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Old 08-06-2009, 04:47 AM   #21

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Let us follow the path of Mahatma Gandhi. Ahimsa is the best weapon and even the mighty british have no answer. We have seen in the recent past, all the dictators and terrorists face the same end. Let us work for the upliftment of poor & downtrodden instead of fighting or gossiping the politicians
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Old 08-07-2009, 09:37 PM   #22

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Now I am 51 yrs of age.When I was a Teen Aged Boy our ancestors told me the same word,just as every one replied.
One full generation has passed.Still the Brahmin Community never comeup from its Fearing Nature.
All compared Gandhi.But many cong men today are the Boss of a wine shop and doing Mutton Stall Business.
Gandhi faught against Europians.Congress is spreading Red Carpet for Italian.
DK and DMK men of those days involved in Scam of some Thousands.
Now Crores are nothing for them.
Days have changed...Every thing around us has completely changed..
Brahmins are still Un Changed...
we fell down 40 to 50 years back..Still we are going deep and deep.
When we are going to come up? Wen we are going to face Challenges? That is the only surprise..God only knows...
as we never want to try for an attempt to Raise above..
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Old 08-08-2009, 01:39 AM   #23

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1 - Days have changed...Every thing around us has completely changed..
Brahmins are still Un Changed...

2 - we fell down 40 to 50 years back..Still we are going deep and deep. When we are going to come up? Wen we are going to face ..

can you please explain further, in what context, you mean this things?

whether it social, religious, political or any other... i think our perspectives are completely different, but i would like to hear yours, and then, give you my outlook.

hope you don't mind.

thank you.
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Old 08-08-2009, 03:14 AM   #24

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Kunjuppu ji,
Social,Religious and Political .....
On those days there was a Gem in our Community by name Rajaji.Then TTK,R.Venkataraman,all occupied a major roll in Political field....
T.V.S,Simpson,India Cements,Raman and Raman and many more occupied a major roll in Society.The occupied the entire Economy of our State:Experts of different fields like Kunnakkudi,ariyakkudi Ramanuja Iyengar etc...That is Social....according to your quote..
Then Religious...Kanchi Mutt,Shringeri,many more Jeers,who where respected by the entire India and even they are worshiped in place of God...
What about Now...?
We by our self not even fighting or even permitted to fight for establishing our Individuality...
We are going deeper and deeper since past 5 decades.
One police case is pending still in my account among others of my party.
We are still not ready to give up our fear over the few rowdies.
We fail to realise that Rowdies are just few...
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Old 08-08-2009, 03:38 AM   #25

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Dear Sri Sankaranarayanan ji,

I don't know what is the case pending against you. Most of the members in this forum earnestly feel that `physical fight' against rowdism is not the solution to our problems.

Rajaji, TTk, RV etc fought against mighty British during freedom struggle under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi taking the `ahimsa' path and ultimately achieved the goal. All these great personalities know very well that they cannot win the same goal by physical fight.

We are a small minority in Tamilnadu as well as India. We cannot fight the system through vote bank politics or other means. People from our community including ladies are reaching great height in society even today (Pepsi Indhra Nooyi is an example). Our community members have started migrating to many countries in the world were equality of opportunity is provided.

Still there are poor and downtroden people in our community and we should help them come up in life. Instead of going for an unequal fight, let us concentrate in developing our own community people who need the help. Let us not discuss about others.

I think we should think and act positively towards development of our community. Let us not waste time on other things
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Old 08-08-2009, 03:55 AM   #26

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The police case is nothing but about Road Roko performed by BJP in continuation to Ram Sethu case.On 5.8.09 I along with our group attended Court.
But what I feel is this,"Kutta kutta ethanai naal than Kuninjunde Irukkarathu?"
On road side we may notice that ,Sori Naai will be chasing a Mighty Cow.
The cow also will run out of fear of the Sori Naai.
At last if a dead end comes ,the Cow will return as there may not be a place to run there after.
Now the Sori naai which so long barked will begin to run.
Athu ellam sari... why cant you point out any person in fame as Indra Noyi in Tamil Nadu now?
In social,economical and Politically we are now fully dipressed.I think you will admit.
Now as far as Radha Kalyanam is concerned we are talking only about TN politics.
Any way I admit the majority as I also in Politics ,again one in a crore and none of my community is leading...
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Old 08-08-2009, 04:28 AM   #27

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Whatever you and your political party wanted to achieve through street fight was easily achieved by one individual Subramanyam Swamy. He got a stay in the Supreme court and the Government is willing to consider alternate route without demolishing Rama Sethu.

Our community members are there in all political parties. In Uttar Pradesh brahmins constitute almost 13%. Under the leadership of Sathish Chandra Mishra, they supported a dalith leader Mayavathi and she became chief minister.Mayavathi has stopped brahmin bashing and has already introduced 10% reservation for ecomically backward people of forward communities. No other state has such reservation for the so called forward communities.

If we have to achieve our objectives, Vivegam Thevai - Vegam Alla
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Old 08-08-2009, 10:32 AM   #28

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thank you sankar. i have split up your message into parts and addressed my response.

at the end i will sum up. ok?

Kunjuppu ji,
Social,Religious and Political .....
On those days there was a Gem in our Community by name Rajaji.Then TTK,R.Venkataraman,all occupied a major roll in Political field....
i agree we had more political leaders who were recognized as competent, honest and able. now we have no one of that calibre.

whose fault is that? personally, the old leadership came up and went with the independence movement. we did not have any political leaders prior or have none now.

i think, it was only and one and only independence movement, that fired our imagination to actively participate in politics.

there are many theories as to our lack of political leaderhship & power in days of yore. let me skip that.

nowadays, we have no representation in the tamil community, i think, because we did not move with the changing times, to adopt and work with the dravidian politics. with cna at the realm of dmk, we might have had a slight open door to reassert ourselves. we missed that window of opportunity.

with MK, we sulked and did not participate, and in the process, gave ample tools to those who had ill will against us as a community. we could have done better.

please remember that leadership has to be earned. for various reasons, we turned to comedians like cho or zeros like swamy, who have done our cause more good than imaginable. i think so anyway.

T.V.S,Simpson,India Cements,Raman and Raman and many more occupied a major roll in Society.The occupied the entire Economy of our State:
come on sir, have you seen the number of TBs as CEOs of companies. the ones you mention are nothing compared to the calibre of gopalakrishnan, nooyi or ramadorai. unlike tvs of yore, these guys compete with the world and come out winning.

i think we are incubating far more business leaders than ever before. i disagree completley with you here.

Experts of different fields like Kunnakkudi,ariyakkudi Ramanuja Iyengar etc...That is Social....according to your quote..
you have emphasized karnatic music here. i am told that sudha raghunathan or bombay jayashree, and many of the upcoming artists are on par with the likes of GNB or MS.

i do not know karnatic music. but i think, the sabhas are full. with new names and young artistes.

we dominate bharatanatyam. but i will be very happy when other tamil groups also take it and excel. i don't believe in being paranoid about exclusivity.

Then Religious...Kanchi Mutt,Shringeri,many more Jeers,who where respected by the entire India and even they are worshiped in place of God...
except kanchi, i think all religious mutts command the same level of respect as of yore.

there are new movements like ravi shankar etc who have a large following.

there are other religious leaders like 'maa' who come from other hindu groups. this is a good move for the integration of religion.

have you witnessed the groupings of ayyappans? a blend of all castes. i would rejoice at such developments rather than lamenting the supposed absence of tamil brahmin religious leaderships.

What about Now.We by our self not even fighting or even permitted to fight for establishing our Individuality...
i do not understand this. in what way is your individuality and growth stunted by society?

We are going deeper and deeper since past 5 decades.
deeper into what? poverty? i dispute that. i think TBs has among the larger middle class as a group in india. we have super rich folks. right across board, i think as a community we have never been so prosperous.

the prosperity has come from work, and not out lazy leaching of labour toiling in inherited tharvaads and estates. we should be proud of our achievements.

i suspect, that most other communities would like to emulate us, re achievements and way of life.

One police case is pending still in my account among others of my party
so what? since when did bjp has the right to impose laws? ramsethu is a politicized affair, which went against the deepest desires of tamils from over 100s of years.

bharathiar has sung about it. those TBs who cast their lot with bjp, i think are misguided, as bjp has no sense of tamil pulse.

this issue is not a TB issue.

We are still not ready to give up our fear over the few rowdies.
We fail to realise that Rowdies are just few
so? i have written several times in this forum, to urge our parents to encourage to build our children's muscles as well as their brains.

deterrence and self confidence are inbuilt and will make any dhushtan think twice before bullying you. all it takes is a few weights and about an hour a day.

in 3 months, you can have a brigade of brahmin youths ready to cut any rowdy's mustache by half, and force him into a sari. cowardice is not the rowdy's faulty. it is our shame.

to sum up:

sankar, i think you are way out of your mark with reality. your political and social leanings towards rss, i think, influences you to view the current tamil society through gloomy glasses.

i also fear that folks like you, encourage youth to violence. though, many of them, i would suspect, protect their own children, be ready enough to make cannon fodder of the poor and gullible brahmins, into street fights in the name of bharat mata.

this is not good for india. it is not good to preach disharmony for ultimately it will come back, to destroy us. just look at history.

do not let this tragedy be repeated in india. there will be no winners.

india will be the loser.
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Old 08-08-2009, 03:58 PM   #29

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I fully agree to the comments of Venkatramani ji and Kunjuppu jis.
We may be least in percentage as far as TN is concerned.That also true and ok.
At the same time we are finding majority in 2 and more constituencies in our State.The main is Kumbakonam Triplicane etc.
Just as all parties giving seats only to Thevar Candidates in Mudukulathur and Usilampatti and give seats to Nadars in Tiruchendur,Kanyakumari and so on..
No such atmosphere prevails as far as our Dominating constituencies are concerned.Our community must boycott such contests.Or atleast give support to individuals who contest in elections on those constituencies.My only ambition is any govt ,if DMK or ADMK in State or Cong/BJP at center must give importance to the appeals of TB in Tamil Nadu.
This is what I want...
This is my ambition....
This is my Expectation....
Maintaining Middle Class Status constantly for 50 to 60 years alone may not give us a Fulfillment...
The govt also must listen what we say..
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Old 08-08-2009, 06:57 PM   #30

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Thanks Mr.Sanakaranayanan ji. Let our members join all political parties and I earnestly feel that this forum will not support or prevent anybody based on their political affiliations.

You please achieve your goals in a peaceful and democratic manner.

Let our community people start businesses and become entreprenuers.

Let our community people prosper in music, art and others fields. Nithyasri Mahadevan sings maximum tamil songs in her music programs following the footsteps of her grand mother and is being appreciated by all the people irrespective of caste. Through her music programs, she unites people of all castes in Tamilnadu, which is the need of the hour.

Let our community people achieve greater heights in employment like Indra Nooyi, Ramadorai and Gopalakrishnan.

Our goal is prosperity of all and peaceful co-existence of all
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Old 08-08-2009, 09:10 PM   #31

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Dear Sri Venkataramani Ji and Sri Kunjuppu Ji,

Well said.

I do not agree with some posters here who have said that our community is disadvantaged. Nothing can be farther from the truth.

I remember in the 1950s and the 1960s, we were as stymied as today in getting admission to decent colleges. My own brother who stood second in all of Madras State at that time in the Intermediate was not even called for an interview on his application to the Madras Medical College. He was gladly recruited by the Christian Medical College at Vellore and is today a pre eminent medical professional in his field.

I was not as bright as him, but nevertheless managed to be a professional student, in USA till a ripe old age of 32, when I got my first job. I do not know a single person in my extended family who is a failure in education and life.

But at the same time, I have very poor distant relatives. And, when I visited my village deity temple in the Tanjore district, it was heart wrenching to see the 'paramparai' priest there, barely eeking out a subsistence living. He had a daughter who was of marriageable age, but had a slight mental disability. Since then, I am somewhat helping materially, but unfortunately, with the set up of our society in terms of marriage, the girl (now a woman) still is unmarried and is under the care of the old priest.

I think that the poor TBs amongst us, though not many, still are struggling. No amount of political jingoism is going to help them.

We need to find an effective way to help them. Because no one else gives a hoot.

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Old 08-09-2009, 02:58 AM   #32

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Radhekrishna !
I could enjoy the discussions. The basic question raised here is whether we can encourage politicians in such a well known sat sang like 'Alangudi Radhakalyanam'. The answer is no if our invitation is having a hidden intention of deriving political/power gain out of it. In case a politician or a leader of a particular movement is a staunch believer in our Hindu systems and practices, there is nothing wrong in calling them. But we should remember that it is like walking on a rope. Selfless organizers can alone accomplish this with the help of like minded people.

Sri.RKP termed mixing politics and religion is akin to a deadly cocktail. If fact, politics and religion were going together in our country. There was no need to mix then . The present scenario is an effect of Kali. We need not worry about it. We need to honour the desires of willing and genuine devotees. We should never mind about caste, creed or group he belongs to. After all our aim is to uphold our cherished culture.

Many politicians, high profile people and religious heads use to attend 'Alangudi Radhakalyanam'. But they all come as devotees only. We never put any demand to them nor do we accept anything from them. As long as we are pure and our intentions are clear, we need not worry. The entire village, irrespective of caste, use to attend the function and enjoy 'namasankeerthan'. Yet, we preserve the values of ' pracheena sampradhayam' and carry out entire proceedings without any deviation. You may all wonder to know that the villagers will be curiously waiting for 2n week of Feb every year to attend this bhajan event.

We need to encourage casteism only when it comes to marriage to avoid parental and social embarrassments. There is nothing wrong in it. But, while taking up the job of protecting and promoting our culture to take it in its full form to our next generation, we all should work shoulder to shoulder.

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Old 08-09-2009, 03:10 AM   #33

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if you go through the posts re the invitation of politicians, there was mention of two particular folks.

it is all ok to have politicians come as devotees. but to let them take the upper hand, give speeches and above all distributing pamphlets, is nothing short of approving their political goals.

i don't know much about kali, and am not willing to attribute to 'kali', my own deliberate actions.

religious hindus like rajaji or kamaraj or lakshmanaswamy mudaliar or av meyyappan or kannadasan, were never divisive. they all had different political views, but their hinduism was spiritual.

they never wore their faith to eclude indians of other faiths, from their purview. they did not threaten, and the other faiths did not question their bona fide or their religious faith.

these above folks did not politicise hinduism to their own narrow gains. they were inclusive of india as a community of all races and religions.

rss and vhp are not. it is not right to group those who tend towards violent extremism or those who play upon our fears or insecurities, to be invited to such functions.

they can come and go as normal devotees. but no special acknowledgement. you would be sullifying an otherwise noble occassion.

thank you.
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Old 08-09-2009, 03:35 AM   #34

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Radhekrishna !

Your concern is justified. As I referred above, we become indebted only when we have some clandestine approach. When our intentions are clear, no one would dare to take the reign from us.

Normally, many of us are charged with emotions and that is why we deviate from virtues. Such divine gathering like radhakalyanam are surely not meant for projecting divisive views. Our prayers are for everyone. 'Sarvo Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu' is our elders' proclamation.

Sampradhaya Bhajan itself perfectly represents the national integration. As you all know, it contains the verses of saint poets from all parts of our country and from people of various religions.

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Old 08-09-2009, 08:13 PM   #35

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Let the politicians and religious heads come and attend the function. No harm. As long as they come as devotees, we have to permit them. If them come with any ulterior motives, please be careful. Please don't collect funds from them or allow them to enter organisation committees.

You permit all castes and groups to attend the function. It will create social harmony.
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Old 08-10-2009, 04:39 PM   #36

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Dear members,
I have personally witnessed 'Alangudi Radhakalyanam'. It is simply divine and wonderful. In my view, the organizers at Alangudi have given a new definition to the conduct of Radhakalyanam. It is so elaborate and perfectly planned that no deviation can be observed. So, the discussion is quite appropriate that intrusion of political people should not get involved in such a rare socio-religious function which has invited attention of people from all over the world. Better to avoid them to preserve the sanctity of the function, however good they are.
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Old 09-07-2009, 02:36 AM   #37

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Radhekrishna !

  • 12/02/09, 13/02/09 AND 14/02/09

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Old 09-07-2009, 08:35 PM   #38

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The dates are 12.2.2010, 13.2.2010 & 14.2.2010

The website displays correct dates.
எண்ணாயிரம் ஆண்டு யோகம் இருப்பினும் கண்ணார் அமுதனை கண்டறிவாரில்லை உள் நாடி ஒளி பெற உள்ளே நோக்கினார் கண்ணாடி போல கலந்து நின்றானே
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Old 09-09-2009, 05:17 AM   #39

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Radhekrishna !
Thanks. I am not able to edit the posting.Can't I edit my own post ?
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Old 11-19-2009, 01:52 AM   #40

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Dear all


Is there any radha kalyanam taking place in chennai in this month or next??? Am much much eager to see radha kalyanam completely once...

Kindly pass a word to me if any such function is going to happen in chennai...
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