreading the sun meditation
he have been to malaysia
he born in india
he was 39 years old
but full of divine
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Old 03-26-2011, 04:47 PM   #25

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"Shirdi saibaba 108 ashtothram "

aum shree saaye naadhaaya nama
aum shree laxmi naaraayanaaya nama
aum shree krishna raama shiva maaruthyaadhi rupaaya nama
aum shesha shaayene nama
aum godhavari thadashiradi vaasine namah
aum baktha shrudhaalayaaya namah
aum sarva shruthvaasine namah

aum boodhaa vaasaaya namah
aum boodha bavisyath paava varji dhaaya namah
aum kaalaa dheedhaaya namah
aum kaalaaya namah
aum kaala kaalaaya namah
aum kaala dhar badha manaaya namah
aum mruth yunjayaaya namah
aum amarthyaaya namah
aum marthyaa bayapradhaaya nama
aum jeevaa dhaaraaya namah
aum sarvaa dhaaraaya namah

aum bakthaavana samarthaaya namah
aum bakthaavana pradhik gnaaya namah
aum anna vasthra dhaaaya nama
aum aarokya sheshama dhaaya namah
aum dhana maangalya pradhaaya namah
aum ruthi sithi dhaaya namah
aum puthra mithra kalathra bandhu dhaaya namah

aum yooga shesha mava haaya namah
aum aabath baandha vaaya namah
aum maarga bandhavee namah
aum bukthi mukthi svargaa bavarga dhaaya namah
aum priyaaya nama
aum preethi vardha naaya namah
aum andhar yaamine namah
aum sachi dhaathmane namah

aum aanan dhaaya namah
aum aanandha dhaaya namah
aum paramesh varaaya namah
aum para brahmanee namah
aum para maathmanee namah
aum gnana svarubinee namah
aum jagadhaa pithre namah
aum bakthaanaam maathru thaathru pidhaa mahaaya namah

aum baktha baya pradhaaya namah
aum baktha paraa dheenaaya namah
aum bakthaa nukraha kaadha raaya namah
aum saranaa kadha vathsalaaya namah
aum bakthi sakthi pradhaaya namah
aum gnana vairaakya dhaaya namah
aum prema pradhaaya namah
aum samsaya srudhaya thelar balya paabakarma vaasanaa shaya karaaya namah

aum hrudhaya krandhi bedha kaaya namah
aum karmath vamsine namah
aum sutha sath vasthi dhaaya namah
aum gunaa dheedha gunaath manee namah
aum anandha kalyaana gunaaya namah
aum amidha paraakra maaya namah
aum jayinee namah

aum dhoo dharshaa shesap yaaya namah
aum abaraaji dhaaya namah
aum thriloo kesu askandhitha kadhaye namah
aum asakyarahi dhaaya namah
aum sarva sakthi murthaye namah
aum suruba sundha raaya namah
aum sulosanaaya namah

aum bahurooba vishva murthaye namah
aum arubaavyak dhaaya namah
aum asindhaaya namah
aum soosha maaya namah
aum svaandhar yaaminee namah
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Old 03-26-2011, 04:52 PM   #26

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If u want u tell this mantra
if not
just say sai sai sai sai
with pured heart
u can workship sridhi baba
on each thursday by offering sweet
and flower
sridhi baba always with u in ur sorrow believe it miracle comes to u
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Old 03-26-2011, 06:12 PM   #27

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Thanks for the nice stothra Malai
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Old 03-26-2011, 07:05 PM   #28

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Sai Baba of Shirdi is one of the persons whom I revere as an example for all other gurujis, swamijis, godmen, et al to follow. But I am sad that even in his name a big temple is raised and all sorts of poojas and other paraphernalia are done. I wonder why we cannot respect and revere a person except in this way.
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Old 03-27-2011, 02:23 AM   #29

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sometimes even i feel there is should be someother way to respect and cherish mahaans like shridi saibaba, raghavendra swamy, sankaracharya and many other great gurus....pls shed light how else we can remember them without our traditional idolistic rituals ??
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Old 03-27-2011, 04:09 AM   #30

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sometimes even i feel there is should be someother way to respect and cherish mahaans like shridi saibaba, raghavendra swamy, sankaracharya and many other great gurus....pls shed light how else we can remember them without our traditional idolistic rituals ??
In my opinion, we could have kept the "samadhi" of Shirdi Baba as it was/is and built a huge "maNdapam" or hall for people of all castes, communities and religion, to silently pray to the Baba or pay their respects in absolute silence. The funds for the construction, maintenance and upkeep of the samadhi and the mandapam could be collected by a trust and administered in the most transparent manner with audit and all of its accounts.

The same method can be adopted in the case of Raghavendra Swamy, Adi Sankara, why even Thyagaraja. Today we have a real cacophony being made without fail on the Thyagaraja aradhana day. I feel if Thyagaraja were to revisit that place today he would regret his not having sung the praise of the Lord in places where no other mortal could have heard them!!
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Old 03-27-2011, 07:33 PM   #31

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namaste everyone.

My thoughts on the subject of worshipping gurus as gods:

• Every Hindu is taught in early life, about the four first-known gods:

mAatru devo bhava | pitru devo bhava | AchArya devo bhava | atithi devo bhava ||
--taittirIya upaniShad 1.11.3

This veda-vAkya prescribes that a Hindu should adore his/her mother, father and guru as gods, and serve a guest considering the person as a god.

• Thus, there is absolutely nothing wrong in worshipping the parents and the guru as gods in the form of a mUrti--image. In fact, the very act of saying 'namaste' is recognition of divinity in the person addressed, which is a rudimentary form of advaita.

‣ RamaNa maharShi built a temple for her mother and made his devotees worship her as mAtru-bhUteshvara, in his Ashramam in TiruvaNNAmalai.

‣ Recently, HH shrI Jayendra Sarasvati SvAmigaL sanctified the MaNimaNDapa temple for KAnchi ParamAchArya at Orikkai
: kamakoti.org

‣ KAnchi ParamAchArya himself knew and approved some of his devotees worshipping him with a portrait and performing puja in their puja rooms.

The purport of all the fanfare that goes with the Hindu bhakti is to involve the populace in their veneration of gods and gurus, in thought and action, because bhakti is a necessary preliminary step for seeking jnAnam.
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Old 03-28-2011, 12:57 AM   #32

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hi sangom,

yes what u have said about silently praying is a really a practical solution !!
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Old 03-28-2011, 01:57 AM   #33

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saidevo sairam. • Every Hindu is taught in early life, about the four first-known gods:

mAatru devo bhava | pitru devo bhava | AchArya devo bhava | atithi devo bhava ||
--taittirIya upaniShad 1.11.3

This veda-vAkya prescribes that a Hindu should adore his/her mother, father and guru as gods, and serve a guest considering the person as a god. acharya vaatsaayana has written,pathni devo bhava pathi devo bhava,in grihastha ashrama chapter.the best part is,acharyal was a celibate aka brahmachari.just a little tidbit of info i gathered.
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Old 03-28-2011, 06:10 AM   #34

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sairam nachi naga.

AchArya VAtsyAyana's statement should really be inspiring for a couple. He is already pathi--Lord, so becomes deva. VaLLuvar has also said 'deivam tozhAl kozhunan tozhudu ezhuvAL', which reiterates the truth.

As to the patnI--wife, becoming god, it is due to her motherhood, it seems to me. As I have quoted in the thread 'KAnchi ParamAchArya satsangham' in this forum, Rg veda10.85.45 blesses a wife to have ten children and then have her husband as her eleventh child.

When poet BhArati related KRShNa paramAtman as his pati and patnI, why can't the couple relate to each other in a divine way?
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Old 03-28-2011, 08:22 AM   #35

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sai ram saidevo. When poet BhArati related KRShNa paramAtman as his pati and patnI, why can't the couple relate to each other in a divine way? yes i agree,it's a divine institution ie marriage.and couples once married shud remain faithful to each other till death do us apart..our law's are strict in society now,as more than one significant other can be construed as bigamy or trigamy or polygamy.even though man by his very nature is polygamous,we have got brainwashed by women to be faithful to one.
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