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Old 01-31-2009, 11:03 PM   #21

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Thanks Sesh-ji. I stand clarified and corrected. How these things work is amazing really...but well, when they say faith can move mountains, then anything is possible.
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Old 02-02-2009, 12:13 AM   #22

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Prasna marga is one of the well known schools of astrology. Dr. B.V. Raman the well known author of books on Astrology has written a book on Prasna also.

The power of Mantras to cure diseases is well known. Indrakshi stotram is recited for fevers. Unfortunately the orthodox Purva Mimamsa Brahmins have been against Mantra yoga. Many practices like Visha Vaidyam has fallen into neglect. About 50 years back there was a station master in the Indian railways who was good in Visha Vaidyam. He was known all over India. If one gets bitten by a snake all that he has to do was to inform the station master of the nearest railway station. The railways had made arrangements to inform him about incidences of snake bites. He cured people from his place of residence. The bringing down of jaundice was again a well known practice. But in the eagerness to sanitize Hinduism the baby was thrown out along with the bath water.

Satthan is the name for Sastha. Dharmasastha. His temple was always on the outskirts of the village. He is considered a demi God or Kaval Dhaivam. Satthan is not from the christian Satan or the Muslim Saithan.

Again there is nothing called black or white magic. This is a western term. Vashikaranam, Ucchatanam, Sthambanam, Maranam etc. are part of the mantra prayoga. The powers acquired are misused. That is all. Some of you might have seen a recent serial in Malayalam about Devi where the deity Varthali is portrayed as an evil goddess. This is the common misconception of Malyalees created by the brahmins. Varthali is another name for Maa Varahi who is the commander in chief of Maa Lalitha's army. Varahi Upasana is part of the Krama Diksha of some of the schools of Sri Vidya. Ashada Navaratri is dedicated to Maa Varahi.

There are a lot of misconceptions about Tantras and so called magic. These have been created by the Purva Mimasa Brahmins who do not like Tantras because it does not believe in the caste system.
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Old 02-02-2009, 12:18 AM   #23

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Yes, I agree that only the intent classifies them as black or white... but then there are dhur devadhaigal like "vata yatchini", "dhuma devi", "kateri" etc...

kutti-chathaan is also a devil power (not the sastha definition)... I have met some of these practitioners... they dont identity it with ayyappan...

BTW, why dont such people transmit the secret of these healings to subsequent generations so that the knowledge is not lost? Agreed that there has to be takers though...
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Old 02-02-2009, 12:25 AM   #24

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Again there is nothing called black or white magic. This is a western term. Vashikaranam, Ucchatanam, Sthambanam, Maranam etc. are part of the mantra prayoga. The powers acquired are misused. That is all. Some of you might have seen a recent serial in Malayalam about Devi where the deity Varthali is portrayed as an evil goddess. This is the common misconception of Malyalees created by the brahmins. Varthali is another name for Maa Varahi who is the commander in chief of Maa Lalitha's army. Varahi Upasana is part of the Krama Diksha of some of the schools of Sri Vidya. Ashada Navaratri is dedicated to Maa Varahi. It seems to be the fact that the "ugram" shown by the manifestations of the gods/goddesses translate themselves into thoughts and actions amongst their followers (mankind)... Siddhis of various ugra moorthis are attained thorugh animal sacrifices... (though not always required)... And hence, maybe these practices are tamasic/rajasic in nature compared to sattvic powers which are purely due to the devotion and love for the deity...

Also isn't ucchadanam, maranam, sthambanam and vaseekaranam a classification of the keralites? (I have read about this, but dont know about its origins)
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Old 02-02-2009, 12:35 AM   #25

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There is no power recognized by Hinduism as devil power. It is a power. That is all. Yakshis, Pishchinis etc. are semi divine powers. With the help of mantras one can please them and get them to do what they want. But it has its own drawbacks also as most Mantrics know. Yakshis do protect people also and in some places are worshipped. Some of these powers also help in curing people.

Karnapiasachini is one power who is very helpful to Astrologers. Many astrologers do the Karnapishachini Mantra to get the power to help them.

Also isn't ucchadanam, maranam, sthambanam and vaseekaranam a classification of the keralites? (I have read about this, but dont know about its origins) These are standard Mantric prayogas given in mantra Sasthras.
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Old 02-02-2009, 12:56 AM   #26

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I do tend to think that these devtas are only our Kriya-Shaktis... and that is why the guna depends on our bent of mind...

The beejams and the moola manthrams might probably awaken the latent power by virtue of their sound (guess, one has to know their meaning too)... and probably give force to the roopam of the devata...
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Old 02-02-2009, 01:00 AM   #27

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There is nothing called Ugra or Soumya Murtis. Maa Kali is perceived by the Tamil Nadu Brahmins as Ugra Murti where as in Bengal she is loved as Mother Goddess. Gods/Goddessses do not have Gunas. We are trying to classify gods as per our rules. Devi is called Trigunathmikayai. God/Goddesses are above Gunas. Kali Is Brahman. Brahman does not have Gunas.

Soumyasoumya tharasesha soumbyavadhi sundari
Para paranam pararma tmeva parameswari

Devi Mahatmyam

There is a book by Bharadwaja Swamiji in Tamil called Ananda Rupini Kali. Anandamayi, Karunamayi. The Ugra is in the eyes of the beholder.

Lord Narasimha does not look Ugra to me.
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Old 02-02-2009, 03:27 AM   #28

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There is nothing called Ugra or Soumya Murtis. Maa Kali is perceived by the Tamil Nadu Brahmins as Ugra Murti where as in Bengal she is loved as Mother Goddess. Gods/Goddessses do not have Gunas. We are trying to classify gods as per our rules. Devi is called Trigunathmikayai. God/Goddesses are above Gunas. I agree that guna is only in the eyes of the sadhaka... but then, that is the character which the deity possesses... There are different manifestations of a same avatar... Lakshmi Narasimha, Yoga Narasimha and similarly Ugra Narasimha... so the sadhaka meditates on the form of the devata associated with a particular guna... and hence this statement applies as we see the roopam...


Your posts give me the feel that you may be a Devi upasaka... (pardon the indulgence )
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Old 02-02-2009, 03:29 AM   #29

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Talking about magic, the most potent Mantras and prayogas are found in Atharva Veda. In fact most of the Mantrics from Kerala use Atharva Veda.

Both Ayur Veda and Astrology are from the Atharva Veda. There is a lot of overlap between Atharva Veda and Tantras which came later than the Atharva Veda.

In Visha vidyam that is snake bite treatment Garuda upasana played a major role.

Anyone who is interested in the Magic could read a novel Krishna Parunthu in Malayalam. A Tamil translation is also available. The novel was written after the author did some research on the subject.
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Old 02-02-2009, 03:36 AM   #30

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Anyone who is interested in the Magic could read a novel Krishna Parunthu in Malayalam. A Tamil translation is also available. The novel was written after the author did some research on the subject. Have read the entire story... even watched the malayalam movie... think mohanlal was the lead actor...

Believe it was published in the kalki (or was it savi) magazine? I have the entire chapters separated and bound (actually done by my father)...

Kumaran was the main character, who was a wayward person until instructed in the Garuda upasana line by his maternal uncle pappu... the consequences of his practice is what the story is all about...
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Old 02-02-2009, 03:44 AM   #31

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Are there any genuine translations of the atharva veda available, without literal mistakes and the like, in tamil?
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Old 02-02-2009, 03:50 AM   #32

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Gods are omnipotent and omniscient. When we worship a particular deity we attribute all the qualities to that deity. Sri Ramakrishna was a Kali Bhakta. And his sattvik nature was well known. Prahlada saw Lord Narasimha only as God. Then he did not have the benefit of our theories. He was a true Bhakta.

As I had explained on my article on Bhakti, the relationship between MAA and her Bhakta is that of a six month old child and its mother. The child does not care whether the mother is ugly or beautiful, poor or rich, nude or clothed in rich clothes. The mother could be a Beggar or a Queen. It does not make an iota of difference to the child.

That is the conception of God and total surrender.

We have conceived God in our own image with all our inadequacies.
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Old 02-02-2009, 03:55 AM   #33

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Absolutely fascinating techniques given by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvathi.Superb read and its application,is priceless.


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Old 02-02-2009, 03:57 AM   #34

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Bhakthi is associated with gunas - maybe of love, gratitude (among others) which ultimately leads to surrender... so there can never be a relationship without gunas... and the same is the case with our relationship with God.

Our gods are extensions of our force of thought.
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Old 02-02-2009, 04:31 AM   #35

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Bhavas are not Gunas. The different bhavas in bhakti are known. Like Matru Bhava, Vatsalya Bhava, etc.

A six month old child does not think. I think it is Tennyson who said "For a child mother is God." Thought is in your brain. Bhakti is in the heart.

We are off topic here. Atharva Veda translations are available in English. I do not know about Tamil. Not likely. It is not popular in Tamil Nadu. But the prayoga is Guru based.
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Old 02-02-2009, 04:40 AM   #36

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In a betel leaf,people apply Maii ie black eye paste,to say kuri ie vaak siddhi.My late father had explained to me such esoteric techniques in Chennai,when he had a demonstration done for him,as he was a non-believer of such methodology.

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Old 02-02-2009, 07:33 AM   #37

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Just to clarify - Every human being perceives... the infant may not express it in known words as it is in a stage of undeveloped conditioning...

It recognizes its mother due to the fact that she feeds... it is possible that an infant if separated from its biological mother in the infant stage and provided for by another, would not remember anything about her...

Perception is the nature of us, beings... the infant is equivalent to god in that it seeks only to satisfy its hunger... and its mind is otherwise untainted by worldly perceptions...

Back to the topic:

Are there still people who have attained siddhis through atharva veda? I believe they do not advertise themselves... for that matter, are there genuine gurus nowadays, willing to impart the knowledge?

I could find many online translations of the atharva veda by non-Indians... and they seem to be out of focus... other sites have the pure sanskrit copies... an Indian translation in english would also suit... I can read sanskrit as I know hindi, but am not familiar with the grammar or meaning and hence an english or tamil translation with meaning and references would be great.
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Old 02-02-2009, 10:52 AM   #38

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I want to know information about Naadi Shastra, the poeple who practise it, whether it is a fact that they tell our name and past present and future, just by using our thumb impression etc etc
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Old 02-02-2009, 11:53 AM   #39

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I want to know information about Naadi Shastra, the poeple who practise it, whether it is a fact that they tell our name and past present and future, just by using our thumb impression etc etc
Shri TNV Raman

If you visit Vithieswaran Koil,near Kumbakonam,its the Head Quarters of Nadi Josiam.I visited in 1991,so i am not sure how it is now.There used to be one in Tambaram,Agastya Nadi Nilayam.Goodluck.Very accurate and no cheating.

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Old 02-02-2009, 11:57 AM   #40

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This website is nice for Atharva Veda.


Here in USA


I think he is from Coimby.Goodluck.

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